Hey Guys!

So this is the new story I wrote. I've been trying to stay more active, so let me know if you have any ideas for me to write about. I always love a good idea. So here it is and let me know what you think at the end! If anyone is wondering I had to re-post this chapter because of some naming issues.

"This is so stupid," Annabeth deadpanned as she followed Sara through the hall. "We made those lists when we were like, twelve. There is no way you can hold me accountable for anything that I put on that list. It was six years ago!"

The list that she was referring to was a list of all the things that they wanted to have done by the end of high school. For Annabeth number one on the list was to kiss Percy Jackson. Not only was Percy the most popular boy at the school, he also had absolutely no idea that she even existed. He was tall, like six feet, with green eyes and dark hair. So basically he was perfect. They didn't run in the same circles, have any of the same friends, or have any common friends whatsoever. He played sports, she read. He went to parties, she studied. He was attractive, and she was stuck with curly blonde hair, grey eyes, and a small five foot two inch frame.

"Sorry babe, I finished my list last week," Sara, Annabeth's best friend, said turning around to face her. "We made a deal that we would finish the lists, and that is the only thing that you have left." Sara was a great friend, she did not, however, understand that there was no way that Annabeth was going to kiss Percy. She seemed to think that sometime in the four weeks before graduation that something other than admiring from a far was going to happen. There was no way.

She was left standing in the middle of a crowded school hallway all alone. Praying that no one had heard her conversation she headed to her first class, Biology. The devil must have wanted to play a cruel joke on her because as she walked in she saw the one the only, Percy Jackson sitting in her chair. She looked down and shuffled into the vicinity of her seat so that when class started she could move into her place.

She stood off to the sidelines for five minutes before the bell rang. She wasn't surprised that he hadn't noticed her standing there; hardly anyone ever even noticed that she was in the room. He moved out of her seat without even acknowledging that she was there. "Ya right, kiss him in the next four weeks. I'd rather die," she whispered to herself as she took out her notebook. This was going to be a long four weeks.

And that it was. She was three weeks in and Sara had not left her alone since she had learned that there was an item left on her list. It was pretty much a month from hell. Now she was a day away from starting her last set of finals before she went off to college. Stanford to be exact, but it was almost never brought up in conversation.

"Annabeth can we go to a party?" Sara asked out of nowhere. They had been studying for the final that they had the next day, Calculus.

"Why in God's name would we ever go to a party?"

"There is a party tomorrow night and everyone was invited. We never go out, so I figured that since we are done in less than a week we might as well go," Sara told her. The final schedule at their school was really weird. They started finals on a Thursday so they had a weekend in between their set of finals. The next day was a Friday, so the kids would party then and study the rest of the weekend.

"Why would we go deal with a bunch of drunk teens when we could be studying?" Annabeth questioned as she set her book down. This was going to be good.

"Because we never to anything fun!" Sara screamed. She set her books down and jumped up to where Annabeth was on the bed. Taking her hands she said "Annabeth we never go out, like ever. We have to go at some point in our high school career. We don't have to stay long I just want to see what we have been missing."


Loud, that was what a high school house party was like. There was music blaring over the speakers and people shouting on top of that. Annabeth felt as if she was being assaulted the second she walked through the doors of the house that was too big for a single family.

She had thought that the movies had been joking when they showed this as the portrayal of what high school partying looked like, but boy was she wrong. It was like homecoming, but with more drunk people and a lot less coordinated grinding. It also smelled weird. Like a mix of sweat and beer, but not the good beer, the gross stuff you buy at a gas station.

She turned to Sara to give her a look, but she was already off into the crowd of teen that could hold their weight. "Great just great," she mumbled to herself as she made her way to a corner where she could wait the whole thing out.

She didn't know when it happened, but at some point she had gone to get a drink to see if it could help with the headache she had acquired. That drink had turned into two, then three, and now she was on the dance floor grinding with some guy she had never met. Turned out she was a happy drunk. She just wanted to have fun.

She hadn't been able to find Sara again, so she assumed that she was off doing pretty much the same thing as her. Neither of them had ever drank before, so they were both bound to be total light weights. She stumbled away from the guy that she had been dancing with to go get another beer, but low and behold there was Percy standing at the keg.

"S'cuse me," she mumbled as she tried to make her way past him to grab a cup.

"Woah, what are you doing? Don't you think you've had enough?" he asked her as she glared up at him. He made a move to block her from the keg and she stomped her foot angrily.

"Why does it matter to you? We aren't friends anyway. I doubt you even know my name," she said indignantly crossing her arms. He had no right to stop her; they didn't even know each other. Well at least he didn't know her.

"I do know your name, its Annabeth. We have been in classes together since junior high, and it matters because you are totally wasted and can barely manage yourself. What are you doing? You're smarter than this," Percy said looking down at her. He was right she was hardly managing to keep herself upright. If she had another she would probably pass out.

