Author's Note: I'm back! Couldn't even stay away for 12 hours. I'm practically done with this story already so updates will be quick and based on reviews so the more reviews, the faster I update. No pressure. This is the prologue and the chapters will be longer after this one. Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy!

Zoe unlocked her apartment and walked in, slinging her bag onto the table in the hallway. She kicked off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen. When she walked in, a tall blonde was standing at the fridge completely naked. Zoe rolled her eyes and went to the pantry, pulling out a bag of marshmallows.

"Who the hell are you?" the girl gasped when she turned around and saw Zoe at the cupboard.

"Zoe," she responded nonchalantly and turned to walk to the lounge.

"Ready for round two?" a man said walking into the kitchen. "Oh, hey Zo. Didn' think you'd be back so early."

"Cover up!" Zoe said, rolling her eyes again and tossing a dish towel at the naked guy.

"Sorry, wasn' expectin' someone in the kitchen," he apologised covering himself.

"Wade, who is this?" the girl asked.

"My roommate," Wade shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girl roommate?"

"Didn' think I had to tell you my whole life story before you came home with me from the bar." Zoe shook her head and backed out of the room, leaving them to argue.

"You're a pig!" the girl yelled. A few minutes later Zoe heard the front door slam. Wade sat down next to her and shoved his hand into the bag of marshmallows. Zoe looked at him to see he was now wearing boxers.

"You know you should really start telling these girls about me. This is the 5th one this month that's stormed out when they saw me. They probably think it's some ploy to get them to have a threesome." Zoe said leaning her head back on the couch.

"Well hey, you know I wouldn' be opposed to you joinin'," Wade said sticking his tongue out.

"Jerk!" Zoe said with a laugh, shoving him.

"You make my life a whole lot easier Zoe Hart."

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"You arrivin' when you do jus' makes it easier to get them to leave. Don' have to do the whole 'I'll call you' lie in the mornin'"

"You are such a pig!" Wade laughed and threw his arm across the back of the couch.

"So you had a bad day?" he asked.

"How'd you know?"

"Marshmallows," he stated simply.

"I got thrown up on." Wade scrunched up his nose. "Was with a patient and everything was going fine, she sat up so I could listen to her chest and she just puked all over me! It was in my hair and everything."

"Was wonderin' what that smell was," he teased.

"Shut up! I showered! You're probably smelling the low self esteem and daddy issues of your latest one night stand."

"You know your words, they cut me!" Wade said, clutching his chest dramatically.

"I will never understand how I ended up living with such an infant," Zoe complained.

"You were lucky enough to have me as your next door neighbour in college! Best day of your life the day you met me!"

"Your definition of best and my definition of worst seem awfully similar," Zoe joked.

"Oh shush! Wanna watch Netflix?"

"You read my mind. What episode are we on now?"

"Season 4 episode 3 I think," Wade said as he started Breaking Bad. Zoe put her head on his shoulder and Wade moved his arm from the couch to wrap it around her.