I've loved these characters for half my life, but I still don't own them.

I'm not sure why I decided to write again, I cant get beyond the first paragraph of my other stories because I find them way too cheesy. But thats what happens with you spout off about love when youve never expereienced it.

A couple things... I have no proof reader. I also dont have a lap top and am writing this on a kindle with a tiny blue tooth keyboard where the punctuation marks arent where they are supposed to be. I appologize in advanced. Also, the program I write on doesnt have spell check. I did the best I could.

The Journey Home

Akanes eyes snapped open, her chest rising, almost violently, upwards as she took in a deep gasp of air. Her lungs filled gloriously with oxygen, causing her to internally recognice that she must not have been breathing prior to her sudden conciousness. With the release of her breath she tried to blink the blurriness from her vision only to be met with the stinging and burning of tears rehydrating her eyes.

Arms she had not noticed were wrapped around her tightened dramatically and her name was whipsered with what a 17 year old, innocent girl could only describe as Wonder and Awe.

Ranma had not dared to move beyond tightening his grip, for fear that his exhausted mind was playing the cruelest of tricks on him. Upon Akanes exhale and regulated breathing he expressed his sudden and earth shattering joy by saying the only word that was floating around in his head.

"Akane...", Ranma whispered into her hair and pulled back to take her in. Her eyes were tightly closed with tears leaking from the corners. But she was breathing. Deep breaths that echoed off the rock walls seeming to Ranma the most glorious chorus. He slowly brought his hand up to her cheek and wiped the tears away, "...Akane." His mantra. Her name. No other thought or word would fill his mind.

Akane was able to blink the stinging of her eyes away and make out the fuzzy form of the man she now very clearly rememeberd giving her life up for. Yet, here she was, held reverently in his strong arms. He was repeatedly saying her name, his hand holding her cheek, running through her hair, carressing her shoulder. His voice was watery and she wanted nothing more than to ease his worry and sadness, to tell him that she came back. For him. That she was okay. But she could not do more than weakly lift her hand up and softly touch his cheek, feeling the wetness there. She blinked slowly, his handsome face coming into focus, his eyes conveying a message that she could just about decipher. Love? Concern? Joy? They were all there in abundance. Overflowing his eyes and falling onto her fingertips.

"You won." Her voice was raspy and soft, she lifted the corner of her mouth in a small attempt to smile. Ranmas response was a choking laugh as he grabbed her tighter and burried his face into her neck.

"All thanks to you, Akane." Akane had never heard Ranma so emotional. His deep voice vibrated in his chest. "You amazing girl..." He finished and with that he finally began to openly weep onto her shoulder.

Ryoga turned away from the scene that had been before him. unable to watch his rivals raw breakdown. Or to watch him hold the girl he had professed his love to. Mousse clasped his shoulder in brotherly solidarity, knowing full well the sting of losing love to another. Even Shampoo looked off to the side, her heart simultaneously breaking and filling with Amazon pride at the romantic moment playing out before her. Turning up her nose, she used her native tongue to break the silence.

"Ranma dishonors the warriors sacrifice with his tears." Her eyes found Mousses magnified gaze staring back at her. And though her head was held high, and though a sneer marred her beautiful face, Mousse saw the respect reflected in Shampoos eyes. "This is not the great artist I have bound myself to. For a man to so openly show emotion is...weak." Shampoo finished. And with that, Mousse understood that Shampoo was giving up on Ranma.

Not that she ever stood a chance, I guess. Mousse added to himself. Shampoo suddenly turned to the giant panda standing a few paces behind her and she waved her hand dismissvely in front of him

"You no bother me no more. Shoo." And with that she stalked off to examin the collapsed rock walls that blocked their exit.

Genma shook his head to clear the fogginess and with a grumble he slowly approached his son, whose tears had lightened even if his hold on his fiance had not. Placing a heavy paw on Ranmas shoulder, he shook gruffly until a tear stained face looked up to him.

Holding a sign up that simply said "Lets go." Genma then grabbed the abandoned tea kettle beside the young couple and waddled over to the waterfall to fill it. Ranma, taking in his companions for the first time since the end of the battle, scanned his surroundings to locate an exit. Then, looking back down to Akane, whose eyes were half closed in exhaustion, he leaned in close to her once again and whispered a few words before adjusting his hold on her and standing up. Akane cradled protectively in his arms.

Clearing his throat and shaking off the embarrassment at having been seen showing such...weakness...in front of his friends, Ranma slowly walked over to Ryoga.

"Hey, man...Think you can break us out of here?" Ryoga looked over his shoulder, and nodded once before shuffling away to use his breaking point to clear away the rubble.

