A/N: My Simpsons Guy crossover, only with differences, there'll be Simpson episodes included and Meg is Bart's age in this. This was based on a request from CartoonNetwork90sFan who had an idea of Meg being Lisa's pen pal, I was going to have Meg be her original age, but thought it would be more suitable if she were 10 instead of 17. Also, because of this, Stewie is not yet born and Chris is around Lisa's age. If anyone has a request for an episode for me to do on this story, let me know in PMs or reviews. Read & Review! Characters belong to Seth MacFarlane and Matt Groening.

In Springfield Elementary School, Ms. Hoover came to her students with envelopes.

"Pen Pal letters!"

"Oh, boy!" Lisa was very excited to hear from her pen pal more than the others who felt like it was just extra school work.

"Ms. Hoover, my pen pal died..." Ralph Wiggum pouted with a pen in his hand which had just run out of ink.

"No, Ralph, your pen pal is someone you write to who lives outside of Springfield, remember?" Ms. Hoover glanced at him before passing an envelope to him. "Your pen pal is very likely alive."

Ralph took the envelope and cheered. "Yay, stranger danger!"

Lisa happily took her enevelope and opened it up to hear from her newest pen pal who lived in Rhode Island. She wished there was something she could do for her pen pal though besides writing to each other all the time due to their rough families. Lisa related a lot with her pen pal, though her family was actually better in comparison than her pal's. Her pen pal had to live with being ignored and abused by her family with rare comforting moments from her mother, being told to shut up on a frequent basis by her father, and the harsh, soul crushing self-esteem crushing from mean girls in school. Lisa had an idea and raised her hand quickly.

Ms. Hoover looked back and sighed exhaustively. "Yes, Lisa?"

"Ms. Hoover, I was thinking about something that would help our young, developing, and growing minds." Lisa spoke up with a smile, cuing the other kids to groan in dismay and sink in their desks.

"Carry on, Lisa." Ms. Hoover sighed again.

"Our big summer break is coming up," Lisa replied, reminding as she kept her smile despite the other kids not liking her thoughts and opinions. "What if we mail our pen pals and have them spend the summer here in Springfield and we can hang out with them?"

Ms. Hoover merely shrugged, looking as not interested as the other students in the room. "If you want... I really don't care."

"Shouldn't we talk to Principal Skinner about it?" Lisa prompted.

"It's never easy pleasing you..." Ms. Hoover muttered under her breath and spoke up vocally. "Very well, Lisa... We'll run it by Principal Skinner and have him arrange for our pen pals to come over for spring break."

Lisa smiled, feeling appreciated. She and the other students then wrote responding letters to their pen pals to have them visit the area sometime soon for summer break. Not only would it be very social, fun, and accepting, but highly educational to learn from each other in person.

Principal Skinner agreed, though probably just didn't want Lisa to be a nuisance with the educational system again, but allowed the pen pals to visit Springfield. The last day of school would be a very great one, because then soon, Lisa would receive a visit from her pen pal, she had been anxious to meet this girl she had written to for a long time now. Bart was excited for a different reason. It would mean report cards and if he got a C average, Homer promised to take the kids to Kamp Krusty, even Lisa's pen pal.

"Hello, Bart, Lisa," Marge smiled at her children as they left school. "Are we excited about summer vacation?"

"Oh, yes, Mom!" Lisa beamed. "Especially that I'll get to meet Megan!"

"Who?" Bart asked.

"You know," Lisa narrowed her eyes to her brother. "My pen pal that I've been writing to since September!"

"Oh, her," Bart puffed air and rolled his eyes. "That means another geeky girl to spend the summer with..."

"Bart, I expect you to be on your best behavior when we see Megan, we're going to be picking her up tomorrow afternoon," Marge said as she started the car. "That's why I'm taking you home instead of the bus today. We need to get some food for her. She might like different stuff than we do."

"Remember, Mom, no peanuts," Lisa said to her mother. "Megan's highly allergic."

"Right, thank you, dear..." Lisa smiled.

Bart was annoyed. He wasn't going to enjoy this pen pal experience. "Whatever, just keep her away from me."

Lisa sighed. "At least pretend to be interested in her, Bart... Who knows? You might grow to like her."

"Yeah, and after that, Maggie will walk in straight lines and speak death threats to us all." Bart chuckled.

"MOM!" Lisa shrieked.

"Knock it off, Bart!" Marge sighed.

Marge, Bart, Maggie, and Lisa went to their grocery shopping. Homer was working at the Plant, getting ready for summer too, even if he still had to work a bit. He didn't like his job, but he was doing it for the kids. When Maggie was old enough, he would stop and go back to the bowling alley like before Lisa was born and Maggie was. Lisa told her mother what they would need and Marge bought them all.

"This is lame..." Bart yawned. "Can we go yet?"

"Bart, you could at least help us..." Lisa looked to her brother.

