This is pretty much the same except a few that I had to change XD

One word - Bloopers


"Before you read the script, wh-what did you expect of, of the movie?"

Lana blinked nodding slightly before answering, "Well I wasn't sure what, what to expect but I seen a few of Michael's movies before." she brushed a few pieces of hair behind her ear while speaking, "so I was pretty excited about, about getting the chance to work with him."

The interview gestured with him hands as he spoke "What was it like having a love interest in an alien robot?"

Lana laughed and gave a grin, "The hole filming thing was kinda awkward as I would be having to picture where Bumblebee was standing." The both let out a laugh.

"So, as we see in the trailer it shows, that Nora had an ancient and she, she met 'Primus'. She then is able to do some thing, like talk to him?"

Lana smiled an nodded, "Yeah, if you listen really closely when she randomly chuckles, before or while you can hear someone talking," Lana mad a gestured with her fingers where she put her thumb and index finger closely together, "but very faintly."

The Interview laughed, "I think I'm going to go do that later." Lana let out a chuckle.


The sound effect of the clock ticking was playing, as Lana tapped her pencil on the desk, Shia had a annoyed face as he reached over to snatch the pencil away but as he grabbed it. The pencil flew out of his hand.

He cursed causing Lana to start laughing.


"How much?"

"Given the semi-classic of the car-"

'Nora' snorted, "Semi-classic? Dude, this thing is a bewauful...Haha."

Lana let out a laugh with Shia.


Lana opened her mouth to 'reply' but Shia nudged her sho-, her rib making her yelp and grab her side.





"Hmm?" Lana turned her head with a crossed eyed look, Shia's laugher unwillingly escaped his mouth.


"Nora?" Lana turned to Shia who had a bit of a troubled expression, "What's wrong, Sam?"

"Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She gave him an odd look.

"No reason, it's just you've been spacing out a lot more then you usually do!"

Lana gave him a soft laugh that turned into a big yawn, "I'm fine Sam, just exhausted. Unlike some people, I actually partic- parrics- particape... Heh."

They both started laughing.


Lana glanced out the window towards alt-mode Bumblebee.

"Hey, the car wasn't that dirty yesterday was it?"

Shia joined her at the window and scrunched his eyebrows, "I don't think so. H-hey! Where ya' goin'?"

He turned to look at her as she walked toward the stairs, "I'm going to change and then give our car a bath."

"But what about our chores?"

Before Lana could say her next line she slipped on the step she was on and fell onto the stairs.

"Ow!" Dammit!"


Michel bay walked into the dressing room, a camera guy following closely behind. Lana was sat in the while the make-up artist did her make-up.

"Lana!" Said girl blinked and turned to see Michel there and the camera. She smiled and waved.

"Ello. Good day, mate?" She winked making them laugh.


"I didn't get to see you properly last night, you're cute!" Lana said.

"Nora! Stop flirting with the giant robot!" Shia whisper yelled. Lana pouted, but a snicker kinda of thing came out of her mouth.



"Can you talk?" Shia asked.


"hmm... through the radio." Lana said.


"Aw~, well you aren't too bad yourself." Lana winked.

"Nora." Shia scolded.

"I can't help it! He's just to cute!" Lana said but right after her foot slipped and she fell over. A few curses followed.



Nora grinned down to Megan and Shia as she was lifted on to 'Bee's shoulder' with wires attached to her.

"Oh my god." She breathed out as she flipped upside down. "Grah! Help!" She yelped with people laughed, before getting her the right way up.