"Honored guest, " Ranma turned towards the now approaching Jusenkyo guide and his daughter, "You destroy great enemy to Jusenkyo. We forever in debt to you." Ranma felt tugging on his pants and he looked over his sleeping fiance to the little girl below him.

"She is okay?" Plum asked, her eyes wattery. Ranma smiled, and the little girl blushed and looked away.

"Yeah. Shes gonna be just fine..." And Ranma felt the resolution in him. The slip from boy to man. In an instant his world became so much more focused. Akane was going to be okay, because he was going to make sure she was okay. For the rest of his life. He was hers.

A sudden explosion took the group by surprise, with a shower of rock all heads turned towards Ryoga.

"Hey, Idiot! A little warning next time!" Ranma shouted. Then sheepishly looked down at Akane, who, thankfully, was passed out from exhaustion.

"Thats the thanks I get?!" Ryoga clenched a fist and pointed toward the now clear exit with his other hand, "I just got us out of here!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Come guests, my home will be best place to rest before you journey to springs." Ryoga walked out first causing a collective groan from the remaining group.

"Ill grab him." Mousse sighed and quickly went after him. Genma, having poured hot water over himself, wiped water from his glasses and cast a look at his son.

"Should we take Akane to someone in the Amazon village?" He asked, uncomfortably looking between Shampoo and Ranma. Ranma looked at his Amazon friend, and unintened fiance, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Is up to you. Get cure, stay in village before you go back to Japan." She shrugged again, and walked out of the cave. Ranma, though he sure as hell wasnt going to comment on it, noticed that she did not include herself in the group returning to Nerima.

"Is settled, honored guest. Come." Said the guide, taking hold of his daughters hand and leading her out, followed by Genma. Soon it was Ranma, alone once again with Akane safely in his arms. Leaning down he brushed his lips close to her ear and inhaled her scent.

"Hear that, Tomboy?" He smiled. "Im taking you home."

Chapter 1

Waking up in unfamilar surroundings is, under the best off circumstancs, extremely disconcerting, but doing so in a foreign country with the sound of battle cries and bodies hitting solid ground is enough to send even the bravest of souls in an outright panic. Akane sat up abruptly, her head slightly spinning as she took in the tightly woven walls of the grass hut she was in. Though sparse, the room she was in was neat and tidy. The only window sent rays of sunshine onto the bamboo floor she was currently laying on. She heard the sounds of fighting and, unthinking, she stood up, swaying a bit and made her way to the canvas hanging over a door frame that she could only assume would lead her outside. Only taking slight notice of the the Chinese capri pants and tunic she was wearing, Akane took a deep breath, prepared herself mentally for the unknown and stepped outside.

What she saw was...well...not what she was expecting.

Dozens of girls were fighting. Sparring, she corrected. One group weilded bo staffs, another used the bonbari weapons that Shampoo favored so much, another worked on graceful forms on top of thin beams held on poles several meters up while another yet fought in hand to hand combat. Akane leaned heavily on the frame of the hut and adjusted her eyes to the bright sun. She was in Shampoos Amazon village, she realized.

How she got there, she couldn't recall. Her last memory caused her heart to flutter and speed up as she rememebered Ranmas broken face sobbing gratefully into her shoulder.

But where was Ranma?

"Nihao." Akane looked over to a tall, muscular Chinese woman holding a bo staff and wearing worn leather under a long brown tunic tied with a sash.

"Oh!.. ." Akane bowed. Rapidly, the woman began speaking in a dialect of chinese that Akane could never hope to pick apart. Akane, being the polite Japanese girl her sister raised her to be (though she didn't always live up to Kasumi's standard) didnt interrupt. Only giving her newly met companion a curious look. Finally, when the woman stopped talking and Akane could do no more that appologetically shake her head, she stepped forward and made a drinking motion with her hand and pointed at Akane.

"Water! oh, yes! please, yes." Akane nodded, suddenly realizing how incrediblly thirsty she was. The woman ushered her to an outdoor pavillion where several rows of long, wooden tables sat. All of which were scrubbed to a shine and set with center pieces of colorful blooms and shrubbery. Akane was lead to kneel at one of the low tables and her guide turned and entered a hut at the other side.

Akane continued to take in her surroundings. The sun wasn't quite high enough in the sky to make it passed noon, yet the village was bussling. A handful of young girls sat on a low branch in a nearby tree, watching the practicing groups of women and giggling to themselves. Akane notice several boys working pumps and filling buckets, tending to gardens boasting beautiful vegitables and fruiting trees. There were old woman, in long silk robes, walking the worn paths of the village, talking quietly to one another. So many poeople in such a compact area, yet none held the familar face she truly sought. It was then the woman came marching back, a gangly boy following her with a tea kettle.

