Since Percy's escapade with Gator and learning to be brave, over the next couple of months, life seemed much easier for Thomas and Emily. James remained in the out-of-use siding as punishment for his actions against Percy for the required two weeks. Thomas and Emily were able to work together more often again and Emily also gained an honour she never expected. Percy considered her a mother for all her kindness and consideration she gave him. Henry was back to pulling the Flying Kipper and James obeyed the Fat Controller's orders and didn't leave the out-of-use siding. After a couple of months, strange and unusual events started happening again…

It was a misty day on the Island of Sodor. At Brendam Docks, Cranky was unloading a big shipment of building supplies. Thomas came by to fetch the supplies…when he heard a strange sound in the air.

"What's that noise?" he asked Salty.

"Arr…that'll be…the Flatbeds of Fear, Thomas," cackled Salty.

"The Flatbeds of Fear? What are they?" asked Thomas.

"Well now, me hearty," began Salty. "Long, long ago, an old engine was puffing along the tracks, pulling three flatbeds…when suddenly, his coupling snapped, and the flatbeds rolled away. Now the Flatbeds roll the rails, a whistling and a wailing and looking for an engine to couple up to. So, me hearty, beware the Flatbeds of Fear. They might come rolling after you!"

"Enough of your tall tales, Salty. Thomas has work to do. Off you go, Thomas," said Cranky. So Thomas was coupled up to the flatbeds, and with a toot of his whistle, was on his way.

"Watch out for the Flatbeds of Fear, Thomas. You never know when they'll come rolling by!" called Salty.

Thomas clattered through the mist with the pipes on his flatbeds, when suddenly…he heard the noise again.

"What's that?" Thomas looked around, but he couldn't see anything that could have made the mysterious sound.

"Something strange is happening," he thought to himself. "What will Emily think?" So Thomas continued on his way, all while listening to the strange sound.

Emily and Henry were at the Shunting Yard, talking to each other about the James' fortnight in the out-of-use siding.

"It was nice to get some peace from James, Emily...he should have been kept in the out-of-use siding longer," joked Henry.

"Maybe so, Henry, but James was truly sorry for what he did," Emily replied.

"I still would have liked to see him leave for a fortnight," muttered Henry. "What he did to Percy was completely inexcusable."

"But like Thomas said, Henry. This is his home. Please try to let it go," soothed Emily. Henry smiled lightly. "Very well, Emily. You always seem to know what to do." Then Thomas arrived.

"Hello, Thomas," greeted Emily.

Thomas was happy to see the beautiful engine through the mist, but his mind was still on Salty's tale. "I just heard the Flatbeds of Fear," he said.

"The Flat-who of what?" asked Henry.

"The Flatbeds of Fear," repeated Thomas. "Salty told me about them. They roll around the rails in search of an engine, and they whistle and wail."

"That sounds spooky," shuddered Henry.

"It was," said Thomas. Emily thought this was just another tall tale of Salty's.

"Ohh! Don't be such a pair of scaredy engines," she said in a motherly manner. "There must be a perfectly sensible explanation." And she gave Thomas a slight smile.

"I hope so. I really do," whistled Henry. Emily and Thomas worked together in the foggy atmosphere. Working together made them both feel very close. Emily found foggy weather rather interesting, but Thomas found it to be a little unnerving.

That night, Thomas, Emily and Henry stayed awake longer than the other engines. Thomas and Emily were looking at the stars in peace and quiet…but Henry was still very worried over what Thomas said about the "Flatbeds of Fear."

"Whatever could they be?" he asked. "What could the Flatbeds of Fear do?"

Emily sighed with mild exasperation. "Oh, Henry. Don't worry so much. You worried about the rain spoiling your paint so many years ago, and why do you worry about just some old flatbeds?"

"What Thomas said sounds rather unusual and unsettling," said Henry. "I hope you're right for a sensible explanation."

"I don't intend to brag," said Emily. "But somehow, I know there's a sensible explanation."

Despite believing Salty's story, Thomas slightly agreed with Emily. "I'm sure there is. Many ghost stories are pretend after all," he said.

Henry fell asleep with a full, occupied mind, while Thomas and Emily kept watching the night.

