Hey all! I know this one was a little delayed but here it is, the final chapter. I hope its ok and you all enjoy. Thanks to everyone who reviewed or followed, you guys rock.

"It wasn't for nothing." Jenna said before Wo Fat shot her. "It wasn't for nothing."

"Jenna! No, no, no!" Steve said jumping to his feet and looking around desperately. He was ok, he wasn't restrained and the beach was in front of him. It was just a dream. Steve wearily sat back down and ground his head in his hands. It had been months since North Korea but Jenna still visited him every time he closed his eyes. He tensed when he heard movement behind him, cursing silently when he heard his partner's voice.

"So Jenna eh. Is that what this is all about?" Danny questioned quietly. He had been dozing quietly on the couch when he'd heard his friend yell out and flinched at the mention of North Korea. He should have known that Wo Fat would be the cause of Steve's distress, that man had been at the center of everything wrong in Steve's life. He studied Steve's tense back and felt the familiar helpless rage build up. "Damn it Steve! When are you going to start talking to me? How long are you going to let that bastard ruin your life?"

"Just let it go Danny. It doesn't concern you." Steve said softly, praying that the smaller man would back off for once.

Danny snorted. "It doesn't concern me. Like hell it doesn't. You listen to me, you pig headed, stubborn, stupid Neanderthal. For some god-forsaken reason, I like you. Despite all the times you got me shot, blown up or even punched, I'm your friend and I am your partner. So everything that affects you concerns me. When you stop sleeping and eating, I get concerned. When you fail to mention catching a bullet in your vest -yes Steven I have seen the bruising and we will be talking about that later - I get concerned. When I find you looking like a zombie in the office, I get concerned. And when I can knock you on your ass without breaking a sweat, I most definitely get concerned. So don't you dare tell me that it's not my business because you are my business." Danny's voice had gradually increased in volume till he was yelling the last bit at his friend's back.

"Not this." Steve said as he finally stood up and faced Danny, pushing into his space. "Wo Fat is mine. It's my family he's torn apart, it's me that was tortured and I won't let anyone else get mixed into this. He won't take anything else from me."

"He's taking everything from you Steve and you are letting him." Danny shoved Steve back before stalking after him. "All you do is work. After work you go through your father's notes and anything else you have found on Wo Fat. When was the last time you went surfing with Kono? The last time you went for beers with Chin or me? The last time you called Mary? The last time you saw Grace? You are wasting your life chasing that man and part of me fears that when you finally catch him, you are going to be alone."

Steve fell back like he'd taken a shot in the gut and Danny knew he'd said the wrong thing. Everybody in Steve's life had left him and Danny knew that he had abandonment issues. "Steve." He started quietly.

"Just go." Steve interrupted, walking past his friend and into the house. "I don't want to talk anymore."

Danny didn't even hesitate. He lashed forward, kicking out at Steve's knee and sending him to the floor. "We are talking now." Steve snarled at him but Danny ignored the SEAL and placed his foot on Steve's back to hold him down. "Let me clarify. You'll be alone not because I left you, but because you will leave me. I'm not stupid Steven. I've worked with you for years. Whenever the case is remotely personal you run off by yourself and do something stupid and Wo Fat is as personal as it gets. Now I will do my best to stick with you cause I'm stubborn like that but you are not the easiest person to follow." Now Danny stepped back and watched as Steve rolled to face him. "You are doing it now Steve but this time your stupid stunt is something I can stop. No more self-destructive behaviour. You will start taking care of yourself Steven. I want you to start sleeping and eating properly and I want you to stop hiding injuries."

"Injuries? Come on Danno, its just some bruising." Steve muttered as he eased his body up. "And you are not helping those heal by knocking me over."

"After all that and that is what you focus on? Maybe its just bruises but it's from a gunshot you idiot. I've taken a few of those in the vest myself and I know that they are not a walk in the park. You are hurting. So next time you tell me and for now you stop killing yourself trying to find Wo Fat."

"I can't just let him go Danno. He needs to pay and I will track him down." Steve said angrily.

Danny held up his hands placidly. "I'm not saying to let him go Babe. All I'm saying is don't forget to live. Keep the usual searches going, run leads when you get them but share the load with all of us and don't let it take over your life. You do that and he wins."

Steve sighed but nodded at his friend. "Mahalo Danno but I'm still going to kick your ass for that attack from behind." He flashed a quick grin.

Danny snorted and puffed up his chest. "You can try SuperSEAL but I'll go all jersey on your ass. Grab some beers." He called behind him as he headed for the couch and Steve smiled. Danny was right. It was time he stepped back a little, time he started living his own life rather than focusing on his parents. He collapsed next to his partner on the couch and tapped their beers together. It wasn't for nothing, not anymore.