Every once in a long while when Eren stays over, we actually wake up early enough to walk together to the train. This was one of those days, we even had enough time to stop by a coffee shop and pick up some coffee. Eren had ran ahead of me and by the time I reached the coffee shop, he was already ordering my favorite coffee.

We got up to the train platform and we had to wait a couple minutes for the train. We stood hand in hand drinking our coffee. According to the screen, the train would be there in 4 minutes.

I looked out and realized how nice the view was, the sky was a slate color, like it might rain, but the forecast didn't predict any. The sun was hidden behind clouds and it looked dreary but it was nice weather, my favorite kind. When its transitioning from summer to fall, but its not quite fall yet. The days are steadily getting shorter and the weather just a bit more chilly. Just enough to be able to wear a long sleeve and a thin cardigan if needed.

Eren is wearing a thick sweater, far too thick, even though I told him he would get hot. He hates this weather. If it were up to Eren, it would be summer all year round so he could walk around in shorts and short sleeves shirts. I loved this weather because with it came comfort, and the summer was hot and it made for sweat.

I know I hate when people remind me that I'm short, but being short and having a taller boyfriend is great this time of year. He has a warm hand to hold and if I get cold I can get closer to him and warm up, and if he gets the hint, he'll hug me and I'll be enveloped in soft and warm material with his strong arms around me.

The thought almost wanted me to skip to January, when it's really cold, just so he could hug me like that.

I felt Eren squeeze my hand and heard him say my name. I hummed in acknowledgment, too content to really say anything.

"They're working on the tracks,"

I looked past him to the screen, "fuck," it says the train will be here in a minute. But it also says there are scheduled delayed. Scheduled, my ass, I never saw the schedule.

I groaned and let go of Eren's hand to rub my temples, at least we were early today.

"Do you think it's going to make us late?"

"Hopefully not. But we should probably call to say we might be," I suggest. Eren nods and pulls out his phone, I do the same and as soon as we finish, the train arrives.

Eren takes my hand and leads me forward and into the cart once the doors open. We take out usual seats but the train doesn't pull away.

"Fuck," I say again.

Eren smacks my arm, "Levi," he scolds, "watch your language,"

I internally curse and glance at the sleeping baby in the stroller a little way to the side. Ever since this women started taking the train with her baby, I wasn't allowed to curse. Now, the mother hadn't said anything about it, it was Eren.

"What are you going to do if we ever have a kid?" the words are out if my mouth before I actually know what I'm saying, I only realize when I see Eren's eyes wide. We've never talked about babies before. But I can't stop now, I have a point to make, "you know, you can't stop me from swearing in my own house, dumbass,"

His eyes narrowed but, I knew it had nothing to do with me calling him a dumbass. We called each other things like that all the time. It was sort of how we reminded the other that we loved them, in a weird way.

"Then we'll get a house with a big basement and make it soundproof and if you want to curse, you have to go down there, idiot,"

A house together? Sounds nice. The train finally pulls off the station.

"That's a stupid idea," I scoff, "we don't need a whole basement for that,"

"A closet then,"

"I need my storage space,"

"The attic,"

"That's disgusting,"

"The attic it is then,"


"You won't want to go up there because it would be dirty. Which means you won't swear,"

"I'll still swear,"

"I'll withhold sex," he said the last word so quietly I had to strain to hear. He didn't want the baby to hear.

"Last time you did that, you caved," I remind him.

"I'll be more mature,"

"We've been together almost a year and you're still afraid of my cat,"

"Peach hates me!"

"No she doesn't. She's only scratched you like three times,"

"In the past week!"

"Stop making her mad,"

Eren crosses his arm and leans back in his seat in a huff, "stupid cat is just jealous,"

"Don't call her stupid," I say, no real venom in my voice.

"She's stupid, and so are you" he mumbles again.

I lean towards him, "I think you're the jealous one,"

"Fuck off, Levi!" he gasps almost as soon as he says it and turned to the baby. Not only did he yell out a bad word, he also woke the baby with said bad word, "fuck," he says again.

"Eren!" I say.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," he tells the mother.

