"What are you working on?" Peggy asked as she entered Tony's lab, causing the billionaire to jump and almost drop his sauntering iron to the ground.

"Damn Peggy, scare the life out of me why don't you!"

"Is that a new suit?" She leaned over his shoulder to peer at the metal and then grinned. "It is! Are you planning on joining us?"

"Not this time." He tossed the tool onto the table and spun around to face her. "I destroyed them all for Pepper, but that was before I became a target for the people I was helping and now my team is together again and I'm not even doing anything. I hope she understands."

He shot the pieces a dirty look and shrugged, while Peggy frowned at him.

"You are doing something." She lifted her uninured arm to point at the six uniforms hanging behind them. "You're keeping us safe."

"Oh yeah!" His expression brightened and he lurched to his feet and ran to pull one of them down. "I fixed it. Completely fire proof now. As well as a few extra additions."

She smiled and grasped the material from him, stroking its soft surface and resting her palm over the eagle on the chest. "No more explosion burns then?"

"Definitely not! Also I have a special something just for you."

She moved her intrigued eyes after him as he crossed to another section of the lab and pulled out a contraption of leather and metal. "It's for your arm. This part here," He lifted it to eye level and pointed at a padded section, "goes flat against your back and these straps go under your arm and hook over the collar bone. Its super soft and you'll barely feel it, it's just the part that secures it, while this," he spun it in his hands and pointed to the black metal parts, "these support all the weight in your arm and shoulder, and this leather cover goes over it, basically obscuring it from view. It's designed to be basically weightless and comfortable."

"Tony this is fantastic!" she exclaimed happily, reaching out and grabbing the brace. "It will help me use the shoulder and get rid of the sling?"

"Absolutely. I mean, obviously it isn't healing it faster, but it will support it. It's basically one of those really nice leg or arm braces physical therapists give now a days, but Starkified, so way better."

"It's wonderful." She sat her uniform down on his vacated chair and slid her arm out of the sling. "Help me?"

He grinned and then nodded, quickly moving over to assist her as she slid her arm into the brace and secured it onto herself. Once situated on he put the soft leather cover on and stood back with a huge grin. "Go on, straighten your arm."

She lifted the limb and slowly stretched it out straight at her side and then her grin widened to meet his. "Thank you so much Tony!"

"Sure thing Pegs! You won't be able to lift it over your head, I couldn't find a way to support that muscle movement, but you can go out and in front of you. As long as it doesn't have bad recoil, you could use it to shoot too."

"This is a life saver Tony, it really is."

He shrugged. "It's something you need. Obviously you shouldn't sleep in it, and don't use it if you're just lounging around here or anything. We don't want your shoulder to stop healing because it's dependent on the brace."

"Yes for sure. It is definitely a mission asset only. I want to go show Steve it though."

"Yeah totally, gotta show the beau." He remarked with an exaggerative wink. "Oh reminds me, you guys got a date tonight huh?"

Her smile widened and she gave a nod. "Yes dinner and dancing."

"Probably not what the young people of now call dancing right? Or yes? Because I gotta admit it takes a lot to try and picture you and Capsicle club dancing."

She raised an eyebrow at his amused tone. "I don't think I plan on finding out what exactly that is or why you're picturing us doing it. Natasha helped us find an actual forties style swing dancing club, since the Stork Club closed years ago."

"Hey cool. You'll get to have a night in the past." He gave her a smile.

"Exactly. I think it will be a good night."

"If it's only good, you guys aren't doing something right." He gave another wink and she grinned at it.

"I will have to agree with you there." She scooped up the uniform and handed it back over to him. "Thank you so much for this Tony, all of this."

"No problem. And with this suit done, next time I'll be able to do more than make you guys look cool."

"You do such a good job of it though." She stated with a nod to the material in his hands.

"Of course I do, I'm Tony Stark."

She laughed and gave him a fond wave as she left the lab and instantly made her way up to the teams gym where she was certain Steve was currently at.

She was correct, and found him sparing with Natasha the two of them moving more like they were dancing then fighting. When he caught sight of her he paused to lift a hand to wave and was instantly flat on his back with Natasha's foot on his chest and her Widows Bite aimed at his throat.

"Way to get distracted Steve. I could have killed you if I wanted to."

