Author's note: 13 months later and it's finally finished! I'm so sorry to those of you who have been here since the beginning and were left without the ending. If you were following this before, you probably got the email about the update and have no idea what this is anymore. And that's okay. ;) In the meantime I've written several Clexa fics (The 100), which you should totally check out if you're into that fandom. I apologize again for the long wait, and without further ado, please enjoy the final chapter of this story, and let me know what you think!

Ra's led Nyssa to his room where they could speak in privacy. He shut the large door and turned to face his daughter, his face expressionless. "I hear you put on quite the show in the training room."

"Al Thaban was making unwanted advances toward Ta-er al-Asfer."

"And she could not thwart him herself?"

Nyssa's lips pursed. "She did. I merely solidified the point that she was not his for the taking."

Ra's arched an eyebrow. "Because you have already taken her?"

"I care for her, yes. Love is not forbidden in the League, Father."

Ra's began to slowly pace in front of his daughter. "So it's love, then?"

Nyssa clenched her fists. "Yes."

Ra's remained silent for a few moments, letting Nyssa stew in anticipation. "You remember what I've taught you about love?"

"It is a vulnerability."

"Yes, a vulnerability that will be exploited by your enemies without a second thought. A vulnerability that should not be taken lightly by the Heir to the Demon. One that I don't know should even be considered..."

"It is not one I take lightly, Father. Nor is it something I sought out. It just... happened, and I'm glad that it has. I am not ashamed of my feelings for Ta-er al-Asfer. She is strong and has proven her loyalty to the League."

"Is she loyal to the League? Or just to you?"

It took all Nyssa's willpower not to blow up at her father. "Both. This life would not be worth the trouble if she were doing it just for me."

Ra's sighed. "Well, you certainly may do with her what you please. You don't need my permission for that. But if this is a bond of love, I only urge you to be very cautious, my daughter. The girl will not be around forever, one way or another, and you need to be prepared to accept that when the day comes, and know that your place is here." Ra's stepped up to Nyssa and looked directly into her eyes. "You must be prepared for the day when you will take my place as Head of the Demon. I do not think that is a position you are willing to compromise."

"No, it is not. I will be ready, Father. My feelings have nothing to do with that."

"They have everything to do with your position as Heir, because if you cannot bridle your emotions you will fail, and that is not acceptable."

Nyssa tried to keep her tone even. "I will not fail. This affects nothing."

"I hope you're right." Ra's cleared his throat. "You may leave now, and you will hear nothing more from me on the matter unless circumstances change."

Nyssa gave a slight bow of her head and left without another word. Once she reached Sara's room she let out a long sigh and gave three short knocks. She chuckled when she saw the concern etched in Sara's face.

"What happened? What did he say?"

Nyssa cupped her hands around the face of her beloved. "Do not worry, my little bird. We are free to be together."

Sara's brows furrowed. "Really? It was that easy?"

Nyssa chuckled and pulled Sara to the bed, motioning for the blonde to sit next to her.

"Nothing with my father is easy, but there is nothing in our rules against love. He only warned me of its dangers, especially in my position as Heir."

Sara nodded as she absorbed her words. "And that doesn't worry you?"

"No. I know that you will not try to hurt me, and I firmly believe that we are stronger together than we are on our own. That's not something I would have imagined before I met you, but it's absolutely how I feel now." Nyssa let her hands run down Sara's arms and intertwined their fingers. "You make me want to be a better person, you know, and make me feel like there's more purpose to my existence than just accomplishing each mission and one day succeeding my father. Before I thought that would be the ultimate achievement in my life, but now I see that life can be more than that. And it's all thanks to you."

Sara smiled at the sweet confession and brought Nyssa's hands to her lips. Sara trailed light kisses along her fingers, then leaned in to place one long, lingering kiss on her lips. "I feel the same way about you, Nyssa. Of course not the part about being the Heir, but when I got here and accepted my place in the League, I didn't think I'd find happiness again in my life. Sure, I hoped I would feel a sense of purpose by being involved in something much larger than myself, but I didn't think I'd ever really be happy again. But then I met you and that all changed."

"I'm glad to hear that, Ta-er al-Asfer, because you-" Nyssa stopped mid-sentence and furrowed her brow.

"What?" Sara asked as she turned to follow the brunette's gaze. "Oh, that..."

"Sara, what in the world happened to your window? The glass is completely gone."

"Yeah, about that..." Sara chuckled. "There might actually still be some shards of glass on the ground, so don't go over there. But come outside with me because I have something to show you."

Sara grabbed her knapsack with several bulging items inside and pulled Nyssa off the bed, dragging her through the vast edifice and refusing to answer any of her questions until they were outside.

Nyssa shook her head in amusement. "Sara, you look absolutely giddy. What in the world is this all about?"

"I found something back in Algiers. Several somethings, in fact."

"And what exactly might these somethings be?"

Sara winked. "See for yourself." She pulled a spherical object from her sack and held it out in her palm.

Nyssa leaned closer. "What is it? You say you found it in Algiers? During our mission?"

"Yes. How well do you remember the shop I took you to after the explosion?"

"Not well at all. Just brief flashes of memory."

"Well, it was like some kind of special collectibles shop, with everything from antiques to jewelry to weapons."

Nyssa arched an eyebrow. "Weapons?"

Sara nodded. "Check this out. It's like some kind of sonar device." She pulled two pairs of earplugs from her pocket and handed one to Nyssa. "You're gonna want these. Believe me."

Nyssa accepted the earplugs without question and nodded when she had them in place. She watched in fascination as Sara pulled a glass vial from her bag and placed it on a nearby bench. She then pressed a button on the device and tossed it several meters in front of them. Nyssa watched it light up to an electric blue and winced as it emitted a high frequency sound, shattering the vial within a split-second.

Nyssa saw Sara remove her earplugs and did the same, her eyes wide with shock. "That collectible of yours could certainly come in handy."

"Right?" Sara laughed. "And that's only the half of it. Watch this."

Sara turned her attention back to the device on the ground and Nyssa followed suit. Moments later it turned from blue to a fiery red and set off an explosion. A grin spread across Sara's face. "Isn't that incredible? A small explosion like that is perfect for distraction and escape without causing sizable damage."

"How many did you bring back?"

"Just three," Sara responded as she pulled the two others out of her bag.

"These are incredible. Perhaps our engineers will be able to replicate them."

"I was thinking the same thing," Sara agreed.

"Maybe even within two weeks..."

"Why two weeks?"

A smiled tugged at Nyssa's lips. "Because that is when you leave for your next mission."

Sara's eyes bulged. "My next mission? I've already been granted a new one?"

"Yes, Ta-er al-Asfer," Nyssa chuckled. "I was not the only one impressed with your performance in Algiers. Master these devices and you will quickly become an even more valuable asset to the League."

"Will you be coming too?"

Nyssa nodded. "Yes. We will work together as often as possible, my love."

Sara smiled and leaned in to place a light kiss on Nyssa's lips. "Good, because there's no one else I'd rather have by my side."