Well, guys… this is it.

This is the last chapter of this story.

I almost can't believe it.

Don't worry, the next cycle will mean the beginning of my KH5 story, so be happy AND a brand new story, that I… don't have a name for yet, but I will think of one!

I would like to thank everyone who followed and favorited this story!

I would like to thank Jayla the Panda for helping this story start out. I just wish we could have continued to work together on it.

Thank you Nintendoman01 for letting me use Raiden!

Ok, I've droned on for long enough…

Ladies and Gentlemen enjoy the chapter!

Kingdom Hearts © to Disney and Square Enix!

Kazuhiro © to Jayla the Panda!

Raiden © to Nintendoman01!

All other OCs © to me!

Chapter 17

I felt… strange. It was then, I felt like I could see myself: a giant heart-shaped moon. A fake, decoy Kingdom Hearts.

I could see everything, from one end of the land to the other. I could see my wife and son, back in our home, staring into the sky.

My new form began to glow, and the Keybearers of the Dream Realm and their fallen Keyblades merged with the Realm of Light, turning the barren landscape into a graveyard. The earth suddenly began to crack, everything shaking and breaking apart. Thousands, millions of pieces of ground, breaking apart and shooting off into different corners of space.

All becoming different worlds.

Magic changed them.

Those with people, not much differed, but some memories and outlooks on the world changed, creating diversity. Some people gained strange appearances and powers instantly: gods like on Olympus, merpeople like on Atlantica, or fairies like on Enchanted dominion. Those without people, the animals changed.

Some talked, others stood upright, now in clothing.

Everything was different now. I could see the land which once held us together, vanishing, the bonds shattering as the worlds became separated, cut off from one another. All this happened so quickly I had little time to see it.

The darkness that hid Kingdom Hearts writhed around me, covering up my light, and covering up my sight, until I only saw darkness.

It took me years to figure out how to manifest myself onto the worlds, so I could see what was going on and what had become of my friends and fellow Keyblade Masters.

Osamu Yuki ended up on a world where some of the people changed, becoming elves of a myriad of colors. They had minds for some of the most spectacular technology and called their land Tech Town.

Sachi Kawa and Sake Ren were in a small world of farmers and miners; the sky was gray there, and mist hung over the land every day. They set up a little kingdom in a forest clearing and lived very simply. Their world became known as Hazy Hamlet.

Fuyu Akira and Hotaru Yoshi both ended up in a place blooming with flowers and magic, surrounded by streams of crystal clear water. They built a kingdom of magic and technology but spent more time setting up the beautiful gardens. This place, they called Radiant Garden.

Finally, I found my family. Kokoro and Hiroki ended up on a small island world, along with Noboru, and strangely, Oni's wife. The world was tiny but beautiful, and a magical fruit grew on one of the islands. The Destiny Islands.

Though I could see my wife and son, watch them live their lives, and watch my son grow up, I was unable to touch them and they could not see me. But, I had comfort knowing that they were safe and happy. At night, I would listen to Kokoro tell Hiroki stories of me, and my heart smiled when I saw my son's face light up with admiration for me.

Despite being so close, and yet so far away from the ones I loved, I was at peace.

I never found my friend Raiden or his wife. I could only hope that they are safe somewhere.

And I searched for my apprentice, but Kazuhiro vanished, and I never saw that boy again. I worry about him still, and I wish I knew what befell him, but nothing can be done now.

"That, Sora, Kairi, is my story…"

The young couple looked at him, Kairi clutching her notebook close to her chest. "Thank you, Oukoku. I know this couldn't have been easy for you."

"Actually, it was quite refreshing. I've had many things on my mind and heart and no one to share them with." The ghost smiled. "Tell my story well, Princess."

"I will Oukoku."

Sora smiled. "It was good to see you again, sir. We'll be sure to stop by again soon!"

"I hope so, or else I'll come haunt your house." Oukoku laughed, as did Sora and Kairi, filling the empty halls of the castle with mirth.

The End!

Or… is it…

Kazuhiro groaned, looking around at his surroundings. He was on a high, flat mountain. If you could call it a mountain; it was more like a long cylinder sticking up from the ground. Other massive forms like the one he stood on were all around. Trees, rivers, whole forests dotted the ground, thousands of feet below.

"W-where am I?! Hello!? Master!"

"We're the only ones here…"

The boy turned and saw… "Luxu, what are you doing here?"

Luxu stared at the sky, his green hair whipping in the wind. "Your world is gone, separated into many other worlds, all have been changed by magic."


"It's true." The other boy went over to his large black box. "And it appears as if we are the only people on this world."

"So what do we do?"

"Well," Luxu smiled. "You're still a Keyblade apprentice, and I'm basically a master. You need someone to continue your training; I may not be much older than you, but I can still be your master if you want."

Kazuhiro gaped. "B-but… are you sure? My master could be…"

"He's gone. I saw it."

"No…" Kazuhiro clenched his fists.

Luxu stood up, grabbing the box he always brought with him. "Take some time to think about it. I'll be up on that higher ledge. I think this place might be perfect to build a castle or something. When you've got your answer, come find me."

Luxu waited for an entire day until Kazuhiro came trumping up the cliff, looking worn out and hungry. The tired apprentice looked at the older boy and bowed. "When do we start… Master Luxu."

"Right away! Let's get building a shelter; it'll be a test of ingenuity!"

"Yes, Master."

The two boys hurried down the mountain to begin their task, but Kazuhiro missed the strange glint in Luxu's eyes as his new master summoned his Keyblade, staring into the blue eye at the top. "Master… I have found my student…"

Ok, I'm serious, this is the end!

The End!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Have a wonderful year and wonderful Christmas!

Please Review!

John 1:14

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."