"Emily…" Thomas whispered. "Just so you know…I think the Flatbeds of Fear might be real…but at the same time, I'm very sure your prediction is correct."

"Thank you, Thomas," whispered Emily. "It's lovely to know that you believe in me, just like you always have."

"I always will, Emily…and thank you for caring so much for Percy during his tough ordeal. You've really proven a deep, everlasting care in your friends."

Emily smiled. "Just like you, Thomas. You've helped me so much…I…I…I don't know what to say," she whispered before she began to yawn.

"Come on, dear. Let's enjoy a peaceful sleep," whispered Thomas. Emily smiled and reversed into her berth. So did Thomas.

"Goodnight, Emily," he whispered.

"Goodnight, Thomas," whispered Emily. Soon they were both asleep under the misty but peaceful sky.

The next morning, the fog was still lingering as Thomas and Emily woke up and went their separate ways to work. They felt disappointed to see each other go, but held faith that they'd see each other after work was done. Henry was sent to pick up the pipes from the Shunting Yard and take them to Vicarstown.

"I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear…I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear!" he chanted nervously, as he huffed along the line through the mist. Then a deep, droning sound split the air.

"Oh no!" cried Henry. "It's the Flatbeds of Fear!" But it was just a cow in the field.

"I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear…I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear!" he chanted again. Then a high, shrill sound traveled through the air.

"Oh no!" Henry cried again. "It's the Flatbeds of Fear!" But it was just the Stationmaster blowing his whistle.

Henry finally made it to the Shunting Yard and picked up the pipes. "I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear…I don't want to hear the Flatbeds of Fear!" he chanted once more. Then Henry heard some whistling…and some wailing.

"Oh no…that's not a cow in the field…and it's not the guard's whistle! It must be…the Flatbeds of Fear!"

Henry was much too scared to keep on puffing. He slowed right down, so his driver took him onto the siding, thinking there was something wrong. Henry stopped and he wouldn't budge. Emily had to be called to take the flatbeds to Vicarstown. When she saw Henry, she was surprised and a little tired of his over-worrying.

"You are being very silly, Henry. There really are no such things as the 'Flatbeds of Fear'," she said.

"But there are! I heard them!" insisted Henry.

"Nonsense. What did you actually hear?" asked Emily.

"I heard a whistling and a wailing sound…just like Thomas said!" he called, as he left the flatbeds behind for Emily to take.

"Oh. Well, I still think there must be a sensible explanation," said Emily as she coupled up.

She took the flatbeds along the line, feeling confident and sure that her prediction was right. At first, everything seemed safe and simple in the mist…Then Emily heard something too. "What's that noise?" she asked. She slowed down carefully. "Thomas? Are you playing a trick on me?"

But Emily couldn't see Thomas anywhere. She huffed on, but the sound slowly became louder and closer.

"Henry, is that you?" There was no sign of Henry. Emily puffed away as fast as she could, but the whistling and wailing was right behind her.

"Oh no!" she trembled. "Maybe there isn't a sensible explanation. Maybe it really is…the Flatbeds of Fear!"

Emily puffed faster and faster as she tried to get away from the Flatbeds of Fear. Then there was trouble. Emily took a turn too fast. Her wheels lifted off the ground and she feared she would go flying into a field, just like she did all those years ago under Gordon and James' tyranny. Luckily, her wheels touched the rail again, but the pipes came loose and rolled off the flatbeds.

"Bubbling Boilers!" cried Emily. Then she sighed with relief. "At least I can't hear the Flatbeds of Fear anymore. They must have gone away after another engine," she said.

Rocky had to be called to help load the spilled pipes onto the flatbeds again. Soon, the track was clear. Emily whistled happily and went slowly and carefully on her way. This time, she didn't hear any whistling and wailing…but she was still rather frightened over what she had heard and if she was wrong about her thoughts on a sensible explanation…

Meanwhile, Thomas was at the docks. "Have you got some more pipes ready for me, Cranky?" he asked.

"Keep your funnel on, Thomas!" Cranky cranked. "Nearly done."

Salty cackled like a pirate. "There's a bit of a breeze blowing up, me hearties," he said.

Thomas heard the whistle and wail again. "Oh no! It's the Flatbeds of Fear," he said.

