This is another RP that I did with imclearlythebetterpilot! Seriously, best Loki roleplayer ever. Anyways, this is a YouTube/Loki story. There is Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Pewdiepie. Please, give it a chance. It's actually pretty awesome.

Anyways, this spans 1 week. I was torn between Who'd Have Known and 7 Nights At Jack's for the titles. Yep.

Jacksepticeye may look like a happy ball of energy on YouTube, but Sean McLoughlin has his own life outside of YouTube. One day, Loki, god of Mischief, accidently appears in his house. He has to stay for a week to refresh. What's Jack to do now that Mark, Felix, and Loki are at his house, where all of the people in his town don't like him?

"And I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" Jack finished the newest video and turned off the computer. "4 million subscribers. Woah." Suddenly he heard a sound from downstairs. His eyes widened and he jumped up from his chair.

Loki let out a soft groan as he pushed himself off the floor, rubbing his head and wondering how in Hel he had managed to find himself here… where ever 'here' was, anyway. It certainly wasn't where he had been aiming, nowhere close.

Jack quickly grabbed the first thing off his desk. "Hello?! I have a…" He looked down and grimaced. "A mouse and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Jack tried to bring the mouse with him to where he was sure he heard the intruder, but gave a shriek instead as he was jerked back and some things off his desk clattered onto the floor.

"… inserted inside my computer. Right."

Loki's eyes narrowed as he heard things fall on the upper floor. Curious, he made his way to the next floor to see who exactly he had frightened.

Jack froze as he started to hear someone walk up the stairs. "Oh man, this is just like the game I was playing. That is not good. That is not nice!"

He quickly jumped behind his spinning chair and grabbed the plush Septiceye Sam off the floor, ready to throw it at whoever (or whatever) came through his door. "Why do I not have my cell phone? Why did I leave it in the kitchen?!" He hissed to himself.

Loki pushed the door open, walking into the room and casually looking around. When his eyes landed on the man crouched behind a chair and holding a stuffed toy as though it was a weapon, he couldn't help the small, slightly amused smirk making its way onto his lips.

"Well, that is an interesting choice of weaponry you've picked." He mused, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood near the doorway.

Jack frowned and threw the plush. It hit Loki squarely in the chest (well, arms) and he tried to pick up the office chair he was hiding behind. "What are you doing in my house? I just moved here!"

He slipped suddenly and went sprawling, the wheels of his chair rolling forward and the chair toppling over. "Ow!" He cried, trying and failing to stand. His hat was hanging precariously on his head, about to fall off onto the floor.

"You are not quite the picture of grace, are you?" Loki asked with a chuckle, now thoroughly amused with the situation at hand. "I haven't any idea how I ended up here, but now I find myself stuck. Where exactly is 'here', if I might ask? Besides your home, of course."

Jack crawled back a little to sit criss cross applesauce on the floor. "Well, you're in Ireland." Jack took his hat off and put it on his knee. "What do you mean you have no idea how you got here?"

He looked Loki up and down. "You seem a little familiar…" He squinted his eyes at Loki.

"I mean, I didn't mean to land here." He replied with a little, exasperated-sounding sigh. "Far from it, but now I find myself trapped here, in Ireland, for I haven't the energy to attempt to go anywhere else."

Jack seemed to automatically forget Loki's familiarity and leaned back. "Oh, so you're magic! That's actually really cool!"

He looked Loki up and down again before beckoning for the magic intruder to sit across from him on the floor.

The trickster raised a curious eyebrow at the man's gesturing for him to sit, but he did anyway.

"Yes, I am." He confirmed with a nod, folding his hands together and placing them in his lap. "However, I fear I may be stuck here for a week at the very least. The teleportation drained a great deal of my energy, and I must spend time regaining that."

Jack's smile became nervous. "A week…?" He reached over for the calendar that had fallen off his desk and searched the week.

"Well, I guess you could stay, I'm not going to force you to leave while you're trying to get your strength back. I do have a few things to do, but you can come with me?" Jack asked.

"Very well. My name is Loki, by the way." The god offered, figuring it would only be fair to tell him, if he was going to stay there for the next week.

