The bae was sad because she is stuck with work and rehersals so I wrote a snippet for her in this universe. Not Prowl and Jazz though because she really likes Sunstreaker/First Aid.

Oh he WAS a pretty one. Sunstreaker grinned, floating near the ceiling of Iacons medical halls and watching the bright little medic studying obliviously beneath her. Pretty, but apparently had the situational awareness of a rock.

First Aid was from the deep trench Crystal City, hatched from the crèche surrounding their hotspot along with his siblings. As such he had the bright bioluminescent bands required to hunt and see properly in the darkness of those depths. Unfortunately though he apparently lacked the ability to dim them completely, and as such was a literal swimming beacon wherever he went.

He'd tried to minimize the brightness a bit by shifting to female for the duration of his stay in Iacon but honestly it didn't help very much. All it did was dull his colours slightly and minimize the number of frilly spines he had for display purposes. All mers could do it, save for those lucky enough to have both sets of 'equipment' at once, it just took a while to switch between them. Some mers, like the flashy praxuns, had quite a dramatic dimorphism between their male and female versions. Females often losing their signature large fins and crisp colours and adopting a much sleeker silhouette, along with a mostly muddy brown colouration.

Most mers who stayed in the cities for long periods of time preferred to shift to male because it helped squash their urge to travel, maintaining the large decorative fins and bright bio-luminescent colours burning the energy that they couldn't expend from swimming instead. Females were usually quite transitive, metabolisms much more efficient to facilitate their long voyages and hunting trips. It was one of the main reasons why human sailors only ever told tales of female mers; if you were leaving the cities to head closer to shore you would switch for efficiencies sake.

First Aid didn't seem too bothered by how sedentary he had to be to study, Ratchet having called him and his kin up from the Crystal City since he expected they would have a human conversion happening very soon. Their fisherman friends who were keeping an eye on the mers currently held captive in an aquarium saying that they had made very good friends with a few of the keepers. If they helped them escape it was likely that they wouldn't be able to continue living among their human kin and Jazz would try to convince them to become mer instead.

It had happened quite a lot before in the past, mers quite happy to rescue human females and slaves tossed overboard by pulling them to the deep to change their forms. As far as Aid had read so far the conversion process was rather quick and painless, the human party simply brought to the center of a hotspot and pushed inside where the transformation would take place. Ratchet currently had him practicing making breathing charms, little enchanted crystals that would allow the humans to breathe water on their trip to the nearest cities. He wasn't having much luck, his charms only lasting a few minutes before fizzling out into useless rocks again. Ratchets ones could last for days before needing re-enchanting, wheeljacks surprisingly could last for months.

The mer huffed when another of the little glowing crystals dulled and released a puff of bubbles as it died, rifling through his notes to try and work out what he was doing wrong so he could try again. Sunstreaker just snickered, batting the bubble out of the way as it floated past their face before dropping down to float in front of the medics desk. Aid jumping in surprise when the rather large mer reached over to pat at his head. Sunstreaker had been courting him for the last couple weeks, stealing small kisses and caresses whenever he stopped working. Honestly he was surprised such a high ranking mer would want anything to do with him, but he was certainly going to enjoy the attention while he was receiving it.

"Not having any luck?" Sunstreaker grinned, the little medics biolights glowing bright for a moment as he looked up at the golden mer.

"Oh um, no. Not particularly." Aid muttered, dropping his notes onto the desk. Sunstreaker was huge, and by mer standards absolutely gorgeous. All bright scales and powerful muscles of the deadly predator that Sunstreaker was. It was quite obvious that Sunstreaker was one of the Primes soldiers, almost invisible scars littering their sides whenever the light shifted just the right way. Honestly, Aid was surprised he kept getting so much attention. Sunstreaker particularly enjoyed giving him lingering flirting touches along his fins, usually startling him enough to make him mess up whatever thing he was working on at the time.

"Probably best to take a break then." Sunstreaker continued, pulling aid away from the desk by his hands and running fingers over his fins again. Daring to make the touches a little less subtle and hoping he'd finally take the hint. There were quite a few mer hovering around hoping for a tryst with the medic, something about bright biolights making him a rather popular target. Sunstreaker had been chasing them off for days.

