Title: Looking after a flea

Pairing: Shizuo /Izaya

Rating: T

Genre: General /Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara! Or any of it characters

Summary: Izaya doesn't get sick, except suddenly he does. Shizuo didn't want to take care of him, but when he looks that helpless even he couldn't resist the stupid flea. He's only making Izaya owe him a favor, of course

Warning: Some OOC and grammar mistakes, cliche plot and fluff.

A/N:...and I'm back from the dead!..sobs. after months I finally had the time to update and finish this fic (sadly yes it is the last part, there is supposed to be a companion/sequel part tho, but I'm not sure when I can put that up). If you're reading the fic up to this part, thank you so much and I applaud you for actually making it up to here, you don't know how much you've made this potato happy.

Please read and review?


Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since the whole ordeal with Izaya. Two weeks since Shizuo has seen head or tails of the flea. Normally he would have thought that was a good thing (an Izaya free Ikebukuro meant a peaceful Ikebukuro after all), but right now he was-there was no other word for it—worried. He had no idea what happened to the informant after he left his apartment and asking the man how he was doing was downright ridiculous, they weren't even friends after all.

He could ask Shinra, but he didn't want the man to the get wrong ideas in his head (Like he does sometimes)

Besides, he wasn't even supposed to care. He hated the flea right? Where was this concern for him coming from? It wasn't as if the way he sees the flea actually changed overnight. He was definitely still a bastard, an ungrateful one at that, given how he left so suddenly last time. Hell, he should be pissed for that—

"Shizuo, the client we're going to visit next is a compliant one, no need to look so scary" Tom said from beside him, pulling Shizuo away from his thoughts and back into reality, where he was currently at work with his boss.

"Uh, right…sorry" he muttered, pushing away all thoughts of the flea to concentrate on his job. He followed Tom around, still looking quite intimidating, but not like he was going to bash someone's head any second anymore. He growled and yelled at those who tried to escape from them. It was a normal day.

And yet Shizuo still caught himself thinking about Izaya's health and if the flea was already better.

When the day was finally over and Tom left to deliver the money they collected, Shizuo decided to walk home to clear his head, he had the disturbing urge to go to the flea's apartment just to see if the man was in fact still alive but he held himself, he didn't need Izaya getting any ideas about he was actually worried about him. Who knew what that bastard would do with that kind of information.

Besides, he wasn't really worried…just…maybe curious.

Still, he wished there was some way he could tell-He couldn't believe he almost wanted to see the stupid louse back in Ikebukuro-damn it, was he really that desperate to see Izaya?

"Oh, hey Shizuo!" his musing stopped and he looked up at the sound of the familiar voice. A few feet away stood Shinra, still wearing his trademark lab coat even though he wasn't in his lair. Shizuo waited as the doctor came up to him. "Fancy seeing you here!" the man grinned good-naturedly "Got off work early?"

"Yeah" Shizuo answered casually, pulling out a stick of cigarette. He stared at Shinra for a few seconds, contemplating if he could ask the man about Izaya but he held his tongue, instead he lit his cancer stick and brought it to his lips. "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked instead.

"I'm here because my beloved Celty has agreed to pick me up!" he said happily, going into puppy lovesick mode "She's really the best ever—ah, I almost can't wait to see her-" Shizuo almost rolled his eyes at him. But then again he knew Shinra was just that in love with the dullahan, and though Celty rarely shows it, he knew she was the same for the underground doctor.

"What? Were you away for some time?" he asked curiously, it was rare for Shinra to go out of his makeshift home hospital, after all.

"Not really, but a certain someone keeps making me go to his place all week!" he whined. "Even threatened not to give my Celty any more jobs if I don't comply!"

Certain someone…?

"Izaya! I'm talking about Izaya!" Shinra said exasperatedly, like a child complaining about doing extra chores. "He's acting more like a jerk than ever before!"

"Hn, so the flea's still alive huh?" Shizuo ignored that feeling of relief swirling in his stomach, trying to sound normal.

