Dipper opened the door and ran outside. His stomach was twisting and compressing inside of him. He needed to get out.

Into the woods Dipper went trying to escape what's already taken over. Moving between the trees and bushes Dipper felt a laugh moving up his throat when his arm was scratched badly. Blood spurted out of the cut and Dipper felt a weird joy in it.

Shaking his head he grabbed the journal and ran to the place where he first found it.

"I know you'll find it. But it'll be too late for you Cipher." Dipper hissed. His mind and resistance began to be chipped away and soon a bone chilling laugh came out of Dipper.

Shaking his head, Dipper punched the tree and tried to bring himself back. But then his pupils became slits and the former white and red surrounding it became yellow.

"Nice try kid. You were smart, but unlike Gideon you just don't have the proper defense. I mean I was in your body. You didn't think I wouldn't leave a small bit of me when you took back your body." Dipper winced before his eyes changed back to normal. He fell to his knees and puked.

"That maybe, but Mabel and the others wi-"

"Shooting Star? Fez? They wouldn't do such a thing. I mean you insulted them. Pine Tree you let her pig die and called it an even payback. Stanford tried to talk to you, but you cursed him. Face it. You're facing what the other faced, what I faced. You began to breakdown as you could trust no one and now no one will trust you." Bill sneered.

Tears peaked out and began flowing down his cheeks. Dipper knew he was right. After being supposedly betrayed by Mabel, Dipper became more distant ultimately almost severing his bond with people he could trust.

"You're right. I'm an idiot to think they would trust come to my rescue. There's no point in continuing this Bill. You win." Dipper somberly said.

For a second nothing happened until a sick crack was heard and the triangle's laughter echoed throughout his mind. Red and yellow light surrounded Dipper chipping away at his skin and boiling every fluid. Dipper felt his soul leave and fade away from existence. Then it faded leaving a one eyed monster in its place.


Mabel ran through the forest with a flashlight and Journal #1. Stan and his brother lost her after she decided to save her brother. Taking with her the grappling hook, the journal, and the flashlight Mabel took off to find her lost sibling. Finally she reached a clearing and took a peek.

Looking around she saw nothing but heard humming.

"Mister Sandman. Bring me a dream."

Mabel turned around to see no one.

"Make him the cutest that I ever seen."

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she felt the danger around her.

"Give him two lips like roses and clover."

Then Mabel felt immense pain as a black rod pierced her chest. Blood spurted everywhere as she coughed it out. Looking at the handle she saw a hand with no skin on it. Slowly Mabel's eyes used the last of her strength to look up and see her attacker.

It was her brother. His eyes yellow like a smoker's tooth and a maniacal grin that would kill if it could. His body had loose bits of skin hanging off and blood flowing down him like a strong river. Black began pouring closer to her eyes and the last thing she ever heard and saw was the former shell of her brother singing his song.

"Then tell him that his lonely nights...are...over."