Standard disclaimers:
As you all know, I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. Unfortunately Watsuki and some
big name companies do. (I should change this, I'm afraid this story has
nearly nothing to do with Ruroken, except the name Saito Hajime)

Warning as always:
Mayor grammar and vocabulary mistakes might be ahead, hopefully you are not
distracted by
them. OOC! OOC! OOC!

AAARRRRGGGHHH! I'm awfully sorry for the fluff here, please don't flame me.
Saito is already after me, chasing me with sword drawn, I'm desperately
searching my own
sword, but I'm afraid, I'm lacking fighting skills, no match for him. You'll
realise when
he got me, Mara is dead then and won't be able to write anymore. I must have
been on drugs
writing this chapter, the plot developed a momentum on its own, I was not able
influence it.



After entering the inn and having a look around, Tokio discovered Kingo
sitting alone at a table in one corner of the twilit restaurant. In spite of
his friendly, open looking face she could feel the loneliness emerging from
him and she could not help but feel sympathy for him as she approached him
and finally stopped in front of him. Raising his gaze she saw hopeful
expectancy in his eyes as he smiled warmhearted at her.

"I didn't expect you this early, Tokio. Please, sit down."

She nodded and took the place on the other side of the table, one the one hand
to face him and on the other hand to have some space between them, to use the
table as a barrier between them.

Concerned about her needs and well-being he spoke to her a second time
"Do you want something to drink?"

He was as she remembered him, always polite, caring and full of understanding
for those he liked and loved.

"Some tea would be nice. Thank you."

He waved the waitress and ordered some tea for both of them, they waited in
silence until the tea arrived, both looking down at the table, sometimes
lifting their heads and meeting the other one's eyes.

Sipping her tea, Tokio decided it was time to tell him of her decision
directly. "I won't come with you."

His head dropped to his chest, he was afraid this could happen, but had
repressed the thought till this moment. He would not give up this easily,
leaving her behind with this man without a fight. He had waited fifteen
years, he had a right to hear about the reason
behind her decision and he lifted his head to meet her eyes once more.

Questioning she raised her eye brows, what did he want to hear? Why she
wouldn't leave Hajime? Why she can't come with him? Once they had shared a
closeness, they had been able to tell with one look in the other one's face
about their thoughts. Looking at him now, she only saw his solitude, his
fear, his hope she might change her mind, but not what he was thinking.

Fifteen years changed a lot. She had a history with another man, now she
was able to see through Hajime, not through Kingo.

After some more minutes in silence Kingo realised she expected a more precise
question. Or was she just thinking of an appropriate answer?

"I can't understand you, Tokio. Back then this was all we ever wanted, being
together, sharing our emotions, our life. Why has this changed? Changed in a
way, that you decided to stay with him?"

Realising what kind of answer he expected, she assured herself about what he
wanted to know "Changed, so that I can't come with you?"

In response he nodded,
"Yes, I really don't understand why. What is speaking against coming with me?"

There was an easy answer for this question, obvious, but not the real reason.
He would recognise that, but she wanted to keep away from him the pain
answering the truth
"I'm married, I can't leave him."

Struggling for her coming with him and realising the full reality of her
refusal, despair raised inside him, he tried to fight it.
"Being married is not speaking against leaving him. You never cared about
conventions like this. I know you, this is not a reason you would accept, nor
do I. Your father is dead now."

She lowered her head, not able to stand looking in his eyes anymore, seeing
the fighting feelings, the conflicts, reflecting in them
"You are right, my father was the reason why I married Hajime and he is dead
now. I had to follow his orders, this was one of the few conventions I
accepted. But this is not the reason why I can't come with you."

Frustrated at not getting the answer he wanted so badly he raised his voice
and accused her, his hope was not destroyed yet, maybe there was still a
chance to change her mind, to persuade her.
"You are afraid of changes, Tokio, that's the real reason. You don't want to
leave because you are afraid of the future. You have arranged your life, it
is only natural that you don't want to change it. That is human."

Slightly she felt anger raising. Did he thought the only reason for staying
with Hajime was THIS? This cheap explanation was not her style, he should
know her better
"Excuse me, but I think you got me wrong, I was never afraid of changes."

"Then, what is it? Don't try to tell me something stupid like you loving him
and he loves you, you two can't live without the other. That is not true, we
both know that."

"Yes, That is true, Hajime and I are not as close as we once have been."

She paused, resuming, sipping on her tea, gathering her thoughts. What had
been the point where, the reason why she had decided to stay with her husband
instead of going away with Kingo? Faith? Trust? Respect? Acceptance?

