Hello all! I'm back with the first chapter!

So, as always thank you to those who have reviewed! I'd really like some feedback on this fic, not just for the usual "I love hearing from you" (which I do) but I'd like feedback on this because it's more...explicit(?) than I usually post and I'm wondering if you guys like it or not or want more or less or whatever else, y'know. Anyway, the feedback would be GREATLY appreciated, so thank you!

And I'm now shutting up and letting you read.


Sixteen-year-old Addie Morgan woke with a jolt upon hearing her mother's screeches from the kitchen. Her room was right above the kitchen. The walls were thin. Her mother might have well have been screaming directly in her ear to wake her up.

With a yawn and a rub of the eyes, Addie sat up in bed, and swung her twiggy legs over the side, her bare feet hitting the something wet. She grimaced. Upon looking down, she saw she'd stepped in a puddle of spilt butterbeer.

Great way to start the day, Addie thought to herself.

Once she'd wiped her foot on a towel she pulled from beneath the bed, she was up, and navigated her way through her disaster of a bedroom to stand in front of her bureau, which was the kind with a mirror. It was cluttered with stuff - empty Chocolate Frogs packaging, old letters from friends, tubes of lipstick and eyeliner pencils, jewelry, books, CD's and more. She'd Spell-O-Taped an assortment of pictures to the mirror, but left a spot in the middle in which she could look at herself, which she was currently doing.

She wasn't surprised by what she saw. Her usual self was staring back at her, wild dark hair, cloudy gray eyes, pale, clear skin, lanky frame, slightly smug resting bitch face and all. It was her.

She sighed.

She proceeded to dress quickly, something she had a talent for. She shimmied into one of her favorite skirts. It was black and green plaid and scandalously short, something that accentuated her long legs and drew the attention of all the males that looked at her. It looked good with almost whatever top she chose, and today, she chose her favorite old Sex Pistols (her favorite band) t-shirt and slipped her leather jacket on over it. She topped everything off with black knee highs, studded combat boots, a touch of dark lipstick, and a tweak of the ring in her left nostril.

Addie had a reputation both at Hogwarts and in the Muggle hangouts she frequented for being the tough, dangerously hot punk girl. Even the snobbier pureblood boys at Hogwarts couldn't help but to look at her because she was so good looking and her style represented the foreign, forbidden and somewhat exotic world of Muggles. She knew how to make herself look good, and she used her looks to her advantage most of the time. And, she couldn't remember a time when she was single after about the age of 12.

"ADDIE!" came her mother's voice once again.

"I'M COMING!" Addie hollered in response. She hurried, rubbing her perfume into her wrists, as she muttered below her breath, "Merlin, that woman…."

She opened her bedroom door to find her tabby part-kneazle cat, Patches, waiting for her. She'd evidently locked him out of her room last night, something he did not look happy about at all.

"Oh, don't be nasty with me," she murmured, scooping him up in her arms and pressing a kiss into the fur on top of his head. He mewed. She replied, "C'mon, let's get a treat in you and then you'll be happy."

Addie proceeded to carry Patches down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where her dad was sliding into his coat and her mum fixed her hair in the mirror.

"Here, darling, here's breakfast for you," her mum said, handing her a hot, homemade breakfast sandwich. "Daddy's already got your trunk out in the car, c'mon, now."

"Thanks, Mum," Addie grinned, while giving Patches one of the cat treats from the counter.

"Alright, ladies, the car's running," her dad said. "Let's go."

So they did. Her dad drove, and she and her mum sat in the back, with Patches purring in her lap. They lived in London, so it wasn't all that much of a drive to King's Cross, where Addie would be catching the Hogwarts Express. It would be her sixth time doing so. She couldn't wait until she didn't have to do it anymore.

It wasn't that school was horrible or tortuous or anything, it was just….boring. She'd been there, she'd done that, when it came to school. She was bored of the stupid teenage politics. She was ready to get out in the world and do whatever the hell she wanted to do, with no rules or regulations or grades or uniforms. That's what she really wanted.

When arriving at King's Cross, two well-disguised Ministry wizards held the door open for Addie and her parents as they exited the vehicle. Addie was used to it, it was typical. Whenever she and her parents went out in public, they had to be escorted by some form of Ministry worker, because her parents worked for the Department of Mysteries, and they were at high risk for attack or whatever else in public.

