Hi guys! it's been so much time!

School is so overwhelming and I feel so exhausted,

So anyway, I've been checking the statistics and it seems like there are so many people, I would like for you to comment and tell me where you from and a little bit about yourself,

I'm from Israel, I'm in eleventh grade and I like to watch pll, teen wolf and write, and I have a huge finale exam on thursday

"What did you do Hotch?! what did you do!" yelled Morgan,

"Morgan!" JJ yelled, she ran toward them,

"I did what I had to do to get my son!" Hotch said once again,

"What about Spencer?! your husband! my best friend!"

"What happened?" asked JJ,

"Not here." said Hotch,

they called Rossi and Kate and said they'll meet them at the office,

"Hi, Jack, why don't you and I go look for some food? I'm soooo hungry" said Kate

the boy nodded and went with the agent, leaving the group to talk,

"He said he'll give me Jack in one condition.." said Hotch,

"What was the condition?" asked Garcia, she was so quiet they almost forgot she was there.

"We need to stop looking for Spencer" Hotch closed his eyes and pinched his nose bridge,

"Over my dead body!" Hotch heard Morgan say "the day I'll stop protecting Spencer will be the day I die."

"I understand." said JJ,

"How can you understand?! he abandoned Spencer!" yelled Morgan,

"Morgan," said JJ "when you have a child, you'll do everything you can to protect him, no matter what."

"What if it was Will and Henry that was kidnapped?" asked Morgan,

"I'll do anything for Henry, Will too."

"Morgan-.." Rossi started to say,

"I'm gonna look for Spencer! I'm gonna look for my best friend! And when I'll save him, he's gonna divorce you." said Morgan,

"Spencer would do the same thing, I'm sure, kid always had a special place in his heart for Jack" said Rossi,

"I am not giving up on him."

Meanwhile, in a place far away..

"Who's there?" Spencer whimpered, he couldn't see anything through the blindfold he had on.

"I said- who's there! where's my son!" he yelled again,

"Oh, Spencer, no need to worry, Jack is alright" said Noah,

"What did you do to him?!"

Noah laughed, he knelt near Spencer "Your husband took Jack."

"Hotch? Was he here?" asked Spencer, his voice shaking.

"No, no" Noah laughed "we met at the park, remember when I went for a walk?"


"Well, I went there to meet with Hotch, and he took Jack, he gave up on you" said Noah,

"He wouldn't, Hotch wouldn't give up on me." Spencer knew Noah was probably lying, he can't be right.

"He gave up on you, he left you here!" Noah took a little recording device and pressed play-

"I'm gonna give Jack back, in one condition" Spencer heard Noah say,

"What is it?" Hotch's voice was heard,

"you have to stop looking for Spencer, you won't find him anyway" said Noah,

Then there was a pause, a few moments later Hotch's voice was heard again "I agree"

"You're lying!" Spencer yelled,

"Oh, but I'm not lying Spencer, I swear." said Noah,

Spencer bit his lip, trying not to cry.

"We're gonna have so much fun togather, Spence, I just can't wait." Noah whisperd into Spencer's ear, then left the room.

Hotch was lying in bed, Jack was JJ's, they thought it will be good for him to have a little sleepover with Henry.

When Hotch turned to his left side there he was.

Spencer's face was smiling to him,

"Spencer" Hotch got up instantly "is it really you?"

"No," Spencer laughed, he look almost angelic "I'm your hallucination"

"I'm so sorry Spencer, I'm so so freaking sorry!" Hotch cried,

"it wasn't your fault.. you protected your son, I'll be ok" Spencer sat next to him on the bed,

"But it is my fault! I left you, and I'm gonna find you, I promise!"

"But you can't save me.." Hotch heard Spencer say "I'm already dead."

Hotch woke up, sweaty and scared,

It was a dream, just a dream.

But he was here, Spencer was here.

Aaron picked up the phone and dialed the familiar number,

"Hello?" the voice of sleepy JJ was heard,

"JJ, it's me" said Aaron,

"Hotch? something happened?" she asked,

"Spencer was here , I swear, and- and I tried to tell him I'm sorry and that I'll save him but he said he was already dead.."

"Aaron, it was just a dream, you need to sleep, ok? you can't help Spencer if you're going crazy, Jack and Henry just fell asleep, I'll bring him tommrrow first thing in the morning, ok?"

"Ok.." said Hotch, the doorbell rang, who could it be?

"Wait a minute" said Hotch, he opened the door to see a box, on the box was written "Belongs to Spencer Reid"

"JJ, I think you need to come, now, call the rest." Aaron said, without waiting for an answer he hung up and opened the box,

Inside there was a CD, and shirt, the shirt was full of blood, and belonged to Spencer.