Love was not the reason for staying, love would be a reason for leaving. Even
more seriously than before she tried to express her thoughts in words.

"What do you think? What is more important? Fifteen years living together
sharing wonderful as well as horrible experiences and memories or a love you
experienced in your youth? Did this love last till today?"
Thoughtfully she sipped on her tea again, recalling the feelings she once held
for Kingo.
"You are more emotional when you are young, you have less barriers to let
someone close. Growing up means for me that you realise that a love can't
last for a life-time. What will last? A past built up in fifteen years or a
love shared at the age of eighteen?"

He was not satisfied with her answer yet
"You can't tell me that you love him as you love me, Tokio, that's not true.
This hasn't changed. I know he doesn't love you, so: why?"

"This is not only about love, Kingo. If this would only be about love, I would
leave with you. But I'm older now, other things are important for me. When
you are young, everything seems so easy, the only thing you need is love, I'm
sure you felt it too."
Pausing she remembered the hurt she felt when he had to leave, leaving her
behind with Hajime, a man she barely knew.
"Being hurt once I never opened myself to another man as I did to you. It was
special and I didn't want to get hurt again. Years past and I had to arrange
my life with Hajime. Yes, you are right, I don't love him as I loved you, I
never could. But in those years I gained something together with him."
Noticing the clenched hands around his tea-cup, she had to concentrate, not to
let her feeling of sympathy control her, changing her mind. She would hurt
him even more as she already did.
"I don't want to throw this away for a love I experienced as a young woman. I
admit, this emotion has died. I gained a different feeling, the feeling of
being respected and accepted for who I am by Hajime. I can't forget and deny
fifteen years."

Nearly defeated he lowered his head, his chin touching his chest
"I realised it when I saw you the first time. Something was missing. Now I
know what it is. You aren't able anymore to feel and share these deep
emotions you once had."

He looked down at his tightly clenched hands "You are right, emotions faded in
these years, we can't bring back the strong, overwhelming feelings we had in
our youth, we can't bring back our youth."

Sadly she bowed "Yes, I guess that's right. I won't give up my life with
Hajime for this faded feeling."

Realising that she wouldn't change her mind, he had to try it a last time, the
last attempt to persuade her, deep inside he knew it was futile, this would
not bring her back to him
"I am able to give you more than he ever can. My love and my business."

She had to close her eyes, to keep away the sight of the broken man in front
of her. Compassion was not a feeling on which she could built up a strong
relationship, a new life. This man was not the man anymore she loved so dearly.
"Thank you for your offer, Kingo. But you know, these are two things that are
not important for me."

"Yes, I know." Resigned his head dropped, the last glimmer of hope vanished,
he knew this would have been futile, this was too shallow for her to accept.

Sympathy still stirred in her seeing his resigned solitude, but there was
nothing she could do for him.
"I'm sorry, Kingo."

His voice was life-less, hope-less, heart-less as he addressed her, telling
her what he had been afraid of all these years.
"I expected this would happen. Honestly I was afraid this would happen."

Regretting having hurt him so much, she decided that her compassion would not
help him at the moment
"I hope you understand me."

Thinking about it, he hesitated. Is it possible to weigh up an emotion against
a past? Emotion against rational considerations? Only once he believed in an
emotion, a love for this woman. In business, he would never rely on such
uncertain grounds like feelings.
"On the one hand....yes, on the other"

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it easier for you, but I can't leave with you."
Inwardly she sighed, fighting against her compassion, she stood up and
prepared to leave.
"Good bye, Kingo."

"Good bye, Tokio." Taking the first steps towards the exit she left him
behind, sitting alone at the table in the jelly-fish-light of the restaurant.

He reached out one hand as if to hold her back,
"Tokio?" She turned and faced him again "I would like to visit you and meet
him finally."

Her hesitating, thinking lasted only a few seconds before she answered.
"I don't consider this to be a good idea, Kingo. We shouldn't meet again, this
will make it easier for you."

Meeting Hajime and seeing him together with her would not help him to digest
his pain, hurt and finally let go, forget the remembrance of their love. It
would only deepen the pain, watching them, seeing their sons. A life Kingo
always wanted to share with her, watching another man having all he ever
asked for?

His chin dropped to his chest and he whispered, barely understandable "You are
right." He hesitated, nearly unable to speak a last time to her.
"My best wishes for your future and good bye."

"The same to you, Kingo. I hope you find a new future for you. I'm sorry.
Good-bye." For a second she considered of telling him that she still had
feelings for him, but that would awake his hope. With a last glance at the
lone, lost man sitting in one corner of the twilit inn, she left the house
and started a walk around to ease her thoughts and to calm down her disturbed

She had walked through Tokyo for some hours, it was already dark when she was
in a right mood to go home and to face her family. Certainly her boys would
be back again and a devilish smile formed on her lips imagining Hajime
explaining her sons why she was not home.

