Prompts: relationships and fire

Disclaimer: None of this is mine (well the poem is mine, but the characters aren't mine, and HP isn't mine, and alas Severus is not mine *le sigh*)

Why Am I On Fire?

For some reason unknown to me,

I am standing here on fire.

My robes are smouldering quite nicely now

And quite soon may be a pyre.

Somewhere between the then and now,

My sanity has run away.

I find myself just standing here,

Much to my dismay.

It started so very long ago,

When you set my robes on fire,

Then later absconded with my ingredients

For Polyjuice Potion to acquire.

I cannot say what angered me more,

Your know-it-all-ness or your cheek,

But I can surely tell you that taking points from Gryffindor

Gave me the best sleep I had that week.

Perhaps you thought that hanging with

Those imbeciles you call friends,

Would make your problems go away,

So you would not suffer to make amends.

But I can tell you truthfully,

My memory has not left me yet.

And I can remember every time,

You helped Neville despite my threat.

You tolerated that red-headed menace

Who used you for your brain,

Yet, despite your greater aptitude,

You're driving me insane.

You organise my cabinets,

And stack my papers just like so.

You steal the quilt right off my bed,

And make my toes cold after a row.

You make these startling breakfast meals,

And made me eat your eggs so quick,

Because Merlin help me if they get cold,

And I throw them like a brick.

You hair is almost sentient.

I swear it beat me at chess.

I think it stole my cravat last night,

And I'm still waiting for it to confess.

You make the coffee so extra strong

that my hair stands up on end.

I tried to run a brush through it once,

And the hairs wouldn't even bend.

I swear you're trying to kill me,

With that elbow to my face.

Were you really dreaming of Voldemort,

Or did you just want more space?

You're still friends with that damnable Potter,

And I must suffer him for tea.

But gods forbid Lucius wants to stop by some time

And I get a kick right to my knee.

I find myself just standing here

Staring into your damnable brown eyes,

Whose looks are so akin to tigerseye

That they take me by surprise.

I find my fingers combing through

That mass that you call hair,

And as much as I tried to look away,

I find I can only stare.

You've captured me, you evil thing,

And wrapped your tendrils around my heart.

You've convinced me that if you weren't there,

My world would fall apart.

So maybe that is why

I am standing here on fire.

I cannot imagine my world without you,

And the thought alone is much too dire.

But please, my love,

If you could be so kind…

Could you please put this bloody fire out

Before only ashes of me are left behind?