The Kalos region…

A faraway land filled with rich history and fantasy beyond one's imagination. How could that be so, you may wonder? It just so happened that three-thousand years ago, there lived king who loved a Pokémon dearly. A restless war went on during that time, in which that Pokémon took part of, but didn't return alive.

Out of grief and vengeance, this king built what was known as the ultimate weapon, bringing his fallen Pokémon back to life and wiping out the people and Pokémon involved in the brutal war. The king ultimately became remorseful over his actions once his resurrected Pokémon, disgusted by his actions, left him alone to wonder about aimlessly in this world.

Yes, such kinds of tragedies are rather common in this present day, though not to the extreme as the three-thousand-year-old king's case. This tale passes on generation by generation to remember the mistakes of forefathers. It just so happens that there is this one tale that nearly mimicked that of the king and the ultimate weapon.

This is the latest tale of Kalos history repeating itself.

It was just simply another tale of love…

"They're not going to get away with this!"

These words were part of Ash's last bold declaration as he charged into the heart of the Team Flare Secret HQ. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie tended to Alain and his Charizard after defeating him and making him realize his boss's true intentions for Kalos and the entire world.

Mairin and Chespie, her Chespin, stood off to the side, exhaustingly thankful that those four people were able to bring Alain back to his senses. She never would've imagined such a mess would ever come from involving herself in his affairs, especially when it led up to the level of Team Flare. She just wanted to learn how to Mega Evolve, and have Alain sardonically correct her that Pokémon evolve, not people.

The younger Trainer then turned her thoughts to Ash, the one who brought some sense back to her older stoic friend. He and his Pokémon immediately rushed to handle Lysandre in the chamber where Yveltal was being held in before any of his friends could have a say on the matter. That honey-blonde-haired girl, in particular, harbored the most disdain on the action, but Mairin saw that she couldn't stop him.

"He should be alright," Clemont announced after checking Alain's condition. The older Trainer was on his knees, unmoving as though he was in a comatose state. "A bit shaken up from the battle and accepting the truth behind Lysandre would be rough to take in, but he's strong. He'll pull though in the end."

"Thank goodness," Bonnie sighed in relief along with Dedenne. "That Mega Charizard was a toughie! I'd want to master a power like Mega Evolution one day too, just not like this."

"Guys, we have to go after Ash," Serena interrupted, her voice firm and unwavering. Clemont and Bonnie looked at her, astounded by how she spoke. "He's alone with Team Flare's Leader and the living embodiment of death and destruction. What kind of friends are we to let him deal with this by himself?!"

"It's only been a few minutes, I doubt he's gotten in that much trouble," Clemont brought up thoughtfully.

"But this is Lysandre and Yveltal we're talking about, Big Brother!" Bonnie exclaimed. "They're too dangerous to leave Ash alone with!"

"Which is why we have to go now," Serena continued, glancing determinedly towards the pathway where Ash took off. "I believe in Ash too, but this is life or death now. We can't be reckless."

"But who's going to watch over Alain?" Clemont proposed in concern for the older young man. "We can't just leave him the way he is now."

"I'll take care of him," Mairin spoke aloud as she approached the group, deciding it was her turn to take charge. "Go after your friend so that he doesn't end up like my friend."

Worried about those final warning words, Serena gave a curt but grateful nod to the young girl before running down the hallway as fast as her legs would allow her, followed by the eager Bonnie on her trail. Clemont sighed at the thought of more running, but his desire to come to Ash's aid was greater than his aversion towards strenuous physical activity.

"Thank you very much," Clemont said quickly with a bow before taking off chasing after the two girls.

Mairin and Chespie watched as the Lumiose City Gym Leader's figure disappeared into the dark hall leading down to where Lysandre and Ash were waiting. A few authorities, which included Officer Jenny and a couple of Interpol agents, and even the weird trio known as Team Rocket were already taking down several Team Flare members outside of their location. If she hurried, she might be able to get everything to stop once and for all. She might actually be able to redeem herself and Alain.

