"What the fuck do we do know?," I asked.
Everyone was just contemplating on what to do next when China said, "I think we should establish names because we can't call each other our country's name in public and then we should go shopping for some clothes."
"See that's why your the oldest," I said while hugging her.
"Xie xie," (Thank you.) she said while pushing me off of her.

"Ok names. Umm...I'll go with Amelia in honor of Amelia Earhart," I said with a smile.
"I'll go with Madeline. Do you have any pancakes," Canada said.
"Yeah. In the pantry," I said while pointing to the kitchen.
"Good. Who wants pancakes?," she asked while everyone said yes to her offer.

"Anyways back to the names. Italian sisters what do you pick?," I asked them.
"Felicia, Chiara," they said at the same time, but with different attitudes.
"I choose Chun Yan," China said before I could ask her.
"Ok how about you Japan," I asked.
"Uhh...How about Sakura," she said with a small smile.
"That's cute," I replied.

"Hey, Do you have any syrup?," I heard Maddie yell.
"In the pantry," I yelled back.
"Not the Vermont shit. I want the Canadian kind," she yelled back angrily.
"Well then take your ass back to Canada and get some," I said while walking into the kitchen.
"Fuck you," she said.
"I would love to, but I don't have a dick," I said while pointing to the lower region where Florida should be.

After staring at each other for a few minutes we started to laugh like maniacs which probably freaked the others out.

"What the hell did we miss?," Lovina asked looking pissed as always.
"Oh, Nothing really. We just like to be assholes to each other," Maddie answered.
"Whatever," she replied.

"Umm...Didn't we have to go shopping after we established the names," Sakura said.
"You're right, but first Felicia and I have to do something," Lovina said while smirking and surprisingly so was Felica.

They went over to the Asian sisters and attacked their chest kind of like how South Korea claims personifications' chests saying they originated in Korea, but this was different.

"What is it?," I heard Lovina ask Felicia.
"Umm...Same. Size B," she answered then let them go.
"I feel violated," Sakura said while crossing her arms over her chest.

They turned and smirked at Maddie and me. We tried to run, but it was futile. They grabbed our breast and started squishing them. It felt very weird.

"What size," Felicia asked Lovina.
"D with Madeline being slightly bigger," she answered before letting us go.

"What the hell was that for?," I asked angrily.
"Well it was either us or some random people at Victoria Secret's measuring you. Which would you choose?," she explained while looking please with herself.
"You guys," I said while looking away.
"See," she said with a smirk.
"How about you guys," Maddie asked.
"We're C with Lovina being slightly bigger," Felicia answered.
"Good, now lets go," Lovina said while getting her Maserati.

After going to practically every store in the mall we decided to go home. We bought a variety of outfits including suits, dresses, and everyday clothes. Just in time too because we had a World Meeting tomorrow. We were so tired that we fell asleep on the carpet next to the sofa.

Le time skip...

I woke up to a very loud ringing. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:00 meaning that the meeting has just started. I jumped up which woke everyone else up and explained the situation to them very quickly. Everybody rushed to get dressed and if we were lucky we would get there in 15 minutes. After leaving the house we ran VERY fast and made it there in less than 10 minutes. I say we did pretty good, plus our suits didn't get messed up. Oh I didn't tell you what we were wearing. Here I'll show you.

Ok. Back to the story. I opened the door and heard Iggy yelling.

"America you're late...Who are you?," he asked us.
"Huh...Well I'm America and this is Canada, North and South Italy, China, and Japan. Somehow we got turned into girls," I said with a smile.