"Of course he is! It's Izaya!" he whined "But you know, I was actually surprised" the bespectacled suddenly said thoughtfully, staring at him. "I didn't think you'd actually keep him when I asked you to"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" the blond scoffed. "I thought you said I'm not as heartless as to leave someone alone when they're sick…even if it was that stupid flea" besides, he's really different when he's sick…

"I guess that's true…and the sleep really did help him…he looked a bit better when he called me to pick him up…" Shizuo didn't say anything, if Izaya didn't say anything about being too weak the ex-bartender had to take care of him then he had no need to tell Shinra about it either, besides no one would believe them if they told anyway.

"Tch, so that means he's back to plotting no good" he frowned angrily. He preferred it if the flea was sick again, at least he was adorable when he said he liked Shizuo playing nurse.

Wait, where did that thought come from?

"Actually he hasn't left his apartment in the past two weeks" Shinra sighed, crossing his arms. "I can't get him to tell me why he doesn't want to; just that he doesn't want to go out. He almost stabbed me when I tried to trick him last time"

"The flea…afraid of going out?" that was certainly new…

"More like, afraid of something that's outside…I'm starting to think he developed a trauma about getting sick" there was a serious hint to his voice Shizuo couldn't help but notice. "But he doesn't let me close enough to actually determine anything. If it wasn't Izaya I'd actually just think he's being lonely or something…"

Shinra chuckled at his own words, but Shizuo couldn't…before he would have laughed because Izaya Orihara and lonely never fit together, and the only way they could fit in the same sentence is when the words "is never" is between them. Right now he wasn't so sure anymore.

Then suddenly Shinra's phone began to ring. The doctor fished the device out of his pocket and stared exasperatedly at the screen. "Seriously? I just left your place an hour ago…" he whined, displeased. Shizuo didn't have to ask to know Izaya was telling him to come back to his place.

And before he could stop himself he was already saying the words. "I could go check the stupid flea if you want" he muttered, half expecting Shinra to gape at him, but the doctor suddenly looked so happy and hugged him in glee.

"Really?! You won't mind doing that? Oh thank you, thank you Shizuo! Try not to kill him too seriously okay! It'd be a problem for me if that happens…Just play with him a bit okay? There's some cake in the fridge because he asked for that the other day, I don't know why when he didn't even let me eat it and-"

"Shinra" Shizuo cut across the rambling doctor, annoyed. "Go home. I got the flea"

"Fine, fine…no need to sound so jealous Geez"

"Who the hell would?!" the debt collector growled, but even he couldn't deny the heat rising up to his ears. Wait…was he really jealous? No way! Why?

But before he could make the doctor explain what he meant, Celty chose that time to arrive and pick him up. Shinra burst into little fits of glee, attempting to hug the dullahan but was met with a punch to the gut, though Shizuo could tell she was actually just flustered at the display of affection.

Celthy then turned to him. Are you going to Izaya's place?

"Yeah" he nodded. She stared at him curiously for a while, but whatever she was thinking of asking she didn't ask.

Be easy on him okay? He's been through a lot the past weeks.

Shizuo felt a little pang of annoyance again but ignored it, knowing they had reason to tell him off. He didn't even know himself why he had volunteered himself into doing this, he told himself firmly that it was only so he could finally have that peace of mind that eluded him for the past two weeks he waved off the couple as he started to make his way to Shinjuku.

He was going to see Izaya.

He didn't know why but for a second there, it almost felt like he had butterflies in his stomach.


Two weeks.

Two weeks since Shinra declared he was officially flu-free and back to excellent physical condition. Two weeks since that totally unplanned experience that left him feeling totally vulnerable for the first time in his life. Really, Izaya Orihara never gets sick-never-not even as he grew up. He was always in excellent physical condition, always. So when he woke up with a strange tickle in his throat he never thought anything of it. He never got sick, so he didn't know what were the signs of an incoming flu. He dismissed the slight headache because one of his clients was being annoying and impatient, and Izaya had to put up with his nagging the whole week before he could make him shut up. When the chills started happening, he wondered if he ordered Namie to install a new air conditioning system. He asked her about it once, but as usual he was met with a cold glare and an expression that said 'Why on earth would I do that?'. He dismissed the matter again and just decided to wear the thicker version of his parka. The strange feeling in his throat just seemed to worsen and he decided to stop drinking the tea Namie made for him.

