Summary ; During a run in with a powerful demonic entity, Elliot is hit with magicks that completely alters his reality. Why's he in a crib? And who the hell are the two weirdos calling themselves "daddy" and "papa"? He has 72 hours to undo what's been done, or he can say goodbye to his old life- forever... and they aren't making it easy for him.

Chapter One : A Mistake

It was almost time. The moon was rising, everything dark, silent, and there he stood, the creature I'd been stalking for the better part of the week. He couldn't see me. He had no idea I was there, atop a large metal storage container, hiding in the shadows. Perfect. Everything I needed was set in place and all I had to do was wait for him to walk right into position. Three feet to the left, four down... so close, so very, very close... I clenched the silver dagger in my fist, taking in a long, slow breath. Three... two... now!

Kicking off with as much force as I could, I shot out of my hiding spot, slamming into the cloaked creature's back, forcing it to the ground face first. The creature snarled, a deep, inhuman noise and I pressed my blade to his back, behind his heart. It was strong though, faster than the last ones, and I was flung off and across the floor, sliding painfully against the concrete. "Foolish human." It's voice was smooth, low, and as it spoke, it's voice was full of pure, raw fury. "You dare approach me...

I was on my feet again quickly, staring it down, dagger still in my hand, the blade glinting in the moonlight that shined through the broken windows. "How 'bout we get this over with?" The creature took a single step forward- I held my ground, waiting. "Shoulda known someone'd be trackin' ya. You ain't exactly subtle, leavin' a trail of bodies for me..."

"Hunters are of no threat to me. You cannot stop me, us. You cannot stop the inevitable." I couldn't stop the shiver that ran down my spine, his tone alone causing my heart rate to shoot up. There was something wrong here, very wrong. This isn't gonna end well...

But it was too late to back down. As it stepped forward once again, I lunged, failing in my strike as it easily side stepped me, and as I swung my arm around to try once more, it grabbed me. Shit! My forearm was twisted painfully, forcing me to let go of my weapon. The dagger fell to the ground with a clang that echoed around us and I was tossed to the side, slamming into one of the storage containers.

As quickly as I was able, I lunged again, though just as before, it was ready, snatching one wrist in it's ice cold hands, and as I swung a fist with my other, it was grabbed as well. The s-o-b had one hell of a grip an- oh fucking hell shit, it was leaning towards me! "You will-" There was no way in hell I was letting that fucker finish, choosing then to slam my head into his own, which in retrospect, was not the best of ideas.

I was released, though stumbled back, my vision spotted with darkness. The creature's head was damn near as hard as my own. I was dizzy, a groan passing through my lips as I pressed a palm to my forehead. Blood. Fucking great.

"You insolent brat!" With a ferocity I'd yet to see from any of the creatures, it fucking roared and as my vision cleared, I bit back a grin. It's noose was smashed, definitely broken, and blood was pouring down it's face, dark globs of red splashing on the concrete. "I was not intending to do you harm... simply keep you out of my way..." it spoke with a low growl. Oh hell, it was pissed.

Anger radiated off of it in waves, the temperature around us rising rapidly. "C'mon now, I'm a hunter. Only thing you coulda done to keep me off your case is kill me.. and I have no intention of dyin' anytime soon." That time,, I did grin, gaze momentarily flashing down to my dagger. "I mean, you can try, but it won't end well for you." I dove for the weapon, snatching it off the ground as I rolled around the creature, jumping to my feet.

The dagger pierced through it's skin, but it jerked away, shoving my off before I could finish the killing blow. "Dammit, you sonuva bitch, stay still!"

I fucked up. I didn't understand how, but I knew at that moment, as my eyes locked with the glowing purple ones of the creature before me, that I had seriously fucked up.

"You are nothing more than a frightened child." Frozen. I was frozen. I couldn't tear away from it's gaze, unable to move, unable to escape. "You fight me with such ferocity... so determined to win, yet the fear running through you... it is intoxicating." This is it. This is where it ends. I'd made mistakes before, but never like this. "Do not worry, young hunter... I still do not intend to kill you..." it purred.

Yeah, not very comforting.

It stepped closer, raising an arm to me. I started to shake, an involuntary response to overwhelming fear, a response that had never before showed itself during a hunt. "Ahhh..." For the first time since I began tracking it, it smiled. A wide grin, showing off rows of white, razor sharp teeth. "Let us send you back... back to the very beginning..." What- what the everlasting hell was this fucker going to do to me?! "Good luck, hunter. You will need it."

It's hand began to glow, that same bright purple as it's eyes, magick swirling around in it's palm, sparking, shining as it was pressed to my forehead. It trailed like static, trailing over my head, crackling with energy, with power. There were words being spoken in a language I didn't recognize, soft, almost like a whisper.

Then came the pain. Sudden, sharp, burning pain, starting in my head and trailing down my body through every vein, every nerve- it felt like I was on fire, everything hot –unbearably hot. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe and the only sound I managed to make was an ear piercing scream of absolute agony.

And then, it was over- I was on the ground, my screams silenced. My body still burned, ached, like it was on fire, though the energy causing the reaction was no longer being pumped through me. Though I was free, I didn't dare to move for fear of it starting up

Whatever that sonuva bitch did to me, it better have fucked me up damn good, because if I ever got up, I was going on a rampage.

Something... something touched me, something cold, on my head and I screamed because it fucking hurt, sending a fresh wave of pain through me. I tried to move, roll away, curl up into a ball, anything to get me away from that creature, from it's icy hands. I almost, almost managed the fetal position before it touched me again, not at all deterred by my screams, and I went rigid as one last jolt of pain shot through my entire being, from my fucking toes all the way up to my head, before it stopped and everything went black.

"Perhaps one day you will thank me for this gift..."