Jack leaned back. "That sounds like a cool name. I just need to fix the newest video I had been making and upload it. If you're hungry, I can make you some food after?"

"That would be lovely." Loki gave a small nod. "Though, before you go to any sort of work, I must ask; what is your name?"

Jack froze, then face palmed. "Can't believe I forgot to introduce myself, I do it every day, twice a day. My real name is Sean but everyone calls me Jack because of a YouTube channel I have called Jacksepticeye."

Jack stood from the floor and stooped to pick up the items that had fallen off his desk and his chair.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Sean. Or, Jack? Which do you prefer?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Oh, just call me Jack." Jack picked up the chair and put it in the right spot before sitting and starting to fix the video he had made, cut out some parts, and put in the ending song.

"Where were you trying to go?" He asked, not looking up from his computer.

"Somewhere very far from here." Loki replied evasively, picking dirt out from under his fingernails.

Jack pressed the render button and turned. "Well, that's not vague. What do you want to eat? I just need to wait for the video to render before I upload it."

"Ah…" He thought for a moment, his face scrunching up a bit. "What kind of fruit do you have?"

Jack thought a moment, before beckoning Loki to follow him down the stairs and too the kitchen. Jack ran down without looking back to see if Loki was following and took out a fruit platter of melons, pineapples, and berries from his fridge in record time.

He slapped it down against the island counter and dashed to the corner of his regular counter to find his bananas, oranges, and apples. He was intent on finding all the fruit in his house for Loki to pick from.

Loki followed the man downstairs, watching in curiosity as he raced around the kitchen to find all the different types of food.

"You move rather quickly." He noted with a small chuckle, observing the different foods that had been placed before him.

"Yes, I have a lot of energy. I'm actually tired right now, making one video is like making 5 at once with how much energy I use." Jack explained as he slammed the last can of maraschino cherries onto the island.

"Take your pick. Or I could make you a fruit salad! I'm very good in the kitchen!" A ding came from his laptop that sat on his table caused him to turn. "Mark or Felix is trying to message me. Would you like to meet them or do you want me to text them and say I'm busy to keep you a secret for as long as possible?"

"Firstly, I would like a fruit salad, and secondly, I care not if your friends know that I am here. I don't see how it could do any harm, after all." Loki replied with a small shrug.

Jack smiled at Loki and grabbed his laptop, setting it on the island counter as he grabbed a bowl, getting ready to cut up the apple. He pressed the answer call button and Mark's voice filled the room.

"Hey Jack, what are you doing?"

"Making an intruder in my home a fruit salad." He answered nonchalantly, mentioning for Loki to give him which fruits he wanted in the salad to him.

Loki handed him a few different fruits; pineapple, bananas, one of the types of melon, chuckling at the way Jack had worded what he was doing.

Jack accepted the fruits and thanked him, starting to cut them up. He stopped a moment and looked at the screen when he realized it had gotten silent.


"What do you mean, an intruder?!"

Jack rolled his eyes with a laugh and continued cutting up the fruit and putting them in the bowl. "I literally mean someone who was not supposed to be in my house. I thought he was a burglar. He says he's magic."

"Tell him to prove it, you gullible fuck." Mark told him, and Jack snorted, glancing up at Loki. "And you want to see his proof when he does?"

"Of course!"

Loki gave a small sigh. Of course, proving his claim of magic would take energy, something that he had wished to avoid. But, if it was the only way to gain complete trust, he would.

"How would you like me to prove it?" The trickster chimed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"He's there? Look, I'm actually in your town, how about I get there and-!"

"Oh come on, you were here the whole time and you didn't bother to tell me?!" Jack laughed. Mark mumbled something, said he was coming over, and ended the call.

"I'm sorry about Mark, he can be a tiny bit paranoid sometimes. I believe you." Jack told Loki, finishing the fruit salad and handing the bowl to Loki.

"You can go into the living room and watch TV, or at the table and use my laptop if you want while I go upload the video and get some food for myself." Jack told Loki, putting the knife he had used into the sink before running up the stairs to go upload the video.

"No, I understand the lack of immediate trust." The god assured him with a small shake of his head, popping a piece of fruit into his mouth. When Jack turned around and left, Loki made his way to the living room. Television sounded much more interesting than the internet, at this point.

