Chapter 1

After the siege of Ryloth was over Jedi Master and General of the Clone Army Obi-Wan Kenobi was glad to finally return home. The battle had been messy, bloody and in general quite unpleasant but luckily it counted as a victory for the republic. Never mind that in this civil war between Republic and Separatists there could never be victors, only survivors. The Jedi did their duty as protectors of the Republic and served as Generals in the army and as a result the numbers of Jedi dwindled to an all-time low of barely more than after the last Sith war. It was tragic.

Obi-Wan looked out of his cockpit at the desert world that shrank behind him. A large orange orb that glowed in the surrounding darkness. On the night side of the planet he could still see the fires burning from the recent fighting. He thought of the village where he fought and his mind wandered to the little Twi'lek girl that had taken a shine to Waxer and Boil. She was far too young to have experienced war. It was always the innocent and the young that got caught up between the fronts and who suffered the most in war.

Ahsoka, too, was far too young to be fighting in the war. But with the Jedi in high demand they were no longer able to make differences based on a Padawan's age. So, Anakin and Ahsoka were more often than not deployed to the frontlines. Now Anakin would stay behind on Ryloth to deal with the aftermath of the battle and help the clones with the repairs and to boost the overall morale of the troops.

He would make a greater mess of the situation, of that Obi-Wan was sure but with any luck the two of them would be able to get some much-needed downtime. Obi-Wan would have loved to stay with them but he had to report back to the council and it was a sign of trust that they let Anakin handle this situation alone. Hopefully the young man would understand it as such.

Anakin had been slightly grumpy when Obi-Wan had climbed into his fighter but never the less the goodbye had been warm. Now entering hyperspace Obi-Wan allowed himself a small proud smile. Anakin had grown up into a great man and an exceptional Jedi. He still had a temper and it flared at the slightest provocation but he had his heart at the right place.

Preparing for the hour-long journey Obi-Wan settled into a meditation in an attempt to center himself properly in the Force.

Only to be hustled back into awareness a few hours later by an anomaly in space. His ship's electronics flared to live and blared in an aggravating cacophony. He was hurtled back into real space and with great effort he managed to crash land on the dust ball nearest to him. That planet just happened to be Tatooine. Obi-Wan desperately wanted to kick something but council masters should never act on their anger. No matter how appropriate it was in this situation.

He understood his Padawan's dislike of that place. It was full of sand and it was unbearably hot and worst of all it was under the control of the Hutts. These creatures had their slimy thick fingers in every criminal activity in the entire galaxy. Unfortunately, he had little choice considering that his fighter's engines had been about to blow up if he hadn't landed.

Luckily Obi-Wan had had a mechanically inclined Padawan. So, over their decade together the master did learn quite a lot about machines from his student. Because of his Padawan's obsession he was now able to fix most of his fighter's problems alone in the middle of a desert somewhere in the outer rim territories.

But the problem he was facing here was far beyond his capabilities. Staring at the melted core of his engine Obi-Wan doubted that even Anakin would have been able to get the star fighter of the ground anytime soon. He needed a new ship or at least a passage into the core regions and that meant he would have to go into town. On a planet full of bounty hunters and questionable businessmen that didn't seem like the best idea especially since a certain Separatist leader had put an obscenely high bounty on one's head. Somewhere in his cargo hold he had some necessary supplies and since hiding one's face was considered good manners on Tatooine the Jedi Master should be able to avoid attention.

"Arfour show me a map of the area." Obi-Wan commanded his astromech droid and a hologram appeared. The nearest city was Mos Eisley not even one hour walk from his current position. It probably wasn't any different to Mos Espa and so money matters couldn't be solved with Republican Credits. But after the messy business during the Blockade of Naboo, Obi-Wan had made it a habit of always carrying intergalactic accepted currency on his person.

"Thanks. I guess now it's time to inform the temple that we're going to be late. Scramble Code forty-one to Coruscant." Obi-Wan cursed when his long-range transmitter spit sparks. "Then patch me through to Anakin." Ryloth was still within range of his personal comlink, he hoped. Soon Arfour had established an unstable one-way connection to his former Padawan.

"Anakin. My long-range transmitter broke down when I had to emergency land on Tattooine. Please relay to the council that I'll be late three to four days. I hope you and Ahsoka make the best of the few days without fighting. Say hello to Cody and the Rest of the 212th for me. Kenobi Out." Hopefully Anakin would listen to his answering machine before the council declared Obi-Wan missing in action. Again.