"Eren," I grab his hand, but I can't really stop laughing, "I think you need to just stay quiet for the rest of the train ride,"

For most of the ride, Eren is sat quietly, playing a game on his phone while his head is on my shoulder. I watch him match candies for a while before I get bored of it and decide to be more of an asshole to him.

I pull out my phone and place it on my lap where I know its in his line of vision. I go through my pictures, some of them are pictures of documents but most of them are pictures of Eren. I scroll past all of them, until I get to one Hange took of me where I'm holding Peach. I made the picture both my lock screen and my home screen, which had previously been a picture of me and Eren.

Eren was still matching candies so I brought the phone up, just enough that Eren wouldn't see what I was doing and texted Hange. I put it on my lap, face up, and waited for her to text me back. And sure enough once she did, the light caught Eren's attention and he glanced at my phone, seeing the picture.

He sat up quickly and gave me a glare, "asshole,"

I chuckled and leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. He let my lips touch him for a second before he pulled away. We finally made it to his stop (an entire 15 minutes late) he stood up, but not before reluctantly leaning over and giving me a kiss.

"I'll see you after work," he mumbled and got off.

I internally laughed at his grumpiness and jealousy. But throughout the day I couldn't help but think about what we had been talking about.

Did I want to live with Eren? Yes. Were we ready for that? The answer was obviously yes, we had been together for a while now and he spent many nights at my apartment anyway. He had two drawers for his clothes and things in my dresser, a small section of my closet hung some of his nicer clothes he wore when he had an interview. He had his own toothbrush in the bathroom, as well as some other hygiene related things.

The only problem was whether or not Eren wanted to live with me.

"You guys have a late start today?" Erwin asked me as soon as I got off the elevator.

"No, the train tracks were having work done," I continued walking to my office, "I told you that over the phone,"

"I thought maybe you only said that because Eren was with you,"

I shrugged, I had done that before, but I always just told him I was going to be late.

"Well I'm here now," I set my briefcase down and pulled our my phone. I had a text from Eren but decided not to read it until Erwin had left.

"Hange called for a meeting,"

"Is this a work related meeting or is she trying to gossip about god knows what?"

Erwin laughed, "I'm not sure, she wasn't clear,"

"Alright well I have work to do so leave,"

"What's wrong with you?"


"Right, right," but he left anyway. I knew Erwin always knew when there was something on my mind. And I knew for a fact he would mention this to Hange and during the 'meeting' they would try to get it out of me.

The text was a screenshot of Eren's lock screen, a picture of him and Jean. I glared at the phone before shoving it in the drawer.

"He's going to say yes," Erwin said, far too confidently.

"Of course he will!" Hange said, "I mean he already knows how you are about the cleaning right?"

I glared at her, "of course he does, four eyes,"

"Then you have nothing to worry about,"

I already knew that, deep down, but a person couldn't help but worry.

"When are you going to ask him?"

I shrugged, "I might need to think more about it,"

"There's not much to think about," Erwin said, "he's always at your apartment as it is. In the past month I've been at his apartment more than he has,"

Erwin was dating Armin now. Eren thought it was a good idea for our friends to meet so we all got dinner together and the two hit it off. Eren was more than happy, because he saw Armin was happier now. And yes, Erwin was happy and that was great and all, but sometimes he's too happy. Practically skipping instead of walking. A couple times I've even caught him whistling.

But nonetheless, Erwin was right, Eren had rarely gone to his apartments. Only if they went out, he stopped by to pick up some new clothes or anything else he needed, but that was about it.

"He's practically paying rent for nothing," Hange added, "and it gives Erwin a chance to ask Armin if he wants to move in," Hange nudged Erwin and raised a suggesting eyebrow at him.

Erwin was a very stoic man, so we didn't see him blush very often, but there was the faintest hint of it on his cheeks.

I teased him about it, until he said he had been thinking about it for a while now. Turned out he was also having insecurities about it.

"I was thinking about asking him this weekend since it's our anniversary," he said.