Jack started the upload and typed in all that needed to be written before tidying up his desk. Once the video was up, he put his computer to sleep and walked down the stairs slower now that he wasn't busy.

"So, what are ya watchin'?" Jack asked, letting himself fall onto the couch.

"I believe it is called 'Monty Python's The Holy Grail'." He replied, digging through the bowl of fruit to find a piece of pineapple. "I find it rather amusing, have you seen it?"

"No, I haven't, but I know what it is." Jack's stomach grumbled. "Oh, I forgot food for myself!" He stood and dashed for the kitchen, and started rifling through the cabinet.

Someone knocked on the door, startling Jack and causing him to hit his head on a shelf, chip bags falling on the floor. "Ow! Loki, can you get the door? That's probably Mark, and I need to pick up the chips."

Loki let out a small huff of laughter before setting his bowl to the side, moving quickly to the door and pulling it open.

"Hello." He greeted the person.

Mark looked Loki up and down with scrutinizing eyes, before nodding. "Hi, where's Jack?" He asked, stepping into the house.

"The kitchen." Loki replied, stepping to the side to allow the man to walk past him. "I would assume you are Mark?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm Mark." He answered, before heading for the kitchen. Jack came out of the kitchen with bags of chips in his hands. "Hey Ma-ARK!" Jack gasped as Mark suddenly hugged him. "Oh man, when you said you had an intruder in your house I was worried."

Jack cocked an eyebrow before lightly pushing Mark off. "Come on, Loki, let's get to the living room."

Loki nodded, making his way to the living room. When he reached the room, he sat down pretzel-legged on the couch and pulled the bowl of fruit salad back towards him, popping another piece of fruit in his mouth.

"So, how did you want Loki to prove he's magic?" Jack asked, sitting on the floor facing toward the couch. He opened a bag of regular Lays chips and ate.

"You really don't take care of yourself, do you? Um, I don't know, what can you do?" Mark asked Loki.

"Many things." Loki replied vaguely. "Though, many of those things requires more energy than I possess. However, I believe I have enough to shape shift. Would that suffice as proof?"

Mark nodded enthusiastically.

"What should he shape shift into?" Jack asked, eating another handful of chips.

"How about… a Fox!" Mark cried, causing Jack to stop with another handful close to his mouth. "A fox?" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah, a fox. Come on, magic man! Prove your magic by turning into a fox!"

With a small sigh, Loki set the bowl of fruit salad to the side once again and stood, focusing for a moment. It took a few seconds more than normal, simply because of how low his energy reserves were, but sure enough, with a green flash, he shifted from being a man to being a little, red fox. For extra emphasis, he let out a small bark.

Mark's eyes were wide with surprise, his jaw dropped a few centimeters.

"Oh my god, Loki, you are the cutest fox I've ever seen!" Jack cried, dashing into the kitchen and coming back with one grape in his hand. "Here, here, eat it in your fox form!"

Jack held the fruit out about 6 inches from Loki, and said, "Its ok if you don't want to."

Mark slapped the grape out of Jack's hands. "That's rude, Jack! Don't do that."

Jack poured before sitting back down, going back to nibbling on his chips. His stomach grumbled for real food, but Jack ignored it.

The fox gave a small sound, one that could be classified as laughter, before shifting back into Loki.

"It's quite alright, actually." He assured the two. "I would assume I have convinced you now?…"

"Well, you convinced me. Jack, I need to go, I had a few things I needed to do. But, do you think I could stay here for a while before I need to go back to America?" Mark asked, turning to Jack.

Jack looked up to the ceiling. "OK, God, my house is not a hotel, why do you keep sending people to stay here?!"

He turned back to Mark and Loki with a smile. "Yes, Mark, you can stay for a little while."

"Thanks! I'll probably only be here mornings and nights anyways, I have tons of places to be. Well, I gotta go. See ya Jack, have a nice day, Loki!"

Jack watched him go, then turned to Loki. "Do you want me to show you the guest rooms and you can choose which one you want to sleep in?"

