Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker.


Harry finds out after the Tri-wizard tournament about his inheritance. He comes up with a plan. And gets emancipated. With the help of the goblins and many others will he be able to defeat Voldemort? Manipulative Dumbledore. Powerful Harry.

Author's Note

The Tri-Wizard Tournament finished in April not in June.

Chapter .1.

Harry scowls most people were talking behind his back about how Cedric died. Not many believed Voldemort was back. Harry was in the owlery when an black owl flies to him. Harry takes the letter and opens it.

Dear Mr Potter,

We need you to come to Gringotts to sort out your vaults and inheritance. Before you claim your inheritance you need to go through an inheritance test. We have set up an appointment tomorrow at 9.00am. If you need any assistance of getting to Gringotts please let us know and we will send someone for you. From our monthly statements to you we would like to give you a complete report.

Ragnok Potter Account Manger

Inheritance? He didn't know he had an inheritance. Monthly statements? He never got any. Harry was angry who was stopping his mail? He could only think of one person Dumbledore. Harry scowls he would have to find out. Tomorrow was Saturday so he was fine with going to Gringotts how was he going to get there? Maybe Dobby?

"Dobby", Harry calls

"Harry Potter sir called for Dobby? What can Dobby to for the great Harry Potter?" Dobby asks

"Dobby can you take me out of Hogwarts tomorrow?" Harry asks

"Dobby can Harry Potter sir. When do you need Dobby?" Dobby asks

"8.50 tomorrow I will call you. Thanks Dobby", Harry says

"Dobby will listen for your call", Dobby says popping away

Harry walks into the castle. When he sees a Ravenclaw being bullied by a couple of other students.

"Leave her alone", Harry says

"She is Loony", one says

"She is a normal student. Leave", Harry says glaring at the students

The students quickly go.

"Thank you. I am Luna Lovegood. My father and I believe you by the way", Luna says

"Thanks. Do they always make fun of you?" Harry asks

"I don't have friends. So no one normally stops them", Luna says

"I will be your friend. Tomorrow we meet in the room of requirement at 7pm. It is on the 7th floor", Harry says then explains how to get into the room

"I will be there. Thank you again Harry", Luna says

"Your welcome", Harry says

At dinner that night Harry asks Neville to meet at the room of requirement. He was quickly talking to Hermione and Ron about going to Gringotts tomorrow when a piece of parchment lands on his table.

Meet tonight 2am at the Astronomy Tower you can bring others if you want


Harry shows the note to Hermione and Ron.

"We will go tonight under the invisibility cloak and we will use the map", Harry says making his decision

The trio walk up to the Astronomy tower. Using the map and invisibility cloak. When they reach the top they see Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Blaise Zabini.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asks

"I…we want to offer our help and information", Draco says

"You are Death Eaters", Ron says

"What do you have to offer?" Harry asks

"Well Potter our parents are joining the Death Eaters. They sent us a coded letter saying they are allying themselves with the Dark Lord", Daphne says

"My step-father is joining the Death Eaters. Mother and I will not be safe. We will probably need to go into hiding this Summer. But I am not sitting back and watching. If you can find a safe place for my mother then I will help you fight HIM", Blaise says

"My parents are in danger because dad is a Muggle-Born and mum is a Pure-Blood. So if you can provide safety for them. I will help fight too", Tracey says

"My father wants me to join him. But my mum and myself don't want too. If you can offer us protection we will help you wherever we can. Potter my father abuses me when I don't do the Dark Arts. I am more of a grey area person and so is Mum", Draco says

"My relatives abuse me. If you say if true prove it", Harry says

"You can't be thinking of buying this?" Ron asks

"Everyone deserves a chance. We need to work together to defeat Tom", Harry says

"Tom?" Daphne asks

"Tom Riddle is Voldemort. He has a Muggle father", Harry says

"Hypocrite", Blaise says

"I know a place we can go to talk this through. A place where we can't get caught", Harry says

"Where?" Astoria asks

"The Chamber of Secrets. Dobby", Harry calls

"Yes Harry Potter sir?" Dobby asks

"Can you take us to the girls bathroom on the second floor?" Harry asks

"Dobby can Harry Potter sir. Will others be coming?" Dobby asks

"Everyone here will be coming. Once you drop us off can you get Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom?" Harry asks

"Will do Harry Potter sir. Everyone take hold", Dobby says

"Come on everyone", Harry says taking Dobby's hand

The others hold on too Dobby and Dobby takes them to the second floor bathroom then leaves to get the other two.