"Chespie, stay here with Alain," Mairin commanded, turning towards a different exit. "I'm going to get help."

At the meantime…

"You're not getting away with this!" Ash declared. "I'm putting a stop to this ultimate weapon!"

He and his current Pokémon team were facing down Lysandre, who only had Pyroar at his side. The room they were in was rumbling in rhythmic pulsations that originated from the energy being garnered from Yveltal's cocoon form. The pulsing was gradually becoming more and more intense with passing time.

"You cannot stop a force like life or death from performing their duties, young man," Lysandre began. "All this destruction is necessary in order for this world to be reborn from this awful state. Beauty and perfection are at hand."

"Nothing in this world will ever be perfect," Ash retorted. "That is why we have to accept the things they are and see the beauty within."

"Such an imperfect mind, but it doesn't matter," Lysandre sighed in regret. "It really is a pity. You would've been ideal in the new, beautiful world, but sadly, your human nature has ultimately defiled you."

"I happen to like who I am," Ash refuted. "My human nature is who I am. Nothing will ever change me! I'll never give up until the end!"

He was followed up by the cheers of his loyal Pokémon, each sharing his belief about the nature of people and Pokémon alike. None of them were perfect, but the fact that they worked together conquering Gym battles and other problems was proof enough that they were capable of overcoming their weaknesses with help from their friends.

"Such innocence… such naïveté," Lysandre commented. "It's starting to vex me. So, young man, if you're so content in your imperfection, why don't you have a taste of the ultimate weapon?" The Team Flare Boss held up a remote control with a prominent red button. "The ultimate weapon, though not fully charged enough to wipe out the Kalos region and the whole world, has more than enough energy to dispose of you and your Pokémon."

"You're out of your mind!" Ash exclaimed in outrage. "If you're going to target me, you'll also destroy yourself and everyone else still here."

"They'll all be annihilated regardless," Lysandre concluded darkly, critically placing his thumb on the button. "Let's see you try and stop perfection!"


From a mighty wave of Ash's arm signaled an all-out attack from his team to stop Lysandre. Pikachu led the front with a Thunderbolt, only to be countered by Pyroar's powerful Flamethrower. The roaring flames were potent enough to slowly push back Pikachu's electrical attack, but what Pyroar did not prepare for was a combined assault from Ash's other Pokémon from the side.

It took a quick Water Pulse from Frogadier to disorient the Royal Pokémon before the others ambushed him. While Pyroar was a formidable asset alone under Lysandre's belt, he met his match in dealing with Ash's other Pokémon, who were proving to be able to keep up with his power and speed. At the meantime, Pikachu had resumed attacking the main control panel in charge of transferring energy between Yveltal and the ultimate weapon. The Thunderbolt made the machine short-circuit, eliciting a heavy explosion.

"This can't be," Lysandre growled under his breath, frustrated at himself for not taking the young Trainer standing before him more seriously. His vision for a beautiful world was now being compromised. "Argh!"

"Master Lysandre, bad news!" the sole male Flare admin scientist, Xerosic, called out upon entering the chamber. "Pikachu's attack destroyed a crystal shard that queued Yveltal's energy during the energy transfer process. It was also at a very vulnerable location too. Without it, the leaking death energy will cause our machines to blow up!"

"Then use the spare shard from that orb we recently discovered," Lysandre ordered.

"But we haven't tested out the orb's properties enough to deem it safe and reliable," Xerosic reasoned. "The aftereffects could very well be disastrous!"

"I don't care!" Lysandre roared. "I won't have all this work go to waste! This world will be reborn… one way or another."

Xerosic still appeared hesitant towards his leader's decision before relenting with a submissive bow and backing away to retrieve the mysterious shard. Lysandre resumed his attention back upon Ash, wordlessly commanding his Pyroar to knock aside the opposing Pokémon, to which his Pokémon promptly did so with a single Flamethrower.