With her parents and the Ministry wizards, who carried her trunk and other belongings for her, behind her, Addie entered King's Cross. She had Patches in her arms, and both she and the half-kneazle had equally bitchy, snarky kind of faces on, which was their signature kind of look. There was something sleek, snarky and sexy about the pair of them, and they knew it.

"Hey, there, Morgan," greeted a smarmy and familiar voice.

Turning, Addie saw a familiar, frizzy-haired, jumper wearing girl. She stood a good 6 inches or so shorter than Addie, and was much less provocatively dressed, in her thrift store jumper, tattered jeans and rather practical kind of hiking boots, with her mid-brown frizzy hair haphazardly tied back. It was Addie's best friend, her partner in crime - Tess Spudwick.

"Fancy seeing you here, Spudwick," Addie responded with a smirk.

Across the way, the Ministry wizards were loading her trunk onto the Express.

"I'm glad you're finally here," Tess sighed, with a roll of the eyes. "Lucian's been getting a bet antsy. Suppose he thinks he'll be getting some on the train."

By Lucian, Tess mean Lucian Bole, Addie's current boyfriend.

Being her usual self, Addie shrugged. "Only if I get bored enough."

Both she and Tess shared a laugh. They both knew how Addie was. Some of the other girls at school thought that Addie was a bit of a slut, to say the least. It wasn't true. Sure, she had sex with the guys she dated, but it wasn't like she had sex with just anyone or anything. And she didn't even have all that much sex with the guys she dated. She liked to milk them, tease them a bit, both for the enjoyment of it and because she usually got things out of it - be it gifts, homework done for her, etc. She did what she wanted to get what she wanted. She really didn't care.

"Do you have everything, darling?" Addie's mum inquired, approaching her daughter. "Are you all set?"

"Great, Mum, thanks," Addie grinned.

Despite being the kind of person she was, she still loved her parents. Even if she did manipulate them a bit (which was rather easy) she still loved her mum and dad to death.

"Well, I suppose we'll let go you then, sweetheart," her dad said, giving her a big squeeze. "Go get 'em this year, won't you?"

"Sure thing, Dad," Addie replied with a slight wink. "Love you."

"Love you too, Boots," her dad responded. He called her Boots lovingly, as she always wore them.

"Love you, darling," her mum chimed in, giving her a smooch on the forehead. Addie rubbed the lipstick away quickly, while returning her mum's hug. "Stay safe, be smart, and we'll see you at Christmas."

"As always Mum," Addie replied with a cheeky wink. "See you at Christmas!"

With that, Addie was being dragged onto the train by Tess, and away from her waving parents. Her mum had tears rolling down her cheeks, which she dabbed quickly with a hankie, for fear of ruining her makeup. Her dad was just about in tears, with an arm around his wife, and his other arm clutching his hat against his chest, revealing his shiny bald head.

Addie turned her head from the window, so she didn't have to watch her parents fade away. She didn't want to cry. It'd ruin her makeup, after all.

"Ah, there you are," came a familiar voice.

Addie felt a slap to the arse, and then the same hands that did the slap slink around her waist and pull her backwards, into someone else's front.

"Hello, Lucian," Addie replied, sounding bored in a kind of smarmy way. She turned in his arms, and wrapped hers around his neck. "I heard you've been looking for me….?"

"Of course," Lucian replied.

His blue eyes examined her face for a moment, before leaning in for a kiss. She let him get just close enough, before turning her head, so that his mouth hit her cheek instead.

"I'm not really in the mood for that," she said, with her signature snark. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the lady with the food cart down the corridor. "Buy Tess and I some drinks, and meet us in the usual compartment, won't you?"

"Sure thing," Lucian agreed.

He looked a bit disappointed, but Addie knew he'd get over it. She knew just how to get to him, or any of the past guys she's dated.

"You're such a tease," Tess snickered, as the two started down the corridor in the opposite direction.

"It's so much fun," Addie replied, her eyes widening with playful delight. "I can't help it."

"Oh, speaking of fun, I forgot," Tess muttered.

She pulled a well-sealed clear plastic bag from the large granny purse she had over her shoulder - dungbombs.

