Clarke wasn't surprised to find the Grounder's outside practicing in the rain at six in the morning. It happened a lot, it seemed they preferred the rain to calm of bright Summer days. What did surprise her however was the sight of the Grounder's Commander, Lexa, out there sparring with Luna.

"Hey, Clarke, I didn't realize it was raining drool?" Clarke kept her eyes trained on the sparring match happening just outside of Camp Jaha and between the two camps.

"Code red!" Octavia called out, "Clarke has been abducted by an actual hormonal girl."

The two girls shared a look when Clarke didn't react to their words.

"Yo, Clarke!" Octavia called, snapping her fingers in front of her blonde friends face.

Clarke blinked and shot her head around to find her friends staring back at her. "Hey, guys. When did you get here?"

Raven rolled her eyes, nudged Clarke aside and slipped into the now empty spot beside her. "Between 'Lexa's dreamy' and 'Lexa's hot'."

Clarke eyed her suspiciously.

"A little creepy, Raven." Octavia voiced.

Raven held up her hands. "Hey, not like that. Pfft, I'm not interested in Lexa."

Octavia and Clarke shared a look between one another.

"I mean, have you seen my man?" Raven waved her hand dismissively at them, "He's totally hotter then Lexa, I mean sure...he doesn't have her soft hair..." Clarke's suspicious look became even more suspicious as she eyed her friend.

"How do you kno-"

"Or her abs," Octavia spoke up.

Clarke and Raven both snapped their heads around to face the girl who finally realized what she had just said.

Octavia looked guiltily towards Clarke, a meek shrug and she answered the questioning glare. "She was there when I learned how to swim."

"And you just happened to look?" Raven asked.

Octavia shrugged again, sinking inside her Grounder gear, knowing it wasn't bullet proof but hoping it was Clarke proof. "It was there. It's not like I could not look."

Clarke gave her a look of disbelief and scoffed, opening her mouth to speak.

Raven scoffed as well but spoke up first. "Sure. It's called looking away. Eyes to yourself. Best friends girlfriend. You have a boyfriend."

Octavia shrugged casually this time. "Hey just cause I have a hot boyfriend, doesn't mean I'm blind and plus..." Octavia started, " least I have a legitimate reason. What's yours for knowing how soft Lexa's hair is?"

Clarke broke her glare away from Octavia at the reminder and turned it back to Raven who sank lower into the bench wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. She had heard that that was a possibility, what the people on Earth before had called earthquakes, she had rolled her eyes the first time she had heard of it at the originality of a name for such a phenomenon. Raven didn't answer, just continued sinking into her seat.


Luna found herself flying through the air, her feet leaving the ground and her vision suddenly filled with dark grey clouds, rain falling and not an ounce of blue tinting the sky. She took one breath, kicked herself around and rolled back up and to her feet, at ready for another round with Lexa.

Lexa smirked, clenched her fists tighter and prepared for Luna's onslaught. She had been sparring with the girl since they were both old enough too, Lincoln had joined them on occasion and it usually ended with a free for all fight that led nowhere by the end.

Luna struck out again, only to have Lexa dodge the attack and deliver a kick to the back of Luna's knees. She knew that Lexa's alternative to enemies was to lash out to the front of the knees, knowing that with enough force applied she could break bones. Luna stumbled but managed to remain upright for a few moments before she felt Lexa's arm encircle her neck, trapping her in a death hold. Luna tapped the arm once and Lexa released. Sparring sessions were meant to improve a Grounder, not injure one.

Luna spun back to Lexa when a head of blonde hair caught her eye. "Is that, Clarke?"

Lexa's head shot around, "Where?"

Luna took the momentary distraction to grasp Lexa and pull her into a flip.

Lexa quickly found herself staring up at the dark skies above her, she blinked a few times in surprise before Luna's face came into view hovering over hers.

"You alright down there?"

Lexa blinked once more before turning a glare from below onto her friend. "You cheated."

"No," Luna told her. "I improvised."

Lexa's brow furrowed. "Impro...what did you just say?"

Luna shrugged and offered a hand down to the Commander, "I learned it from one of those Sky people, she was very helpful."

Lexa took the offered hand and was brought to her feet where she dusted herself down as she listened to Luna. She paused her actions and turned to look up at the taller woman whose tone was mixed with a heavy dose of fondness.


Luna shrugged.

Lexa eyed her curiously. "I didn't know you liked plen like that."

Luna shrugged again. "I don't know...maybe I like them both. I mean a man is more ha-"

Lexa shook her head and cringed, "Please don't."

Luna let a little laugh slip. "You're just being like that because I'm not talking about some blonde girl that fell from the Sky with sparkles in her eyes and dreams of a paradise on Earth only to be sorely disappointed."

Lexa frowned a little. "Well that became depressing really quickly."

The surprise at the statement registered on both girls faces as the two fell into silence.

Luna broke the silence first. "You spend far to much time with Raven."

Lexa crossed her arms over her chest and shot a look of disbelief at her friend. "Are you still angry about me dropping paint on you?"

"My armor looks like a rainbow now and I am still finding that colored liquid stuff in my hair."

Lexa didn't answer.

"So..." Luna started, "The blind blonde, yeah, she's actually on her way over here and she actually looks mad." She looked back towards her friend, "What did you do Lexa?"

"You think I'll fall for that, you are not going to sneak attack me again." Lexa shook her head.


Clarke stood up from her spot next to her friends and quickly strode over towards Lexa, Octavia and Raven on her heels. She needed to have a word with the girl. Her feet carried her outside of Camp Jaha and over the field and towards the two girls.

"No really," Luna pointed over towards the approaching blonde.

Lexa eyed her friend cautiously before she turned to look behind herself. Surprise crossed her features at the sight of the blonde storm approaching, rather determinedly. She racked her brain for any memory of doing something wrong but none came. "Clar-" She held her hands out in front of her, in an attempt to calm to the storm.

"We have to talk..."


"One; no more swim sessions with Octavia..."

Lexa's brow creased in confusion. "Wait, wh-"

"Two; you and Raven are to remain in plain sight whenever you two are hanging out together."

"Clarke!" Lexa called barely below a shout. A smile was tilting the corners of her lips as she placed both hands on the girls arms and looked the girl straight in the eyes and after a few moments of silence between the two she breathed, "Whoa!"

Clarke's brow furrowed, "What?"

Lexa shook her head, "I just-jus-wow."

Clarke tilted her head to the side, brow still furrowed. "Seriously, what is it?"

"I just realized why the sky was so grey today." Lexa spoke, amazement lacing her voice. "All the blue is in your eyes." She smiled successfully at the utter look of adoration on the blonde's face, lent down and gave her a tiny kiss before walking away, adding a little extra confidence in her already confident swagger.

"Now that's..." Raven broke the silence as she pointed at the retreating figure of Lexa, "...a pick-up line."

"She's good," Octavia hummed her agreement.

Luna lifted her brow towards her friend as she followed the girl at her side.

Lexa smirked. "Nailed it."

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.