Then that day arrived. When Izaya woke up he almost thought someone was bashing his head against the wall. He reached up to protect his skull, then realized he was actually alone inside his room, and that it was, in fact, not only his head that hurt-it was his whole body.

"Wha-" he groaned pathetically, instantly closing his eyes again. He didn't understand what was going on-did Namie actually succeed on poisoning him this time? He reached around for his phone (which he kept under his pillow) and dialed Shinra's number. "Shinra" he grumbled, before the man could even mutter a hello. "I think Namie poisoned me"

"What did you say Izaya? You don't sound so good, are you sick?"

Sick? "Preposterous" he replied "You know I don't get sick"

Shinra hummed. "You sound like it. And isn't being sick better than being poisoned?"

No. The informant wanted to growl at him, but when he tried to, all he could make out was a stupid whiny sound. Damn it! "Just come here and fix this-whatever this is!" he ended the call before wrapping himself in his blanket, scowling, Stupid Shinra, he couldn't be sick...He shouldn't be…

"Yep, it's official alright" Shinra declared, taking out the thermometer he had Izaya place under his tongue and seeing the result. "You have a fever of 39.7' C, chills, cough and colds...you have the flu, Izaya" he stared at the informant curiously, as if he was seeing Izaya in a new light. "This is going to sound stupid, but how do you feel?" he sounded concerned, but the raven haired man knew he was more curious than anything.

Izaya gave him the best glare he could under the circumstances. "That's classified information" he hissed, "And I'm not sick. I can't be sick. I never get sick"

"I thought so too. But the thermometer and the way you look doesn't lie" The doctor told him. "But don't you worry, it's actually pretty normal! All you have to do is get plenty of rest and take some medicine and-" but he was cut off when Izaya hurled a flick blade at him, cutting him off.

"Get out, I don't need anything, I'm not sick at all" Izaya growled stubbornly, earning a shake of the head from his Doctor.

"Now, Izaya-"

"Do I need to show you to the door?"

Shinra sighed, knowing there was nothing he could do much at this point. Izaya could be such a stubborn man. He raised his hands in surrender, "Fine, fine...I'm going, but sooner or later you're going to need to take some medicine or else that flu of yours could develop into more serious complications"

Izaya looked mildly concerned at that for a second but a second later he scoffed again "I'm not sick"

The bespectacled man shrugged. "I'm sure you'll change your mind soon." He placed a bottle of antibiotics on his kitchen counter in case the man changed his mind (He doubt he would, but hey, maybe miracles would happen once in a while). "Get some rest Izaya, I'll check on you again soon"

What happened after that was pretty much a blur for the informant, he didn't even know how the news of him being sick spread throughout Shinjuku and Ikebukuro, but it was probably Namie's fault. That bitch only had the decency to warn him when it was already too late and every single gang was out for his head. He didn't even have the time (nor the capability at the time) to think of a strategy, before he knew it he was running for his life...ironically unaware of where he was going.

And even more ironically, the person who helped him was the only person he never imagined that would. Izaya would only ever hear concern in Shizuo's voice when matters involved his brother, or other people who could be considered close to him...but for Izaya? It was near impossible...yet he really heard it in the protozoan's voice when he asked him where he was.

It was probably the fever addling his brains, otherwise he'd never entertain the idea of anyone-(Maybe Shinra and Celty were a bit of an exception, tho he'd never say that out loud), much less the person who made it a life purpose to kill him-helping him, but as it was, he found himself answering Shizuo's question, it wasn't everyday he gets the delusion of Shizu-chan worrying about him after all.

But he suddenly lost consciousness after that, and wasn't really expecting to see Shizuo's face looking at him worriedly, his hands-which were always trying to crush whatever part of his body it could reach- now held him gently, almost protectively...Izaya almost didn't want to believe the creature before him was actually Heiwajima Shizuo. But it was,,,it was really Shizu-chan,,,telling him he was stuck with him until Shinra could get around to curing him.

Maybe this was some sort of sick hallucination Izaya was having because of his stupid illness…?

"But why?"

"What do you mean why?" Shizuo asked him gruffly, and he took refuge in the knowledge that he still regarded Izaya as the flea.

