Easter eggs in this chapter~ Let's see if you guys can spot them~ Also, thanks for the reviews guys~~~ X'D

I don't own KHR or Card captor Sakura.


"I'll be going now!" Tsunayoshi called, strapping her rollerblades on as she opened the door, her violin case at her side. Gliding out onto the streets, Tsunayoshi huffed as she recalled last night's incident.

"Card captor... So the cards you speak of..." Reborn trails off, he was seated on Tsunayoshi's fluffy mane once more, still examining the card in his hands. Tsunayoshi swerves around the corner once more, her skates screeching in protest, before she replies to Reborn's unasked question.

"Yeah, there are currently nineteen in existence, it is my duty to collect them all before catastrophe were to befall us." Tsunayoshi recites, the words being from when she was first informed of her responsibility. "So you see, I can't be a Mafia boss' wife. I have more important things to do."

"Hmm," Reborn hums, handing the card back to the brunette, who then tucks it away in the card pouch. "So these cards, they have different abilities?"

"Mhmm, the cards I currently have are Windy, Fly, Jump and Woody. Windy manipulalates wind, as the name implies, Woody manipulates nature. Fly and Jump should be self-explanatory- Ah, we're home." Tsunayoshi hums, braking as they reached the gates to the Sawada household. Reborn knocks a fist gently against the girl's head, earning a startled yelp.

"You still have more explaining to do. Don't think for a moment I'm going to let this slide." Reborn states, jumping off the comfy perch that was Tsunayoshi's hair and landing neatly on the front porch, he waited patiently for Tsunayoshi to open the door. The brunette smiled tiredly, turning the key and stepping into the warmth of her home.

She alerts her arrival at the threshold and was just placing her skates down before she looked up to face a pouting Nana.


Tsunayoshi closed her eyes, 'How could I forget about mom...?'

Reborn watched with interest as Tsunayoshi shuffled nervously, holding her violin case as if to act as a buffer between her and a disappointed looking Nana. Reborn braced himself for the lecture that was soon to follow about staying out late at night and with a child no less.

"How could you not tell me that you were going to capture another Sakura card? I made the perfect outfit for you! And I had the video tape repaired from that last fall from the Jump card!"

... Wait what.

Reborn stared with his jaw agape at Nana, his obsidian eyes wide with shock. Tsunayoshi scratched the back of her head embarrassingly, a light pink dusting her cheeks as her mother went on about capturing her every shining glory on video and rewatching aforementioned moments on television being the very thing she lived for.

"... And I even went through the trouble to make a cute outfit for you too!" Nana pouts, her hands on her hips now.

Tsunayoshi let out a sigh, palming half her face as she groans into it. "Sorry mama, it was quite last minute and the card was hurt, it might have went berserk if more than two people went." Tsunayoshi tried, but Nana only directed her glare (read: Pout) at the infant mentioned.

"Then Reborn could have video-taped it it my place!" Tsunayoshi collapsed in exasperation and embarrassment.

"M-Mama...!" Tsunayoshi whines, her face turning a bright cherry red.

Reborn only shakes his head in amusement and bewilderment, the Sawada family sure were an interesting bunch.

Tsunayoshi trudged up the stairs to her room, her posture slouched. Reborn raised an eyebrow as he hears the faint whisper of Tsunayoshi's mumbling under her breath. She then turns to Reborn with a tired smile.

"Mama doesn't understand how dangerous it is to be with me when I'm capturing a card." Tsunayoshi sighs, "Currently the cards that I have captured before gave me no trouble except jump, because its a mischievous card by nature so that was explainable, but still, there will be other cards that will pose a threat to the by-standers." At this she glances at Reborn. "You are no exception."

Reborn huffed, a little offended that he was being underestimated by a mere girl, pointing his Leon-pistol at Tsunayoshi's head. "I'm a hitman, I'm pretty sure I can pull my own weight." Tsunayoshi nods indulgently, pulling off the bed covers to slide into her warm orange bed as if she wasn't held at gunpoint at all.

"I know. But still, there's little to no guarantee that I'll be able to protect both you and myself. Especially since I don't have the guardians at my side, the cards that went rogue are more than possible to attack civilians." Tsunayoshi scooted over so her back faced the wall her bed was lined up against, she patted the empty space left in her wake to get Reborn to crawl in with her. The sun acrobaleno raised an eyebrow before changing into his pajamas and jumping into bed with the brunette.

"Don't think this is over, I'll need more answers tomorrow." Reborn threatens, almost starting in shock as the tired girl pulls him close, snuggling into his spiky hair like a kitten. Tsunayoshi hums in agreement to Reborn's statement, already too tired to care.

"Good night, Reborn." Tsunayoshi mumbles sleepily, slipping so quickly into dreamland, she didn't catch her tutor's reply back.

"... Good night, Tsunayoshi."