The woman pointed to herself and said, "Fei Yan." Akane raised an eyebrow. Was that a name? She pointed to herself again and repeated it.

"She tell you name. Her Fei Yan." The boy said, grinning. Akane smiled, grateful for the interepretter.

"Nihao, Fei Yan. I'm Akane." Akane bowed her head as Fei Yan sat down next to her. The boy began pouring tea.

"I Liu Qi, you say Loki, from western comic. I like better." His smile was contagious and, recognizing the name from serveral cosplayers at school, Akane laughed. "See? Loki make all girl crazy." He finished.

Akane, trying to maintin a polite demeanor, sipped at her tea. But the sweet, warm liquid only reminded her of her thrist and she ended up gulping it down. Fei Yan laughed jovially as Akane held her cup out to Loki for more.

"You great fighter, I hear." Loki said, refilling the cup. He turned to Fei Yan and shot something off in chinese, to which she responded just as quickly. Fei Yan then grunted and nodded to Akane. Holding up her hands in a standard Kung Fu pose of submission she made an exaggerated battle cry and comically chopped the air, then pointed at Akane. "Ha ha! She say you kill god. You too, too good, then. Best in village, best in China."

Akane blushed and held out her cup for another refill, "Thanks, but...thats not exactly what happened. It was Ranma who won the fight, not me." Loki looked at her quizzically then shook his head.

"That not what he say. Say Saffron would be here still if not for you." He interepretted for Fei Yan and she nooded in agreement. Akane wasnt about to argue, not because she agreed with them herself, but because she couldnt quite recall the details. She remembered saying goodbye to Ranma. Though he didnt hear it. Then blackness. There was a vague, dreamlike image she could almost recall, but the next memory had her in Ranmas lap, his arms protectively around her.

Dammit, where WAS her dummy of a fiance.

"Loki...do you know where Ranma is?" Akanes voice was timid. Shy. She desperately wanted to see him. But how should she act around him? How would he act around her?

"He with Xian Pu in honored elder hut. Been there all night all morning." Akanes heart jolted, but before any emotions other than shock and raging curiousty could present themselves, Loki stood up and grabbed Akanes hand. "Come! I show you great Amazon village. You lucky I guide. I know everything about Amazon! Example. See woman there?" Akane followed his pointing finger to an old woman smoking a pipe and clearly yelling at a group of training Amazons, "She use special potion to change eye color but grow beard instead. Won best facial hair contest twenty year in row!" Fei yan stood and followed, holding her staff behind her neck with her arms hanging over the wood. "Me and Sister both show you everthing!" Akane looked back at the hulking woman behind her and then to the scrawny teenager leading her around.

"Thats your sister?" Akane asked. Loki took on a look feigned dissapointed.

"I know. Loki so handsome and manly, how scrawny girl related. But we pray to dragon god to give her warrior growth so that she may make Mother proud." Akane couldnt help but to laugh as she followed her new friend through the crowd.

On the other side of the tiny village, Ryoga was getting antsy. Popping his knuckles he continued his finger drum solo on the table before him.

"Will you knock it off?!" Mousse shouted, then bowed his head humbly as an older woman glared his way.

"Boys, I must demand total respect to our most honored hosts. We are guests in this village and we must act-ooh, dim sum!" Genma adjusted his glasses as a new round of dishes were brought to the table before him. With the speed of Ranmas Chestnut fist technice he quickly filled his bowl and began eating his third course.

"-reshpechtfull-" he finished around a mouth full of half masticated dough and pork.

Ryoga grimaced and slumped down lower. He wanted to get out of here. Akane would be up soon and boy, did he not want to be around to watch Ranma and her together. Accepting it? Whatever. Watching it? No thanks. Cure or not, he wasn't sure how long he could just hang out in this village. Speaking of...

"So that old guide has back up casks of the spring of drowned girl and guy, right?" Ryoga brought up. Again.

Mousse wanted to say "We've gone over this you stupid, hog head!", but thought better of it, since there were elders in the room. So instead he went with,

"Yes. And youre an idiot." Ryoga glared down his Chinese companion.

"I just want my cask and to get out of here." He said, nearly pouting before plopping his chin into his hands. It was then the doors on the other side of the room slid open and an exhausted Ranma came storming out followed by a stoic looking Shampoo.

"Okay, old man, youre up. So, first, give me that dumpling and then go talk to that old chick." Ranma grabbed Genmas bowl and plopped down, "MAN! Im starving! Who would have thought that would be so exhaustin'." Genma gazed forlornly at the steaming plates of curried meats and steaming vegetables and made his way across the room.