I groaned, "are you fucking serious?" I groaned again. That meant I had to ask before that if I was going to ask. Eren and I have been dating longer and I know no matter what Armin's response is, he'd still tell Eren. And then Eren would try to casually bring it up. It would cause a dominos effect and I didn't want to take the chance to find out if it would be a good one or a bad one.

I went home that day by myself. Eren had to stay late for a meeting, he had been working to try to add a new section to the newspaper and he was having dozens of meetings these past couple weeks to get it all together to be a daily inclusion in the article. A sort of advice/ problem saving column.

The train ride home is always depressing without Eren. I rarely find a seat, that's not to say I sit when Eren is there since he gives up his seat to literally everyone, but when Eren is here, the ride goes by much faster. And if anyone is going to be pressed up against me, I'd prefer it to be Eren ten out of ten times. And if the train suddenly jolts or I lose my balance and bump into someone, Eren will apologize for me. I also don't have to hold to the poles that haven't been cleaned since ever. Usually I hold onto Eren and that's enough to ensure I don't fall on my ass.

But some days he has to stay late and miss lunch. Like today. Its also days like this where he texts me significantly less than usual. Although he did text me to remind me to start a load of laundry because he was almost out of boxers.

I spent the entire time thinking about Eren. Is it weird that I missed him even though I saw him this morning and I knew I would be seeing him later?

I guess I just didn't like that I knew he had to spend some nights back at his apartment, I figured with all the work he had going on lately, he would want to go back to his room and sleep in his own bed. But the thought made me sad, because I didn't want him to.

The sun was still out when Eren texted me that he had just gotten in the train, so I decided to walk to the station and wait for him there. I only had to wait for a couple minutes before I saw him walk down the stairs, he was playing a game on his phone as he walked out the doors, so he didn't even notice me.

"Hello handsome," I said, walking up behind him and tapping his shoulder. Her jumped and almost dropped his phone.

"God Levi!" he held his hand to his chest, "you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh come on, you're way too young to have a heart attack. If anything, the first one to get one will be me,"

I was only joking but I could see the look on Eren's face. It was sadness with just a tinge of anger.

"Don't say things like that,"

I grabbed his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze, "I'm sorry. Won't happen again," I pulled his hand towards the sidewalk, "come on, let's get some food in you," at that Eren smiled, he was always hungry when he got out of work.

As they walked, Eren told Levi about the column.

"We spent the entire meeting going over emails from readers, for possible questions and problems," I just hummed in appropriate places to encourage him to continue and so he knew I was paying attention, "but there's so many! And it's hard to pick some really good ones to go into the first column, you know?"

I nodded in affirmation. I didn't know, but I would imagine it were hard. As soon as we got into my apartment, Peach was all over my legs as I was taking off my shoes.

"Can you get some food for Peach and I'll get dinner ready?" I asked him.

He frowned and I knew he wanted to complain, but I also knew he was hungry and he knew, from experience, that the easiest way to food was to do as I said.

He tried to hold her back with his foot while he dumped the food into her bowl, but she started scratching at his sock.

"Shit! That's my ankle Peach!" he yelled.

"Peach, sweetie, leave Eren alone," she backed off and rounded his foot so she could sit a couple feet away while he finished.

"She hates me,"

"I think so," I told him as i set his plate down.

Halfway through dinner, Eren asked if I wanted to watch a movie when we finished.


"Oh, then do you want to take a shower together?"

I felt his foot creep up my leg, and as nice as that sounded, I knew Eren had less than innocent intentions, "nope,"

Eren's foot left my leg and I heard it stomp on the kitchen floor, "why not?" he crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You can use all the make up you want to cover those bags under your eyes, but I don't need to see them to know how exhausted you are," I said simply. I hadn't really noticed until our walk back how tired he looked. It felt like he was trying too hard to not let me notice how tired he was. But of course, I still did.

He pushed his plate away with his hands and for a second I thought he was going to get up and leave. But instead he folded his arms on the surface and laid his head on top.

"Thank god, I'm so tired," he whined.

I chuckled, "why would you try to hide it from me?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, I mean I guess I just thought you would think it was dumb that I was so tired. I am younger than you, so I should have more energy," he shrugged again, "now that I think about it, that was dumb,"

"Yeah, that was pretty stupid," I said, "you know I'd understand,"

"I know," Eren said.

