Sup peoplz my names SuperSonicNinja1 and today I'm doin my first crossover eveh XD well I hope you enjoy I had my friend help me with commas and stuffs so it should be okayz p.s I don't own hetalia and or doctor who Anyway lets begin

Japan sighed, another meetings gone by and like always it ended in fighting, japan was walking to his car when he heard something, to his surprise, there was a blue box, "these are vary old how dose England-San still have these," Japan inspected it closely, but turned when he saw someone walking out, " u-um h-hello" Japan said, The man turned and said "why hello there" Japan waited a little bit before saying, "hello my names Kiku Honda" he then bowed.

The man then said his name, "hello my names the doctor, pleasure to meet you, mister Honda."

Japan felt a little stupid for asking this but "Doctor... Who?"

thanks for reading guys next chapter it is gonna be the doctors p.o.v of all of this please review like, and or favorite this plz k and yes I know its short but ill make more well that's it SUPERSONICNINJA1 OUT!