"Jay!" Erin stood outside the bedroom door, a baby on her hip. "Come on out; Lizzie and I want to see you." Erin placed a gentle kiss on top of the infant's soft curls. Her big green eyes looking up at Erin's hazel ones. "Right Lizzie? Say Daddy come out!" Erin tried her best at a baby voice.

"I'm never coming out!" Jay huffed through the closed door. "Not looking like this."

Erin chuckled softly, her dimples deepened. "Come on. I'm sure you look cute." Erin waited a few seconds before hearing Jay stomp closer to the door, turning the knob slowly. Erin smiled widely once she saw her husband standing in front of her, "Where's the nose?"

Jay sighed and walked back into the room. "I look ridiculous." He looked over at his daughter, who gurgled a laugh. "See even she agrees."

"Oh hush." Erin walked to her husband, adjusting the rabbit ears he wore on top of his tousled brown hair. She placed a kiss on the rubber mouth piece he had covering his nose. "I think you make a cute Easter Bunny." She looked at her husband up and down. He wore a full bunny costume, ears and all. It even had a cotton puff as a tail.

"She's not even eight months old." Jay pointed to Lizzie, who had fallen asleep on hers mother's breast. "She could care less."

Erin swayed their daughter lightly, still not leaving her husband's gaze, "Just one photo?"

Jay sighed, "Fine." Erin smiled grinned, her famous dimples appeared. "But I swear if this photo gets to any of the guys, I will never let you live it down!" He warned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Erin waved her husband away as she grabbed her phone from the dinning room table. "Hop on the couch." Erin giggled at the pun, "Sorry. Totally didn't mean that."

"Uh huh." Jay rolled his eyes, "Sure you didn't."

Erin just smiled coyly. "Sit mister. So I can place little miss here on your lap."

"Shouldn't we wake her?" Jay took Lizzie from Erin's arms. The baby stirred a little but didn't wake.

"You wake her and you will never live it down!" Erin sternly said as she snapped her nursing bra back in place and smoothed out her black camisole she wore.

"Okay. Just take the picture." Jay urged as he stared down his daughter, a smile plastered on his face.

"Say, 'Happy Easter'" Erin took a few pictures with her phone, once content, she sat down next to her little family.

"So explain to me why I am the only one in a costume?" Jay wondered, moving around at the discomfort from the bunny tail.

"I have a little Easter outfit of Elizabeth but I don't want to put it on her now; she might get it ruined."

"What about you?" Jay looked at his wife, "I mean I love the outfit you have on now, but it doesn't scream Easter." Jay noted his wife's form fitting tank top and pair on yoga shorts she wore, clinging in all the right places.

Erin swatted her drooling husband in the shoulder, causing his gaze away from her chest. "Don't worry I have something planned." She stood up and started to tidy up the apartment.

"I'm going to put her in the bassinet," Jay shuffled his rabbit clothed feet across the living room to the small bassinet. He brushed his calloused fingers to his daughter's rosy, plump cheeks; smiling as he did so.

Erin tossed a few pieces of junk mail in the recycling bin, organizing the clutter from the kitchen counter. "Here." She tossed some dirty dish rags to her husband, "Can you put those in the laundry basket?"

"Yep." He took the rags to the basket, tossing them in. He looked around their bedroom picking up some of the mess. With an eight month old and a him just starting back to work, the apartment got out of hand. Thankfully no one who stopped by seem to mind. Atleast they didn't dare to mention it to the new parents. Jay glanced at himself in the full length mirror that hung on the back of the couple's bedroom door. He laughed lightly, he shook his head at the fact that Erin was able to convince him into this costume. She knew he would doing anything for his daughter, and she knew how to milk him dry.

Jay undressed out of the white fur and into some tan slacks and a nice button up shirt. He fixed his gelled hair a bit before heading back to the main room, seeing his wife had the living room and kitchen tidied up. "Need anything?"

Erin scanned the room, shaking her head, "Nope, everything is as good as it'll get." She smiled as Jay kissed her neck, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Jay." She hummed, turning her head up for better access.

"Lizzie is sleeping." Jay murmured, nipping and biting at his wife's collarbone.

"Yes." Erin sighed, "Lizzie is sleeping. Four feet away."

Jay grunted as he was pushed away. "She isn't going to know what is happening."

"No." Erin warned, "But her mother will. Besides, I have to get dinner started."

"Screw it. Let's have take out." Jay pleaded half heartedly.

"You're only saying that because you want some lovin'." Erin retorted as she started to move around the kitchen, gathering ingredients for a ham glaze.