"There are no Flatbeds of Fear," corrected Cranky. "That's just the wind whistling through the pipes."

"Really?" gasped Thomas.

"Heh! You engines," sighed Cranky.

"Salty! You said the whistling and wailing was the Flatbeds of Fear!" exclaimed Thomas.

"Arr!" replied Salty. "That I did…but, it might just have been the wind."

"You were teasing us all along!" exclaimed Thomas.

"That's the way it is with us dock-side Diesels," chuckled Salty. Then, Thomas remembered. Emily...did she have to endure the flatbeds and the sound he heard? Thomas' mind became full and all he could think about was Emily for the rest of the day until night fell.

That night, Emily was late getting back to the sheds. Thomas was wondering where she was and when she returned, she looked scared and confused as she reversed into the berth beside him.

"Oh, Thomas. You were right!" she shuddered. "The Flatbeds of Fear are real!"

"What do you mean? You're the one who was right. There WAS a sensible explanation," said Thomas.

"Really? But I heard the sound, and it kept following me and…what explanation?" she asked.

"It was one of Salty's tall tales. That noise was just the wind blowing through the pipes," said Thomas.

Emily blushed red with surprise. "Wind? Blowing through the pipes? Oh…I-I see. I knew it had to be something. I wasn't really scared."

But everyone knew that Emily really had been frightened. Soon, all the engines were asleep…except Thomas and Emily. Thomas was looking at Emily intently. She looked rather scared. Her eyes were wide and her teeth were chattering slightly.

"Emily? Are you alright?"

"F-fine. Just fine, Thomas. I'm not scared, I wasn't scared earlier either, I don't know where you're getting that idea from," Emily said rather quickly. Suddenly a strange sound rang through the air. "ACK!" Emily jumped and shot back further into the sheds. It was only an owl hooting, but to Emily it had sounded like the wind blowing the pipes, like the Flatbeds of Fear coming after her again.

Thomas couldn't resist. He had to keep her feeling safe. He huffed out of his berth, turned round to her berth and saw her trembling ever so slightly with eyes tightly shut and quietly whimpering fearfully through her lips. Thomas buffered gently up to her.

"Emily…if you really were frightened, it's OK to say so. Don't feel ashamed," he whispered.

"I'm not just ashamed, Thomas," she shivered. "I'm just so scared about what happened on the line. I don't think I can sleep alone in this berth...I need you to stay with the fog…I almost fell over…just like that accident I had when…when…" Thomas knew what she was talking about.

"Shh…" he whispered, touching his nose to hers. "Don't worry, Emily. You're OK and safe with me. I'll protect you tonight...I'l always protect you. Sleep well and sweet dreams."

Emily relaxed and blushed when she heard these words. She felt safe feeling that Thomas, her best friend and savior would protect her, giving her warmth and comfort.

"Goodnight, little knight and sweet dreams," she whispered as she fell asleep with a calm smile on her face.

"Goodnight, Emily," Thomas whispered, blushing when she called him her little knight. Watching over his queen's beautiful sleeping form, his mind flashed back to before he first laid his eyes on the beautiful emerald angel in front of him...Back then he didn't know a thing about love, but then, she came into his life and changed it forever...

The engine was beautiful. It had shiny emerald green paintwork from boiler to tender, with gold bands around the boiler and yellow lining on the sides and back of the tender, a gleaming brass safety valve, chocolate brown running-boards, a tall funnel with a gold ring around it, bronze handrails going from the smokebox to the cab, bronze buffers, two very big driving wheels and a face that was distinctively feminine. Thomas had never seen an engine like it before.

The Fat Controller spoke up, "Thomas, meet Emily." Thomas was struggling to come up with words. He was speechless by Emily's beauty. At last he managed to find his words. "H-hello, Emily," he said nervously blushing. Emily smiled at him, which made Thomas blush even more. "Hello, Thomas," she said with a beautiful Scottish accent. Thomas thought she sounded like an angel and her smile was absolutely breathtaking. Just hearing her voice gave him a sensation that he had never felt before.

"He seems really nice," she thought to herself and saw his nervous blush. "He looks really cute too and almost...handsome in a way."

