A year and a half after the Kyuubi Attack

The night was quiet and surprisingly calm all-around despite the destruction that had occurred only a year and a half ago. Many people in Konohagakure were still left defenceless, homeless and vulnerable due to the destruction caused by the Kyuubi. Many lives were lost, regardless of their profession, social status or relationships which brought the once-powerful nation to its knees. Adults were left on the streets without a home, food or shelter; most of them with nothing left to tie them down had abandoned the village for a more traditional and secluded life in a civilian town in any country.

Their loyalty was lost.

The pain was still incredibly raw. Those who remained in Konoha did not resent those who had left; however, they also knew those who stayed did not automatically make them stronger individuals for continuing to struggle through strife and depression.

While the adults attempted to regain their footing, the children were even less fortunate. The orphanages were left overflowing with children of almost all backgrounds. The only children that could not be found within the rundown buildings' walls were those from prestigious clans, who were immediately adopted in by their extended families.

The staff were few, the hours were unbelievably long and what little funding that was left was quickly dwindling. The staff were the most vocal to the Hokage and the Council about needing better funding, meeting the necessary demands to house and maintain the almost thousands of children that had entered the system.

Unfortunately, they have always turned them away with claims that there were others, equally needing their assistance; but the council always reminded the staff that their struggles would only last until the children were 6, compared to the civilian orphans outside of the city walls. The children often ran away from the orphanage once they entered school.

Thus, the orphanage staff left with frustrated, bitten tongues and empty pockets; with an acute observation of a system that could seemingly always found a profit, even within a natural disaster.

The orphans who would forever remain unaware of their injustices served to them by their government. As a free education, free meals, more available parental figures and a reliable job upon immediate graduation were always too enticing to those who were dealt an empty hand. The endless public praising of bravery, honour and nobility amongst the people naturally captured the innocent's imagination and pride, inflating their desires to seek out the adult approval.

However, the invisible consequences came with the irreversible and eternal servitude to the craft that dictated their entire means of survival. Those who retired early had difficulty finding civilian jobs - their speciality was escort, assassination, decoding and disguises. Only those with medical training for fortunate.

Thus, the children that were meant to usher in the new generation were absorbed into the shinobi system with only the skills that took everything from them, and they were forever none-the-wiser. The adults knew but they did not have the resources to ease the suffering, but their anger was never enough to realise the system needed fixing.

The citizens were more concerned with their next meal, keeping their jobs or keeping their children alive. Their focus also shifted to only make extra room for potential threats as well, and the echoing fears of a potential invasion from their enemies, Iwa or Kumo, only continued to isolate the citizens from helping others.

They could only protect their own.

A year and a half couldn't heal any of their wounds. Instead, with nothing else to distract from their suffering, there was only one thing, or rather someone, they could turn to blame for their misfortune. Their grief was very real. Their anger was justified. Their abuse, in their eyes, was justice and an act of honouring the lives that were so brutally and viciously taken from them.

A constant attack on one infant girl by the name Uzumaki Naruto.

In a long-forgotten corner of the large and dishevelled orphanage was a single room the size of a toilet stall that only had a single, cracked window and a crib that perfectly fit the room's dimensions. While there were a few nursery rooms filled with other babies and infants, the matrons were not willing to put the children in harm's way with the forceful addition of the monster in their midst.

So, scared, curled up, cold and alone in the dark was a tiny little girl with bright blonde hair and distinct whiskers on her cheeks, who desperately tried to keep her eyes closed in a futile attempt to sleep; pulling the thing blanket tightly around her. Even though other children had the disposition to scream and cry when they needed something, the little one was quickly conditioned to only make noise when she needed to eat or to change her diaper.

She did not want the matron's attention. They yelled at her, glared and ignored her attempts at communication. It was better to try and stay quiet, but Naruto didn't know what else she could do. All she could do was cry.

The wind outside her window offered no solace and the crickets preferred to drown her out. The light-sleeper matron's ignored her and the other children were too far to hear her. She was alone.

However, that night was very different compared to all the previous ones.

A soft shimmering glow in the form of a woman walked up the edge of the crib. With what spiritual energy the woman could muster, she grabbed hold of the blanket and tucked the girl in as best she could.

"Naruto, my darling girl." Her soft feminine voice almost echoed in the tiny room.

The ghostly hand ran through the quivering child's hair. The late mother, pained at the sight of her daughter, the conditions she was subject to only brought her to tears. They were the only apology she could offer. Her first time seeing Naruto again, after her long slumber following her death did not ease her spirits. The woman could not rest in peace while her daughter was suffering, as she had suffered.

She wished she could comfort her. She wished she could protect her, and tell her she loved her. That she wasn't alone like she probably thought.

But there was nothing that she could do.

How tragic was this child's fate?

"Kushina…" Another voice interrupted.

The mother turned to she see her husband. Only his upper body was able to phase into the tiny room. Kushina rubbed her eyes out of desperation before tucking a thin strand of the red hair behind her ear. Even in death, her husband was the only one who was able to fully put her mind at ease. She stepped slightly aside to offer him more space to stand; he took the offer graciously and wrapped an arm around his wife's waist.

