"Dear Father,

For as long as I can remember, you've always told me that I should do whatever it takes to find my happiness in life. These last few years I think I've found the thing- no, the one who complete my happiness, and I've thought long and hard that if I stay here, I won't be able to fill that empty void that's been left after that incident two years ago. I love you so much, but I feel like I need to make this next chapter in my life my own, not yours, father. By the time you've gotten this letter, I'll be on a one-way flight to Icehurst, Maine. I love you, mor and Anna SO MUCH. But I'm old enough to know how I want to live my life. And that's with the one whom I love, Jack.

Please, let me find my happiness.


(A few hours ago)

"Elsa, we've discussed this. That boy is dangerous!" Adgar exclaimed, smacking his pen on his desk as Elsa argued with him.

"You don't know him, far!" Elsa cried. "We're the same age! You never once cared to even meet with him face to face!"

"I don't want the heir to Frøberg Industries to throw her life away for some boy! What can he give you? Did you ever think to question that?"

"How dare you." Elsa growled. "How dare you say I'm throwing my life away! I NEVER agreed to take over this company, and I never will."

"Do not take that tone with me, young lady. Go to your room and we'll discuss this when your mother returns."

"I don't even live here anymore! I'm twenty-one years old, I'm old enough to take care of myself! Why do you think I moved out right after graduation?!

"Elsa Marie Frøberg-"

"I'm done." Elsa huffed, grabbing her blue handbag, storming out of her fathers office. "I can't do this anymore.."

"Elsa!" Anna called from down the hall, waving from her bedroom door.

"Anna!" Elsa cried running to her sisters arms. "Anna, I can't do this!"

"Elsa, listen to me," Anna said, leading her sister to her bed. "Mother and I support you 100%."

"Y-you do?" Elsa sniffled.

"Of course we do. She asked me to give this to you," Anna handed Elsa an envelope. "Of course, father has no idea whatsoever. Open it."

Elsa nodded, opening the glued envelope, a piece of paper folded over a think piece of paper, in front of a thinner piece of blue paper. Her eyes widened as she unwrapped the paper in front of the money, which appeared to be a one way plane ticket to Icehurst, Maine. She pulled the blue paper from the envelope; a check for $15,000.

"Anna, she-she didn't?!"

"We did." Anna smiled. "We figured it would be enough for at least a year and a half of rent until you got yourself that job you applied to a week ago."

"Oh Anna!" Elsa exclaimed, embracing her sister, fresh tears falling from her eyes. "You have no idea how much this means.. I don't even know what to say.."

"You can always thank mother later, besides, your plane leaves in a couple of hours." Anna smiled, patting Elsa's back. "And a certain someone is meeting you at the airport once you land."

"You mean.." Elsa's face lit up.

"Yep. Jackson Overland, the chap who won my sisters heart when they first met five years ago." Anna winked.

"I need to pack!" Elsa scurried to the door.

"Pack light, we'll send you everything else when you get settled into that house next to the lake."

"How did I end up with a clever and amazing younger sister?"

"Eh, you got lucky." Anna smiled, Elsa pulling her into a hug. "You need someone to take you to the airport.

"But what about my car?"

"I'll drive it up this weekend since it's spring break and I'll help you settle in. Just to keep you company." Anna said.

"You're only seventeen."

"I can drive by myself, Elsa. I deserve a out-of-state vacation."

"How will you get home? I don't think you can sprout wings in an instant."

"I'll take the train. The station isn't far from your place."

"Uh huh." Elsa raised an eyebrow. "Well, I guess I should get going. Meet at my dorm in half an hour?"

"You got it, Els."

About 45 minutes later

Taking just the bare necessities, Elsa left her dorm room, previously arranged to be emptied by her mother and Anna the next day, with just a rolling carry-on suitcase, Jack's blue sweatshirt, phone and stuffed bear (shoved deep into her handbag). Anna pulled up to the dorm entrance in her Camry, Elsa ready to go once the car came to a stop. She threw her things into the back seat of Anna's car, quickly getting into the passenger seat, Anna driving off to the airport.

"So, you ready?' Anna asked, Elsa in the passenger seat, her hands clenched at her sides.

"I guess now's better than never, right?" Elsa asked, looking to Anna.

Anna nodded and reached in the back seat, handing her sister a card.

"What's this?"

"Open it." Anna smiled.

Elsa raised an eyebrow as she opened the pink envelope, unfolding the neatly folded cream paper within the envelope.