Which brings us back to the present, Tsunayoshi covers her mouth as she feels an incoming yawn and places her rollerskates in the shoe locker, slipping on her indoor shoes. "Ah, Tsuna-chan!" Tsunayoshi turns her head towards the direction in which her name was called, her eyes softening and lips twitching into a gentle smile as Kyoko waved energetically at her, her dark haired friend nodding at Tsunayoshi in lieu of a greeting.

"Good morning, Kyoko-chan." Tsunayoshi greets, swapping her penny loafers for indoor shoes. Kyoko beams at her.

"Will you be going to Yuuko-san's place today?" Kyoko inquires, Tsunayoshi nods her agreement and tilts her head, closing the door to her locker.

"Would you like to come with? I have to pick up some things for Watanuki-san as well." Tsunayoshi offers. Kyoko's dark haired friend, Hana, smirks at the invitation as Kyoko giggles and agrees that she would love to accompany Tsunayoshi.

"Will you be eating lunch with us today, midget?" Tsunayoshi pouts a little at the nickname, before giving Hana an exasperated smile as they walk towards their first class of the day.

"When will you call me Tsuna, Kurokawa-san? And yes, I believe so." Tsunayoshi smiles shyly.

"About the same time you stop addressing my so formally." Hana chuckles and ruffles Tsunayoshi's hair before saying her goodbyes and heading off to her own classroom, being two classes apart.

"... I hate it when she does that, I know my hair is un-tameable but that doesn't give her the excuse to mess it up even more." Tsunayoshi whines. Kyoko giggles at this.

"Hana-chan loves to see Tsuna-chan flustered. She thinks its cute!" Kyoko giggles even more as Tsunayoshi's face explode into red and she whimpers.

"No fair, ganging up on me like this."

Lunch came by rather quickly and the trio of friends found themselves in the courtyard seated on a picnic blanket Kyoko had brought to school. "Uwah, Tsuna-chan, your cooking is almost as good as your baking." Kyoko gushes as she nibbles on the fried prawn her friend had offered her. Hana nods her agreement as she chews on a tamagoyaki and Tsunayoshi smiles as she brings a bite of rice to her lips.

Chewing carefully and swallowing, Tsunayoshi waves a hand in denial. "I'm only this good at cooking because I have a good teacher." Kyoko laughs and she asks jokingly if Tsunayoshi's mother would mind taking on another apprentice.

"Sorry, she's already has a handful with me, I almost burned the tamagoyaki today because I was so sleepy." She cast a pointed look at her violin and her friends nod in understanding.

"Another Sakura card appeared?" Hana questions, digging into her own bento as she finishes off the delicious tamagoyaki.

"Yeah, this one wasn't as much of a hassle as the Jump was so it wasn't too bad. But it required more magical energy as it was injured." She pulls out the Fly card from her card case, showing it to her friends. "I haven't had the time to use it yet. Yesterday, my mom hired a new tutor for me and I had to be really careful not to let him know too much." Tsunayoshi sighs.

"It must be hard, keeping up multiple appearances even at home." Kyoko smiles sympathetically. Tsunayoshi shrugs as she smiles back.

"It's a tough job, someone has to do it, I don't see why it can't be me." 'Unless I somehow get pulled into the Mafia world, which I definitely hope not!'

"But still-" Kyoko barely had enough time to finish her sentence before a resounding 'Boom!' was heard in the distance. Tsunayoshi tensed immediately, her magical senses tingling. "What was that? Wait, Tsuna-chan?!"

Hana had barely enough time to turn her head before her eyes caught sight of the brown haired blur. That was heading towards the direction of the sound! "Kyoko-chan, Hana-chan! Stay where you are and don't come after me!" Tsunayoshi shouts behind her shoulder, her violin case clutched tightly in one hand.

Hana looked at her orange haired friend who was staring after the card captor's retreating back worriedly. The raven sighs. "Come on Kyoko, let's get back to class."

Tsunayoshi arrives at the source of the loud noise. She was in the junior high school section, and rounded the beige building heading to the back courtyard. She was surprised to see multiple craters. Tsunayoshi frowns, there wasn't a card that could create explosions were there? She'll have to ask Yuuko later on today- Her thoughts were cut short when the ground beneath her shook and another resounding 'Boom' was heard.

'Now's hardly the time for musing!' Tsunayoshi scolds herself, heading towards the sound of the noise.

Imagine her surprise to find Hibari-senpai and a silver haired teen dueling heatedly instead of magical forces at work. Wait, were those...? KABOOM!


Those dynamites are real. Tsunayoshi watches with wide eyes as Hibari-senpai lashed out at the dynamite wielding teen once more, striking him across the chest with a metal tonfa. The silver haired teen chokes in retaliation and lets go of the deadly firearms between the gaps of his fingers, which Tsunayoshi realizes with belated horror that half were lit. Hibari-senpai manages to jump back (How da heck did he manage to put that much distance between himself and the silver haired teenager in one leap? Even Tsunayoshi had to use the Jump card for that!) but the silver haired teen lost balance and fell backwards on his .

