Chapter 24

Astrid's POV

(9 months later) sorry for the time skip

It had been nine months and everything had been going great. We moved into Valka's home and she had looked after Hiccups and I will I was pregnant and she has helped me understand being a mother. My due date was close and Hiccup has been insisting has to do everything for me and it has gotten really annoying.

"Are you thirsty? Do you want me to get you a drink?" Hiccup asked once again.

"I'll get it myself," I said and was about to get out of bed.

"No, I'll get it." Hiccup said as he tried to get me to sit back down.

"No! Hiccup I want to go." I finally lost my temper and he gave in.

I got up and began to walk toward the kitchen which was close by, I only had to walk down a small corridor.

Hiccup's POV

I was just trying to help Astrid but she always wants to do stuff herself when I just want her to rest. I lay back in bed and waited for Astrid to come back when I heard a scream coming from the kitchen.

I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen to see if Astrid was okay. When I got there she was on the floor with water around her.

"My waters just broke," she said in pain.

I picked her up and headed for our bedroom.

"Wait here for a second." I said and once I left her with Stormfly she screamed again and it hurt me to know that she was in pain.

I jumped on Toothless who was just outside of our room and flew as fast as he could to mom so she can come and help.

"Mom! You need to come quick! It's Astrid!" I shouted because she was quite far and then she got on cloudjumper and followed me to our bedroom.

"Okay Astrid take deep breathes." My mom said.

AN:I'm just gonna skip this bit because it is kinda awkward and I'm pretty sure we all know what is happening.

Astrid's POV

"It's twins. A boy and a girl." Valka exclaimed as she handed them to Hiccup because I was too weak to hold them right now. I looked at Hiccup and he had tears in his eyes, the way that he looked at both of them was so cute, he looked at them lovingly.

"Hello, I'm your daddy," he whispered softly which made me smile.

A few minutes later after I had regain some of my strength I asked, "Can you pass me her?".

He carefully gave me her will he still had hold of the boy.

I moved over a bit and he sat next to me on the bed.

"I'll give the new family some privacy," Valka said as she backed out of the room.

Hiccup kissed me lightly on my sweaty forehead. I looked up and smiled at him and he smiled back.

"They are so beautiful and precious," I said as I looked back down on our two new babies.

"I know, I can't believe we made these." He said as it made me giggle.

"What should we name them?" He asked.

"I think we should name them..."

AN: I know I left it on cliffhanger and it's short once again but I just realised that I didn't ask you guys what I should name them so tell me and I will pick the best ones. Thanks for reading.