Author's Note: Hello, this is something new I wanted to try. For some of you who don't know; this story takes place during the 2K3 episode "Space invader's Part 3". For a while I always wondered what would happen if Donatello's brothers didn't managed to rescue him or if Honeycutt didn't come back. Well this is my AU of what would have happened. There might be some brutal scenes but it's only because I believe that's how things would have gone down. Also i'm going to try my best to keep this story T. Also fair warning I did use quotes from the episode, so disclaimer there that I didn't come up with some of these lines. Still I hope you all enjoy this, and I had trouble with some descriptions.

Chapter 1: Failed Rescue

"We came, we saw, we kicked some shell!" Raph proudly cheered as the smoke settled in the security room, as all of their foes were down and out.

Raph, Leo and Mikey plus their two friends had managed to beat the security team within the security room. After finding out of their brother's abduction the three remaining brothers hitched a ride on a Triceraton ship and infiltrated their homeland. Soon they managed to have a run in with a group of Rebels lead by their old friend Traximus. They decided to help them get Donatello back and sent Monza Ram and La, a Glibliax who was a participant from the battle nexus tournament, with them. They broke into a security post and were going to use the system to find Donny.

"Yes, but it won't be long before they realize the security system has been breached," Monza Ram and La went over to the security console. "We need to work fast."

La then started to type away at the console, trying to get into the system. Little did they know that things were going to change from what they originally going to be.

"The system is locked, it'll take a minute to get back into it," Monza Ram told the turtles of the current situation.

"Hurry up then," Leo responded as he and his brother holstered their weapons. "The longer we're here the easier it'll be for us to get ambushed."

"Leo's right," Mikey agreed with his older brother. "This was just a warm up compared to what we could be facing. Plus who knows what they could be doing to Don right now."

"Don't worry if they hurt him in any way they will pay for it," Raph said with an angered expression.

"We know, we're working as fast as-" The Triceraton rebel was interrupted as the doors on the far side of the room opened, revealing a dozen more guards. They were caught off guard as their enemies opened fired.

"Get down!" Leo commanded, but the order came too late.

"AH!" Mikey cried out in pain as a blast hit him in the thigh.

"Mikey!" Leo and Raph shouted as they watched their brother fall after being hit. Their hearts beating much faster at the sight of their wounded brother. Their big brother instincts in them took over as they needed to protect him now.

Acting out of reflex the red clad turtle then flung himself in front of his younger brother just as a volley of shots went his way.

"Ugh!" Raph cried out as he was hit multiple times in the plastron, legs, and arms before falling forward onto the ground.

"Raph!" Leo called out as both eyes then narrowed at their enemies. Acting swiftly the blue clad turtle and his friends launched themselves at the newly fresh Triceratons.

Monza Ram tackled the small group, knocking them down and scattering them. The last two that were standing were caught off guard as Leo sliced the blasters in half before jump kicking the two, knocking them down.

Using his tail Monza Ram whipped it across the face of another guard, knocking him down. Looking forward he then saw two more aiming their weapons, but then felt a sudden weight on his shoulders. Leo managed to jump off his friend's should and launched himself towards them, slicing their weapons and knocking them down with a jump split kick.

"AH!" Leo then cried out a piercing, burning sensation hit his right shoulder, causing him to drop his weapons and fall to his knees as his left hand clutched the injured spot.

Monza Ram turned and saw one of the knocked down enemies managed to grab their weapon and hit his friend. Seething he rushed over and kicked the weapon out of his hand before delivering a swift kick to the head. The force of the blow enough to knock the down enemy out, taking the chance to look around and saw their attackers down and out.

Once the immediate threat was dealt with the rebel turned to his friends, all three turtles down and injured.

"My friends, are you alright?" He asked as he moved to Leo's side first, the leaf green turtle still clutching his shoulder.

"It burns…a lot," Leo panted as the pain started to throb. His breathing heightened as he tried to endure the pain and try to shake it off. Both eyes then turned to his down brothers, "Check them."

Monza Ram nodded and went over to the two younger brother's sides. Both of them on the ground and groaning in pain. Their wounds were evident as both eyes laid on them. Mikey is on his side, holding his thigh as both of his eyes were squeezed shut. Apparently the shot to his thigh was more serious than anticipated.

He then turned to the red clad turtle, Raph is faced down on his plastron, grunting as his shaking body tried to push himself back to his feet. But his new wounds proved to make that impossible as his arms buckled.

"Don't do that, you'll only hurt yourself further," Monza Ram warned as helped Raph to his feet.