"Are you finished eating?" I asked, he had only a bit of food left on his plate, and I was finished.

"Yeah," he lifted his head so he could see me, "can we go to sleep?"

"After you take a bath while I clean up,"

"Okay," he stood up very sluggishly and made his way to the bathroom.

An hour later, the kitchen was clean, the dishes were washed, and Eren was laying in bed. He had only thrown a pair of boxers on so I could give him a massage. I laughed at the moans he made when I focused on his shoulders.

"Shut up, it feels good," Eren whined.

"I wouldn't know," I said, "you suck at massages," I honestly believe his massage made me feel worse.

"That's why I got you a spa day for our 6-month anniversary,"

"What are you getting me for our 1 year anniversary?" I moved my arms down to massage his back.

"Dick," he mumbled into the pillow.

"Isn't that what I should be giving you?"

"Is that what you're giving me?"

"That's part of it,"

"What's the other part?" he asked, he moved his head to the side so his cheek was on the pillow, I guess he got curious.

"A key," I said, without really thinking. Seeing him like this made me feel like home.

"I don't need a car," he said.

"Not for a car," I said.

"Then for what?"

"My apartment,"

He got up and used his hands to steady himself on the bed. His sudden movement caused me to fall back.

"Shit, warn me next time," I said, moving so I was no longer on him.

"Well warn me before you start saying things like that!"

"What's wrong with what I said?" I scrunched my eyebrows. This was definitely not how I saw this conversation going in my head.

"You practically asked me to move in!" he was now turned and sitting on the bed so he could look at me, "you can't just do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's not nice," he said.

"It's not…nice?" I asked. What the hell was Eren trying to say.

"You can't play with someone's feelings like that Levi," he folded his arms across his chest and glared at me.

"Eren. I'm no-,"

"I mean first of all," he cut me off, "you can't just casually start talking about us having kids and living in a big house together," he seemed to be getting angry, he was using his hands a lot, which was something he did when he was either really upset or really passionate about something, "and then you can't play around and ask me if I want to move in with you, you asshole,"

"Why can't I?"

"Because you get my hopes up for nothing," he looked down.

"You idiot," I said, "It's not for nothing, I do want you to move in," obviously his mind was not where it should be so he could really process what I was trying to communicate, so I had to spell it out for him.

Eren dared to look shocked at what I had just said, "really?"

"Of course I do!" I mean it was obvious, "I love having you around here. I mean sure, it's a bit messier than what I would like it to be, but I can handle it. And when we do stuff like today, I like doing that, even if it's nothing particularly exciting. And I hate thinking that any moment you're going to say you have to go back home because I want your home to be here. With me,"

Eren was looking at me with tears in his eyes. Had I said something wrong? He turned back around and hugged the pillow in the fetal position.

"You're an idiot, Levi," he sniffled.

I smiled, "so that's a yes,"


A year later Eren was sitting on the couch on his computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked, coming up behind him. I was glad my voice didn't waver.

"Nothing, going through emails. There's a lot more since we've made 'Ask Eren' a larger part of the newspaper. I'm glad it all went well but there's so many people that need advice and answers," he threw his head back on the couch and looked at me upside down. He smiled at me and I smiled back, kissing his lips, he grabbed my tie and held me there to kiss him a bit longer before loosening his hold so I could lean back.

"Why don't you take a break then?"

Eren sighed, he twirled the end of my tie between his fingers, "I would love to but I need two more really good questions. No more distractions or breaks until then,"

"What if I help?"

His eyes shined bright, "you're going to ask me a question?" it had been a while since I had sent an "ask Eren." It started one day when I was bored at work and I was going through my emails, Eren had sent me a text saying he was doing the same thing so I got the idea to sent him an email for his column. I asked "Why the fuck can't my fucking boyfriend and my fucking cat get along?" I was surprised to find that he had actually published my question in the column (with symbols in place of my swearing). His answer was "because Peach is an asshole. I love you." After that Eren was flooded with questions asking if I was his boyfriend.

