Daryl POV

"All of this for some fucking canned food.
I should have known it was too easy.
Who the hell would leave a whole warehouse full of food open for the taking.
Whoever these pricks are, they are pretty damned smart. That set up in there was well thought out. And even this conveniently unlocked car... all planned out so well.
And we just took the bait like a damned horse with a carrot. Now here we are, sitting in a car, surrounded by walkers, waiting for these psychos to come and finish us off.
I don't even want to think about what they have planned for us…I would like to think it cant be worse than being eaten like the nuts at terminus.
But after seeing that woman yesterday, I know that there are plenty of things that could be worse than just being killed and eaten.
I'm not scared of death itself, but the idea that I might never see any of my family again has my stomach in knots. And I am resisting the urge to freak out a little.
Aaron is quietly panicking next to me, I can tell because his eyes are larger than usual.
Which is saying something.
There is a constant pounding which rocks the car, and the snarling faces peering in at us have me wondering if I might shortly look like one of the walkers making all the racket.
I have been in some tough spots, some even worse than this, more hopeless. But I always had my family with me…Rick, Carol, Glen and Amber.
Aaron is a nice guy, and, yeah, he is tougher than I originally thought, but I sure wish I had some of MY people with me right now.
I instinctively reach into my pocket for a smoke and then light it… the normalcy of that action in this moment… makes me smile.
And then I have to explain it to Aaron. How it makes me feel.
And it does feel more like me, stuck between a rock and a hard place seems to be my permanent location these days.
"Shit shows" don't seem to freak me out anymore. Its just the way things are, you deal with them, and hope like hell you make it out alive.
Which is why when Aaron says he will go alone…I don't accept his Offer
We are all in this cluster fuck of a world together Now. Decent living humans need to stick Together.
"It aint open fer discussion. And it aint yer decision. Just let me finish my smoke."
I tuck my lighter back in my pocket, my skin grazing the cold hard surface of the ring I stashed there earlier
There was no way around it…I had to fight if I was ever going to get back to Amber. Had to give it my all because she made me promise, and because its who I am.
The odds weren't good, but then they rarely are these days. As I slowly exhales the smoke from my lungs, I put my whole heart into praying that, if I didn't make it out of this alive, Amber would never doubt that I loved her.
That somehow she would know…deep down. That I loved her dearly.
"On three….. One…" I grip my knife harder… readying myself for the frey…."Two" my hand goes to the handle and tenses….
Blood and brains pop across the window and the door in all directions.
I am expecting it to be the crazy assholes that planed this whole thing… but as the guy yells at us...
"C'Mon! This way!" piking walkers as he runs to safety… its pretty clear that he isn't one of the "Bad people" the note spoke
Once on the other side of the chain-link, all I can do is stare at him,
Who is this guy?! A black Robin Hood?
I know why we are looking to save people, find people, bring them in. But finding it in anyone else is pretty damned suspicious actually.
Aaron is explaining to him who we are and that we have a camp, between labored breaths
"Why" is the only question I have for him…its really the only question that's important it
"Because all life is precious Daryl." Is his Answer
My knee jerk reaction is to think "Whatever!"
The people in terminus were not precious, or the claimers, or the psychos that set this little welcome party.
But I think maybe he means all good people… but how would he know we were good people?
STOP overthinking it Daryl and just be grateful for the ass save!
I tell myself as, who I now know is Morgan explains that he is headed someplace but needs some help being pointed in the right direction.
He hands me a map…and my whole thought process stops when I read the name "Rick Grimes"
"You know Rick?"
"Very well. You know him?" He asks in that same smooth even tone that kinda unnerves me.
"He and I have been together pretty much since tha begin'n."
"Do you know where he is now?"
"Back at our community" Aaron answers with a bewildered look on his face. "We were headed there next. Would you come with us?"
"Yes, I would like that very much."
As we walk away from the "walker factory" I find myself wishing I had just a little gasoline to light a few on fire…burn the whole damned thing to the ground.
But I'm fresh out of lighter Fluid.
So instead we walk back to the RV with only a few words between us. Morgan asks about Alexandria as we drive.
Aaron answers those questions…then he asks me when I met Rick
"Only a few weeks after it all started. Outside Atlanta…been with that group ever since."
"And now you are with us" Aaron adds… still trying to remind me that I am not on the outside
"Got any family?" Morgan asks
"Brother died."
"Did he turn" He asks… and I want to punch him in the face for it,
I can still remember the gray tone of his skin, the greenish rings around his irises, and the feel of the knife as I drove it through his Skull
No… not his skull…. That THING wasn't my brother.
I haven't thought about it in a long time…even when I would talk about him with Amber
When she would write about him in her books… I tried to always think of him as he was…not what had happened to him.
"Yeah" I grunt at him with a look that tells him not to ask anything further, and switch on the radio I have been carrying on my hip all Day.
It clicks and gargles… I call but no one answers.
Which is wrong
Aaron and I just look at each other with panic starting to creep into our eyes and pick up the pace a bit.
We reach the RV in a few more moments and head to Alexandria…a drive of more than an hour
I keep calling but no one answers.