"It's nothing," the red clad turtle grunted, but of course winced as his wounds throbbed. "I can take it, they're just scratches."

"We have to get out of here now."

"What?" Mikey managed to say as he carefully tried to get back to his feet, hissing as his injured leg moved. "We still…don't know where Donny is."

"I am sorry but this area is compromise and we can't stay here any further. Plus you all are wounded and are in no shape to fight on."

La then helped Mikey to his feet and supported him as Leo walked over to the group, still clutching his shoulder. "We can't just abandon Don."

"Yeah," Raph grunted. "We have to save him now!"

"I am sorry my friends, but we have to get you all out of here," Monza Ram argued are he supported Raph and they headed for the second door of the security room. "We'll try to find a second security post on the way but for now we must move!"

The turtles were silent as they heard this, this situation is completely out of their power and they were in no shape to argue. Yet they needed to find their brother now. But their Triceraton friend was right, chances are more enemy reinforcements could come barging in any moment and they couldn't do anything to fight them back. So unfortunately they had to comply with the order.

"Alright, lets move then," The blue clad turtle responded as the group headed out of the room. It pained the three a lot to do this, and wished they were more alert so they weren't in this situation. Still they all rushed out of the room and rand down a random direction, keeping their eyes peeled.

A few minutes passed as the rebels and injured turtles managed to make their way through the halls of the base. They were surprised at the fact that they didn't encounter anymore enemies, which is good because there was no chance they could fight back.

"There should be another security room not too far from here," Monza Ram spoke up as they walked.

"Good, the sooner we get there the better," Raph panted some, his wounds still radiating in pain.

"Guys," Mikey spoke up, still being supported by La. "Even when we find Donny how are we going to rescue him?"

"I don't know," Leo spoke up, still clutching his should. The pain surprising still there and moving it wasn't an option since it would throb. "We better think of something-"

"Freeze!" voices from behind called out.

"Move!" Monza Ram called out as he looked back, to see almost a dozen Triceratons behind them. Going as fast as they could they managed to dodge the incoming laser fire.

"In there!" La moved and opened a random door.

Once the door opened they all rushed inside just as a large barrage of lasers shot past them. Once safely inside the door was shut and La destroyed the controls, locking the door from the inside and outside.

"That should buy us some time," Monza Ram responded as they could hear banging on the door, indicating their enemies were trying to get in.

"Yeah, but for how long?" Leo asked, making every one think this as well. Even if they were safe chances are the doors could be blasted down and unless they could find another way out they would be in trouble. They then turned to see where they were and hopefully find something that could help them.

"What is this place?" Mikey asked as they looked around, seeing some small doors leading into small areas with control panels next to them.

"Most likely the escape pods," Monza Ram responded as he moved further into the room with Raph.

"Great," the emerald turtle grumbled. "Anyway to get out of here?"

"I don't know, but we better find a way fast," Leo responded to his brothers question as all of them looked around.

Monza Ram quietly looked at the escape pods then at his wounded friends. With their enemies right behind them and with just him and La the only ones healthy there's no way they could survive this. They could either be killed or captured, something that couldn't happen.

They could make a run for it, but his with him and La having to carry them they will be slowed down and easy targets. He didn't want to put his friends in danger and needed to get them to safety. A plan formed in his head and it was something unforgivable. He knew what he had to do.

"My friends…"

"What is it?" Leo was the first to ask, as everyone looked at Monza Ram.

"Please…Forgive me," Before anyone could ask; the Triceraton rebel then tossed Raph into one of the open escape pods like a sack of potatoes, which caused a yelp of pain to come from the red clad turtle.

"What are you-"Leo spoke in shock but was cut off as Monza Ram grabbed him next and did the same.

Leo flew a distance till he fell and hit the floor. Recovering he immediately sat up, only to see Mikey being thrown into him, knocking him back down.

Monza Ram rushed forward and hit a large button on the control panel, shutting the door just before Leo could get out, a shocked expression on La's face as she did nothing to stop him.

"Monza Ram, what are you doing!" Leo's shocked and panicked voice could be heard, banging on the door that separated them.

"I am sorry, but you are too injured to help and I rather get you all to safety rather than risk your lives," he explained as he typed on the control panel, setting the pod's course towards earth, and making sure his friends couldn't adjust the destination from within.

"Leo what's going?" Raph asked, weakly getting to his feet and seeing his brother hitting the door.

The blue clad turtle ignored the question as he pleaded to his friend. "Please don't do this, we still need to find Don!"

"We'll find your brother…I promise you that. For now I'm sending you back to earth…you three will be fine," the rebel responded as he pressed a button, causing hisses to be heard as the pod's changed out of standby mode.