"Minato, if only there was something we could do for her. She doesn't even know that we love her." Kushina whimpered. Her hand clamped tightly onto his shirt, her face buried in his chest as she begged helplessly in his arms. Minato could only squeeze his wife tighter with each sob that passed her lips.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

It was all he could offer. He loved his daughter just as much as his wife. He prayed alongside her, wishing there was something they could do to pass on a couple of words, an 'I love you' or 'you're so brave' was all they asked they could ask for.


Kushina and Minato both ran they hands over the quivering girl, but it was at the moment their hands phased through her, did they notice her shivering to stop. Naruto's eyes slowly opened tiredly, electric blue eyes shifted in the dark lazily. Having been aroused from her attempt at sleep, Naruto rubbed the remains of the tears from her eyes.

After lying on her stomach for so long, Naruto flipped herself up onto her back, still rubbing her eyes. She didn't understand what was going on, she thought she had heard a noise – probably one of the matrons. Naruto turned her head over to where she assumed the matron would be, only to find two people that were far closer to her crib than she expected. Not recognising the people, her instincts told her to start to cry – and that she did.

"What do we?!" Kushina reacted; not registering the miracle they wished for had been granted.

Minato realised straight away and just stared in shock at the sight of his beautiful baby girl. She had seen them, and the suddenness of their arrival had startled her! He moved forward instinctively, his body fazing through the crib as he knelt so that he was face to face with Naruto.

"N-Naruto," He was so hesitant. He was so desperate to believe what he saw. The Yondaime Hokage once again sent his prays as he reached out to Naruto. "Naruto. Look at me. Please."

His voice trembled, but he had to stay strong. Minato was always the type to hope and always willing to deal with the crushing regret that came as a consequence. But regret meant nothing if it meant he could talk to his baby girl. If it meant he could have the tiniest chance to be in her life, that he would not be forgotten by her.

That maybe...he could have a chance at being a father.

Naruto hesitantly took her hands away from her face to look at the blond man that was now in front of her. Their hands had waves of warmth and coldness washing over them as they barely touched her skin.

She was afraid of it, but when she looked into his bright blue eyes, she immediately recognised kindness and love. She was craving affection so badly.

She rubbed away the stray tears as she sniffed and wearily watching the man before taking a glance at the woman behind him.

"…?" Naruto managed.

"My name's Minato. I'm your dad. Dad. Can you say 'Otou-san'?" Minato smiled softly as he continued to hope that his observations were true.

"T-T'-ch'n." Naruto stammered.

Kushina gaped at the sound of Naruto attempt. Her prayers had been answered! They could talk to Naruto! They could be a part of her childhood, teach her, but more importantly, they could finally...finally tell her that she was loved.

"N-Naruto." Kushina whimpered. Wishing to get a closer look at her child.

Minato didn't need to be told to move out of the way, as half of him disappeared into the wall. Kushina knelt in front of the tiny blonde child, Her red hair immediately caught Naruto's eyes and she could only stare curiously.

She turned to the man for some sort of guidance, she felt that she could trust him. He could only offer a sorrowful smile and a small nod of the head.

"Naruto-chan," She said softly.

Naruto's attention perked and her eyes trained back to the redheaded woman. She stared and could only think about how quiet she was, the woman didn't look like a quiet person, at all.

"Naruto, my name's Kushina. I'm your mother. Your 'okaa-chan'... I thought I would never get a chance...to say that to her..." Kushina felt her voice break, it felt so natural to finally get to say what she always wanted to say since she knew she was pregnant. She knew she needed to be strong for Naruto, it was what she deserved, and she needed to know that there was someone that could care for her.


"Oh, Naruto, I couldn't be happier that you can see us!" Kushina wept. She reached out instinctively to hug her but she passed straight through Naruto and the crib and hit the floor without a sound to indicate the landing. Naruto blinked a couple of times, wondering where the woman disappeared to, absently looking around before staring at the slightly shell-shocked man who could only stare directly at the legs that poked out from underneath the crib.

"K-Kushina-chan?" Minato stammered. His hands twitched, he wanted to help his wife up but knew better. He knew that his wife liked her independence where it was due (helping her up while she was in such a vulnerable state was only insulting her pride).

Kushina despite the humiliating fall began to laugh, tears of gratitude, amazement and relief completely overwhelmed her. She pushed herself up, only after regaining her bearing and slowly rejoined her husband's side.

Minato offered her his arm and a soft smile, as they knelt both knelt next to the crib. The two of them smiled lovingly at their daughter and they watched in silence as they watched her crawl to the edge of the crib in an attempt to get closer to them.

"N-No go." Naruto sniffed. She had never seen such a loving gaze before, she didn't want it to go away.

It was a surprise to them that Naruto had spoken at all. They had assumed that she didn't have a strong if any vocabulary. They could only theorise that she was extra tentative when the matrons were talking in her presence.

Kushina's hand passed through the wooden railing, she was able to run her finger through her daughter's soft golden hair, feeling slightly more power while in her daughter's presence. Soon enough, she pushed her head through the wood and lightly pressed her forehead against Naruto's. What little physical contact they could feel only brought everlasting joy to the small family.

For so long, Minato and Kushina feared that they would only be able to reconnect with their little girl only when she was on her deathbed. They were willing to wait for a long time if it meant that – but now, they dared to see something of a future together as a family.

Whatever God had blessed them with the opportunity to love their daughter had their absolute gratitude. They wanted to spend every moment looking after her like they had ever wished. They only hoped their request didn't come with a cost.