Aaron drives a little faster…
I am anxious…more than I have been in a long time.
What the hell is going on there?
Why isn't anyone answering?
Its never happened before…
When we get close I have Aaron turn off the rv lights and drive slow until we can see the /Looking through the binoculars I see that Spencer is at the gate looking very concerned.
But at least it's a friendly face, so we turn on the RV and head /When Aaron asks what's going on, we get a brief explanation… Rick beat the hell out of Pete in the middle of the street. And now there is a town meeting about it.
"I need ta be there" I tell him.
Spencer checks and double checks the lock as we head over to the meeting. He seems in a daze, so much so that he doesn't even ask who Morgan is.
But that is the least of my worries
Especially as I hear the gunshot ring out as soon as the group comes into view.
Its like a scene from one of those Poe stories Amber had me read.
Fire, blood and violence…two dead husbands and a man wielding a sword.
Rick looks like hell and the whole situation has me at a total loss for words and thought.
I cant wrap my mind around it.
And some people are Missing
Most people just run to their homes, away from the blood and brains. Its to be expected I Guess.
Rick doesn't talk to Morgan right away and Deanna still cradles Reg's body as Rick pulls me aside
"What tha hell's go'in on here Rick?" I ask
"Its been a quick moving four days. Aiden, Glen, Noah. Tara, Nicholas, Eugene and Amber all went on a run. Aiden and were killed"
I feel my heart sink into my stomach…
So young and driven. He was a nice kid and he didn't deserve to die. No one does.
I am so sick of loosing people that it makes my stomach turn.
"I heard about your meltdown with Pete and Deanna"
"Yeah. I reach my boiling point and lost it. But Daryl… Amber…" he says shaking his head and resting his hand on my shoulder.
That's all he has to say, I can feel the blood drain from my face, arms and legs. It seems to pool around my heart and squeeze till I think it will crush it
"Now she's alive… just hurt really bad." He tells me trying his best, and failing, to be comforting
"Where is she"
"At the clinic"
I take off in that direction without another word.
Before I know where I am I am there flinging the door open to see Rosita sitting next to a groggy Tara
The other doctor, Denise is mulling behind the counter and Lucas is sitting next to Rosita slide past Lucas, and take the other seat next to her bed, take her hand and survey the damage
A wrapped head. Arm in a cast. And god only knows what else is going on under the sheets that cover sheet.
I look to Rosita and she answers me without me having to ask answers
"She has a concussion, her arm was broken in two places, cuts and bruises all over, a few shrapnel wounds, and maybe a fractured rib or two. Its just the concussion and her not waking up that has us worried. The other things we have handled."
"What happened?"
Rosita and Eugene, who has appeared from nowhere, tell me about the run that went on.
About Nicholas' betrayal and cowardice, Aiden's mistake with the Granade.
Then they tell me about Rick, Jesse and Pete. The, not totally off base, speech he gave in the street. And Eugene comes with the full account of what happened just now at the counsel.
I have even fewer words for them now. All I can do is sit by Amber's bedside and pray to whoever will listen that she is ok.
Glen comes in carrying Nicholas and I resist the urge to deck him, my pull to be by her side overriding my desire for vengeance.
Maggie and Rosita patch them up, as I stare at her face like a mad man. Willing her to wake up and speak to me.
Lucas leaves quietly after a half hour or so and Glen takes his place next to me.
"We talked on the way to the warehouse you know…" he tells me.
I don't answer… I just keep my eyes trained on Amber's face. No blinking…even one blink scares me.
Glen just huffs and continues
"She said that she was Sorry for…"
"Stop. I don't want to hear it man" I tell him without looking at him. I don't want to hear what she said from anyone but her.
Glen is trying to be comforting I know… but him telling me this makes it feel too much like he thinks she wont make it
Like I may never hear her voice again.
And I cannot take that right now.
Glen stands and puts his hand on my should just like Rick did… and I want to throw it away from me… but I don't have the strength for that.
Hours pass before I have the soundness of mind to even think straight
I don't say a word to her as she lays in the bed. I just think them to her…
Amber, don't leave me. I can't do this without you now. Not anymore… I'm not the same. I am so so so sorry for not telling you goodbye. You cant leave me without a good bye… and I don't want you to leave even then. I know I can be a dumb dick… and I know I don't deserve you… but I need you
I have turned the chair so I can hold her hand while I sit, and It's the same thoughts over and over and over in my head until I fall asleep
The Sun isn't up when Denise comes and shakes me awake
"You should go to sleep. I will watch her and come get you if anything changes" she says with a kind smile.
I dismiss her
"Not go'in nowhere"
She sighs and tells me "I really think she is going to be fine… the body does a great job at fixing itself. It just needs time. You look like you know about that. Being here isn't going to make it work faster. But yours will pay the price for it…she wouldn't want that. You need rest."
I know she is right, but I still ignore her.
The look on her face says she knows further argument is useless
"At least sleep on the sofa while I sit with her" she asks me…and the knot in my side tells me that it's a good idea to listen to her
I stride over and lay my head down on the arm, I remember closing my eyes, but nothing else until I feel Eugene shake me
It takes me a moment to register where I am, this isn't my house!