"No!" Leo cried out as the pod was dejected from its stationary spot, the sight of the Triceraton base growing smaller as they continued to sail through space.

Back on the station Monza Ram's hand clenched into a fist as the pod was launched. Both eyes squeezed shut as a pang of guilt hit him, "Please…I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me my friends."

Inside the throne room the Prime Leader had just order a scan of the earth, in hopes of trying to locate the Fugitoid. His patients being tried as he waited for the scan to complete, his prisoner right beside him.

"This had better not be one of your terrapin tricks, a way to stall for time perhaps, as your brothers commit an act of sabotage," Zandramon sneered down at Don.

Donatello looked at his captor, nervous at the situation he's in. He couldn't let him see it, "My brothers? Are you kidding, they wouldn't be caught dead in this place." He spoke confidently, mainly because he didn't know what his brothers were up to. Hopefully they would try to rescue him, but he couldn't let the Prime Leader know this.

Just then the sound of the main doors opening, followed by a loud voice, "Prime Leader!" they turned to see a lone Triceraton Troop running into the room and kneeling before his leader. "Forgive the interruption, but one of our escape pods had launched."

"What! By who?" Zandramon responded, his bout of anger still active.

"We managed to look at the security feed and saw a couple of rebels and…terrapins like him," he then pointed at Don. "The terrapins were then thrown into the escape pod and it was launched.

"No…" Don thought to himself as panic filled him. That had to be his brothers. If they were launched in an escape pod then that means they couldn't rescue him.

The news brought a chuckle to Zandramon, "Well…it looks like what you said is true. You're brothers were here but now they aren't. It looks like they abandoned you."

"They wouldn't do that…they wouldn't!" Don responded.

"Either way, no one is coming to save you," he grinned in delight as he turned to the screen and watched as the scan continued.

A bit of time passed as the scan soon finished, and like Don had been trying to tell them all along, nothing turned up. The result of the scan only angering the Prime leader as his hand clenched into a tight fist. Donny saw this and back up some, there wasn't anything else he could do.

"The fugitoid is not on earth…then this entire invasion has been a colossi waste of time and resources!"

"The high council will not be pleased," Mozar responded with a bit of worry. Knowing the anger his leader is display is good for anyone.

"Dang the high council!" Zandramon shouted as he hit the arm rest of his throne. He then rose up out of his seat and turned to Don. The purple clad turtle got nervous as his captor's gaze is on him once again. "Well…at least I can still dispose of you." He then held his hand out and in a few second Mozar handed him a blaster, a smirk on his face the whole time.

Don's body trembled as Zandramon aimed the blaster right at his head. Panic and fear set in as his heart beat like crazy. Time seemed to go slow as he watched the Triceraton's finger rest on the trigger. This was it, he was about to die.

Just then the smirk on Zandramon face turned into a frown as he then aimed down at the olive green turtle's right leg, and with a squeeze of the trigger and the weapon fired.

"AH!" Don cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, his cuffed hands clutching the wounded limb as both eyes were squeezed shut. The pain radiated as it felt like it wasn't throbbing and burning on the outside but the inside as well. Donny didn't know how bad it was since he couldn't check.

The Prime leader then kicked the purple clad turtle till he was on his shell, still clutching the wounded limb as he crouched down. "Now that I think about it," Zandramon explains in a low but evil tone. "Your death wouldn't please me as much, also why should I give you the quick escape of death? No, i'll keep you alive and make sure every minute of your life from here on is a miserable one, till the very last breath you take. You're going to be wishing that I killed you today."

Don heaved as he heard every single word that was said to him. Now the fear doubled as the pain in his leg continued to throb. He's scared to find out what he had planned, but he obviously knew that it's bad.

"Mozar," The prime leader called out as he stood back up.

"Yes," the commander responded quickly.

"Take him to my torture chamber and do as you please. Make sure he doesn't pass out. I want him awake for everything that's coming to him," Zanramon grinned as he gave the orders.

"Of course, Prime leader," Mozar then grabbed Don by the cuffs and pulled him up. Don winced and hissed in pain as he accidently applied presser on his injured leg. He then was dragged out towards the main door, Zanramon's last words hitting him as he could do nothing to fight back.

"You shall pay slowly for all you done to me, you shall know pain beyond your knowledge. Welcome to your new life, Slave!"

A/N: Hope you like. I'm trying my best with my imagination here and also i'm not sure how long this is going to be but i'm going to try my best to make this a good story, well AU episode. Please if anyone of you have any questions about this please just let me know, and please leave me a review. Thank you, till next time.