"Why are we in the girls bathroom Potter?" Draco asks

"To go to a safe place. Just wait for Neville and Luna", Harry says

Luna and Neville come in with Dobby.

"Thanks Dobby. I will call you later", Harry says

"Why are Malfoy and those here?" Neville asks nervously

"Because this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. We are going down there. It is safe. I need to check it anyway for stuff that might be useful", Harry says

"How do we get in?" Tracey asks

"Harry speaks Parseltongue. You need to speak Parseltongue to open the Chamber", Hermione says

"Open up", Harry hisses in Parseltongue

"So how do we get down there?" Daphne asks

"Try stairs in Parseltongue", Hermione suggests

"Stairs, torches", Harry hisses

It groans and stairs appear and torches line the walls.

"I said stairs and torches. Thought we might need some light", Harry says, "Lets go down before we get caught"

They all head down the stairs.

"Holy…", Draco swears looking at the skin of the Basilisk

"Trust me that was when it shred. The body it in the main chamber. But we will have to explore another time", Harry says

Harry and Hermione get rid of all the bones and rumble.

"This way", Harry says leading them farer into the chamber to a door with snakes on it, "Open up"

The doors hiss and open. Hermione pales at the Basilisk.

"You know you can harvest parts of a Basilisk for lots of Galleons", Daphne says

"I will think about it", Harry says

"Harry there is a door over here", Neville says

"Open up", Harry hisses

The door opens to find a cosy room fire light books where on the shelves. There was a painting on the wall a moving painting.

"Hello", Harry says

"So you found my chamber?" the man asks

"So your Salazar Slytherin?" Harry asks

"Yes. You must be my heir to access this chamber. What is your name?" Salazar asks

"Harry Potter. I am 14", Harry says, "These are my friends Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and the others I haven't worked out if their friends yet. They are Draco Malfoy, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Tracey Davis, and Blaise Zabini"

"We are Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and I of course am Salazar Slytherin", Salazar says

"You Harry Potter are our heir we can feel it", Rowena says

"I am going to Gringotts in the morning to find out", Harry says shocked

"You will find it about us. To claim the Lordship you need to be emancipated. The Goblins can get you emancipated but you have to do an inheritance test. Then there our tests and gifts from us. Some other ancient vaults have gifts to give too", Godric says

"Thanks for the knowledge. Should I know anything about these books?" Harry asks

"Some of them are in Parselscript. You will find interesting things in those books", Salazar says

"Is there any way to tell if someone is being truthful?" Hermione asks

"There is a potion in that cabinet of there. It is clear. If it goes red the person is lying if it goes yellow the person is telling the truth", Salazar says

"What about these other potions?" Hermione asks looking in the cupboard

"You can talk to them about them about the potions when I got to Gringotts. Lets just see if everyone is telling the truth", Harry says

Hermione pours the potion into the dish.

"Who wants to go first?" Harry asks

"I will go", Draco says

"Are you allied with Voldemort?" Harry asks

"No. My father is. My mother and I are in the grey area. We promise to ally ourselves with you for protection. We have no attention of hurting or betraying you", Draco says

The potion goes yellow.

"He is telling the truth", Helga says

The others all get positive reactions too.

"Ok we will start again. I will try and find a safe place for your families", Harry promises

"You are the Lord of the House of Potter and probably the founders you probably have a good protective place. Just ask the goblins", Neville says

"I will ask them. Does this fireplace have floo?" Harry asks the founders

"Yes just say the common room and to come back the Slytherin's Den Basilisk. And you will come back here", Salazar says

"Thank you. You guys head up to bed. Ron, Hermione, Neville I need you to cover for me today. While I go to Gringotts", Harry says

"Will do. What are you going to do till morning?" Hermione asks

"I am going to explore the chamber a bit more", Harry says

"Floo powder is on the mantle", Helga says

The others leave and Harry was left alone.