"I could... But I won't..." Bart looked bored.

Lisa sighed. "Bart... It's almost the end of the school year... Plus we'll get to go camp..." she then smirked. "That is... If you can get a good report card for Dad."

"I'll show you, I'll get better grades than you!" Bart snapped.

Lisa cracked up laughing. "That's a good one..."

Maggie blinked and sucked on her pacifier, looking up to her older brother and sister. She gave a slight smile behind her pacificer, to Bart.

"Nice try, Mags, but that's not gonna help." Bart rolled his eyes to her.

Lisa carried Maggie to look for more food for Megan. Marge told the kids to get enough rest for school, because after it, they were going to the airport and going to pick up Megan for the next three months. Soon, they got to the house and unloaded the car.

"That Megan girl's gonna get everyone's attention," Bart rolled his eyes. "Aren't two girls enough in this house?"

"Bart, stop being a grumpy gus," Homer glared to his son. "You better make a good impression on this girl, she's probably Lisa's only chance for a friend!"

"Dad!" Lisa glared at her father. "How can you say that?"

"He has a point, Lees." Bart grinned.

Lisa shoved him aside, then went to help Marge unload groceries. "Mom, do you think Megan will like it here?"

"I hope she does, dear..." Marge smiled as she put the food away in its proper place. "She should anyway. You know what they say, it's a learning experience."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Lisa shrugged, then looked in the distance. "I wonder what future adventures I'll have with Megan..."

"You'll find out tomorrow, won't be long now, dear." Marge smiled down at her, gently patting Lisa on the head.

Lisa smiled fondly, she wondered what would happen after tomorrow.

The next day, Homer drove Bart, Lisa, Marge, and Maggie to meet Lisa's new friend. Lisa smiled as she looked ahead and held a picture of her new friend, Megan. Megan had short brown hair with a pink hat, wore glasses, had a pink jacket with blue jeans and ivory shoes. She was a little bit older than Lisa, but the young girl didn't mind, she just hoped this would all turn out okay. The Simpsons got out of the car and waited for Megan.

"Mom, how long is this gonna take?" Bart moaned.

"However long it does take, Bart, now remember what I said about being on your best behavior for Megan..." Marge reminded her son firmly as she held Maggie tight.

"Yes, Mom..." Bart sighed, rolling his eyes, he then took out his slingshot, looking around. "So, Lees, what's this friend of yours look like?"

"I have a picture right here." Lisa handed it to him.

Bart took a look and his eyes widened. He had heard so much about this Megan, but never actually saw her. He was never that interested in her before and just thought she was some annoying smart girl like Lisa, but this girl didn't look too bad. He felt very unusual in his body, like with meeting Jessica Lovejoy.

The actual girl was shown with the photo was lowered. "Lisa!"

"Megan!" Lisa cried with a smile, then rushed to her pen pal, instantly hugging her. "Welcome to Springfield!"

"Thanks," Megan smiled in the hug. "Call me Meg though, please."

"Oh, sorry... Meg..." Lisa smiled.

"So, you're Meg, huh?" Homer came over. "You're a little older than we thought you'd be..."

"I'm a little bit older than Lisa," Meg clarified. "I actually just turned 10."

"What a coincidence, Bart is 10 too!" Marge smiled.

"Uh, yeah..." Bart smiled sheepishly. "Welcome to Springfield, Meg..."

"Thanks, Bart," Meg smiled, then came up to the baby of the family. "Oh, is this Maggie? She's even cuter than Lisa says she is!"

Maggie smiled behind her pacifier. She liked this girl already.

"Yes, this is little Maggie," Marge confirmed with a smile. "Is your brother Chris a baby, Meg?"

"Nah, he's in third grade," Meg shook her head. "He's really gross..."

"He's a year younger than you?" Lisa asked. "That must be hard..."

"It is, trust me..." Meg nodded anxiously. "I don't know what I'd do if Mom had another baby though."

"Well, Meg, I hope you're hungry..." Marge changed the subject a little. "We have a nice tuna casserole at home waiting for you."

Meg hummed, licking her lips and rubbing her stomach. "Sounds great, Mrs. Simpson!"

"You better eat it fast if you want seconds." Homer reminded her.

Meg hid a giggle. "I'm sure I will, Mr. Simpson... Let's go then."

Marge smiled, she really liked Meg so far.

The Simpson family went to the car and drove to their home on Evergreen Terrace. Meg looked around the sights of Springfield and she was told some things that had happened concerning other citizens. Most of all, she was looking forward to spending the summer away from her family.

"Okay, Meg, you're all settled in." Homer told the girl with a smile.

"Thanks, Mr. Simpson," Meg smiled gratefully. "So, where do I sleep?"

"You're going to share Maggie's room, you should be fine, she rarely cries at night anymore." Marge informed.

"That'll be good," Meg sighed a little. "I swear, Chris only cried at night to keep me up when I had to share a room with him..."