Aid squeaked, huffing bubbles from his gills as Sunstreakers fingers skimmed over his fins again. The larger mer apparently very keen on groping him and not exactly being subtle about it. He pushed at sunstreakers shoulders, giving the larger mer a confused look as he was tucked back in closer.

"If you're wondering, yes I am flirting with you" Sunstreaker snickered, fingers skimming further down Aids front and brushing over his pectoral fins just shy of his slit. Aid sputtering in confusion for a moment before leaning into the touches.

"Oh, uh, okay. Just thought I should clarify." The medic wriggled, well they were certainly a lot more forward here than in the crystal city. He was aware that quite a few mer were interested in getting his attention but Sunstreaker was certainly the most persistent of the bunch so far. He definitely wasn't going to turn down the offer of some more amorous attention if it was there, especially since it would really help burn off some of the restless energy he'd gathered from sitting around studying all day.

"I take it that's permission then?" Sunstreaker grinned, head ducking to nibble at Aids shoulder as he was pulled up further into the ceiling alcove. The little medic running hands down Sunstreaker's sides as he tried to reciprocate the attention. Attention being specifically paid to Sunstreaker's scars as Aid seemed to get a little fixated on them. "Calm down~ Just relax."

Sunstreaker gave Aid an amused look, flipping him onto his back and pinning him against Sunstreaker's front. Fingers skimming along Aids front and teasing at his slit as he was pinned in place before dipping down to tease at his clit. The tip oversensitive and slightly swollen since he'd only recently completed his transition to female.

Sunstreaker was one of the few mers that could use both sets of equipment at the same time thanks to a unique configuration of parts. On most mer, when switching to male, the clit expanded and elongated to form the shaft. Sadly this tended to make it nearly impossible to access their entrance afterwards. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe though, thanks to some rather interesting shark biology passed down by their progenitors, simply had two shafts instead of the one. Positioned in such a way that neither of them blocked the entrance to sunstreakers valve.

Aid was thoroughly aware of this as sunstreaker tugged him in closer, erect shafts rutting against his back as sunstreakers finger rubbed lazily over his clit. Teeth nibbling at the back of his shoulder as sunstreaker moved to dip them down into his valve and scissor fingers to stretch his entrance. The medic whining and rocking into the sensation as sunstreaker pressed fingers in deeper. Honestly the warrior was just enjoying the sounds Aid made at this point, fingers curling and pressing harder against the tight valve to make him squirm and keen.

Sunstreaker didn't indulge for too much longer though, flipping aid over so their chests were pressed together before shifting to pin him against the wall. Aid leaning up to pull sunstreaker down into a hard kiss as one of the rigged shafts rutted against his entrance. Whining when it was pressed against him before sunstreaker grabbed his hips to tug him in closer. Shaft pressing past the tight entrance of his valve as he was dragged closer. Aid shuddering at the tight stretch for a moment as he got comfortable.

Both of them barely waiting for him to adjust before starting a lazy pace. Aid arching against sunstreaker as the larger mer worked aid over the shaft using the grip on his hips. The medic whining and nuzzling at sunstreakers chest as heat and friction caused hot pleasure to pool in his abdomen. Lips skimming over a nipple briefly before a particularly hard buck had him keening and digging claws into sunstreakers sides.

Sunstreaker grinned as Aid keened, fingers dipping between them to tease at his clit as she tried to work him up even more. The biolights along his sides seeming to flash brighter with every ragged intake of water over his gills. Sunstreaker shifted him slightly, trying to get a better angle on the thrusts and purring when the shaft finally managed to press into the deepest point of his valve. Tip just skimming the terminus with every hard thrust.

It didn't take long for Aid to reach his peak once that happened, sunstreaker giving a hard thrust to hilt the shaft fully as the medic writhed. Arms wrapping around his middle to hold him in place as sunstreaker also came, hot seed filling the smaller mer as he ground down against the shaft for just that little extra bit of stimulation.

Aid groaned once the waves of pleasure abated, sunstreaker still keeping him locked in place against the larger mers front with arms looped under his back fins. This had to be the best way to be forced to take a break, and hopefully Sunstreaker would be up for a little bit of a more extended break. The fact that the large mers secondary shaft was still hard was probably as good an indication as any that that would definitely be the case.