"She woke up for just a moment" he tells me and I rush over to her side.
"I think it's a good sign" Lucas tells me "Like when you are so tired but you still wake up at your normal time…just for a second. Then fall back asleep and are late"
He looks at me with a slight smile, and even though I still don't like him, I do silently thank him for the words of comfort with a head nod.
"Her body just need time to heal. I could read to her if you like" Rosita offers
"That might work. I will go get a book of hers" I tell her and head to the house to find a copy of "The Hobbit" on her nightstand
I bring it back, and meet Rosita heading out the door
"She's awake!" she smiles at me and I just throw the book at her and head inside.

Amber POV/p

My whole body aches from head to toe. But my arm more than anything.
Blinking hurts even and my right eye feels swollen. Did they leave me here? If there are walkers I am going to be defenseless, since I am not even sure if I can move.
I have to move, so my eyes fly open, painfully, and jerk to my right, whimpering as I do… trying to find my knife
I hear voices in the background… but I am not registering who they are, I hear a door slam…and I sit up… yelping as I do
But I need to move…away from danger, find my people, make it out alive
"Hey hey calm down… you are safe" someone says…and presses me back down
My eyes focus on Eugene… So we aren't all dead
"We gotta move Eugene, there will be more walkers coming! We gotta move!" I yell at him, "I need your help, I'm hurt" I say in a total panic.
"Amber!" comes Daryl's voice… how did he get here?
"Its ok, you're back in Alexandria at the clinic." He tells me…and I am flooded with relief
Oh thank god." I say sitting back slowly… the lowering levels of adrenaline allowing me to take in the surroundings for the first time
"You were out for a few days" says Denise "How do you feel?" She asks me as she shines a penlight in my eyes
"I hurt all over."
"Is she ok?" Ask Daryl who has pushed his way in past her and has taken my hand. I would never tell him, but even that hurts
"Eyes look good, and reactive… so that's a great sign" she tells him and steps back. Looking at me with soft eyes
"Don't move to sudden. You have a compound break in your arm, a few bruised ribs and some wounds. So you need to take it easy"
I look to Daryl and ask
"What happened?" I Ask
Tara in the bed next to me tells me the whole bloody story. I fight and fail at holding back the tears when she tells me about Noah.
I set her off and then we are both crying…even, my strong as a tower, Daryl next to me hangs his head in sorrow.
In my mind… it has been mere seconds since I saw him last, alive and well
I am slammed with the unfairness of it all, a young life, a talented life, snuffed out…by one mans selfish man.
Then Rosita breaks the news of an older persons death… Reg. Who I liked so much, but wasn't family like Noah
I think all of this info at once is going to crush in my chest and I cant hold back the sobs that seem to lighten the load inside.
I am too tender to be hugged, but Daryl wipes away my tears with his dirty hands and does his best to comfort me
"Its S'ok. It'll be ok." He repeats inching ever closer and squeezing my hand
After awhile, I've cried myself out, and I notice that the room is empty except for Daryl. I am truly grateful for this
Tears aren't something I share with many
"What can I do" Daryl asks when my eyes finally dry
"Just stay with me" I tell him
"What else?"
"Aspirin" I croak
He walks over to the kitchen area and opens the cabinet looking for aspirin…and I am hit with the realization how close I came to never seeing him again…and the tears start all over again.
I hear his thudding rapid footsteps coming my way
"Whats wrong? I'll go get the Doc" he says hurriedly
"No" I manage " Just help me sit up."
His strong hands help me shuffle back to an sitting position, and he asks me again what's wrong
"I'm so sorry." I choke out. "I'm so sorry I wouldn't talk to you. It was just stupid and I could have died never having made it right." I trail off in a choked sob
"Hey hey" Daryl coos at me "Don't even think 'bout that right now"
"How can I not? Noah is DEAD. Reg is DEAD. Pete is DEAD!" I yell and begin to feel hysteria rising in my throat
"Stop it" he says in the lowest voice I have ever heard him use. And it stops me in my tracks…its Daryl's version of a slap across the face and a command to pull myself together
I look him in the eyes and take long gasping bursts.
They are meant to be long deep breaths, but the pain around my lungs makes that impossible
When my breathing has stopped being erratic Daryl takes my hand again and speaks softly
"Yer here an' I'm here. That's all that matter right now. Shit happens. It always has 'n it always will. But we made it."
I just hang my head and nod in agreement…letting a single tear slip from my eye
"You just need to rest 'n get better"
"I got you some presents for when you are up and moving." he tells me
I laugh a little them grimace at the pain in my ribs.
"I sure hope it isn't heavy" I say
"No… not at all. " he smiles at me. "Now you rest woman. I'll wait here 'til you fall back asleep."
"Ok." I say after he places the lightest kiss on my lips and pulls up my blanket
A totally normal thing to do, but coming from Daryl, and in my current state, it makes me want to cry…so I close my eyes to stop the tears
And before I know it I am asleep