Melting the Frozen Hearts

This is my first fanfiction so please don't hate me.



"beast talking"

Chapter 1

My name is Kagome Hiragashi and I'm 19 years old. I am currently traveling 500 years in the past with a hanyou named Inuyasha, a demon slayer named Sango and her neko demon Kilala, a perverted monk named Miroku and a young kitsune named Shippo. These are my friends even though sometimes Inuyasha doesn't seem like especially when he runs off to his whore Kikyo. Anyway, I ended up 500 years in the past because of mistress centipede dragged me through the well from my home 4 years ago. She was after the Shikon Jewel that was lying dormant in my body. That is when I met inuyasha then caused the jewel to shatter. After jewel is whole again then I will return to my true home.

"SIT, SIT, SIT" yelled Kagome, "damnit Inuyasha why can't you see that you continue to hurt my feelings by lying to me about you going to see your whore of a clay pot. We all know you do it so why not admit it?!"

"Quit talking about her like that wench. And I didn't say anything because I didn't want to hear your bitching about Kikyo joining our group." Said Inuyasha. "oh shit did I really just say that?"


"You can't leave wench, you are the one who broke the jewel so you have to find all the shards!" Inuyasha yelled back. "she has never called me half-breed before…"

"Your precious whore can do that Inuyasha, oh and SIT!" Kagome said and walked away into the woods.

(With Kagome)

"I don't know what to do about the damn half-breed. If he knew who I really was maybe he wouldn't treat me like he does" kagome said aloud, "who am I kidding, he would think I was lying and never take me seriously. Telling him that I am not the reincarnation of his precious whore and that I actually belong in this era, he would think I got hit on the head and started talking nonsense."

Kagome looked around at her surrounds, sensing a powerful demon she said, "how much did you hear Lord Sesshomaru?"

Lord Sesshomaru step out of the shadows of the forest and said, "almost every word miko".

"You know Lord Sesshomaru, I give you the respect of saying you proper title, maybe you can return the favor and say mine" Kagome said sincerely. "I know I probably shouldn't tell him who I really am but I miss the friendship we had before the siege" Kagome thought while waiting for Lord Sesshomaru's answer.

"and what would your proper title be then miko?" Lord Sesshomaru asked, arching his eyebrow with curiosity.

"well Sesshy, it would be Princess Kagome of the Western Mountains. It sure has been a long time, almost three hundred years I believe" Kagome smirked back at Lord Sesshomaru with her reply.

"Sesshy? I haven't been called that since…. It really is her. It has been so long, I thought she was dead" Lord Sesshomaru thought.

That's it for this chapter. Please enjoy.

Just a reminder this is my first FanFiction.