Loki waved goodbye to Mark, before nodding in reply to Jack's question.

"If you don't mind." He added smoothly, snatching up his bowl of fruit.

Jack stood and went into the kitchen to throw away his chip bag before turning back around and walking out. He accidentally bumped into Loki, causing him to shriek.

"Oh my god, I was not paying attention, I'm sorry…" He was laughing a tiny bit, hand on his heart. "That scared me so bad, I'm not used to other people in my house…"

He was now more fake laugh/crying, and he started to toward the stairs, finally falling silent.

"A-after you…"

Loki couldn't help the small, slightly amused smirk at Jack's fright as he turned and began up the stairs.

"Do you forget so quickly?" He asked, his tone slightly teasing.

"Tch… don't laugh at me…" Jack grumbled, throwing his hat at Loki. It hit the man in the back of the head, and Jack caught it before it fell to the ground.

"Oh yes, I caught it! LIKE A BOSS!" He yelled, then flinched.

"Oh, oh, oh, sorry, I can be extremely loud, I forgot that I need to stay a little quieter with other people around."

Loki let out a small, indignant huff when the hat hit his head, glancing back to shoot a glare at Jack.

"Your level of sound does not bother me, you needn't worry." He assured the other, his voice carrying a slightly begrudging tone. "Believe me, I have dealt with far more loud than that."

Jack gave him a sheepish grin before gesturing to the left. "The guest rooms are on the left. There are 3. Before you say anything, I'm not rich and I didn't steal any money or anything, that's not why I have 5 rooms and both an upstairs and a downstairs."

Jack hesitated on how he should continue. "You see, about 2 years ago, my parents… well, they died, and I got the house." Jack went quiet, frown set on his face.

"Anyways, let's just hope there isn't anyone else that wants to stay at my house until they have to go back to their homeland!" Jack forced a smile at Loki.

The look of slight irritation faded, replaced with a small frown. He knew how it felt to lose a single parent when he lost Frigga, but he couldn't imagine losing two. It must have been hard for the man…

"You have my sympathy. Though it did not take place incredibly recently, I can imagine it must have been difficult." He said softly.

Jack's smile turned into a grimace for a split second before it was void of emotions.

"The door on the right is a bathroom, the door at the end of the hall is one of the guest rooms, and the 2 doors on the left are the rest. After the stairs, to the right is the hallway with my recording room, bathroom, and bedroom. The last room is off limits."

Jack flinched a little. "I don't like setting any rules, but no one's allowed in there."

"Of course." Loki replied with a small bow of his head, and he would certainly follow that rule set.

Despite the trickster's general lack of care for others' rules and such, he could tell by the man's reaction to even mentioning the last room that disobeying that rule would be likely one of the worst things he could do, and he did have some respect, when it was truly called for.

He turned to poke through the guest rooms, beginning to decide which one he found to be most comfortable.

Jack followed him a few feet behind, making sure to wait outside the rooms when Loki went inside. He was hungry.

Of course, there wasn't any real food in his house, he never bothered to go out and get it more than rarely.

He had cake downstairs. He was pretty sure he had cookies too. And ice cream. More fruit and chips. But no food.

"Do you want to go out for fast food for dinner?"

"Fast food?" Loki replied, one brow raised. "What in the Nine is that?"

Loki had spent very little time on Earth, and most of that time had been centuries before this. He could figure things like a television out, as it resembled some of the technology at home on Asgard, but there were a few things that he still did not know of.

Realization that Loki was probably from another world, being magic and all, was brought to the forefront of Jack's mind.

"Oh, you're not from this world, are you? OK, Fast food is food that people make and you have to be there last so that your food is fresh. But, just so you know, the longer you wait for the food, the better."

Jack was pretty sure he made his words vague enough for there to be blanks for Loki to fill and explanatory enough for him not to ask more. He hoped Loki filled the blanks wrong, because he could just see the confusion on Loki's face when they get there.

That would be so funny.

Loki nodded, an expression full of understanding tinged with confusion clear on his face. So, it is much like a tavern, he thought. That made more sense, why had the man not said that earlier.

"Ah… Very well, that sounds pleasant." He said with a small, decisive nod.

