I don't own hetalia. Please review and tell me which Nyo!Countries you want to see next and which non axis/allies you want to see genderbent.

England sighed. It was bloody annoying, yet another meeting where nothing got done thanks to America. How is it possible that he raised such an idiot boy. He would teach that ungrateful git a lesson on how to be quiet for once. He had a secret weapon that was more powerful than any other, after all. He grabbed his spell book and flipped through until he came to the perfect spell, which would make America not able to open that loud bloody mouth of his. England began chanting. He had almost finished when America burst in.

"England dude, I totally gotta show you my new planes!" He shouted, making England lose his focus.

"You messed me up, idiot!" England yelled, kicking America out of his house. Afterwards, England got ready for bed since it was getting late. "I just hope nothing bad happens." he mumbled as he crawled into bed.

When England woke up the next morning and went to go make breakfast, he saw a women cooking in his kitchen. She had a blue dress with an apron and her long blonde hair was pulled back in pigtails. She turned around and saw him approach her. "Oh hello, good sir. I didn't know I had a guest. Would you like some scones? I'm making them now. I could also put on some tea if you desire." she said in a perfect and polite British accent.

England had no idea what was going on. How did she get in? He remembered locking the door. "Excuse me miss, but what are you doing in my house?" he asked.

The women laughed. "What do you mean, your house? Last time I checked sir, this was my house."

England was surprised. This was his house. Why would she say it was her house. "Who the bloody hell are you?" he asked, getting frustrated.

She laughed yet again. "For the queen's sake, how can you not know who I am? I'm bloody England!" she exclaimed.

England was flabbergasted. She just said she was England! That is not possible, because he was England. There can't be two Englands! Just then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" he told the women who claimed to be England. He opened the door and America ran inside, dragging a female who looked similar to him along. She even wore the same jacket that America did.

"Hey England guess what! I met this amazing chick at my house and brought her to meet you. She is so much like me, it's brilliant. But you know what's odd, when I said that I wanted her to you, she told me that she already knew England" America shouted.

England listened to America while watching the lady he brought with him. She ran up to the women in his kitchen, who had just finished making scones. "England gal, what's up!" she asked excitedly.

The girl nodded to the other girl. "Hello America. Isn't the weather just lovely today?" she replied.

England finally realized what was going on. "This world seems to have merged with a parallel world where all the nations are the opposite gender!" he told America, who seemed shocked that these chicks called themselves "England" and "America."

After the shock wore off, America nodded to what England said. "This is so amazing! There are like two of me. The world now has a hero and a heroine to save it from the Axis Powers!"

Meanwhile on a fucking beach that is on a fucking deserted island(how they keep managing to get stranded, I don't know) Italy was running away from Germany, who insisted on training despite being stranded on an island. He came across three figures some distance away. Upon closer inspection he realized that they were girls and were asleep. "Germany, there are girls on this island! We aren't alone. They are pretty too veeeee~" Germany ran up to Italy, followed by Japan. Italy went up to the girl with the tan uniform and shook her to wake her up.

The girl jumped up, clearly scared, and started to whine. "Waaaah! Are you with the allies? Please don't hurt me! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

Germany sighed. "Great, another Italian. Just what we need." he muttered under his breath.

The clearly Italian girls companions were awoken by her whining. They immediately drew their weapons out to protect their friend. The gave the three men threatening looks. One had a gun and the other had a katana. Germany and Japan also took out their weapons, which were identical to the ones the girls had. Italy, on the other hand, pulled out a white flag and started waving it. "Waaaah! Are you with the allies? Please don't hurt me! I'll tell you whatever you want to know.

Germany sighed. "Italians" he muttered under his breath. "Tell me about it." said the strong looking women with short blonde hair.

They agreed to put away their weapons and introduce themselves. Italy was cheerful as always and went first. "Chao ladies! I'm Italy veeeee~"

The Italian women giggled. "Wow, we have the same name! I'm also called Italy veeeee~" Germany and Japan were confused. They knew that there were two personifications of Italy, but three? The other two ladies had the same reaction. The strong women introduced herself next. "I'm Germany" she said with a curt nod. Germany was stunned. How was there another him?

Italy broke the awkward silence by pointing to Germany and saying "He is Germany as well." Germany nodded his head. "Pleasure" he told the female Germany before turning to the third girl, who appeared to be sensing the mood and refraining from speaking. "Let me guess. Your name is Japan, isn't it?"

She looked confused. Did westerners usually ask if this is your name to people they've never seen before? Japan went up to her and bowed. "Konichiwa. Hajimemashite, Nihon desu. Anata wa Nihon desu ka?(Hello. Nice to meet you, I am Japan. Are you Japan)" he told her.

She bowed in response. "Hai. Hajimemashite, Nihon desu.(Yes. Nice to meet you, I am Japan.)"

Italy laughed. "Veeeeeee~ so there are girl versions of us. I like myself as a bella. Hey other Italy! Want to make some pasta?" The female Italy nodded. "Si I love pasta veeeeee~"

Meanwhile, back at England's house, England and America were talking about what to do about this situation. "Why don't we call the other nations to a meeting and tell them to bring theirs if they have one. Then we will know how many of these genderbent nations we are dealing with." America suggested.

England hated to admit it, but he agreed. "That's actually a good idea. How did you manage to come up with something intelligent?" The female nation answered for her male counterpart. "Because he's the hero! You know what that makes me, the heroine. Woohoo! I can't wait to kick some butt!" She looked at female England. "And you will be my sidekick, so make sure to back me up!" she yelled. Both Englands sighed and rolled their eyes. "Typical American." the said in unison.