After watching 4 entire seasons of Games of Thrones in 3 weeks' time, I'm hooked! Firstly I shipped Dany and Drogo, but now, while I have seen every episode, I'm more into the hound (and Sansa or Arya, haven't decided yet)

So to get a little piece of rest I have to write some ideas down, just to keep sane. I hope you will enjoy!

This takes place in 2015, with all modern technology and shit. I may have used Rory McCann's life style in this story, but hey who doesn't love a man who can take care of himself in nature? (and looks like Rory, I mean come on! I love Rory more than the hound, but there's more to the hound than I firstly thought!)

(If there's an interview with Rory on his lifestyle, please let me know! I would love to read it!)


He had been watching her for half a year now. She was young, pretty and just lovely as a person. However they had never officially met, he saw her weekly, sometimes even daily. The girl worked in a supermarket. She played the hostess, helping customers with questions and complaints. He shook his head. Not that he could come up with a single complaint while she was in the store.

He guessed she was about 17, or 18 maybe, he didn't knew. He would buy his groceries, taking his time so he could watch her. She was always smiling, her beautiful white teeth straight behind her pretty lips. She had long auburn red hair, and a pale skin. He was not sure what about her made him like her so much, but he just could not suppress the urge to see her, be with her.

It started innocent. He would just watch her in the store and that was all. But now, after half a year, he had come up with a plan. A plan that would bring them together, away from everyone else, away from society. He had done some research and searched for her on facebook. He knew she was living alone, and was single. It was enough information for him to start planning. She would be his, and his alone. He quickly went home, prepared his camper and then went to sleep that night. It would be his last night alone. Tomorrow he would be with the girl he loved. He sighed and turned on his back. He knew she would not like him at first, maybe not for a long while. But he needed to be with her, he needed her smiles and love. He remembered the first time he saw that she looked him straight in the eyes, not once letting her eyes linger to his burns. It had meant something for him, more then she could have ever known. And now was the time to have her for himself. Completely.


To be continued.