*A/N* Hey guys so this is my first attempt at writing a romance fanfiction so please comment/review and tell me what you think and if I need to improve anything. Plus i'm open to suggestions if anyone has any good ideas on the plot since I am basically making this up as I go (*nudge nudge wink wink*). I love Damon's character and I am a Delena shipper but lately I feel as if it's getting old/it's just the same old story so I decided to make a separate love story for Damon just to see how it goes. Enjoy! :D *A/N*

Damon opened the door to a local bar and stepped across the threshold, instantly greeted with the sounds of chatter and laughter roaring over the soft sound of music playing in the background. The atmosphere and surroundings reminded Damon of the Mystic Grill. Carefully he made his way over to the bar and sat on a bar stool in the corner. He leaned up against the counter as he looked around the room, observing his surroundings. There was a pool table in the corner around which a small group of people had gathered around to play beer pong. Others were scattered around, eating and chatting at the tables in the mini restaurant over to the side. It was too quiet for a quick feed, too calm, too noticeable.

Damon heard a pulsing dubstep beat reach his ears from somewhere to his left where a door had just opened. He caught a glimpse of flashing lights and neon colors before the door swung closed and the room was peaceful again. Damon smirked. He would check out that room later. The beat reminded him of a heartbeat and for a moment he felt the veins under his eyes begin to emerge as a twinge of hunger hit. The darkness of the corner covered him enough that no one noticed as the veins receded and his face returned to normal.

He needed to curb his hunger until he found the perfect prey. Damon turned around to face the bar and looked around for the bartender to bring him a shot of Bourbon. She appeared moments later from a backroom, sensing a customer, and noticed him sitting behind the counter.

"A shot of Bourbon." he ordered giving her a smirk as she made her way over to him. She was pretty, he noticed. The kind of pretty that was natural, she didn't have tons of make up on Damon observed. In fact, he would be quite surprised if she had any. Her wavy light brown hair was up in a messy ponytail in which a few strands hung freely and framed her face. Her full lips were a rosy pink and her dark brown eyes made her seem dark and mysterious, as if she knew and had seen things most people would never see. Her appearance alone intrigued Damon. The way she carried herself with poise and immediately, as if by some impulse, he could tell she was not like most humans that he had encountered.

She walked off to grab the bottle of Bourbon and returned to pour it into a shot glass and set it in front of Damon. She kept her eyes down the entire time and barely glanced at him as if she was disinterested in him, which surprised Damon even more. Not many people could resist his natural charm. Most girls would stare the minute they saw him. This bartender hardly batted an eye. His ego was hurt. Damon picked up the newly filled glass and downed it in one gulp, setting it on the counter before giving her another sly smile. Seeing that he had finished his glass, she turned around still holding the bottle and nonchalantly filled it again before walking into the backroom, not giving him the chance to down it a second time. Damon smiled, he liked a challenge.

He stood up and downed his second shot before walking around the bar counter to follow the girl into the backroom. As he neared the backroom, Damon could see she was busy fixing shelves and rearranging bottles. Her back was to him. From his place at the door Damon could hear her pulse beating in her neck. He smiled and ignored the cravings this time as he walked up to her. Just as he was a foot away, she sensed a presence and turned around to face him. Damon was closer than she expected and she turned around to look into his blue eyes inches from her face. She gasped. He could see a faint trace of surprise in her eyes before she put up a wall again, disinterested.

"You're not supposed to be back here." She told him sternly.

"I know." He replied. "But you kind of left me no choice since you took the Bourbon." he joked flashing another smile pointing to the bottle in her left hand.

"I'm going to have to ask you to go back outside." She continued taking a step back and ignoring his advances.

"Fine, I will go back if you bring the Bourbon." he told her as she stared at him. After a moment, she nodded and Damon walked back out into the bar and sat down in his seat waiting patiently with his empty shot glass. She reappeared moments later and he noticed her white name tag: Charlotte, he read. She came over and refilled his glass for the third time. However, this time he grabbed the neck of the bottle and put a silent finger to his lips as he looked up at her with his baby blue eyes. She stared at him appalled at his behavior and held onto the bottle. Damon could tell she was carefully debating what to do until she realized she wasn't going to win. She rolled her eyes at him, and let go of the bottle. Seeing her services no longer necessary, Charlotte began to turn away again before Damon reached over and grabbed her wrist, turning her so she faced him as he compelled her.