"Dear Anna Elena Frøberg,

We at The University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine are pleased to inform you that we have accepted your application for the Fall semester at our Portland...Maine..."

"Anna, y-you got accepted?!"

"I DID!" Anna squeaked. "And start in September!"

"Wait, then that means you'll have to move...OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE MOVING TO MAINE."

"AND, we'll be able to see each other on weekends or days we don't have work or class." Anna winked, pulling up to the passenger drop-off area.

"But we won't if you don't get your butt out of my car. Your plane leave in two hours, but someone wants to see you off." Anna said, pointing behind her. "You'll need to get out for it to happen."

"R-right. Thank you Anna, I'll call you before my plane leaves and once I get there." Elsa hugged Anna, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Jeg elsker deg, Anna."

"Love you too, sis." Anna squeezed back. "Now hurry up." Anna shoved her sister back, Elsa smiling as she opened the passenger door.

"I can't let my daughter leave until she says goodbye to her mother."

"MOR!" Elsa exclaimed, running to her arms.

"You've made me so proud, elske. Keep it up."

"Mor, what about father?"

"He'll need to learn that his children eventually need to move on and begin lives of their own, like you and your sister." Idunn smiled, wrapping her arms around Elsa. "He may be upset you won't be taking over, but deep down, he's happy for you."

"He didn't sound like it earlier.." Elsa sighed.

"He's had a rough few months, elske. It'll take him a while to re-adjust."

Elsa nodded as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Love, crying won't help," Idunn wiped the tears from Elsa's face with her thumb. "Now, hurry up. You're going to miss your plane if I don't let you go."

"Mmhm," Elsa replied, Anna hugging her from the back.

"Don't forget to call." Anna said.

"And make sure you make an extra set of keys for your sister and I."

"I will," Elsa wiped her eyes. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means."

"I want my girls to be happy, even if they have to move far away to reach their dreams."

"Takk, mor. Takk, Anna." Elsa said, grabbing her carry-on suitcase. "I'll remember to call before and after!"

"Love you!" Anna and Idunn replied, waving to Elsa as she disappeared through the revolving doors, turning around once she was inside and waving back at the luggage check. "My baby girls are growing up."

"Mother, do you think he saw the letter?"

Idunn's smile slightly disappeared, taking Anna's hand. "He's probably quite upset. Let's give him some space."

Adgar wiped his face with his handkerchief, noticing a neatly folded handwritten note in the middle of his desk. He raised an eyebrow, opening the letter, his eyes widening as he recognized his eldest daughter's handwriting.

"Dear Father,

For as long as I can remember, you've always told me that I should do whatever it takes to find my happiness in life. These last few years I think I've found the thing- no, the one who complete my happiness, and I've thought long and hard that if I stay here, I won't be able to fill that empty void that's been left after that incident two years ago. I love you so much, but I feel like I need to make this next chapter in my life my own, not yours, father. By the time you've gotten this letter, I'll be on a one-way flight to Icehust, Maine. I love you, mor and Anna SO MUCH. But I'm old enough to know how I want to live my life. And that's with the one whom I love, Jack.

Please, let me find my happiness.


The piece of paper dropped from his hand, Adgar slumping into his chair. His hands flew to his face as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"My little girl," He sobbed. "What have I done?"

Jack sat in the arrivals waiting area, sipping on a white peppermint mocha as he folded a piece of paper in his hands. His ears perked up as a young woman's voice softly rang from his left side. "I'd figure you'd be here waiting for me." The voice chimed. That voice. She's here. Jack sat the book and his mocha down, happily gasping as Elsa wrapped her arms around his neck, Jack twirling her in the air as people continued to pass by.

"I can't believe it..you're here!" Jack exclaimed.

"You know what?" Elsa softly asked, placing her hand against his warm cheek. "Neither can I." She smiled, placing a gently kiss upon his lips, running her fingers through his dark brown hair. She released her lips, wrapping her arms around his chest as she rested her head next to his heart. "I don't want this moment to end, Jack."

"It doesn't" Jack said. "We can continue this," Jack handed Elsa the paper. "at home."

"H-home?!" Elsa exclaimed, examining the paper. "Jack..did you.."

"Your mother said the money was for rent, but really, it's the down payment on our very own home. Elsa, we have a home!" Jack smiled.

"We do.." Elsa warmly said, running her hand over the picture of the two-story tan house. Takk mor, takk Anna..takk far.

"Shall we?" Jack asked, holding his arm out to Elsa, who gladly wrapped her arm in Jacks, following him to the parking garage.

"We shall."