Mhm, so Loki had understood. He may have been slightly confused, but he understood.

"So, which one did you want? If you look at the doors, they have whiteboards and markers. You can write your name on the one you want."

Jack chuckled a little. "You know how I said I just moved in? Yeah, I moved in about a month ago. I have white boards on all of the doors with what they are written on them just in case I forget. These three have guest room written on them, you can just erase that and write your name on the one you want."

Jack straightened as his phone made a high five noise. He looked at the text then put his phone back in his pocket.

"Mark called the one on the end of the hall. If you wanted that one, I can text him that you already called it and he can just choose between the other 2."

"Hmm…" Loki hummed, looking between the doors of the other two. "I suppose it doesn't truly matter to me. They all seem rather comfortable, for a Midgardian home." He gave a small shrug. "Although, I do like the one closest to the staircase."

Jack nodded, texted Mark he could have that room, and stepped toward the one Mark wanted.

"There we go…" He murmured after he wrote Mark's name, then decided he would write Loki's, before walking down the stairs.

"Do you want to go now?"

"Yes." The god replied with another small nod. "If you don't mind. That fruit was rather good, but not quite filling. Besides, it seems as though you are rather hungry as well."

Jack's stomach growled again and he gave a sheepish look, rubbing the back of his neck.

He didn't say anything, however, just slipped on his shoes and texted Mark where they were going and that the key for the house was inside a compartment in a fake rock next to the door.

"Alright, let's go." Jack finally said, grabbing the keys off the hook beside the door and opening the door for Loki.

Loki stepped out of the house, glancing around. This was the first he had seen of things outside of Jack's house, after all, and he wanted to see what the surrounding place was like.

Jack watched Loki look around his neighborhood before going to his car and pressing the button on his keys that unlocked the doors. He pulled the passenger seat open for Loki to sit in.

Jack wondered if him being this polite was making Loki think that Jack thought he couldn't do anything himself. He hoped not, he was just always this polite, that's how his grandfather taught him to be. Hmm… his grandparents. He hoped his face didn't betray how sad that thought made him feel.

Jack forced a smile to Loki.

Loki climbed into the passenger seat of the car, still absorbed in the surrounding neighborhood to pay too terribly much attention to his host. He was more focused on how wonderfully clear the sky above was, at least for now.

"It's a rather lovely day, isn't it?" He commented, glancing back at Jack.

"Yes, very." Jack answered, looking over toward where his neighbors were. One of them was just staring at him and Loki, in a condescending way.

Jack frowned before closing the door after Loki and getting in to the driver seat, turning on the car.

Loki caught the look the neighbor was throwing at them and narrowed his eyes just a bit.

"They seem to be a bit rude." He commented, nodding his head towards the offending neighbor.

Jack's left hand tightened on the steering wheel. "… no, they just don't see me as a good person. They didn't like that I moved here and having a person they never saw go in come out of my house…"

Jack pulled out of the driveway and slowly started to drive to the Jack in the Box. His phone rang, causing Jack's hand to automatically grab for it.

Loki let out a small 'hmph' at Jack's explanation. He still felt it rude for someone to judge someone else so quickly. Even he didn't do that.

Jack glanced at Loki before checking the text on his phone, making sure to keep looking up. He tried to answer the text while driving, completely blanking on the fact that it was dangerous.

Loki glanced over at Jack as the man attempted to reply to a message on his phone, the god's brow furrowing.

"Are you quite sure you should be attempting to place your attention on both the road before you, and your cellphone?" He asked, a slight tone of scolding slipping into his voice.

Jack blinked in surprise at Loki, attention drifting away from both the road and the phone.

A honk close to him startled him, causing him to drop the phone conveniently in Loki's lap and swing to look at the road, righting the car.

"Jesus! I'm sorry!"

With a hint of a scowl, Loki picked up the little device. The message was half written out.

"Do you want me to finish typing this for you?" He offered, knowing it was likely the best way to keep Jack's attention on the road and not on his phone.

"Mhm, yes please." Jack answered, slowing for a moment before turning to the left.
His heart still hammered in his chest, and he was slightly pale.