"I thought we could get some use out of them," Tess smirked. "Snape, perhaps?"

"Juvenile," Addie replied. "But brilliant."

Once again, her eyes widened, this time, with a delighted sort of mischief. She spoke like that a lot, with her eyes. They could be quite hypnotizing.

"I just hope that git of a boyfriend of yours hurries up," Tess said, changing the subject, as they came into the compartment. "I'm parched."

"You've already got him working for you?" Peregrine Derrick, arguably the best pal of Lucian's, and fellow seventh year.

"I know, you're terribly jealous, aren't you?" Addie responded, her voice dripping with the same sarcasm her smirk reflected.

Patches made his way through the crack in the door, making a point to glare at Derrick, before leaping up into Addie's lap. She looked like the godfather sitting there, but far more intimidating and kind of sexy, with the angry-looking cat in her lap and the tasteful arrogance in her eyes.

"You think you're so damn hot, don't you?" Derrick asked her, sinking into his seat with his eyes narrowed and arms crossed. He was clearly amused, but far more flustered than amused.

"Think?" Addie repeated, stroking Patches' back. "I don't think it, darling, I know it."

Tess sniggered in her seat beside Derrick, who was clearly stumped on coming up with something to say in response. Victorious, Addie settled into her seat with a smirk, crossing her legs.

A ways away on the Express, Fred and George Weasley sat with their old pal, Lee Jordan, in their own compartment. They were talking business. They were talking about the fact that Ludo Bagman had yet to pay the real money that he owed them. He'd paid them in leprechaun gold, which they soon discovered, and they'd spent the last part of their holiday writing furiously to Bagman, and so far, still hadn't gotten the money that was rightfully theirs.

The three were very rudely interrupted when a loud BANG! against the glass of their compartment door drew their attention away. It was Lucian Bole, 7th year and Beater of the Slytherin Quidditch team. He was on the meatier side, and was quite the savage on the Quidditch pitch, having beaten Alicia with his bat during their match last year so hard that George elbowed him in the face for retaliation. Currently, he was flashing them a very rude hand gesture.

Seeing this, and taking into account his past actions, Fred and George were on their feet in a matter of seconds, ready to beat Bole to a pulp. But, they were stopped by Lee, who grabbed them both by the seat of their pants and held them back.

"He's not worth it, sit down, he's not worth it!" Lee shouted, until he felt confident that Fred and George were settled enough to release them.

Bole sniggered at them and flashed the same impolite gesture at them, before disappearing down the train corridor.

"I hate him, I really do, y'know?" Fred grumbled. "I mean, I hate all the Slytherins…."

"We all do," George agreed. "He's a real git, though, remember him beating Alicia last year with his bat?"

"Looks a bit strange too, doesn't he?" Lee mused. "Like someone glued a rabbit's head to a gorilla's body?"

Lee paused, allowing for the laughter let out by the twins, but then continued, "Really unfair how he's got the best looking girl in school, huh?"

"What?" George inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Haven't you heard?" Lee asked. "Everyone's been talking about it since we got on the train, Merlin, it's almost all I heard until you two got here….apparently, Bole's dating Addie Morgan."

"Bloody hell," Fred muttered. "Is she blind? She dated Marcus Flint until he graduated, and now Bole? She knows how to pick the ugly ones, I guess."

"Sure does," George agreed. "Kind of a waste, if you ask me."

"Doesn't really matter, though," Lee shrugged. "I mean, looks wise, she's like….some sort of dark Veela, but she's in Slytherin. Slytherin. Waste."

"True," sighed George. "She is kind of evil, isn't she? A real Slytherin?"

Thinking on it, they all could agree that she was. She was sly, and sneaky, she knew how to avoid all the punishment she deserved for the things she did, which included some kind of jokes she liked to think of as pranks, ditching class, smoking cigarettes in Hogsmeade, and those things were just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe she just didn't get in trouble because her Head of House was Snape, who never punished anyone in his own House, and usually got them out of trouble when they received punishment from other professors.

"Yeah, and it's too bad," Fred sighed once again. "I'd sure as hell shag her if she wasn't."