She looked up at him as if she was still expecting him to let her get another drink. He reached behind him and grabbed a water that was already half gone. He held out to her and when she didn't reach for it her made a motion for her to take it and drink. Annabeth looked at him skeptically, but she ended up taking it and taking a drink. When she was done she asked "Who's was that?"

"Mine," he said with a smirk before he started to look around. "Now who did you come with?"

"Sara!" she squealed before she lost her balance. He reached out and grabbed her before she fell, but she was barely able to keep herself up with him supporting her. "I haven't seen her since we came though, so she either left me or is in the same state I am," she finished with a giggle.

He huffed and said "Okay, well I'm going to have someone find her, then I'm going to take you home."

"No!" she screamed, almost cutting him off. "I'm having fun! I don't want to leave!" Percy rolled his eyes at her before calling out to one of his friends. He asked if he knew her friend, and when the friend confirmed, he asked him to find her and pass on that Annabeth had gone home. The friend agreed quickly and went off on his mission.

Percy started to pull her toward the front of the house, but she was only able to stumble after him. "Slow down!" she slurred as she tripped her way to the front door. He heeded her warning and slowed down before she fell. He pulled her more carefully through the empty front year; making sure to watch for any holes that she could trip over.

They made it over to his blue jeep and he helped her step up into her seat. "Such a gentleman," she giggled as he closed the door. Percy quickly ran around to the other side of the car and hopped in. The engine can to life as the pair sat in muffled silence. "Music," she declared reaching for the radio. "We need music."

She found the station that she wanted and turned it up. His hand shot out to turn it down and he said "Where am I going? I have no idea where you live."

She laughed and said "Right. 404 Mayberry Street. It's right across from the Culvers."

"Awesome,' he said as he pulled out of his parking space. They rode in relative silence for a while. The radio was playing softly in the background as he drove through the quiet town. It was a ghost town at that time of night. He approached her house and observed it. It was small, probably been a part of the town since the late 70s, but it looked cozy. It was white with what like a black roof, but he couldn't be sure. It suited her.

Percy got out of the car and went to help her get inside. "Are your parents home?" he asked as the crossed her front lawn.

"Nope," she said popping the 'p'. He nodded as he made his way to the front door. She stopped right in front of the lock and pulled out a small silver key. She fumbled with the lock for a few seconds before he took pity on her and took the key from her hand inserting it gracefully into the lock. He opened the door and pulled her in behind him.

Percy had been right when he said that the house was cozy. It was small with furniture that matched the age of the house. There was stuff everywhere; he was sure that there was no organizing system. It was nice though. It felt like people actually lived there. Percy decided that it would be easier to just carry her up the stairs, so he pulled her up into his arms and lunged quickly up the stairs.

She laughed as he peered through the doors in the small hallway to find her room. It was easy to see due to the fact that it was painted an obnoxious pink. There were stuffed animals piled in one corner of the room, while a stack of books taller than him was placed in the other. He laughed at how young the room felt, but was almost positive it matched her personality.

He placed her on the bed and was about to leave, but stopped when he heard her start laughing hysterically. He turned to look at her and saw her holding a piece of crumpled paper in her hands. Annabeth held it up to him and said "Look at this! It's the list I made when I was twelve. It's so ridiculous."

He smiled as he made his way over to her. The list was titled "Things I Want to do Before I Graduate High School." He looked down at the list and his eyes widened fractionally. Percy also noticed that all of the other items were crossed off; all but the very first one.

"All but one are crossed off," he said as he looked up at her.

She nodded and said, "Ya, Sara and I made sure to do all of them, but I thought that the first one was a little bit too crazy to follow through with," she shrugged. Percy could tell that she had long since given up one finishing her list. It seemed wrong to him thought that she didn't finish.

Annabeth woke up the next day with a pounding headache and no memory of what had happened the night before. She decided to start with some Ibuprofen then she could piece together the events of the night before. As she made her way to the kitchen she noticed that the front door was unlocked. "Well that's how I got in," she mumbled as she entered the kitchen. She took the pills quickly then went back to her room.

Sending a quick text to Sara asking her if she knew what happened, Annabeth sat back down on her bed. She was laying quietly deciding that she was never going to drink again when she heard her phone buzz. Annabeth assumed that it was from Sara, but was surprised to see that it was from a number that she didn't know.

She opened the message and saw a picture followed by a small amount of text. Opening the picture she quickly scream in horror and through her phone across the room. It was a picture of her and Percy kissing with the caption "Now your list is complete. – Percy."

So that's it! What did you think? Did you love it? Did you hate it? I know that this is marked complete, but I may make one more chapter depending on the response this one gets. Also, if you liked this story check out my other story called One Long Night. Let me know what you think or any criticism you may have. Any review is a good review. Later guys!
