The funeral was a small one. It had to be, because, to the world, Dipper Pines was alive and well. But there was still a body to be buried. Mabel wore a black sweater, specially knitted for today. Tyrone stood beside her, still coming to grips with being the Dipper Classic. Waddles lay at their feet. Grunkle Stan and Grandpa Stanley stood together, distraught and reliving the moment oh-so-long ago when they had lost each other. Soos and Wendy were back and they mourned quietly, lost and bewildered at the events they had missed. Pacifica stood alone She'd taken to wearing a veil to hide her sorrow after Tyrone and Mabel told her what had happened. The people of Gravity Falls and her parents were all very impressed with the bold new fashion statement, but no one suspected that every so often, a sudden memory would draw silent tears behind the veil. Today, it was gone and she shamelessly let the tears for her friend fall. Altogether, seven people and a pig were gathered around the fresh dirt and the newly-planted pine tree. They spoke about his intelligence, his bravery, and his occasional stupidity. Through their tears, they eventually began to smile, remembering his quirks and humor. Someone suggested a reception thing at the Mystery Shack, a celebration of Dipper's life and his heroism. They started to head back, but Grunkle Stan turned back before he was gone and asked, "Are you two coming?" Mabel and Tyrone hadn't moved.

"We'll be in in a moment," the boy answered. Stan nodded and left. After a minute, Mabel quietly said, "I miss him, Tyrone."

"I know," he replied. "Mabel, can you look at me?"

She did so, confused. Tyrone brushed her hair out of her face and looked closely. Almost invisible but still apparent to anyone who was trying to see it was a triangle around her right eye. He smiled.

"You've still got the mark. He's still protecting you. Even though he's gone, Dipper is still watching out for you. And I'm watching out for you too." She smiled, and then looked away. She gently rested her fingers on the baby pine tree. Then she took his arm and they walked back to the Shack.

"This time, bro," she said with a smile, "I'm watching out for you."

They stopped before going in and hugged, finally starting to trust each other again. Then they walked into the Mystery Shack, where friends and family awaited. The evil was vanquished, the world saved, and the Mystery Twins were back.