Hey guys and Gals,

This is my second Hetalia story and very different from my first.

This story will be an attempt to show the history of the United States of America through a very Hetalia like point of view. I will say this: This will not be about hardly any other country than America, though occasionally one of the other characters may make an entrance, such as England (Who I love!) and Canada! These two mostly.

Also, these stories will be mostly based on a true historical event, but obviously the personification of America is not true, therefore don't take everything I say as fact. (Because not all of it is!)

I very much hope you enjoy this little history lesson as it goes along throughout the 44 presidents and several different Historical events, beginning with the Viking Leif Erikson himself.

Alright now, sit back and relax and enjoy the story ;)

Let me know what you guys think!


PS. If you have a specific event you wish me to write about, let me know in a review or a PM. Also, please do not hate on me. If you don't agree with something I say or wish to correct me, let me know respectfully as I am learning along with the rest of you.

Now for the Disclaimers:


This story will involve a FEMALE America. Simply because I believe that "America the Beautiful", should have been portrayed in Hetalia as a girl. (Not to say I don't like Alfred, because I absolutely love him! I just wish America had been a woman.)

Warnings: Contains some violence; emotional, physical and mental pain; as well as some religion/political views. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF OR LET ME KNOW PRIVATELY. I do apologize in advance if I offend anyone and please understand that was never my intention.

Thank you and Enjoy!

Manifest Destiny is a term from the 19th century, which stated a belief that the United States could not only, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast & sea to shining sea.