"If you want Bart's room, that'll be fine while he sleeps on the couch..." Homer offered.

"HEY!" the boy had heard that.

"It's okay, Mr. Simpson," Meg chuckled. "I'm sure I'll be fine with little Maggie."

"I really think she likes you," Marge smiled. "You have any sisters, Meg?"

Meg blinked, she looked a little traumatized for a moment, her eyes scrunched together as she looked like she was going to cry. She then blinked again and shook her head.

"Uhh... No, Mrs. Simpson, I don't." Meg finally said.

"Well, I'm sure Lisa and Maggie can act as new sisters for you." Marge compromised with a smile.

"If Bart gives you trouble, let me know." Homer said, then cracked his knuckles slightly, which gave him a lot of pain in his fingers. "D'OH!"

"Let's go get that casserole." Marge decided with a smile, walking with her husband and new house guest.

The Simpson family and one Griffin girl sat down to dinner. Meg got to meet the pets of the house, a black cat named Snowball and a former racing dog named Santa's Little Helper. Meg asked why they had those names and they told her of what happened to Snowball I and how Homer and Bart 'adopted' Santa's Little Helper on Christmas as a present for the family. They then sat down and started to eat, Meg mostly talked with Lisa, she felt very comfortable in this environment better than her own home.

"Mrs. Simpson, this casserole puts my mother's to shame." Meg told the woman of the house.

"Ohh..." Marge chuckled. "I don't know about that... I haven't met your mother..."

"I suggest a cook-off with Meg's mother and you, Marge, I'll be the judge!" Homer proclaimed.

"That's fine, Homer..." Marge gently tried to get him quiet.

"So, Bart, what do you like to do?" Meg asked her pen pal's brother.

"Huh?" Bart blinked, he had been staring at her a while, more than eating his dinner. "Oh, yeah... Cool, I guess..."

"Boy, answer your guest's question!" Homer demanded.

Bart tried to think of what Meg said, then gulped down another forkful of his dinner. "Oh, ya know... Watchin' Itchy and Scratchy, prankin' people,... You know how it is."

"What's Itchy and Scratchy?" Meg asked.

Bart and Lisa gasped at her.

"You never heard of Itchy and Scratchy!?" Lisa cried. "My first letter to you was if you liked them!"

"I thought you were asking if I had lice or something..." Meg replied, giving a scratch to her head then.

"Mom, can we be excused?" Bart asked frantically. "We gotta turn on the TV and show Meg the show!"

Marge hummed. "Well, okay... But if she gets nightmares, it's no more Itchy and Scratchy for the rest of the summer!"

Bart and Lisa went to Meg's seat, then lifted her by the arms and took her out of the kitchen.

"Uh, Marge, can I be excused?" Homer asked then. "I-I have to meet Lenny and Carl... They haven't watched a football game before!"

"Nice try, Homer..." Marge deadpanned to her husband. "Now eat your tuna."

Homer moaned as he ate.

"Look on the bright side," Marge grinned a bit. "The kids'll be going to Kamp Krusty really soon... We'll be alone for most of the summer..."

"Oooh~" Homer cheered up then, looking seductive to his wife.

"Maggie'll be here, but it'll be the two of us." Marge said, gesturing to their baby.

Homer chuckled, then patted the baby on the head. "Silly Maggie... You won't be scarred for life like your big brother and sister if Mommy and Daddy go in their room and start to-"

"HOMER!" Marge yelled to him to keep him from going further.

Bart and Lisa sat on the couch on Meg's sides as they had one of their Itchy and Scratchy videos play for the girl.

'They fight, they bite, they fight, they bite, fight, fight, fight, bite, bite, bite, the Itchy and Scratchy Shooooow~'

The episode started. A male black cat was taking a walk down the street. He found a dollar bill on the sidewalk, picked it up and felt lucky. However, when he did, a giant anvil with dynamite fell on him and exploded, leaving a bloody mess. It was then revealed a light blue mouse with an orange vest was behind the trap and he smiled and winked to the camera. This made Bart and Lisa laugh out loud and Meg joined them.

"We can't watch this show in my house," Meg said between her laughs. "Mom says it's too violent!"

Bart puffed air through his mouth. "Your mom needs to learn how to live."

"Yeah, even I like Itchy and Scratchy." Lisa said to her pen pal with a smile.

Meg laughed, she then smiled and enjoyed herself. Maybe she could enjoy this summer.

Later that night, Marge decided it would be good to go to bed at a certain time, even on summer vacation. She checked on Meg in Maggie's room after she went to put baby Maggie to sleep in the crib.

"Good night, Meg," Marge told the young house guest with a smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay here."

"I hope so too, Mrs. Simpson..." Meg smiled as she felt tired instantly. "Good night..." she turned her head, shutting her eyes with a smile.

Marge smiled, then turned out the light and allowed Meg and Maggie to get some sleep.