Ash's team were sent scattering across the room, bearing bruises and burn marks from the latest attack. Pikachu was also unable to get away on time, having been sent flying back to Ash. The Pallet Town Trainer caught his long-time buddy and carefully cradled him in his arms.

"His Pyroar is too strong," Ash commented begrudgingly. "Alain and his Mega Charizard were tough, but this is insane."

"Ash!" a familiar, approaching voice pleaded. "Don't give up! It's not the end just yet!"

"She's right, Ash!" another friendly voice reminded.

"We're with you all the way, Ash!" a childish squeal echoed.

Ash had a moment of speechlessness as he turned back to the entrance he came into the chamber from, seeing Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie enter in with equally determined expressions. He gave a sigh of relief seeing his friends again and in one piece.

"You guys…," Ash chuckled wistfully.

"All of you blemishes of the world coming together like this makes my work easier," Lysandre interrupted as Xerosic successfully repaired the damaged containment unit upon replacing the destroyed crystal share with the new mysterious shard. He then pressed down hard on the remote control button. "Now die."

The machinery around Yveltal's containment started to whir ominously in tandem to the energy pulsations. The dark aura of death emanated from every device channeling its power. Using the ultimate weapon as the main conduit, Lysandre made it so that a sufficient amount of death energy was focused upon his intended target only.

The focal point of the ultimate weapon in Geosenge Town took aim…

And by sophisticated design, it unleashed a narrow beam of destruction in its intend direction, which was none other than the heart of the Team Flare Secret HQ.

Right exactly where Ash stood…

The death beam burrowed into the chamber, much to everyone's shock, sans Lysandre. Not ready to give up without a fight, Pikachu immediately leapt out of Ash's arms and sent a powerful Thunderbolt to retaliate. The collision of energies made the area more precarious as neither side was about to give way to the other.

"Ash, get out of there!" Serena screamed almost hysterically, attempting to run in and snatch him before Clemont held her back by her arm. "Let me go!"

"It's too dangerous!" Clemont argued.

Serena continued to struggle, surprised that Clemont had enough strength to hold her back despite of all of her thrashing about. She watched helplessly as Ash stayed by Pikachu's side as he still attempted to hold off the ultimate weapon's blast. Clemont felt no better about this, but he had to consider the safety of his sister and his friend first. Bonnie, despite having been very vocal on Ash's triumph earlier, was now watching in apprehensive silence. The three of them now hoped that Ash would be able to overcome the odds and come out of this alive.

"No… please…"

Ash's other Pokémon also attempted to plead to him and Pikachu to get out of there despite being wounded from their fight with Pyroar. They hated being useless as their beloved Trainer was practically risking his life for theirs. That was just who Ash was, and for that, they had promised their eternal loyalty to him. They struggled to get off their backs and sides, to reach back and protect their Trainer like they were supposed to.

"It truly is a pity to waste a young, potentially beautiful life like yours," Lysandre muttered, penitently looking away as he snapped his fingers.

Pyroar then sent his additional onslaught in the form of another Flamethrower. As Pikachu was still preoccupied in keeping the ultimate weapon's death beam at bay, there was no way that the Mouse Pokémon would also fend off his attack as well.

However, he did not expect the boy to step in and take the Flamethrower head on.

"Ash, please stop!" Serena cried, disregarding the distraught tears that had shed themselves out of the corners of her blue eyes. "This is reckless! Don't do this to yourself! Don't do this… to us… to me… …"

"I'll protect you all no matter what…!" Ash grunted, fighting through the flames. "… This is my promise to you… my friends…"

"Ash!" Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie shouted, instantly running towards him.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu cried out, noticing his Trainer being fried by Pyroar's Flamethrower.

