A/N: So, let me explain a little about how this will work. Each chapter will be a oneshot, or a stand-alone story about Jemma. For example, you wouldn't need to read chapter two to understand chapter five because they're not related. Each chapter is its own story. One chapter might be set during high school, another during college, another once they're married. I'll jump around between time periods. I'll give a little summary of each chapter inside so you know what that oneshot will be about. This is like if I uploaded each story individually, but instead of doing that, I'm uploading them all in one place. Expect Jemma and feels. :)


It's Jax and Emma's 10-year wedding anniversary and Emma decides to write her husband a letter.

(front of envelope, in cursive)

Jaxy Waxy


Happy 10-year anniversary! It's crazy to think I've lived the past decade of my life married to my favorite person on earth. I had so many feelings about this day that simply couldn't be expressed in gifts one can buy with money (or make appear with a spell). I did buy you some things which I hope you'll like, but I wanted to take the time to let you know on this very special day how much I truly love you.

One of the things I love most about you is how you express your love for me. You are so great at making me happy and showering me with compliments and making me blush at inappropriate times (we're going to get banned from the grocery store one of these days), I sometimes worry I don't make it clear enough how deep and vast and bountiful my love is for you. The last thing I'd ever want is for you to feel like you don't mean as much to me as I mean to you, because you certainly do!

You are the best man to walk this earth as far as I'm concerned. You've been making me weak at the knees since Day 1 and you've somehow only gotten better at doing that with time. I was such a shy, awkward, timid little girl the first day of sophomore year, and I remember countless nights where I tried in vain to push away the memory of the way the hot, rebellious, daring bad boy looked at me when we first met. You looked at me like I was a sight to behold, like I was beautiful. And for a moment, I believed I was. Beautiful. You loved the klutzy, magically-inexperienced girl I was, and it is largely in part because of you she was able to blossom into the strong, confident, sexy woman you love today.

Before I met you, I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that's a word I'd one day associate with myself. But it's true: you make me feel sexy. More than that, you make me feel like I'm worth something, like I'm more than enough. You make me feel special. The adventures and experiences I've had and continue to have with you make up most of my favorite memories. The exhilaration, the laughter, the joy… You've helped me uncover and explore so many parts of myself I never knew existed. It is because of you I learned how to love myself.

You are hands-down the best thing that has ever happened to me. I loved you when you were a self-proclaimed illegal-spell-casting troublemaker; I loved you when you were a boot camp attendee, trying his best to become a more responsible man; and I love you now as a mature wizard, a successful CEO, a protective father, and the most amazing husband any woman on this planet could ever hope to have. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I am thankful for it every single day. You are wonderful, loving, funny, sexy, charming, powerful, and one badass wizard in a suit. I love you and everything about you with all my heart. I am forever yours, Jax Novoa.


Your Em

P.S. Ahna's staying at Maddie's tonight. I'm making a steak for just us two. It should be ready when you get here. After we eat our romantic dinner, you can have your presents. And then you can have me.

Review? :)