The beginning of the year feast was boring as hell, as usual. Addie sat through the Sorting with her arms and legs cross, and begrudgingly clapped when a new Slytherin joined the table. She raised her eyebrows at the new Ravenclaws, knowing being Sorted into that house proved their intelligence. She laughed at the new Hufflepuffs, whom she immediately assumed were all dunderbrains. She was disgusted to see the new Gryffindors. She hated all Gryffindors. They were snobby and boisterous and unnecessarily loud and obnoxious.

Lucian couldn't keep his hands off of her. There was a hand on her thigh, fingers crawling down her spine or slipping into her own fingers, or even attempting to go between her legs, which she promptly stopped. The thought crossed her mind, because she was so damn bored, but she really didn't want to. She wasn't in the mood.

The Sorting came, and the Sorting went, and at the end of dinner, Dumbledore announced the upcoming Triwizard Tournament. No one at the Slytherin table - except the first years - were even mildly surprised or even found the information new. Everyone had a parent or family member that was prominent enough that they already knew, and if they didn't, they had a friend who did, so almost all the Slytherins knew about the Tournament long before they boarded the Express.

None of them who were old enough really had any interest in entering, either. Most of them didn't need the money and didn't want to risk their lives. They'd rather sit back and someone else make an arse of themselves or get gravely injured than put themselves in that situation themselves. They were all sure a few of the stupid Gryffindors would be putting their names in, and none of them were too bothered to think of them endangering themselves in the Tournament.

So, after all of those boring festivities, Addie retired to her dorm with Tess. She left Lucian and his buddies down in the common room, where they cracked open some firewhiskey and made predictions about who'd die in the Triwizard Tournament, talked about the shitty things they predicted would happen in their classes, and about all the chaos that happened at the World Cup.

Though the thought that the Death Eaters could quite possibly be back terrified Addie, she'd rather avoid it all than talk about it. So that's what she did.

Currently, Addie was kneeling on her bed, Spell-O-Taping posters and pictures to the wall her bed was against. She put up her Sex Pistols posters first, then the one of just John Lydon, who fascinated her endlessly. Randy Rhodes went up next, and then The Weird Sisters, Frida Kahlo, Siouxsie Sioux, and finally, pinned her Slytherin banner above all the pictures. She imagined the heart attack 98% of the other Slytherins would think if they saw all the Muggles on her wall, but she didn't care. She didn't mind Muggles or half-bloods or any kind of person, as long as they weren't complete imbeciles.

The last piece of Spell-O-Tape secured her Slytherin banner, and she fell back on the bed a bit, sighing as she took in her work. It wasn't quite as good as her wall collage back home, but it'd do. She laid down to get a better look, seeing as she'd be laying down most of the time when she was looking at it, and before she knew it, she was asleep.

And, she was dreaming. Or, rather, having a nightmare.

"You stupid, insolent, useless child!" the lady with the dark hair yelled.

She was very scary, and Addie didn't like her. Somewhere, deep down in her little child brain, she knew the Scary Lady was supposed to be her mummy, but she didn't act like it. She was very scary and mean, and she hurt Addie a lot.

A flash of red light overcame her, and she was suddenly on the floor, writhing in pain. It hurt so much. It hurt more than anything should ever have to hurt, but somehow, Addie was used to it.

"Stop!" hollered another voice. It was Auntie's voice. Auntie was nice. "Stop, you're hurting her!"

"I know what I'm doing, Cissy," the Scary Lady said. It stopped hurting, and when Addie opened her eyes, she saw the Scary Lady standing right over her. She was very scared. "She's my child, and I'll teach her to respect me."

The red light came again, and this time, the pain was even worse.

"Wake up!"

Addie woke with a jolt, as she was being shook harshly by Tess. She sprang up to a sitting position, finding herself in tears and a cold sweat, her whole body shaking.

"Another one?" Tess inquired, looking worried as she sat on the edge of Addie's bed.

Addie only nodded, wide-eyed, but this time, with fear. She wuped at her eyes, smudging her makeup, which was now soiled and mixed with her tears. She felt the fear coursing through her veins, a familiar feeling.

She had a lot of these kinds of nightmares, unfortunately.

"Sorry," Addie muttered, scooting over Tess to go to the bathroom. "I'm….sorry….sorry I'm like this…."

"You don't have to apolo-..." Tess said, only to have the bathroom door shut in her face.

Addie was glad she had Tess as a friend, but right now, she needed to be alone.