"Emily, collect your coaches, you and your driver must learn the line," said the Fat Controller.

"Yes, sir," she answered and with a toot from her whistle, Emily steamed gracefully out of the station. Thomas was impressed but speechless. Emily was by far the most beautiful engine he had ever seen in his entire life. He couldn't take his eyes of her as he watched her puff away. Thomas was so preoccupied watching Emily that his driver had to blow his whistle to get Thomas' attention. "Come on, Thomas," said his driver, "we've got a schedule to keep up."

"Oh, y-yeah, r-right," Thomas stuttered and puffed out of the station.

Thomas smiled as he remembered that wonderful moment. He had started out being so nervous around her when they first met and he didn't know a thing about love, and now here he was several years later, holding the sleeping angel as closely as he could in a warm, loving and protective embrace, protecting her from the unknown. He then remembered when he told Annie and Clarabel about his feelings for Emily...

"Well, Thomas, judging by what you said it's clear that you obviously care about Emily deeply, as more than just a friend."

Thomas was confused. "More than just a friend?"

"Yes, Thomas, you said you can't help but admire her beauty and you feel nervous around her. You've been having these feelings because you care about her as more than just a friend, it means you've fallen in love with her, Thomas," said Clarabel.

Thomas could hardly believe what he had heard. "Y-you mean like husband and wife sort of love?"

"Yes, Thomas, that kind of love."

Thomas didn't know what to make of this. "I'm in love with Emily?" He didn't know anything about that kind of love. What if she felt the same way he did? What if she didn't? He had so many questions.

"Do you think maybe...she feels the same way about me?"

"We don't know, Thomas," Annie started. "That's up to you to find out yourself," finished Clarabel.

That was an event he was never going to forget...but he still hadn't found out if Emily really loved as much as he loved her. He had a small glimmer of hope ever since Rosie revealed they were both competing for his heart, so Emily did have feelings for him too, but she had said nothing to him about them, out of nervousness he assumed. Thomas wished he could get over his nervousness and reveal his everlasting love for Emily to her face...but for now he was holding her close to him, protecting her from her fears.

"...I love you, Emily...I always have and I always will for all emerald angel..." he whispered, but he knew she couldn't hear since she was in such a deep sleep at that point, so he fell asleep too, never separating his buffers or nose from her own...Sometime later, when Thomas was deep in his sleep, Emily was deep into her dreams, but in her sleep she whispered, "...I love you too, Tommy...I always cobalt star..."

And after that, nobody ever spoke about the Flatbeds of Fear again…except maybe Salty.

"…and to this day, the Flatbeds of Fear roll the Sodor rails looking for an engine to couple up to," he told Bill and Ben the next day.

"Oh Salty, Honestly!" laughed Emily, followed by the other engine's laughter. As Thomas and Emily worked together at the docks that day, they both felt a very powerful feeling within themselves. And after so much time, they had so many adventures together, many changes took place over the years. There were good times, bad times, wonderful times and magical times, and their dreams would come true much sooner than they thought.

It is done! Finished! Over! "Thomas and Emily's Relationship" has come to an end at last. This has by far been my most popular and well loved story ever, also the longest, I don't think any of my future stories will be this long, at least I hope not for now. I have been writing this story for nearly a year and a half and I want to thank everyone who has been supporting this story ever since it's beginning and it makes me so happy to see that so many people have loved this story so much and I'm sad to see it end.

With that said, writing this story hasn't been a complete joy, there were a lot of times when I wanted to pull my hair out when I was writing Chapters 10 and 12, but the positive reception from those chapters made all that hard work pay off. And if it wasn't for Jeremy helping me write this since Chapter 13 who knows how much longer that hiatus between Chps 12 and 13 could have gone. So without Jeremy, this story probably wouldn't have finished as soon as it did.

With that said, the next big project we're doing is LukexMillie, which I still don't have a name or plot ready for that story, but before that there is one short story coming up, known as "Such a Tease!" So look forward to that soon. Again I can't thank you guys enough for sticking around with this story for over a year, it's sad to see this go, but it's time to finally move on. I'll see you all with the next new story, until then please leave your reviews for this final chapter and your final thoughts of this story. Until next time, peace!