"To you know of Tom Riddle? Otherwise known as Voldemort he sent your Basilisk against the Muggle-Born's in the school. I had to kill it", Harry reveals

"I am sorry to hear that. Did she leave an egg?" Salazar asks

"An egg?" Harry asks

"Yes. Basilisk's whether female or male can have eggs. Basilisk's can also turn off their death glare. If you find an egg you can probably bond to it and make it your familiar. Especially if you become the Lord of Hogwarts", Salazar says

"I will have a look around. Thank you", Harry says

Harry searches the chambers and comes across an egg. He carries it back into the room with the founders.

"How long till it hatches?" Harry asks Salazar

"Not long now. Just keep the egg warm", Salazar says, "Talk to it a bit so it knows you"

"I am Harry. Hopefully you will be my familiar. Now when you hatch you can't kill anyone unless I say. Your going to be a good Basilisk", Harry hisses at the egg

The egg shakes a bit.

Harry grabs a blanket and lies down to sleep in the warm chambers.

Next Morning…

Harry wakes up and floo's to the Gryffindor common room. He sneaks into his dorms and grabs a change of clothes and has a shower. Once he had his invisibility cloak and map. Harry calls for Dobby.

"Gringotts please Dobby", Harry says quietly

"Right away Harry Potter", Dobby says taking Harry's hand and they disappear to Gringotts

Harry has his hood up and goes up to the desk.

"Harry Potter to see Ragnok", Harry says

"Right this way Mr Potter", Griphook

"How have you been Griphook?" Harry asks as they walk

"Been good Mr Potter. You remembered my name", Griphook states

"It is only polite to remember people's names. I like to treat people equally", Harry says

"This is Ragnok's office", Griphook says

"Griphook I would like you there", Harry says

Griphook looks surprised.

"I know you Griphook", Harry says

"Very well. Since you have asked for me", Griphook says opening the doors

"Mr Potter I am Ragnok. Potter Estate Manager. Griphook you may leave", Ragnok says

"I have asked Griphook to stay", Harry says

"Very well. Now as we said in your monthly statements…", Ragnok says

"I never got any monthly statements", Harry interrupts

"Do you know your parents WILL?" Ragnok asks

"No I don't", Harry says

"There has been wrongs to you. You should have gotten your monthly statements and your parents WILL you should have got when you turned 11", Ragnok says

"Can you find out who have been taking my monthly statements?" Harry asks

"Yes we will. Griphook will you see to this?" Ragnok asks

"Ragnok how do I go about being emancipated? Without anyone knowing" Harry asks

"Emancipation is confidential. As long as you can prove you financially able to support yourself. They would have no reason not to emancipate you. We just give them how much is in your vaults. And the statement you have no one else to go too. And they will make their decision", Ragnok says

"How long before I know if I am emancipated?" Harry asks

"Within an hour. The first thing you do is an inheritance test. Then when we are waiting for your emancipation to come back we will read the Potter's WILL", Ragnok says

"Sounds like a plan. So what do I need for the inheritance test?" Harry asks

"7 drops of blood in this potion. The names as well as you full name will appear on the parchment", Ragnok says, "It will also tell you if it is from your fathers or your mothers side"

Harry was handed a dagger and he cut himself putting 7 drops of blood into the potion. Ragnok pours the potion onto the parchment.