"Why you...care for me Shizu-chan?...you hate me…" he didn't know why he was asking these questions, he already knew Shizuo was a big softie, maybe it was because of the fact he was showing Izaya the same compassion as he would someone close to him, and that confused the informant.

Izaya shook his head, staring outside the window and waiting for Shinra to come back. The man just left so he was probably going to be pissed at him, but the raven haired was confident he would still come, the doctor was his bestfriend after all (something he would also never say out loud) he wouldn't be able to resist him.

He could just go out and dilly dally his way to annoy Shinra, he did miss his humans. He was still watching them all of course, but over the past few weeks haven't been really going out of his apartment. Maybe he was just avoiding a certain monster he was sure going to really kill him after what he did weeks back? He chuckled amusedly.

But that chuckle suddenly turned into a strangled sound when suddenly it wasn't a bespectacled brown haired young man entering the building of his condo complex...it was a protozoan in a bartender costume!

"W-Wha-" but before Izaya could figure out what he was going to do-which was another first, because Izaya Orihara was never, never unprepared for anything-his door was suddenly kicked down by a furious looking Heiwajima Shizuo.

"Izaaaaaayaaaaa-kunnnnnnnn" the bartender growled in his usual voice. "What the hell are you doing, flea?"

Izaya frowned at that, scoffing to save the fact his mind was actually blank that moment. "That should be my line Shizu-chan...what do you think you're doing breaking down my door? I just had that fixed you know" he shook his head disapprovingly.

"Don't play dumb with me you flea" and suddenly Ikebukuro's strongest was right in front of him. "What is wrong with you? Why haven't you been coming out of your place?"

Red eyes narrowed as he glared at the taller man. "Did Shinra tell you that?"

"If he did? It's true then" Shizuo's brown eyes were staring straight at him, and it was making the informant anxious for some reason.

"It's not" he said easily, turning away from the man. "What are you doing here Shizu-chan?" he crossed his arms.

Shizuo froze at that, then he sighed deeply, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. "Hn, I got worried for nothing then, obviously you're back to the annoying shitty flea"

Izaya frowned "What's that supposed to mean?" Shizu-chan was worried about me? "!" he wasn't even able to move when suddenly Shizuo's palm was on his forehead "What on earth-Shizu-chan!"

"Well, at least you really don't have a fever anymore" the man said, nodding. "Why are you being all weird then?"

"I'm not being weird, I have no idea what you're talking about you protozoan" He didn't like the way Shizuo looked so casually at him, did the man forgot they were sworn enemies already?! "Didn't you come here to break my neck?"

The blond stared at him for a few as if contemplating his request, but eventually he puffed on his cancer stick and shrugged "...No"

"No?" Izaya was left feeling incredulous.


If he wasn't so dumbfounded he would have noticed the tiny trail of blush on the taller man's face, but as it was Shinjuku's information broker stood there staring at his long time rival with an unreadable expression...like usual he couldn't tell what was going on inside Shizuo's brain at all.

He couldn't be here because he was...worried...about him was he? That would be the joke of the millennium. Shizu-chan...worried about Izaya...yeah right…

For fuck's sake why am I feeling nervous over this? There's no way that's true and even if it was I should be amused at the way I could use that information! What the hell is still wrong with me?! No that's not even right! What's wrong with this protozoan and shouldn't he be trying to kill me now?!

Why does he suddenly smell so good up close?!


"Oi, flea"

"W-What, you protozoan?"

Shizuo was standing so close to him, not unlike the usual distance he stands in when they were trying to bash each other's skulls in...but right now, it feels different somehow. "S-Shizu-chan…?" too close...too close! Don't stand too close!

"Don't close your eyes when I'm about to kiss you, stupid"

"!" Izaya almost dropped in shock, his face was red but he couldn't utter a word (which was an insult to him but right now he couldn't care less). he gaped at Shizuo, suddenly all his intelligence was gone and he felt like a complete idiot "W-What the hell did you say?"

The ex-bartender sighed and before Izaya could splutter another word he pulled the smaller man close "I told you not to be so damn cute, you louse" he silenced him again before the flustered flea could respond.

Izaya was never sick, really.

But he realized, if being sick would make Shizuo stay beside him like this…

then maybe he would be okay with getting sick once in a while…

But of course, only with the protozoan nursing him back to health.