Without thinking, the brunette charged towards the falling teen. who had somehow resigned himself to being blown up by his very own firearms, and barreled right into his side, successfully pushing him out of the direct fire. Unfortunately, this placed Tsunayoshi's unguarded back into the line of fire instead and the explosives's firepower burned right through her uniform and licked mercilessly at her exposed skin.

Tsunayoshi could not even fully register her pain before she felt a cooling presence envelop her and the teenager that wielded dynamites. The last thing she saw before Tsunayoshi succumbed to the merciful darkness was a bright blue glow and the most beautiful teal eyes she'd ever seen.

Gokudera Hayato had led a harsh life. His childhood was spent with multiple piano lessons, lessons on everything a mafia heir was required to learn as well as plenty of recitals that made him sick with all the masks and nauseating cookies his half-sister would bake for him. His only silver lining in this dark dark cloud, was the kindly piano teacher that smelled of Lavender and had a smile that lit up the entire room.

Of course, that silver lining had to be taken from him too. His step-mother (Because it was obvious from how he inherited little to no traits from her, but only vaguely resembled his father.) was jealous. Jealous women were a force to be reckoned with, especially when negligence from the man she loves comes into the picture. In his case, Hayato's step-mother took her jealousy out on his piano teacher.

She stopped coming to the mansion one day. Hayato, upset and betrayed, abandoned the piano, refusing to take on any other tutors. He only came to know the truth of his piano teacher some two years later. She was sabotaged, the car that normally drove up the winding roads to the mansion just fine suddenly blew an engine and the vehicle was sent flying off the edge of the hill. Her body was found, and with it, a bloodstained white box tied securely with a silky blue ribbon. The tag had read, 'To my beloved Hayato.'

It was a no-brainer, especially to a genius like Hayato. Why else would his step-mother sabotage a random woman's car, she was his father's mistress. Or rather, the only woman his father ever truly loved. It had been so obvious, his facial features were practically a carbon copy of hers. Why hadn't he noticed it earlier? Why didn't she say anything? Why hadn't he appreciated her lessons? Why why why?

It was with these questions running through his head, traitorous voices whispering into his ears that he fled the house. He was a bastard son anyway, no one would care. He spent the next four years jumping from famiglia to famiglia. No one wanted him, it was no wonder. He was too much of a hothead, too volatile that he would snap any moment, he had no sense of teamwork only preferring the company of books. He was a burden despite his genius status.

He is 'Smoking bomb Hayato', a genius in pyrotechnics and academics, but a retard in terms of social skills.

He came to Namimori, a peaceful town, almost eerily so, because he had heard rumours. Rumours that whispered about a young girl, about four years younger, being trained to become a mafia wife. But not just any mafia wife, but THE Vongola mafia wife. At first he'd paid no attention, but then certain news reached him that made him change his mind.

The girl is a civilian, daughter of the External Advisor, Sawada Iemitsu. Hayato knew Iemitsu, he is a good man, albeit one with a few screws loose in his head. But it was another thing to involve an innocent child in the dark ways of the Mafia, and at such a young age too.

So to Namimori he went, if only to protect the daughter of the man that had offered him a job.

Only to be beaten half-to-death when he broke a rule about uniforms. Like what the fudge, he can damn well wear what he wanted! But yes, back to the point, he was beaten and almost died by his own weapons when he was thrown off balance by a metal tonfa (I thought the town was peaceful!?).

Or rather, he would have been blown to itty bitty pieces had he not been shoved out of the direct line of fire.

There was a loud 'BOOM!' as his lit bombs all exploded, and Hayato's back made contact with the ground. Another body followed after, their fall cushioned by his own body. He looked down, eyes widening with horror as pale skin previously unscarred now had a large burn imprinted on the small back. Hayato panics, it was not his intention to harm an innocent!

His panic was suddenly forgotten as swirls of liquid rose from an abandoned well taking the shape of butterflies. ... Wait, what?! The butterflies landed softly on the burn wound, Hayato winced at the sight, before they emitted a pale blue glow. Hayato watched with fascination as the water cleaned the wound, soothing the surrounding irritated skin and speeding up the closing wound.

"What...?" Hayato breathes, the butterflies fly away as they completes their job, back into the abandoned well leaving a pale back slightly shimmering with water droplets.

"Water heals, but while it does heal, it is also aggressive, it is a double-edged sword that most humans fail to realize." A mature voice pipes up, as if to answer Hayato's answer. The silver haired teen turns to face a tall pale woman. Her raven black hair is pulled up into a tall ponytail, her bangs framed the side of her face styled in a hime-cut. She was dressed in a light blue camisole and jeans with rhinestones forming swirling butterflies. Sandals a dark red cover her feet.

But what unsettled Hayato more were the crimson eyes, filled with so much wisdom that no human in their lifetime can even hope to gain. The woman smiles, her deep red lips pulling into a grim line. "You've almost killed our residential card captor." She states matter-of-factly, Hayato flinches but curiosity furrows his brows as he hears an unknown term.

"Card... captor...?"