Gold woke up to the sound of Regina, sick in the bathroom. It took him a moment or two to remember where he was and why, then it came back. Robin found out about the baby and told Belle, Regina had been good enough to not only feed him a hot meal but give him a place to stay.

He climbed from his bed and moved to the bathroom, the door was closed but he could hear her on the other side. He knocked softly before pushing open the door.

Regina knelt on the floor, her shoes kicked off in the corner. She was dressed to go to work, but it was clear to Gold she wasn't getting off the floor any time soon.

"Regina, can I do anything?"

"I'm fine," She said, stubborn as always.

"How long has this been going on?"

"A few days, it's completely normal. Today it's just exceedingly bad."

He knelt on the floor next to her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. He could feel the tremors in her body left behind from the sickness that had taken over. She was warm to the touch.

"Let me help you to bed," He said.

"I'll be fine, I have to go to work."

"You can't go like this, you're sick."

"It's morning sickness Gold, it'll pass."

"I know what it is, I also know that overworking yourself won't help."

She made a dismissive motion with her hand and attempted to stand, a wave of dizziness forced her to grip the sink. Gold stood behind her, watching her splash cold water on her face. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked exhausted, seeing her in that position made him feel sorry for her.

"You can take a day off," He said.

"No, I can't."

"You need to rest, you're pregnant."

"I know, trust me."

She pressed a hand to her head, and swayed slightly. He stepped closer placing a hand on her waist. She glanced down and then sighed heavily.

"My clothes won't fit much longer," She said.

"I'll give you money for new ones."

"I don't need you to buy me clothes," She said, irritated.

"You invited me into your home, we're having this child together. I'm going to help you Regina, rather you like it or not."

She shook her head in annoyance. He waited a second before sweeping her bridal style into his arms. She let out a startled cry but had no choice other than to hold on. He carried her the few steps to her room and then gently placed her in her bed, covering her up. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her.

"Take one day off Regina, give yourself a break. If not for me or yourself, do it for the baby."

She scowled at him but he knew he'd played the right card by using the baby, she wouldn't do anything to hurt the child she had wanted for so long, even if it did belong to him.

"Fine, one day."

"Thank you, despite the circumstances I do care about our son." He said.

"Son? You can't be positive it's a boy," She argued.

Getting tired of her refusal to cooperate all the time, he sighed heavily before placing his palm on her abdomen. He waited a minute or two and she held her breath, finally with a shake of his head he moved away.

"It's a boy."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive and the dark one is never wrong."

"No, but he's lied." She pointed out.

"I'm not lying, you're having a boy."

"No, we're having a boy."

"Yes, we, are having a boy." He agreed.

It suddenly sunk in the reality of the situation. Up until now he'd been keeping it pushed back in his mind but now it was suddenly very frontward. He was going to be a dad, he was having a baby, with Regina.

"We're having a baby," He said.

"Yeah, that's usually what happens when someone is pregnant."

"No, I It's just so, unexpected that I'd have a child with you."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Well, as they say, it takes two, dearie."

"I know but, it wasn't supposed to happen."

"Nothing we can do about it now," He said.

"I suppose not."

She looked away, half afraid he was going to ask her to do something about it. Maybe he didn't want the baby, maybe he wanted her to get an abortion. She wasn't sure she could handle him asking her to get rid of the baby.

"I wouldn't ask you to do anything about it." He said, as if reading her mind.



Before she could stop herself she leaned in and kissed his cheek, lingering a little longer than was necessary before she pulled away. She remained leaning a little closer than was needed when she spoke.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"I..."He didn't finish.

His hand slid up into her hair and he hesitated a second, his gaze dropping to her lips. She leaned in just slightly closer, giving her silent consent. It might be wrong, they were already in a huge mess but oh, how she wanted him. She closed her eyes as he leaned in his lips just barely brushing against hers, she opened her mouth under his. He slid a feather light kiss against her lips and then dropped his head.

"I can't do this," He said.

He stood from the bed and she blinked watching him pace to the window, his hands on his lean hips. She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She pushed away the humiliation the only way she knew how with anger and disdain.

"It's a little late to decide that now," She said.

"Regina, it's just not right."

"It was never right, you didn't care before. What now that I'm pregnant it's so bad?"

"Belle and Robin just found out. Nobody else in town even knows yet, whatever happens next we need to think about what we're doing."

He was right, she knew he was right and that made it even more irritating. Falling into bed is what had gotten them into this mess in the first place and it wouldn't solve anything now. She fell back into her bed, relaxing into the pillows, she was exhausted.

"Get some rest, Regina."He said, his tone gentle.

"I'll try."

"I'll call the office and tell them you won't be in today."

"What will you tell them is the reason?"

"Only that you're sick," He promised.

She gave a small nod and relaxed against the pillows, he switched off the lights on his way out. It was going to be hard getting used to him being underfoot and even harder trying to figure out what to do next.