He sighed and brushed her foot off so he could pull himself to his feet. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry Nat, I was just saying hi to Peggy."

"I agree with Natasha. If I were her, I would have sent one of those bites your way." Peggy said with a teasing grin as she walked to him.

"You just like to shoot me." He remarked with a smile.

"Only when you deserve it."

"And you would have." Natasha added for her.

He affectionately rolled his eyes and gave an absentminded nod before reaching out to gently run his hand over the brace around Peggy's arm. "Did Tony make you this?"

"Yes, isn't it brilliant?" She replied removing the cover and showing him the movements she could now do. "He really should market some of the things he creates for us."

"It is." He gave her a wide smile. "Can you shoot with it?"

"He said I could, as long as I am careful. I can't wear it too often, or the arm will get used to it and not heal as fast as it should."

"I'm glad you have it then. You'll feel better knowing you have better movement."

"I'll feel better not being completely useless."

"You're never useless." He rebutted with a shake of his head. "Not at all."

She gave a one armed shrug. "Okay maybe not completely."

He gave a definitive nod and then glanced down at his sweaty workout clothes and frowned. "I should probably shower. I happen to have a date with the greatest woman ever, can't show up filthy can I?"

Peggy laughed and exchanged an amused glance with Natasha. "Go get cleaned up soldier. Don't want my best guy taking me dancing while he reeks of defeat and sweat."

He sighed in exaggerative exasperation and bent forward to kiss her cheek briefly. "I'll see you soon Pegs."

She watched him run out of the gym with a warm smile and then turned to face a smirking Natasha. "Don't give me that look. You are exactly the same way with Clint and you know it."

She shrugged. "I will never admit it."

"Not a surprise." She glanced down to her braced arm and then up to the other woman. "Would you mind assisting me out of this so I can get ready myself?"

"Of course. You're wearing the blue dress we got a week ago, right?"

"I am." She replied as they began the short trek to Natasha's floor. "I love that it's incredibly close to my style."

"There's quite a bit of modern vintage style out there. Though Pepper and I are determined to get you into something completely modern sometime soon."

"I'm wearing those heels Pepper bought." She pointed out. "I figure that's a good start."

Natasha grinned and shot her an amused look. "Ooh opened toe shoes dancing with Steve. You're a braver woman than me!"

Peggy hit her arm gently. "He isn't going to be that bad."

She only received another grin before the other woman disappeared behind her door. Peggy laughed and followed her waving at a lounging Clint as she entered.

"Hey Pegs!" He called with an exuberant wave in return. "Excited for your night out on the town?"

She nodded happily and a mischievous smirk crossed his features. "You say that now, but Bucky, Tony and I have forced one bad ass suit at your pretty boy. You'd never in a million years realize it was khaki Rogers!"

She laughed and gave him a pointed look. "I don't mind the khaki. I think you forget sometimes that we are from the same time period. I'm used to khaki."

His features twisted into an affronted look and he all but gasped. "That must be remedied. Natasha!"

"I'm working on it! I'm not magic!" She called from their room.

Peggy rolled her eyes with a warm exasperated sigh. "We do not dress that badly. We both fit in."

"You maybe Peggy dearest." He said. "You would look killer in a garbage bag. Steve though, he kinda looks like a grandpa stuck in a hot body. Not tonight though! I assure you!"

Natasha appeared at her side before she could reply. "Come on Peggy. Lets go before my boyfriend can wax more poetic about yours."

"I was not waxing!" He called to their retreating backs. "Merely stating mine and our teammates genius! You'll see!"

A couple hours later Peggy had to admit that he was absolutely right. She stepped out of the elevator and was completely stunned by the sight of Steve sitting at the kitchen island. She knew she looked amazing in the deep blue silken dress she wore, with her hair curled and make up impeccable but she almost felt underdressed compared to the dark material incasing Steve's broad shoulders and slim waist.

"Don't you clean up nicely Captain." She greeted, causing his head to jerk up and mouth to fall open.

"Me? No way, Peggy you look, you just, wow." He managed to stutter out and she laughed gently before walking closer and held out a hand to him.

"We can just go wow everyone then shall we? Ready for me to finally teach you how to dance Steve?"

He smiled fondly and placed his hand in hers before standing. "More than ready."

AN: I am soo sorry everyone! Thank you for being amazingly patient and perfect!