Disclaimer: Akatsuki no Yona is the work of Mizuho Kusanagi

"All living things return to heaven," you said with a smile. Naively, I believed you.

In the end, I found out you lied. I found out when you leapt in front of me to receive the arrow. I found out as you continued to stand even with the arrow piercing your heart.

You were kind, kinder than anyone I've ever met. Your presence lit up the room like the sun. - But this sun will never burn out.

You are the one most worthy of heaven. Is it ironic that you'd be the only one to never return?

Everyone else have gone: the dragons, Yoon and even Hak. Soon, I will leave you as well.

"What is your final wish, miss?" you asked me as I laid on my death bed.

My final wish is for you to die, to be free from your cursed body and join us the in the sky.