"Could you please type in… 'and if you needed a place to stay you should have asked me before you got here'?" Jack asked, ready to reiterate if need be.

"I'm sorry again…" Jack tried, grip on the steering wheel tightening again.

Loki nodded and finished typing in the message, before pressing send.

"Simply pay more attention next time." He replied, though the scolding tone he had been using before was completely gone now, replaced with a soft sort of understanding.

Jack sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of McDonald's. "Mhm… they have unhealthy food here." Jack stated, before getting out of the car and fixing his hat. "Do you want to go in with me?"

"As long as it tastes fine." Loki replied with a small shrug, opening the passenger door and stepping out. He held Jack's phone out for the other to take.

Jack thanked him for the phone and walked to the door of the establishment, locking the car with the button on his keys.

He held the door open for Loki.

The trickster gave a small, thankful nod before stepping into the restaurant. He wasn't quite impressed with the inside; it was very different from what he had expected. Interesting, though. He had to admit that.

Jack smiled at him before stepping in, going to the register. "Betty! How are you today?" The woman looked between him and Loki, then gave Jack a look of contempt. "Sean." She said curtly.

"So, Sean, you're finally stepping out of your house." Jack glanced behind him to see a blonde with startling green eyes glaring at him with his arms crossed. "You may be liked and accepted on the internet, but here, you really shouldn't show your face." The man said with a heavy Irish accent.

"Jacob…" Jack murmured. "What would you like, Loki?" He asked with cheer.

"I wasn't done speaking with you." Jacob growled.

Loki looked between Jack, the woman behind the register, and the other man, before turning his attention onto the menu. What was with everyone, he wondered, that they all seemed to hate Jack? The man seemed nice enough so far…

"A salad." He replied, ignoring the blond. "If you don't mind."

"A bacon double quarter pounder, please." Jack told Betty.

"I said I wasn't done speaking with you." Jacob enunciated harshly.

"I'm not my father, I didn't do anything wrong to any of you." Jack tried, before softly telling Betty he wanted an iced coffee and motioning for Loki to pick a drink.

"I'm sorry, Loki, I didn't think anyone would speak to me." Jack murmured as softly as he could.

"You've nothing to apologize about." The god assured him, matching his voice volume, before letting the cashier know that he didn't want anything but water to drink.

Jack ordered an extra order of large fries and told Betty it was to go. She gave him a paper with his number on it and Jack pulled Loki out of the way.

Jacob cursed a little bit under his breath before deliberately bumping into Jack harshly on his way to the counter. Jack winced and put a hand where he had been bumped into, obviously tender there for one reason or another.

Loki's brow furrowed when he noticed Jack wince.

"Are you hurt?" He asked softly, making sure no one else could hear him.

Jack looked up at Loki and shook his head, lying.

"876!" Betty chirped, and Jack grabbed the food and started to head out.

Suddenly someone kicked their foot out, colliding with Jack's ankle.

Jack cried out and lost purchase on the ground, starting to fall.

Lightning fast, Loki caught him before he could hit the ground. He turned to try and see who might have tripped the man, but most of his attention was consumed by trying to help him stand back up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Jack let the food drop to the floor as he wiped at his eyes to stop his tears. "Yes, I'm fine…" He mumbled, before stooping to grab the dropped food. "Let's just go…" Jack grimaced as he tried to walk. Whoever had kicked him had kicked really hard, and Jack was limping slightly.

He ignored the snickering he heard, wanting to get back home. And his viewers wondered why he was always inside, ready to record. Jack needed to get back home now.

Loki nodded in agreement, brow furrowed in both curiosity and slight anger. He would certainly ask for some sort of explanation at some point, but right in that moment he couldn't help but notice the similarities between his own life- his time on Asgard, of course- and Jack's. No one seemed to like him, outside of his home.

Jack unlocked his car and sat in it, putting the food in the back. When Loki got in the car, he froze.

"Oh god, I just realized that I had the idea in my mind to go to Jack in the Box but after the whole texting fiasco it slipped my mind. Blasphemy of the highest order! I went to McDonald's…"

Jack started up the car, frown set on his face. "Mark should be home. I'll give him the burger, fries are enough food for me." Jack went to grab his iced coffee, but then let out a "Gah!" noise. It was LEAKING.