"Sooo...what exactly happened in there?" Ryoga asked. watching his rival shovel food into his mouth like the disgusting pig he was.

"I took care of Shampoo." He said, simply. The purple haired girl glared at the martial artist.

"If Ranma took care Shampoo, we no have this problem!" She then stomped over to `Mousse and grabbed his hand. "We leave." Mousse, only too happy to follow his love anywhere, did just that.

"I have no idea what she means by that, but anyway..." Ranma swallowed a whole fillet of fish before washing it down with tea and turning to Ryoga. "We stayed up all night pouring over this contract that basically says Ill train Shampoo in Anything Goes so that she can bring back my schools style to the village. She gets knowledge in my awesome martial arts style and I dont have to marry her. Everyone wins." Ryoga rolled his eyes. How like Ranma to skate over everyone's feelings but his own.

"I'm sure Shampoo is just exstatic." Ryoga muttered. "When is that guide coming back?" he asked, changing the subject. Ranma shrugged, then stretched his neck.

"Dunno, exactly. He said hes gotta put up all the warning signs now that the pools are flooded, then head to that cave where he stores the back up bottles of nannichuan, then he'll come down here. I mean, I ain't in too big a rush. We're gonna get our cure. Besides..." At this, Ranma looked down to his bowl, then slowly began filling it up again. Only this time he took care to arrange the food on top of the rice in a somewhat artistic manner. "...Akane cant make the journey back, yet, ya know?" He looked up at Ryoga and the lost boy sighed. It seems that Ranmas selfishness extends to Akane now, too. Joy. Ranma knocked on the table before standing up with the bowl of food.

"I'm gonna go see if that tomboy woke up yet." And just like that, Ranma was gone, leaving Ryoga in a room full of old chinese women.

"Damn you, Ranma." He mumbled into his hands before finally grabbing a bowl and filling it with his own meal.

Ranma, if he knew how, would have whistled joyfully on his strut through the village. Boy he was in a great mood. Life, it seemed, was on the up and up for the boy-just-recently-turned-man. He helped to defeat his greatest foe to date, a cure for his curse was, literally, just around the corner, and his favorite tomboy was sleeping just a few huts down. He knew he still had a somewhat harrowing journey back to Japan, but with no return date on the horrizon, he was happy to not think about that just yet.
Slowing down only slightly as he neared the little grass hut, he watched the girls practing their Amazon martial arts. These same girls were the ones to listen, the night before, to Mousse as he relayed the epic battle on the mountain. They oohed and awed as the once circus performer painted a glorious tale of comradre and skill, finally ending with Akanes heroic sacrifice and subsequent return to the mortal plane. Though Ranma said nothing, he couldnt help but join in on the applause as the amazon warriors whopped and clapped with roaring enthusiam as the story ended with the heroic efforts of a single, female martial artist.

He admitted, much later, as he and few others sat around a camp fire outside of Akanes temporary home that he could never have done it with out her. And that he wouldnt do anything without her ever again.

With a resolved smirk, he held the bowl of food in one hand and pulled aside the canvas flap covering the entrance with another and stepped inside the grass hut. He wasnt surprised she wasnt there. It was, after all, pretty late in the morning. What did, surprise him, was the searing pain of anxiety that filled his chest and settled heavly on his heart. He placed the bowl on a low table and quickly went back outside.

Scanning the grounds in front of him, he quickly made his way to one of the Amazon instructors.

"Hey!" He grew frustrated when she only spared him a glance before continuing her lesson. Impatient, and sick with worry, he tapped her on her shoulder. Had his mind not been preoccupied, Ranma was positive he would have avoided the quick maneuver that found him in a submissive hold on his knees, with one arm twisted high on his back.

"No." The older woman said, simply. Ranma struggled, before glaring at her with frustration.

"Where's the girl that came here with me?" He continued, then he realized this crazy chick probably didnt speak japanese. "Girl?" He said slowly, with un-needed inflection. The Amazon clocked her head to the side as Ranma pointed with his free towards the hut. She slowly released his arm, and Ranma stood, rotating his shoulder as he did so.
Her answer was in Chinese, of course. And Ranma shook his head. Then she repeated a single word, slowly and with un-needed inflection and pointed towards the pavillion. Ranma swivelled, and without so much as a thanks, he trotted over to the tables.

Mousse was there, kneeling beside Shampoo, pouring her tea and talking quietly. Her eyes were downcast, but at Ranmas approach she adjusted her posture and gave him a haughty look.

"Akane left with boy. If that why you here." Mousee rolled his eyes at Shampoos obvious intention.

