
I certainly hope that you enjoy this I'm new sooo… on with it then. Oh and I do not own Starcraft, Halo, Mass Effect, or Dr. Who. They all belong to Blizzard, 343 Industries, EA, and BBC respectively.

"This council will come to order!" Thraxen, a Xel'naga thundered across the row of beings. Seeming to have heard, the crowd before him became silent. Slowly, Thraxen began, "This matter of urgency has been~~"

"What is the meaning of this, we have not congregated for centuries, what is so beyond important that we must initiate a complete session?" Thraxen was interrupted by the imposing Leviathan councilor, Toranor, a skilled diplomat that held enormous power within the Sanctum.

"Calm your soul, Toranor." Myrael, a Precursor, chided." This could very well be the end of us." He looked calmly at the Leviathan he spoke against.

Toranor not accepting it, fired back, "Is the Precursor frightened? Still reeling from your quarrel with those Forerunners?" Myrael just buzzed his insect-like wings angrily.

"Let us not forget your defeat from those primitive machines!"

"Enough!" Thraxen interjected, he did not want this to devolve into petty conflict. "You bicker like the children we swore to protect, I did not summon you all here for trivial arguing, but to discuss a truly real threat." Nai Sel a younger more levelheaded Leviathan councilor inquired,

"There are thousands of threats out there, none we have not been able to dispel."

A Precursor councilor spoke up, "I agree with Nai Sel, please enlighten us as to what exactly you discovered."

Continuing, Thraxen said solemnly, "My fellow councilors, Leviathan, Precursor, and even my own Xel'Naga, this message has been broadcasted upon the psychic winds, quantum receivers, and even the derelict pulsar arrays." There was a metallic shrill that sounded eerily organic. It reverberated through the room with its endless mantra,

"EXTERMINATE…EXTERMINATE…EXTERMINATE." The voice sent pangs of distress in most of the councilors minds. Even the Xel'Naga councilors who have already heard the broadcast, cringed when it was played.

Toranor, his telepathy seeming to have lost its icy and assertive sheen, shakily said, "Can it be? Is that really they?"

Thraxen only confirmed his shock. "It is, and we are all that stands in the way of the total subjugation of the galaxies."

"And will we … survive?"

"We are our own salvation. We shall reconvene much more frequently, conference adjourned."