A very short chap. It looked like it was much longer in Word. Everything does. I just wanted to post something because a guest reviewer asked me to update soon and so I next one is gonna be longer. (That is a fact not a promise. I have already written it but I still want to look over it again to make it presentable(you know correcting mistakes and stuff)


"This is an order, not a request"

"I will find another way to keep them silent. I cannot kill my friends. They won't talk, I promise."

"I hope you are right." He answered and hung up.

She stormed out of the room as fast as she could, considering her tight dress, which ended mid- thigh and her 5 inch shoes. She came just in time to hear Chris say,"Gorgeous. We are ready for the wedding! Let's pay for the dresses and then we can go grab a salad at McDonalds"

Ziva smiled, acting like she didn't just have a breakdown in a public place and was ordered to kill her friends.

"I don't know about you but I would rather eat Pizza right now" the smaller woman muttered, after they had paid.

"You sound like Tony right now" she muttered speeding up her pace and therefore colliding with someone.

"Sorry" she mumbled

"Ziva?" the man asked, acting surprised.

"Lucas? What a coincidence"

"Yeah, what a coincidence. You look gorgeous today."

"Thanks. This is Lucy, my friend"

"Nice to meet you"

"So Ziva, can I ask you a favor?"

"Go on"

"My car won't start and I don't know what is wrong. Could you take a look at it please, I have never been good with cars."

"I don't know-"

"Of course she will help you" Lucy interrupted.

"I cannot. Have you forgotten that we all have plans with Chris" she hissed

"This is your way out. Go with him and when you fixed the car he could drive you home."


"No buts! Bye Ziva! Text me so we can meet again another time" Lucy said as she caught up with Christina.

"Come on Ziva. The car is right there" he beamed and leaded her to the car.

"Ziva, dear. Hello" Miss Fernandez, Tony's neighbor, greeted her. She hugged the younger woman when Ziva felt something being stuck into her flesh.

"What have you done?" she asked, immediately breaking the embrace. She pulled the now empty syringe out of her arm.

"Sorry sweetheart" Carmen apologized before an unconscious Ziva fell to the ground, hitting her head on the curb.

"You could've caught her. Now my car will get all bloody"

"What is it DiNozzo?"

"That's Ziva, Boss. Rodriguez kidnapped Ziva David" he stated, almost emotionless.

"I thought she was in Israel"

"She isn't."

"Okay but why would he abduct her?" Fornell asked

"Because she's involved with Tony and we all know that Rodriguez despises Tony almost as much as Gibbs" McGee blurted

"Was. Not anymore. I hope he kills her." He sighed. He really wanted to tell them why exactly they weren't in a relationship anymore but they had a deal. As much as he hated Ziva for using him to get the liaison position he wouldn't tell on her.

"Ziva is a highly trained assassin." Jenny said, ignoring the killing part.

"What are you saying?" Gibbs broke in

"He couldn't have kidnapped her so easily."

"Maybe she knew him" McGee mused

"I think I know him too."

"Ya think DiNozzo?"

"Yeah, he has always looked kinda familiar to me."

"Why haven't you told us that a week ago?!"

"I wasn't sure, I am still not sure."

"So Rodriguez does not only know Gibbs, but also Tony and Officer David." McGee concluded.

"Should we tell the Director that Ziva was abducted by a terrorist?"

"I'm right here Agent DiNozzo" Jenny informed him, confused by his question.

"I meant her father, the Deputy Director of Mossad" he clarified.

"No, not yet. I don't wanna pull Mossad into this"

"Whatever you say Jen!"

"Boss, he's calling us" McGee interrupted their little discussion.

"I swear to you when I find a way out of these handcuffs I am going to kill you!" she screamed, pulling on her cuffs.

"Calm down princess. I didn't plan on hurting you but if you keep on annoying me then I will" Lucas replied, running her hands along her thighs.

"Don't touch me! Why did you even kidnap me?" she spit

"Easy. 2 reasons: First, I know what you did to Agent DiNozzo and sec-"

"Stop right there. What did I do to him?"

"You played him."

"What I did, or did not do is none of your business"

"I think we should lock her in the trunk. I don't wanna see this brat any longer" Carmen Fernandez whined from the backseat.

"Whatever you say momma" he answered sweetly as he pulled over.

"You cannot be serious"

"This is not a road trip, Sexy" he laughed and scooped her up in his arms.

"Let go of me!" she ordered, kneeing him in the stomach since her arms were handcuffed behind her back. He dropped her immediately, rubbing his stomach in agony. Ziva hit the asphalt with her left shoulder roughly, since she wasn't able to break the fall with her hands. The woman whimpered as the pain shot through her body.

"Bitch" he cursed, kicking her with his foot. Carmen sat down near Ziva and tied her legs with a rope as tightly as the old lady could. After that Rodriguez picked her up again and stuffed her into the trunk.

"Selber schuld. Ich hab dir doch gesagt, dass sie eine militärische Ausbildung hat." Carmen told her son. (German (only roughly translated): Your fault. I told you that she was trained by the military.)

"Ich kann euch verstehen!" (I can understand you) Ziva yelled from her position in the car. She had always hated it when people just assumed that she wouldn't speak their language. It is a stupid mistake that could cost you your life.

"Shut up" Lucas barked back and punched the trunk with his foot.

"Your turn to drive" Lucas said and tossed the keys to his mother.

"I am gonna give NCIS a call." He continued.