Disclaimer: I am not as you have probably guessed the owner of Fairy Tail or it's character's in any way. They belong to the actual creators of Fairy Tail. I do however claim this plot and any characters I may make up for it.

Authors Note:

I will post each part as I get it typed up from the drafts in my notebooks, which have been water damaged and will quite some time to transcribe.

Please note I am a slow updater, so don't be discouraged if you don't see new chapters, they will be coming, (eventually).

This fic is un-beta-ed, so be gentle. Constructive criticism is appreciated, Flames are not.


To this day, Lyon was unsure exactly when it was that things between the three of them really started changing.

Maybe it was the day that he acknowledged that he was never going to be able to come between Gray and Juvia, and settled for being her friend.

Or maybe it was the day Juvia had called him 'practically family' and Gray never bothered to correct her.

It could even have been the day he stood as one of Gray's groomsman at his wedding to Juvia, and realized he genuinely wished the both of them every happiness together.

Whatever the catalyst, things between them changed, and when Juvia found she was pregnant, it was Lyon they told first, and Lyon they asked to be the child's godfather.

It was Lyon who had to take responsibility when everything went wrong.