That moment of fleeting attention had cost Pikachu the battle against the ultimate weapon as the death beam pushed through the Thunderbolt and resumed its destructive course. Ash quickly picked up on the direness of their situation, pushing himself out of the Flamethrower to sweep up Pikachu, even as the Mouse Pokémon was still engaged in his Thunderbolt.

Ash didn't care what happened to him. He wasn't going to let Pikachu take on the ultimate weapon alone.

"ASH!" his friends yelled once more, accompanied by the cries of his other Pokémon.


They were too late as the beam of the ultimate weapon had reached Ash and Pikachu before they could. The aftershocks of the blast strangely passed through them somewhat harmlessly, as if it was nothing more than a strong gust of wind. Once the energy had cleared up, not a trace of Ash or Pikachu was seen. Not even a radius of scorch marks where the blast concluded was there.

The duo was gone.

Clemont stared blankly, unable to comprehend what just happened. Bonnie and Dedenne immediately wailed after registering the tragic event in their young minds, clinging onto Clemont as they were unable to bear the sight of their friend being wiped out just like that.

As for Serena, she slowly fell on her knees as salty tears streamed down unconsciously. She stared ahead at the empty spot where the Pallet Town Trainer and his Mouse Pokémon originally stood. She couldn't help him. After everything he had done for her and their friends, she couldn't return any favor to him. Some friend she turned out to be. She couldn't even bring herself in sharing how she truly felt about him after all this time traveling with him around the Kalos region.

And he was gone, just like that. In an instant.

Serena lost her chance and now, she feared that she never will get another chance.

"… Ash… he can't… be gone…"


"… … Ugh… … My head… …"

"You're finally waking up, Ash," a soft voice said.

"… … … Huh?"

His eyelids slowly opened up, adjusting to the light shining against them. Though the light, he distinguished a face of a girl with lilac-colored eyes and hair to match. She appeared to be in her early young adult years. He also discovered himself lying on his back upon something soft. There was something even softer placed near his head. From the corner of his eye after attempting to move his head, he saw something yellow.

"Take it easy, Ash," the young woman spoke up. "You and Pikachu were in really bad shape when I found you two outside my home a while ago. I was really worried after what the news shared years ago about you."

"… Pika… chu?" he mumbled, confused.

"That's right," the woman affirmed with a sweet smile. "I'm surprised, though. Not only do you appear okay now, you look like you haven't age since we last saw each other, not to say that it's a bad thing. You are still one-of-a-kind, Ash."

"… 'Ash'?" he repeated. "… That's my name…? … Really?"

"Oh, my…"

He didn't know what to make from the woman's sudden horrified expression from his peculiar response. She attempted to get him to lay his head back down, but he regained enough strength to be fully conscious and sit up to face her. He noticed how slender her body shape and how elegant her style of dress were, causing the woman to inadvertently blush upon discovering his prolonged staring. He soon snapped out of the distraction upon remembering what he was about to.

"… I'm sorry, but… who are you? What's going on? And where am I?"

It is as I promised from my profile page that I'm now starting this project regardless of the status of my other stories. I was just too eager to get this out. So am I an idiot for starting up something planned to be big when I already have another big story to work on? Probably, but aren't we all idiots in certain ways? I guess I'll just have to be able to balance them now. Fortunately, I'll be a bit freer this summer, so aside from work and other social activities, I'll be around more often to write and such for you readers.

For those who have played Super Paper Mario or at least are aware of its main plot, you might understand what's about to happen here. And for those that don't, I still hope you'll enjoy the show. This might potentially become my next big thing after or along with Revival at the Champions League. I'm already eager on how this'll turn out since I also planned the general outline for this story prior to typing up the first chapter.

This story idea was actually inspired by my brother, so I'm giving him some credit here. And as for keeping Ash's team as ambiguous as it was, that's for the purpose to be able to adapt to what the anime will reveal in the future, such as captures, evolutions, (possible releases) and so on.

So how did I do with this prologue? Please review!
