Hey guys I honestly love the reverse Pines stuff so I thought I could make a story about it. Hope you enjoy.

Please correct me if there are any mistakes and I will fix them ASAP

I own nothing!

Dipper's POV

"Dipper!" Mabel yelled from around the corner. She came up to me quickly.

"I'm going with Grunkle Stan to get things we need, do you want to come?" Mabel said quickly jumping up and down. I just sat there on the couch.

"Well actually, I was planning to solve a mystery I've been trying to figure out for the past few days." I said timidly, Mabel nodded and walked to the door.

"Ok Dip, just try not to kill yourself!" she walked out the door and slammed it behind her. I grabbed my hat and the journal and walked out of the shack into the forest. I sat on a rock that was flat on the top and opened the aged, worn journal to a page I've stared at many times before. It opened on a page about the mountain.

"My research has led me to believe there are parallel universes that can be accessed through the cave in the Gravity Falls Mountain. These worlds can be dangerous, so never go into that cave; it could be the end of you." I shut the journal, and despite the dangers I'm going to the cave. I have to check it out. I got up, sweeping all the dust the rock left on me off and walked to the mountain.

Mabel POV

"Grunkle Stan now that I think about it maybe we shouldn't have left Dipper alone. He could try to solve a mystery and die or something." I said, walking down the aisle and stuffing things into my sweater, which is starting to get uncomfortable.

"He'll be fine. Now sweetie, could you grab that box of cereal there, my coat is full." Stan said, cramming a bag of chips in to his coat.

Dipper's POV

I finally got to the mountain, and after the longest walk of my life, I stood there looking up at it. The eerie sight of it sent chills down my spine. There was a small path on the side of the mountain, and it was so small one slip could make you fall to your doom.

I was a little nervous, but got over it and went to the path, walking with extreme caution. Every step I took, I said to myself, "Don't go in the cave, observe it." I really want to go in and see what dangers await, but at the same time I don't want to die.

When I finally got to the top, I looked at the cave but I didn't see anything. It just looked like a cave.

"Well this can't be right there's nothing here." I walked in slowly. The farther I got the brighter it got and I felt this odd sensation telling me to come closer.

"Maybe the portals are down there." I kept walking; I saw a bright portal on the side of the wall. Then on the other side of the wall, there was another portal and many more. I walked to the end of the cave, and saw the biggest portal of them all.

I tried to get closer to examine it but the pull was too strong and I nearly got lifted off my feet. I held on to a rock, and I looked at the portal and its swirly design. The pull got stronger and stronger until I couldn't hold on any longer and I felt my hands slipping. I tried to grab something else, but it was too late. My feet were no longer touching the ground. I entered it, It felt weird, like I was being pulled apart. Every cell ripped from my body, yet it didn't hurt.

Mabel's POV

"Alright, Mabel, we need a distraction so we can get out of here. If we get caught it's all over and I can't go back to the Columbian prison because Jorge and Rico want revenge!" Stan's sudden outburst caused us a lot of attention.

"Grunkle Stan calm down or you're going to get us in trou-" I was cut off.

"Hay you better be planning to pay for that." a young cashier yelled.

"Mabel, run!" Stan yelled, after being tackled to the floor by the manager. I turned around, only to run into officer Blubs.

"Hello officer. Care for overpriced pitt cola?" I said nervously, picking up the pitt cola that fell out of my sweater.

Long story short, I was dragged to a police car and Grunkle Stan is hiding in the woods. I wonder when the police officers will give up, because Stan won't.

I'll update soon the next chapter is already written I just have to fix spelling and grammar.

(Thins was rewritten, I hope it's better than it was.)