"I guess no coffee for me either…" He mumbled, opening the door and setting it down on the curb.

With a small flick of Loki's wrist, a cup of iced coffee appeared in his hand. He handed it over to Jack.

"What was all of that?" He asked, his voice rather gentle. "Why does everyone seem so rude?"

Jack accepted the drink with a mumbled thank you. "I'm not well accepted here because of who my family is." Jack tried to explain as he pulled out of the parking lot to get home.

"My, uh, well, there was a lot of things… wrong, with my father most of all." Jack went silent again.

"Let's just get home, Felix and Mark will be there…"

Jack glanced over at Loki. "Why are you being so nice? We've only known each other a day." Jack didn't trust it very much, he wasn't used to people being as nice to him as Loki, except for Mark and Felix. But they were different, they were video game friends from the internet.

Loki had seen it all and he was… worried? Jack's grip tightened on the steering wheel. The last person that pretended to worry about him… but Jack didn't want to think of that.

"Because you've not given me a reason to be anything but kind." Loki replied absently, leaning back in his seat and picking at dirt under his nails. "It would be poor mannered of me to be nasty and rude, especially considering you are my host." He glanced over at the driver, before beginning again with the slightest bit of hesitancy in his voice.

"Besides, you remind me ever so slightly of myself." He stretched, letting out a small yawn. "Of course, you shouldn't mistake my kindness as trust. Never have I trusted anyone so quickly."

Jack nodded in wholehearted understanding. "Yeah, I don't trust people quick either. Last person I trusted in a heartbeat…" Jack frowned.

"We're here." He finally said, pulling in to the driveway. One car was next to the curb, Mark's car.

"Felix isn't here yet. He'll probably be here late." Jack speculated before getting out of the car and grabbing the bags of food and his iced coffee. He struggled to get them in his arms correctly and glanced at his car door.

He tried to close it with his hip, but didn't push hard enough, causing it to be half open. Jack groaned in exasperation.

Loki noticed Jack's failed attempt to close the door and, with a small smile, moved to close it.

"You can ask for help, you know." He commented, glancing down at the number of objects in Jack's arms. "You needn't carry it all."

Jack looked down at his arms. Loki was a guest, Jack didn't want his guest to have to do things. Of course, Jack did have to unlock the door, and he didn't want to put the food on the ground…

"Please?" He finally asked, shuffling a little to keep the bags from falling out of his arms.

With a small, amused breath of a laugh and a minute shake of his head, Loki reached out to take the bags of food. He cradled them in one arm, making sure they didn't fall with the other hand.


"Ye, thank you…" Jack told him with a slight apologetic tone, before locking the car. He picked through his keys for his house key and went to unlock and open the door for Loki.

"Of course." He replied, and gave a small, thankful nod as he walked through the door. "Is there anywhere in specific you wish for me to put this?"

"The kitchen table, please?" Jack asked, wincing. He felt extremely terrible for asking Loki to help him.

"Hey Jack, Loki!" Mark called from upstairs. Jack looked up to Mark leaning over the railing. "I'll be down in a minute!"

Loki nodded and made his way over to the kitchen, dumping the bags onto the table and giving a small yawn. Despite how early it was, the trickster found himself tired. It likely had something to do with the energy he had expended on his trip to Earth, combined with the fact that he had not yet had the opportunity to rest.

Jack pulled a chair out for Loki and one for Mark, setting the salad at Loki's spot and the burger at Mark's.

He took the 2 large fries out of the bags and placed them where he was sitting along with his drink.

"McDonald's? Cool!" Mark chirped, before narrowing his eyes at Jack. "You're only eating fries?"

Jack shrugged. "It's enough."

"No it's not. You don't look well. What happened at McDonald's?" Mark asked Loki, knowing full well that Jack wouldn't answer.

"Jack was tripped." Loki replied before turning his attention towards Jack. "And he is right. That certainly does not qualify as a meal, even by human standards. You really should eat something along with it."

Though he did his best to keep the chiding tone out of his voice, he knew it had managed to creep in anyway. He didn't want the other man to feel as though he, as a guest, was treating him as though he was a child.