He packed the important data sticks with Republic intelligence in his backpack and destroyed everything else that could be used in the war effort against the Jedi. It wouldn't do if the Separatists got their hands on his ship computer. Looking up at the position of the suns the Jedi sighed. He didn't fancy walking through the desert in the midday sun.

By the time he was in the city Obi-Wan could really sympathize with Anakin's dislike of sand. It really got everywhere and by now it felt as if he was carrying the entire Tatooine desert in his boots. Even Arfour whistled in annoyance. The droid got sand in her circuits. Obi-Wan tried not to dwell on the fact that by now he could understand what that droid said. It was a side effect that came with spending too much time around Anakin Skywalker and his connection to everything mechanical. He even thought that Artoo had a personality.

After trying to buy a ship off this dust ball Obi-Wan found out that he didn't have enough money to buy one. The prices seemed to have exploded since the beginning of the war. There weren't any decent ships for sale under ten thousand and even with haggling he suspected the price wouldn't go down to his now meager budget. For five thousand one could get a bucket of bolts like the scrap-heap Anakin called Twilight. But since he hadn't Anakin's mechanical genius he doubted he could get the ship even of the ground. So, searching for a lift was his only option.

One of the scrap-dealers pointed him to a cantina where freighter pilots drank their way through their payment. Even the Force nudged him in that direction. The place was built from the same sand colored stone as everything else on this frying pan of a planet and looked quite run down. A red colored speeder was parked in front. Ordering Arfour to wait outside and electroshock anybody who might want to steel a droid he pulled his hood deeper into his face. Being recognized would bring a whole lot of complications he absolutely didn't need.

Obi-Wan stepped into the shadowed hallway and promptly ran into a kid who stood there and goggled into the cantina. Making it look like he shoved the boy out of the way he walked up to the bar keeper and ordered a drink. Asking around it soon became clear that none of these pilots would travel anywhere near the core regions. He sighed taking a sip from his glass.

His focus returned to the kid who just sent his protocol droid and a little Artoo unit out of the door. The force nudged in the back of his mind to keep an eye on the boy like he somehow attracted trouble. True to his instincts he watched the boy as he picked a fight with two nasty looking aliens. An old man tried to prevent the situation from becoming ugly and it ended with a severed arm and a blue lightsaber glowing in the twilight of the bar.

Obi-Wan grinned behind his drink. One could always trust in the Force; it led him right to another Jedi. The old man was probably a Jedi Master and the kid his Padawan. He couldn't get a reading on the master's presence. That meant he possessed strong shields, the kind of which were rarely taught outside of the council. The boy had no shielding whatsoever but he shone brightly in the Force, nearly as strong as Anakin. So, he could rule out the possibility that they were Darksiders.

He got up and followed the pair to a table were a Wookie and another human were seated. Taking up a position near the niche he enhanced his hearing with the Force so he could follow the conversation.

"Chewwie tells me you want to the Alderaan system." The man who introduced himself as Han Solo raised his eyebrow inquisitively.

"That's right." The old Jedi answered. "If you have a fast ship"

"A fast ship?" Solo replied indignant. "Have you never heard of the Millennium Falcon? That ship made the Kessel-Run in less than twelve parsec, if that means something to you. I even shook off the imperial star ships and I'm not talking about the local traffic cruisers. I mean the over dimensional Correllian ones. Fast enough for you, old man." Obi-Wan frowned; Imperial star ships? Last time he checked there was no Empire anywhere near Tatooine not even in the entire Sector.

After a pause Solo inquired: "What freight?"

"Myself, the boy, two droids and no questions asked." The Spacer chuckled at the answer from the Jedi.

At that point Obi-Wan decided to join in on the conversation. "Make those three passengers and three droids." He took a seat next to the old master. "And no questions either."

At that the old Jedi pressed his deactivated lightsaber into Obi-Wan's side. There was no malice or evil intent coming from the old Master but a sense of caution permeated the Force around the table. The Wookie sniffed in the air and growled reaching for his bowcaster. What are you?

"I am no threat." Slowly Obi-Wan pulled his hood back and revealed the hilt of his own lightsaber to the other Jedi. The old master's face lit up in recognition and confusion then he nodded. "Three passengers and three droids" The young student stared at his master in bewilderment.

Even the captain looked quite surprised at this new development before the wheels in his mind turned back to business. "Ok. That's ten thousand for all of you together, in advance."