"It looks like you will be emancipated with the amount of Lordships you will get. Your mother looks like she was adopted. Here have a look", Ragnok says handing the list to Harry

Inheritance Test

Henry James Charlus William Christopher Potter

Confirmed Lordships

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Hufflepuff (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Ravenclaw (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Merlin (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Highnoon (Mother's Side: Fey)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Summers (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Moore (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Bore (Father's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Holmes (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Bolden (Mother's Side)

Noble and Most Ancient House of Reichenbach (Father's Side)

Confirmed Vaults

Potter Trust Vault

Potter Vault

Peverell Vault

Gryffindor Vault

Hufflepuff Vault

Ravenclaw Vault

Slytherin Vault

Merlin Vault

Highnoon Vault

Summers Vault

Moore Vault

Bore Vault

Holmes Vault

Bolden Vault

Reichenbach Vault

Noble Vault

Nixon Vault

Aleaf Vault

Riversteam Vault

"All these are mine?" Harry asks

"Yes. The Highnoon line is connected to the Royal Summer Court Fey Family. They are your distant relatives", Ragnok says

"How much are in these vaults?" Harry asks

"Let me just get the paperwork for each vault and I can show you", Ragnok says leaving

Before returning in ten minutes with three other goblins plus Griphook.

"These are Nignet, Izzisel and Cortleg. Nignet is the Highnoon Account Manager, Izzisel is the Peverell Account Manager and Cortleg is the Reichenbach Account Manager. After you are emancipated you can choose your managers for each account. Now I have sent of the forms for you to be emancipated. We should here back within half an hour. They judge on the wealth of the person emancipating not the name. The name is not on the information that was given to them", Ragnok says

"Thank you Ragnok", Harry says

"Now I have your parents WILL. Do you want to hear it?" Ragnok asks

"I would like too. But first why wasn't it executed in the first place?" Harry asks

"It was sealed by head of the Wizengamot Albus Dumbledore", Ragnok says

"Ok I am ready to hear the WILL", Harry says

Last Will and Testament of

Lord James Charlus William Christopher Potter


Lily Rosalie Celina Evans

We, the aforementioned, being of complete mental health and free will hereby decree this will our last testament, making all previous wills void.

In case of our demise the following persons are to be given the following assets:

To Sirius Orion Cygnus Black III we leave 1,000,000 Galleons. Padfoot look after Harry.

To Remus John Lupin we leave 2,000,000 Galleons. Moony we are sorry we thought you were the spy.

To Franklin Alexzander Longbottom we leave 5,000 Galleons.

To Alice Marilyn Smith we leave 5,000 Galleons

To our godson Neville Franklin Alexzander Longbottom we leave 70,000 Galleons for when he turns 17 and a farer 20,000 Galleons in a trust vault to re-fil ever year till he turns 17

To Peter Patrick Pettigrew our secret keeper we leave 1,000,000 Galleons if he is the one to betray us as said secret keeper then the following part is void and he is to be locked in an anti-Animagus cell in Azkaban

To Eileen Sally Prince we leave 1,000,000 Galleons and a promise that you can stay where you are in safety.

To Severus Tobias Snape we leave 100,000 Galleons. Sev I forgive you always have

To Petunia Cassandra Evans we leave 100,000 pounds on the condition she leaves Vernon Dursley.

To our nephew Dudley Alvin Dursley we leave 50,000 pounds for when he turns 17.

All the remaining assets go to our son Harry James Charlus William Christopher Potter.

In custody of Harry we leave the follow people in order:

Sirius Orion Black (Godfather)

Remus John Lupin (Adopted Uncle)

Franklin Alexzander Longbottom and Alice Marilyn Longbottom (Godmother)

Queen Tatiana of the Summer Court Fey (Distant Relation)

Eileen Sally Prince

Severus Tobias Snape

Minerva Isobel McGonagall

Amelia Susan Bones

Augusta Nirvana Longbottom

Alastor Ivan Moody

Molly Patricia Prewett and Arthur Septimus Weasley

Andromeda Selene Tonks and Theodore Derrick Tonks

Under no circumstances but if she is not with her husband is Petunia Dursley to have custody of our son Harry. She only gets custody of Harry when Vernon Dursley is not in the picture. He is the worse sort of Muggle imaginable. And he will make Petunia be mean to our son.