"Can't blame a guy. We have a new born that seems to interrupt everything." Jay sighed softly. It had been months since him and Erin had been intimate. They have came close on a few occasions but would be interrupted by a whaling baby or an alarm clock setting off.

"I know." Erin whispered, she too missed their 'alone' time. "Don't worry Babe, soon."

Jay nodded slowly, silently keeping her to her word. "So can I help you with anything?"

Erin looked away from the pot she stirring, "Could you start peeling those potatoes?" She pointed to the bag of golden spuds.

Jay grabbed a vegetable peeler from the silverware drawer and a bowl for the scraps. He sat and peeled the potatoes, ever so often looking up at his wife with a smile.

Once everything was set and ready for dinner, the couple waited in the living room, watching the television.

"What about this one?" Erin showed Jay her phone, a picture of Jay and the baby from earlier. Jay had a huge goofy grin on his face and Lizzie peaked her eyes open a tad.

"That one is cute," Jay commented, "But I like this one." he swiped his finger two times to the left, showing his wife a better picture.

Erin smiled, "I agree." She saved the picture to her 'favorites' file on her cell phone, backing it up to her SD card.

"We still have thirty minutes until the ham is doneā€¦"

Erin cut off her husband, "We are not having sex Jay!"

Jay threw his hand up in defense, "I wasn't even thinking that!"

Erin blushed, "Oh."

Jay's eyes widen and he let out a low laugh, "Dirty bird Lindsay." He joked.

"It's Mrs. Halstead." she pointed out, as if he didn't know.

Jay shook his head, "I was thinking about getting Lizzie dressed that way you can change too. Maybe we can get a photo of all three of us."

Erin nodded, "Sounds great." She kissed her husband before sauntering off to the bedroom to get dressed.

Jay took Lizzie from her bassinet and took her into the nursery, placing her firmly on the changing table. He dressed her in a new diaper and the outfit Erin had picked out. It was a little top with a bunny on it and a pink tutu to match. Jay smiled as he saw Lizzie stir awake, her chubby legs kicking.

"Hey there sleepyhead." Jay cooed bringing Lizzie to his chest having her rest her head on his shoulder. "Let's show Mommy what a pretty girl you are." He walked to the bedroom, opening the door a tad, seeing Erin sitting on the bed, zipping her navy blue dress. "And there is my other pretty girl."

Erin smiled and gasped, seeing Jay and Lizzie in the doorway. "Hey munchkin." she pinched lightly at her daughter's cheeks.

"What about me?" Jay joked.

"Hey Handsome." she pinched Jay's cheek too. "Happy?"

"Oh yeah." Jay stuck his tongue out to his wife, who just laughed. "So picture time?"

Erin glanced at her reflection, she straightened her dress and ran her hand through her curls, combing them lightly. "Ready."

Jay, Erin and Lizzie all smiled as Jay had set the timer on his phone. Taking three photos with one click.

An hour later the family gathered around the dinner table. Jay served him and Erin while Erin was too busy feeding Lizzie.

"Dinner is delicious Babe," Jay scraped the crumbs from his plate to his fork, leaving his plate clean.

"Thanks Honey, the potatoes are perfect." Erin smiled to her husband. "Well done peeling them."

"I know." Jay laughed cockily causing Erin to just shake her head and match his laugh.

Once everyone was done eating, the dishes went in the sink to soak and leftovers were stored and put into the refrigerator. Erin and Jay bathed Lizzie and dressed her for bed. It was little past 8:00pm when the couple were heading to bed.

Jay sat on his side of his bed, striping his feet of his socks; wiggling his toes free. His back was turned away from the bathroom door when Erin made her way out.

"Hmmm." She cleared her throat loudly, causing Jay to turn to her attention.

"What on Earth?" Jay stood up from the bed, dropping his socks. He moved closer to his wife who wore a skin tight, pink nightie. In her golden brown locks was a headband with little bunny ears on the,

"You like?" She turned around giving her husband a view of a little rabbit tail on her butt.

Jay attempted to pick his jaw up from the ground, wiping the drool from him lips. "Happy Easter to me!" He picked his wife up unexpectedly.

"Jay Halstead! Put me down!" Erin screamed.

Jay stopped before dropping Erin lightly on the mattress. "You wake up Lizzie and you never let it down." He hushed, seduction in his voice.

Erin pierced her lips tightly shut, "Shut up and kiss me." She urged as her husband found his way on top of her, hovering inches above her.

He stopped once his lips were tantalizing close to Erin's, "One condition."

"Yeah?" Erin reached to capture his lips with hers.

"Keep the ears on?" Jay growled causing Erin to let out a laugh and nodding in agreement.