She opened the door to their house "I'm home!" and slipped out of her sandals,
it was quiet, except the room on the right hand from where Tsuyoshi was

"My God, Mum! That took ages! Where have you been?"

Sliding the door open she registered much to her surprise that her 'men'
were sitting together in the room patiently waiting for her return. The room
was filled with cigarette smoke as one of Hajimes ever present cigarettes was
still dangling between his lips. It was not the first one as she could tell
from the full ash-tray she had forced him to use inside the house and the air
inside the room.

Why can't they just open the doors on both sides of the room, at least to have
some fresh air? she silently wondered.

Her youngest played excitedly with some wooden toys in one corner, while
Tsuyoshi was reading in a book laying on his stomach beside him. Her eldest
played a board game together with her husband. It was a strategy-game and
much more to her surprise Hajime was loosing against his son. Stifling a
laughter she registered Tsutomu's pride winning against his father. Hajime
was not someone who would lose intentionally easy, Tsutomu must
have used some good tricks that his father let him win as a 'reward'.

Of course, if he would realise, that Hajime was losing on purpose, he would be
deeply injured in his pride.

Making his last move, defeating Hajime and getting high on his 'victory', he
turned to his mother. "Where have you been mum?"

Tokio met the eyes of her husband and exchanging only a short, knowing glance
with him, she knew he expected her to come back. But she had to focus her
attention back to her son, who impatiently continued with his demands
"I'm hungry, I'm starving! I'm fed up with this soba father prepares. This
noodles taste like nothing! Please Mum!"

Closing her eyes she could scarcely stifle a laughter now, imagining her
husband offering their sons soba, of course his favourite dish, but not his
"Well, don't panic, I'll head straight to the kitchen and prepare something
Rewarded with a deathly glare from her husband and thankful glances from their
sons she turned.

"Pheee, about time Mum."

Still being amused, she left the room, while she noticed that Hajime secretly
watched her every step, every movement, in an intensity, a way, Kingo did
earlier this way.

It made her stiffening her back, she did not know why, but this time it
touched her deep inside and she was sure that her husband was aware of it.


She was washing the rice when she heard the door opening and she looked up to
see Hajime standing in it. Slightly she wondered why he was not smoking and
spoke to him.

"When did you realise that I wouldn't leave?"

He smiled contentedly, sure about himself
"I saw a new, expensive book lying on the bench. It had to be a present from
him, too expensive that we could afford it. I recall he was well-off back
then, but your father wanted a specific social rank for you, he wanted you to
belong to the Samurai class." his lips curved into a cynical smile
"Unfortunately we lost our rank, he couldn't foresee that, I guess."

Recalling her father's behaviour, his excitement during the wedding ceremony,
she smiled widely "Yes, father was obsessed by marrying me to a Samurai. But
what about the book?"

Before he continued, a smirk appeared on his face
"You would never lay something away what is precious to you this carelessly.
At least you would lay it in a room, not on a bench, the sun shining on it.
It was then that I realised you would come back and stay."

Their gaze locked again, this time he was sure, he saw affection for him.

In the end, after fifteen long, lone years, she allowed him to touch her
emotionally, she allowed him to enter a part of her from which she had
excluded him before. Fascinated, unbelieving he stepped closer and touched
her cheek with one hand, caressed it, the emotion that reflected in her eyes
got stronger, he could clearly see it.

The affection she had felt for him had at last turned to love. Love for him,
accepting him as he was, who he was, what he was. He bent down and kissed her
gently on her mouth, retreated after he had touched her. He had never thought
she could feel this for him. It was not the burning fire, the passion she had
held for this other man, what he spotted was a love and devotion he never
believed she would be capable of, to share with HIM.

"Tokio,.." Laying a hand over his mouth she stopped him from further talking
for what she saw in his eyes was enough for her. The respect and acceptance
filled with deeper emotions, after fifteen years she realised that he cared
for her more than she expected.

She had been blinded, not noticing earlier. She raised to her tip-toes, threw
her arms around his neck and kissed him as passionate as she had kissed Kingo
all these years ago.

Aware of the fact that she didn't close her eyes this time he kissed her back,
she didn't exclude him. For the first time she looked deep in his eyes while
he held her, for the first time she spontaneous opened her mouth to explore
him with her tongue.