Lord James Charlus William Christopher Potter

Lady Lily Rosalie Celina Evans Potter


Lord Ragnok Tanksog as Witness

Lord Franklin Alexzander Longbottom

Lady Alice Marilyn Longbottom

Lord Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

"He knew I wasn't meant to go to the Dursley's and that Pettigrew was the traitor not Sirius", Harry says angrily

"Your Aunt Petunia is not allowed the money unless she divorces Vernon Dursley. Your mother said Petunia was a nice person but is being manipulated by Mr Dursley. Lady Potter may have been adopted but she loved your Aunt still like a sister", Ragnok says

"Has Dumbledore taken any money out of any of my accounts?" Harry asks

"Let's have a look. Ever since your parents death he has taken 5,009,900 Galleons out of the Potter Account for the Order of the Phoenix, a farer 2,000,111 Galleons for himself for your care", Ragnok says

"I would like all keys discontinued and a new one made. I would be the only person to open my vaults if I am emancipated. Maybe at a later date I will get the money back", Harry says

"Very well. Here is your total bank statement", Ragnok says handing over his statement

Harry begins to read.

Total Account

Harry James Charlus William Christopher Potter

Liquid Holdings

Potter Trust Vault

50,000 Galleons, 10,000 Sickles and 5,000 Knuts to re-fill every year till child turns 17

Potter Vault

3,106,918,817 Galleons, 798,000 Sickles 100,000 Knuts

Peverell Vault

675,908,000 Galleons, 22,222 Sickles, 1,000 Knuts

Gryffindor Vault

12,908,816,172 Galleons, 1,007,181 Sickles, 451,187 Knuts

Hufflepuff Vault

10,916,009,172 Galleons, 2,198,182 Sickles, 182,678 Knuts

Ravenclaw Vault

11,176,836,827 Galleons, 67,712,827 Sickles

Slytherin Vault

12,698,917,280 Galleons, 182,282 Sickles, 78,090 Knuts

Merlin Vault

20,972,917,185 Galleons, 1,186,725 Sickles 100,897 Knuts

Highnoon Vault

1,008,765,454 Galleons, 67,987 Sickles, 5,987 Knuts

Summers Vault

198,674,986 Galleons, 11,908 Sickles, 20,000 Knuts

Moore Vault

100,657 Galleons

Bore Vault

9,865,741 Galleons, 35,753 Sickles

Holmes Vault

99,975 Galleons, 200 Knuts

Bolden Vault

4,431,097 Galleons, 400,987 Sickles, 1,964 Knuts

Reichenbach Vault

6,913,013 Galleons, 581,084 Sickles

Noble Vault

100,000 Galleons

Nixon Vault

777,777 Galleons 77,777 Sickles

Aleaf Vault

98,908 Sickles, 12,019 Knuts

Riversteam Vault

No Liquid Holdings

Harry was stunned by how much he is worth. He never dreamed of having so much money. That is when a paper airplane comes in.

Congratulations Young Lord. Your application for emancipation has been approved immediately. All properties our yours. Enclosed is your certificate with all the normal protective spells. Please keep this for your records. The tracking spell on your registered wand has been cancelled.

Carolina Right

Child Representative

England Ministry of Magic

"Congratulations Lord Potter", Ragnok says

"Please still call me Harry. What do I have to do now?" Harry asks

"Well you claim your vaults and gifts from your ancestors. We will have all other information ready when you our done. Griphook will show you to the Inheritance Vault just say the name of the family you want to claim. You should if your accepted get a ring. All rings will merge into one. To have a pacific one showing just tap your wand on it and say the name of the house", Ragnok says

"Thank you Ragnok. I will do my inheritance now", Harry says

"Right this way Lord Potter", Griphook says

"Please still call me Harry", Harry says to Griphook as they walk

"Very well Harry. Through these doors is the book of inheritance. Your can claim your inheritance in any order", Griphook says

"Thank you", Harry says going into the black room where a book was lit up

He was ready to claim his inheritance. He was looking forward to Dumbledore not being able to manipulate him anymore. He can work for the good of all magical beings…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and i'll update as soon as possible:)