Fans of the column looked forward to when I would send in another question because they were all either really cheesy and sappy ('does my boyfriend love me?), or rude and humorous ('how do I get my boyfriend to stop leaving his fucking shoes in front if the door? Is that a good enough reason to kick him out of my apartment?). But that didn't mean I started doing it anymore often though, just every now and then when I felt like it. I hadn't sent him one in months.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a plain white card, it was folded in half. I held it out to him and he set his laptop down on the space beside him before taking it and reading it.

As quickly as I could I got down on one knee and pulled out the box from my pocket.

He looked back at me, kneeling on the couch and his hands clutching the back of the couch, he looked like he wanted to say something but no words were coming out. So I repeated what was on the card, "Eren, will you marry me?"

He started crying but crawled over the couch and got on his knees in front of me. He hugged me hard and kept repeated "yes Levi, yes," over and over again. We were like that for a while before he pulled back, his face was bright red and I knew I had the stupidest and biggest smile on my face.

I opened the box and showed him what was inside. Nothing.

"What?" he asked, "where's the ring?" he looked from me to the box and back to me several times.

I gave him another wide smile, "it's around Peach's neck,"

The redness went down to his neck, emphasizing the scratch Peach gave him this morning, and slapped my arm, "Levi! You asshole!"

He got up and grabbed my hand as he did so, then led me to the office since that's where Peach likes to sleep, right on my chair. He shoved me inside and told me to fetch the ring.

"It's your ring now, your responsibility," I told him, but I cooed for Peach to come to me. She jumped off the chair and made her way to me, she walked around my feet a couple times, rubbing her head against my calf before I bent down. She put her paws on my knees and rubbed her head on my hand and purred. The ring caught the light beautifully and it shined.

"Where's my precious kitty?" I asked. She purred again and leapt into my arms, I held onto her and stood up, facing Eren.

"You can take it now," I said.

As soon as Eren reached his hand towards her, she growled.

"Shut up," he said, "he wants to marry me, not you," I laughed at Eren but made sure to have a good hold on Peach just in case she decided to attack his face...again.

"Levi! Its beautiful!" Eren was crying again and threw his arms around me, enclosing Peach between us and making her angry.

"She's going to scratch you," I told him.

"I don't care," he replied, hugging me even harder, "she's going to have to deal with me all the time now,"

"Oh fuck," I said, "I didn't think this all the way through,"

"Huh?" Eren asked, pulling back to see my face.

I made sure to keep a straight face as I teased him some more, "sorry Eren, you're too much to handle and I don't think I can marry you,"

The longer I stared at Eren, the more convinced I became that he knew I was joking, but in a millisecond his face changed. His eyebrows scrunched together, his lower lip quivered, and his eyes now had big tears threatening to spill. His hands came up to cover his eyes and try to stop the tears, but I could see them streaking down his face and nothing but guilt flooded me.

"That's okay," he whimpered, "I'm going to go for a walk," he started to turn around but I grabbed his arm and let Peach down before I easily untied the ring with one hand. I slipped it in his ring finger and kissed his hand.

"I was joking, Eren," he stared wide- eyed at me, "we've lived together for a year, I know how much of a handful you are and I still haven't kicked you out, even though you still leave your shoes everywhere,"

Eren's free hand came up to wipe the tears off his face, "you're lucky you just proposed or I would be really mad at you right now,"

I laughed and kissed his hand again, I looked at how beautiful the ring fit on his finger, it glistened nicely against his skin. It was a simple silver band with an emerald in the middle, they was a line on either side of three small white diamonds down the band, and at the end of the line there was an even smaller yellow diamond.

"How did you get it sized so perfectly?" he asked me, we both looked at the ring together.

"We sleep on the same bed, its not exactly hard to measure your finger while you sleep,"

Eren chuckled, "I love it, Levi. I love you," he kissed my lips for a second before pulling back with his big smile.

"I love you, too,"

"Can we have we-just-got-engaged sex?" his eyes wide and hopeful.

"No, you still have another question to look for," I smirked. He leered at me until I kissed his lips and took his hand. He probably thought I would lead him to the bedroom, but I led him to the couch instead.

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