He couldn't help, this was more than he ever asked for, he pulled her closer,
his hands running down her back, starting to untie her obi while she already
had opened the hakama he was wearing at home. Letting lust taking control
over her, she let her fingers slip under his shirt, never closing her eyes,
always meeting his amber one's.

"MUM! I want to walk across to Irie's later. Where is the meal! I'm starving!
I want to go."

Suddenly remembering their sons waiting for their dinner, their movements came
to an abrupt halt and Tokio could not help but laugh at her husband's
disappointed expression
"Well, I don't know whose inheritance this impatience is, but I guess I'll
better finish the preparations and get dinner ready."

Regretting he placed the kimono he still had in his hands back on her
shoulders closing it in front of her breast, not without casting a last
longing glance at her.

"Of course." He bent down to pick up his hakama and turned to leave the
kitchen tying the open ends around his waist, but her voice stopped him.

"We'll talk later? When the kids are sleeping?"
Nodding his response he left the kitchen.

Gathered in the one room they usually used for eating, playing, spending the
day, they ate dinner in remarkable silence. Normally their sons told about
their day, teased each other and brawled together.

This evening they stayed quiet for they could feel something was going on, had
changed in the relationship between their father and mother.

But they were not able to tell what, was it a change for the better or the
worse? They were exceptional polite and nice to each other, not having their
common discussions and arguments.

Tsutomu, for being the oldest and more aware of hidden signs, saw his mother's
cheeks blushing as she noticed his father's intense stare at her. He narrowed
his amber eyes, what was going on? But it was not within his range to find
out this evening for they finished dinner more lately than usual. His younger
brothers went to bed shortly after, already sleeping when he left to visit
his friend, leaving his parents behind.

Tokio and Hajime had settled down comfortable, drinking sake, recapitulating
the events of the day. Resting her head against his chest, Tokio was c
ompletely satisfied and waited for Hajime to start the talk
"You waited fifteen years only for him to come back. Why didn't you leave? I
thought this time you would follow your emotions, you know that I don't care."

She snuggled closer for the position she was sitting in was getting
"Yes, I know, but I don't mind either."

When she didn't mind why didn't she leave? Surprised he looked at the woman
who desperately searched for a soft and cuddly place on his chest. Futile, he
smiled sarcastically.
"I can't give you what he would be able to offer you."

Finally she had managed to find a more or less comfortable position and
stopped moving around
"Love and money is not every thing I ask for, I thought you would know this."

Astonished he raised an eyebrow at her. She was a woman, why she did not act
like one? They usually followed their irrational, unpredictable emotions and
impulses, her decisions a mystery at most times.

Feeling a slight movement, she knew he was surprised and started to explain.
How to explain a feeling to an insensitive man? She had to give it a try.
"It is another kind of love that I feel for you, Hajime. Not the wild,
impetuous kind of love you feel when you are younger. The love I feel for you
is based on other things, I think they could last longer, they are more
well-founded. It is the respect and acceptance
for who I am, it is the fifteen years I shared with you."

He would never admit, but he was not able to follow her argumentation about
emotions at full extent, but what mattered, she decided to stay
"I thought you would follow the other love."

"You should know me better by now."

A contented smile appeared on his face and he started to annoy her
"Yes, you are right, but still.. you are a woman. It is your nature to follow
some silly emotions, unpredictable."

She stiffened, he had been sure this would work
"SILLY, you call my emotions silly?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to tease her more
"Whatever? Silly, infantile, irrational,.. choose which one you want."

With well-trained self-control she managed to chill her temper, there was
still something she wanted to tell him
"I want to start trusting in you and loving you, the barrier holding me back
is gone. I hope this will be the beginning of something very deep and special."

He embraced her from behind and kissed her gently in the neck, getting serious
"You didn't leave, Tokio. I think this is special enough."

"You are right. I never thought I would chose you, but I did."

Sarcastically smiling he tightened his embrace
"Guess, you will have to stay with me from now on, no matter what happens."

Turning she hugged him back, lying her head against his forehead, looking deep
in his eyes
"Yes, I'm doomed."

Finally they kissed each other gently while tightening their embrace.


No tomatoes and eggs please! Keeping Saito away from me is hard enough!!
ARGH, I feel sick, far too romantic for my taste. Definitely OOC for Saito!
I'm really lacking writing skills for this kind of stuff. Should write fast
action stories

Did I really wrote this? My god, I'll go and visit a psychologist right now,
otherwise my sweet source of inspiration, known as 'boyfriend', will declare
me for insane. Next one will be a Saito-parody, I'm afraid...

First posted: 8th March 2002
Revised and re-posted: 26th March 2002
second re-post: 11th December 2002

Ja ne,
