Hello everyone and welcome to my new fanfic story! This is my first Fairy Tail fanfic and will most defiantley NOT be my last! Ihope to make this one a long one haha. Lots of drama. omg, so much. and Lemon. BRING IT ON. Anywho, these are the couples that are currently happening but, could change in the future...? Gasp. Okay haha. Gajeel x Levy; Natsu x Lucy; Gray x Juvia; Evergreen x Elfman; AND, i am still not certain with Mirajane. I am actually fine with Mirajane x Laxus and Mirajane x Freed. It's up to you guys! I would love some R&R hehe. Now- Let's begin with a little uhhh, prologue thingy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

Levy POV - chapter one

Even before I enrolled into Fairy Academy, I knew of their existence. They were the front runners of high school society after all, their picture on every teenage girl's bedroom walls. Well, other than mine. Mine were covered in favorite quotes from favorite books and autographs of favorite authors. My best friend Lucy however had a small framed photo of her idol crush, him being her favorite of the famous all-boy group. He was the pink haired one. …Natsu? I think that was his name. Lucy went to the same academy as Natsu for the last two years, and even one of those years - the same class. But not once did Lucy speak to him, saying there was an "unspoken rule" and "invisible border" between them that didn't permit her to speak to him. I called bull crap, but since I had been homeschooled those years I had yet to understand what she meant. Other than Natsu, there was Gray, Laxus and Gajeel. These were the main four of the male group, always seen around each other whether they were fighting or simply hanging out. Occasionally Mirajane, Cana, and Lisanna would hang out with them, every single one of them beautiful and all with blessed chests. {And the right hand man of Gajeel, Lily – who gratefully lacked breasts.} Rumor had it that Natsu and Lisanna were currently dating, which in turn broke Lucy's heart. Though she knew she didn't have a chance with the popular pink haired boy, she was still bitter about him seeing someone like Lisanna Strauss. She carried short snow white hair and blue eyes that could put sapphires to shame. In Lucy's words, she was a two faced bitch. Sweet and kind to some, manipulative and cruel to most. But I had yet to meet to the woman, so I couldn't really judge her at the moment.

Finally, we were all juniors and my parents had decided to let me enroll into Fairy Academy. My grades permitted me to a higher class, so I wasn't in the same classroom as Lu-chan, but we were at least neighboring rooms. I lived close enough to the school so that I didn't need the dorms, but since Lucy wanted a roommate, I decided to live with her my parents approving. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and now I just stood there, staring at my school uniform which was spread on the bed. It bore the Fairy Academy logo on the bottom left of the skirt, it being white while the rest of the outfit was a navy blue. The edges of the skirt were also white, and the collar had white lining on it as well. The tie I was supposed to wear along with it was a pale baby blue, which gave the entire look a cool wintery feeling. I was itching to try it on, as I always did admire Lucy's uniform whenever she went to school the year before. But before the tie colour was different. I eventually came to the conclusion that each year, to tell which grade you were in, the ties were colour coordinated. Freshmen were white, sophomores a light grey, juniors a baby blue and seniors were a charcoal black. I restrained myself from putting on the cute uniform, its soft fabric touching my fingers as I traced it once again. The first two years of high school I had been tutored in private, my parents believing that it would further my education, which it did. But I wanted to experience a real high school life, with friends and maybe even romance. But hey, who would date this shut in? A girl who kept her nose in books and only came out of her house to go to the nearby bookstore. It was also a miracle for my parents to let me stay with Lucy in the girl dorms, but of course there were conditions. Don't let my grades drop, don't skip school and don't get suspended. I almost rolled my eyes at the very thought of skipping school and getting suspended. What else could I possibly do other than school? Join my secret bike gang? I laughed slightly, earning a glossy look from Plue, Lucy's cat. The cat always seemed to look high. Always staring into outer space, and never responding when being called too. I didn't understand why Lu-chan liked the ivory cat so much, but she did and paid extra just to keep the cat in the room. Plue didn't even seem to notice when me or Lucy left the room for long periods of time, so we were sure that it wouldn't miss us when we were gone for school. "Haha, silly cat. Now, gotta set the alarm clock… alrighty, n' time for sleep." I patted his head light, whispering quietly, my gaze glancing up to the blonde woman. Lucy was already asleep on the upper bunk, their dorm room already half filled with just the bunk beds. I moved my uniform and hanged it quietly on the hook on the wall, and crept back to the bed. I crept onto it slowly, hoping the springs wouldn't make too much noise. My brain was drowning in thoughts about my new high school life, wondering if I would perhaps make new friends on the first day. What would the classroom be like? Would there be a bunch of book lovers like me? Perhaps I'll be seated next to the window, and share my textbook with the boy who sits next to me and have a manga like romance and live happily ever aft- …. And like that, I feel asleep with a smile on my face, dreaming of my perfect first day of high school.

Love it? Hate it? Review It! Like it so far? Levy is kinda a bit more assertive than how she should be i think but, i'll try to reign in her personality a bit more haha. And sorry Lisanna lovers, there's going to be a bit of (a lot) of hate on her in this fic. So, big day tomorrow, what will happen?!