Tracing Footprints

~Okikagu Fanfiction~

Yush! Hello minna! I'm quite unskilled but still, NyaaRin's here to bring you my very first fanfic among dozen of (hopefully) more fanfics I'll write here. :* Presenting my gintama otp, Okita Sougo and Kagura! Hope you'll enjoy it minna!

×Kagura's Predicament×


Two years have been long lost gone,

Two long years of bearing and striving,

Two consecutive years of emptiness and self-discovering,

Two years filled with vague memories of my past...

"How surprising! I thought I'll be seeing your corpse right now because of last night's beating you've got from that Kamui Kaichou, I'm a bit amused of your body's resistance but still... You're a useless piece of trash that is unbelievably part of that strong clan like that of your brother's, sometimes I'm confused if you're really siblings not to mention that Kamui himself is so strong while you... You're just a Pathetic pesky brat!"


And there it was again, another humiliation and a slap coming from this lady with a blond hair; With her eyes filled with grudge as she aims her gun at my head,

"Someday, I'll make sure that my bullets will send you to your own hell grave bitch!"

*Pak!* *Pak!* *Pak!*

She let out a demonic laugh as she close the door of my steel-made chamber, leaving me bleeding in the corner due to her continuous hitting,

Why are they treating me like this?

What did I ever do to them to deserve this kind of harsh treatment?

If only these vague memories of mine became vivid...

I mumbled, trying to reach my bleeding head, I forced my trembling body to move and leans it against the cold cemented wall at my right, I fixated my eyes on my legs that's been chained; I touched those heavy cold metal series of connected rings that surrounding my swollen ankles, A tear rolled down my left eye down to my cheek, How pathetic of me...

A useless girl shedding another of her weakness inside her enemies' lair... it's so absurd... Pitiful... Unbearable...

That made me chuckle in between my sobs,

What a loser...

I thought...


*Normal Person's P.O.V*

"How unusual for you to hold back Captain..."

Abuto smirked as he taunted his superior; Kamui, on the other hand, just showed him that usual goofy smile of his,

"What do you mean by that Abuto?" he sneered,

"Well, it's just... How do you call this... Unlikely? yeah... It's unlikely for a blood thirsty guy like you to hold back his bare fangs to a mere "weakling" like your sister, Cap'n."

Kamui stood there unshaken, and just plastered another smile on his subordinate,

"Didn't I told you before, that I have no interest of killing women, for they can give birth to a child that may entertain me in the future Abuto?"

He answered, Abuto crossed his arms and sighed,

"So in other words... You honor her strength Cap'n?"

he continued, Veins may soon popped out from Kamui's face if this conversation goes on, but still, ignoring the possible danger, Abuto stood there calm and continued,

"How very unusual..."

Kamui just gave him a faint laugh,

"She's a Yato for crying out loud, Even though she's weak, who knows if someday she could give birth to a child as insanely strong as of a usual Yato can be..."

Abuto chuckled,

"...Well, Well, Well, looks like the heartless Onii-Chan here still cares for his "imouto"... That's a surprise!" He laughed,

Kamui's hard grip made his hand bleed,

If only I don't need a thing or two from you, I've probably killed you, You conceited bastard!

He silently thought as his smile hid it all, Abuto pointed Kagura's cell,

"I don't really care about your family issues Captain..."

Abuto focused his eyes to Kamui,seemingly making an intense eye contact to his superior,

"...But I think, The monster you've been looking for ages just needs a little push to be released, and ironically, she was just sleeping 6 meters away from you right now..."

Kamui stared at his subordinate and laughed,

"What a joke Abuto!"

He beamed, making Abuto sigh,

"Laugh all you want Captain... But the time will come, You will just cough bloods from your mouth as you'll recall these things I'm saying right now; I'm telling you, her eyes could as be cold and deadly as yours, she can be as blood-thirsty as you... That sister you have there will go against all odds and kick your sorry ass Captain..."

Kamui's eyes became as deadly as a dagger from being curve just a moment ago, as he throws sharp glares to Abuto,

"How many times should I tell you, that I've torn the connections I have with her a long time ago, Abuto? And that just makes her as another trashy woman in my eyes?"

He subconsciously hid his frustration with a smile,

"... A self-proclaimed earthling who conceals her true strength can't match me Abuto, To be able to beat me down, one must atleast be as strong and brave as of going berserk and go all out to finish me off, And that, in my thoughts, for her, is impossible!"

He smirked as he left Abuto standing there watching his figure vanish through the mist of darkness,

"...Now I'm really confused... I don't know if he's a silly yandere, or a fucking retard tsundere!?"

He growled as he rub his hair.

To be continued...