"Ill take you to her. Shes having lunch with Liu Qi and Fei Yan." Shampoo huffed and turned her face away. Ranma looked gratefully at Mousse.

"Thanks, man. Its just...I mean...I havent seen her yet, and-"

"Its fine. Follow me." And with that Mousse turned and promptly walked into one of the poles holding the pavillion up. Shampoo sighed and stood.

"I take you." Ranma stayed close on her heels as she marched through the village. As villagers passed, they would sketch a slight bow in Shampoos direction, causing Ranma to recognize that she really was one of the greats here. Though she could never beat him, of course.

On a path that lead out of the little towns bustling center, was a small bridge passing over a quickly moving stream. Beyond, rows of small huts. Some boasting little gardens and brick ovens in the front. A few folks were milling about, a couple small kids weaved around Shampoo as she passed. A few more steps found them pushing aside a small gate made with woven branches, leading into a well kept yard of wild flowers and a small stone path.

Shampoo then said something loudly in chinese and a moment later the wooden door leading into the small home was opened reavealing a woman whose form took up the whole frame. Said woman responded to Shampoo, eyed Ranma appreciatively, and stepped back inside.

"Er..." Ranma fidgeted. He wasnt so dimwitted that he didnt know that shampoos feelings may have been through the ringer these last few days, thanks to him. He wanted to ask if that giant woman was going to get Akane, or if he should go inside, but before he could form a polite way to ask her, Akane was stepping outside.

She was beautiful. Her color was back, her eyes shining and that smile. Man, that smile. Ranma stepped forward, forgetting Shampoo was even there. Meanwhile, his once Amazon fiance had begun the trek back. Knowing full well Ranma wouldnt even notice her gone.

"Hi-" Before Akane could finish her salutation she was lifted off the ground and into Ranmas embrace. Akane, whose nervousness upon seeing Ranma vanished upon his touch, found herself wrapping her arms around him. A hand snaked its way into her hair and pulled her further into Ranmas arms. At the sound of tiny voices giggling, Ranma remembered their surrounding and placed Akane gently on her feet. Embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head before turning to see a gaggle of little girls watching them from the worn dirt path.

"Aw, cmon, scram." he made a shooing motion with his hands the the tiny girls screached with laughter and scurried off. Akane laughed herself, holding a hand up to her lips as she watched them go. Turning back to her, Ranma smiled at her humor.

"How ya feelin?" He wanted to punch himself. That was his opening line? Admittedly, he didnt know the first thing about girls, but he knew you didnt get them to fall for you with dumb lines like that.

Akane, toed the ground, before looking at Ranma from beneath her lashes. This was all so uncomfortable. Sensing his worry though, and knowing his proclavity for flying off the handle, she decided against telling him about the minor issues she'd been experiencing this morning. Surely her unique experience called for some bumps and bruises. So, gathering all of her bravery, she stepped closer to Ranma and placed a hand on his arm.

"Im great, Ranma. I feel perfect." And she smiled. Ranma melted, his gaze locking with hers. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and lowered his head to her level. He took a deep breath and resolved himself to find the words he desperately needed to tell her.

"Akane, I...I gotta thank you. No...dont interrupt..." He shook his head and tighted his hold. He wanted her to know he was serious. "What you did for me, I aint never gonna be able to pay you back. You saved my life, Akane. You...you gave up yourself...for me" Ranmas eyes burned, but he refused to let the tears spill. Akanes eyes, however, spilled over with emotion as she saw the wetness in his eyes. "No on has ever helped me like that. But you did. You do. You always do. And...I have to tell you...to let you know that its all gonna be different now." Akanes hand moved to her face to wipe her tears as she nodded. She knew what he was saying. She heard the message. Ranma smiled and brought his own hand up to wipe her tears.

"Hey, dont cry, this is a good thing...I promise." He finished, holding her face in both his hands.

"OH! FEI YAN! This too, too cute!" The sudden screeching voice shocked the couple from their tiny world of two and Ranma looked over Akanes head to see the giantess weeping in the doorway, and in her hulking shadow was a scrawny teenage boy blowing his nose loudly into a linen. "Come inside, we plan much for big dinner, yes?"

"Oh, Loki, you dont have to do that." Akane said,, turning around to face them. Emotion still thick on her voice.

"I no do it, council do it." He explained. " Must celebrate great Amazon warrior who defeat god." Loki stepped up to the two and began ushering them inside.

"Uh, Neither Ranma or I are Amazons..." Akane began. Ranma smiled and took her hand.

"Thats right. I'm not an Amazon..." Ranma tugged her along, "But you are."

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