"Ten thousand?" the kid exclaimed shocked. "We could buy the ship for that." The boy was in the motion of getting up but his master dragged him back down. Obi-Wan could sympathize with the master's exasperated look. It was the kind of behavior typical for boys in their late teens. Anakin had exhibited it quite frequently.

"Five thousand now and another ten when we reach our destination" Obi-Wan offered. Once they reached Alderaan he would have access to the temple accounts and as a council master he had a certain amount of liberty when it came to those.

Raising an eyebrow Solo accepted. "Fifteen? Fine, you got your ship. Landing platform ninety-four; come as soon as you are ready."

The old master, his student and Obi-Wan stood up and turned to leave when Obi-Wan heard the Wookie grumble. Something isn't right about the older humans. I can smell it.

"Stop complaining. We can't be picky right now just because you smell something fishy about them. Money is money and with fifteen thousand we can save our skin."

You mean your skin. Chewbacca rumbled. Don't complain if we end up in a deeper mess than usual. And for the record: I told you so.

Obi-Wan frowned and filed the information for later references.

They quickly and quietly left the Cantina to collect their droids. On their way out, they nearly ran into soldiers clad in the uniform of Clone troopers. He was about to approach them and ask for a ride back to Coruscant but the old man practically dragged him in the opposite direction.

"What was that about?" Obi-Wan questioned the Jedi. The old man looked over his shoulder making sure no one could ear-drop.

"Yes." The boy exclaimed. "What the hell is going on? And who is this suspicious guy?" He pointed at Obi-Wan. The master turned towards his apprentice.

"Luke, go ahead and start searching for a merchant who could be willing to buy your speeder." The boy frowned in confusion but nodded and followed his Master's instructions. The older Jedi pulled Obi-Wan into a dark alley. If he hadn't felt the benevolent intentions from the other man he would have drawn his lightsaber. Nevertheless, the instincts honed by war kept him on alert.

The man looked over his shoulder. "Those soldiers aren't the clones you know, Master Obi-Wan. These men are storm troopers, soldiers of the Empire."

"Empire? That's the second time I've heard about it. But last time I checked there wasn't an Empire around Tatooine anywhere." Slowly Obi-Wan began to wonder if it had been the right decision to join the old man on his journey to Alderaan. Perhaps that was the reason he hadn't seen him in the temple before. Perhaps he was an exiled Jedi who had become mentally unstable and thus lived as a hermit somewhere in the desert.

"Well that's because the last time you checked was over twenty years ago." A dry smile blossomed on the old Jedi's face.

"Sorry? Well that-" Now it was official he had come across a senile Jedi.

"-sounds like complete and utter nonsense and you believe that I'm crazy." The other man finished Obi-Wan's sentence with a wry smile.

"Something along that line." he answered.

"I can prove it to you." The Jedi smiled reassuringly. "Close your eyes and open your right hand."

How would the old man prove such an unbelievable thesis like he had traveled twenty years into the future? So, Obi-Wan decided to humor the other Jedi and held up his opened hand.

"Feel" He was instructed as a cylindrical object was placed in his hand. He reached out with the Force and the Force signature in the crystals was unmistakable. Shocked he opened his eyes. That was his lightsaber lying in his hand. He reached with his left hand for the hilt on his belt and brought that up to compare them. The same design, identical down to the last screw, the only difference was that the blade in his right hand looked more worn than his own. How was this possible?

He looked at the man across from him. He looked smaller than Obi-Wan but not because of growth but because it seemed as if the weight of the entire galaxy lay on his shoulders. The hair had grown white prematurely because of stress and another reason Obi-Wan could easily name as Anakin. But the steel blue eyes still held the intelligence and hope for a better universe Obi-Wan saw when looking into a mirror; hope that had been there as a young Padawan and as it seemed it would still be there when he had grown old.

"Great, Anakin is right. I am an old man." A dry half smile appeared on his lips mirrored by a sad one on his older self's face. "What happened?"

"Not here. I'll explain when we are in hyperspace. Now our priority is to get off this sandy excuse for a planet."

"I couldn't agree more." Postponing the discussion was the most sensible thing to do in their situation especially because the stormtroopers seemed to be after Kenobi and his student. Stepping out into the busier streets both Jedi Masters pulled their hoods deeper into their face overshadowing their features.

After Luke had sold his landspeeder they made it to the ship relatively unscathed considering that they had been shot at.