"Follow me." he told her as he got up and made his way towards a back door in the corner of the bar. As he walked Damon looked behind him, seeing that she was indeed following him. As he opened the door he found himself in a dark alleyway in which the only source of illumination was a distant street lamp. Perfect, he thought. She followed him outside and stood in the empty alleyway and Damon closed the door behind them.

"Why did I follow you out here?" she suddenly questioned confused.

"Because I told you to." Damon replied smiling.

"I need to go back inside, i'm not supposed to be out here." She told him making her way to the door. Suddenly, Damon vamped in front of her blocking her exit. Her eyes widened a fraction as she attempted to process what she had just seen.

"Why are you so uptight, relax a little." Damon cajoled.

The statement visibly infuriated her. "That's easy for you to say, some drunk who's made a mess of his life while some of us have to actually work to survive." she exclaimed.

Damon stared at her smirking, yet secretly appalled. "Although those are mostly true," he began. "I am more than just surviving." He could hear the blood pumping through her veins louder than ever and he felt the presence of fangs protruding. She stared at him wide eyed as his face transformed and veins appeared underneath his red eyes.

"What are you?" she questioned staring at him. Her full attention was now on him, Damon had broken through her wall of apathy. What surprised Damon, was that she didn't seem scared. Her eyes, while wide, did not show so much fear as they did curiosity, a sincere interest in what he was. Damon frowned. His surprise shocked him enough for Damon to momentarily forget his blood lust and his eyes returned to normal. No one had ever stopped to ask questions in the middle of a hunt. Normally their one singular thought was to get away from him. Yet she made no move toward the door.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" He asked her confused.

Charlotte stared at him, specifically under his eyes at the place where the veins had just vanished. "No." she replied. "What in the world are you?" she questioned again analyzing his every move.

Damon was shocked. This had never happened before. When humans usually saw his face they turned and ran. It was what made the hunt exciting. But Charlotte wasn't afraid. She was curious. This made her very interesting, Damon was partially curious as to what she would do if she knew the truth, he decided to tell her.

"I'm a vampire." he stated bluntly observing her reaction.

"A what?" she questioned her eyes growing wide.

"A vamp-" he began to repeat himself.

"No, no, I heard you. It's just," She paused "their real? I mean…. you're real?" She asked. Damon looked down at himself and looked back at her as if to say Do I look real to you?

"No, it was all a joke and I faked the veins coming out of my eyes." He stated sarcastically partially waiting to see if she believed him. Like most humans, would she take the first scapegoat offered and be relieved it was all a joke? Instead, she stood staring at him in cold silence, deciding how to reply. Finally, she spoke up.

"How...how did you get to be what you are?" she asked him hesitantly her eyes still full of curiosity.

"That's a long story I'm not sure I'm ready to tell." He told her slyly. "And what is your story? I tell you that I'm a vampire and you're not even a little afraid?" He asked.

She crossed her arms. "If you were going to kill me you would have done it already." she stated defiantly.

"True," Damon acknowledged. "That doesn't mean I still couldn't"

"You won't" she stated confidently.

"Oh really?" He asked and seconds later he was once again in front of her, close enough to smell her perfume and hear the pulse in her neck. Charlotte's breathing hitched for a second as he stared into her eyes. He had come to the bar expecting a drink and to find a hot girl to feed off of. He had not expected this defiant and brave bartender. Had he told her too much Damon wondered he couldn't let her tell anyone that he was a vampire for the danger of running into a witch or a werewolf in the town who hated vampires. Yet something in him wanted her to remember.

"Look, say I let you go. I could make you forget everything." he told her. "And you could get back to your life."

"What if I don't want to forget." she replied still staring.

"You are a loose end that could expose me, and I don't like loose ends. Why should I let you remember?" he snapped.

"You don't have to worry. Your secret is safe with me." she assured him "Besides, I don't have anyone to tell."

This girl intrigued him. Damon would admit that and something about her made him trust her. Against all of his insecure instincts to make her forget everything and vanish from her memory, Damon vamped away and vanished into the darkness of the alleyway leaving Charlotte standing outside alone.