Jack looked up at Loki and Mark with a fragile sort of look, before steeling himself and locking his emotions away again.

"I don't have any good food in here, the fries are fine."

"The fries are not fine, and who tripped you?" Mark asked sternly.

"It doesn't matter. Just leave me alone." Jack grumbled, leaving his fries and going up the stairs.

"Did he start crying? It looks like he's been crying." Mark asked Loki, turning to him.

"He was very near crying." Loki answered with a small nod, though his attention was still turned on Jack as he climbed up the stairs. When the man was finally out of sight, he turned to look over at Mark. "Which would be wiser at this point: leaving him alone, or attempting to console him?"

Mark gestured to the fries. "Probably to go console him, but with the food. Nothing more than the fries or he'd get angry." He explained.

"He, uh, he keeps up an image on the videos he makes for YouTube and around others, but he's really fragile." He warned.

"That, I believe, is something I may be able to relate to." Loki mumbled beneath his breath, standing and grabbing a container of fries, before beginning up the stairs. He had to be cautious in this instance, as he wanted Jack to feel better but not to feel as though Loki was babying him at all.

He made his way to the door that had been pointed out earlier as Jack's bedroom, knocking a few times.

"Jack, may I come in?"

Jack glanced upwards at the door and rubbed his eyes. "… yeah, you can come in." He answered.

He was actually very happy that Loki had come to check on him. He was usually suffering alone, but Loki was checking on him…

Loki opened the door and slipped into the room, closing it behind him.

"I brought along your fries." He said, holding out the container he had brought along as he made his way over to the other. "You had said you were hungry earlier, after all."

Jack stretched his legs forward and accepted the fries, snacking on them a little. "Thanks for not trying to force me to eat more."

He inhaled and exhaled heavily, thankful he had stopped himself from crying. He hadn't cried all the way in so long…

"I'm sorry…" Jack apologized before eating a few more fries.

"What are you apologizing for?" Loki asked gently, brow furrowed. "You have no reason to apologize."

"Of course I have a reason to apologize." Jack answered, leaning back on the wall. He wasn't sure he could get up off the floor even if he wanted to, he was exhausted now.

"I should have just left you here so you didn't have to see that, I shouldn't have ran off like a crybaby, and I shouldn't be subjecting you to my pity fest."

Jack rubbed at his eyes to make sure that he didn't start crying. Tears were edging at his eyes now.

"Firstly," Loki began, moving to take a seat beside Jack on the floor, "none of it was your fault. The way those people treated you is not your fault, you even said that you had never wronged them. Secondly, one can only stand so much teasing before they break. It's clear you've had to deal with it for quite a while, and you must understand that running off is not cowardly, it is intelligent. Staying too long in that toxic environment is something I would hope no one would do to themselves. Don't berate yourself for leaving so quickly, I would have done the same."

Jack looked over at Loki with a slightly shocked look. "I-I…" He shut his mouth and looked down before munching on another fry.

"Thank you." He finally said, resisting the urge to hug him. Oh god, Jack wanted to cry.

"I'm taking your time away from eating your salad, you should go eat…" Jack said reluctantly.

"My salad will still be there, in the same spot and nearly the same state, whether I go back now or in twenty minutes." Loki replied firmly. "You, however, appear to need company, if I am not mistaken."

Jack froze, breathing a little erratically. Tears edged at his eyes farther, and he pulled his knees to his chest. His arms wrapped around his knees and he looked back up at Loki.

"You… I'm…" He was at a loss for words at the kindness that Loki was actually showing.

"Are you sure…?" He asked cautiously.

"Absolutely." Loki gave a small nod. "I have been in a similar position before, and despite my insisting that I wished to be alone, I know all I truly needed was a friend. A support. And so, I offer that to you. As long as you wish it, I will be your support."

Jack gave a fragile smile. "Thanks." He snapped to look towards the door when Felix's voice yelled, "Hello?!"

Jack rubbed at his face to stop himself from crying and sighed. "I guess I should probably get down stairs…" He groaned a little.

"Are you sure you can?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow and moving to stand. "I'm sure your friend would understand…"

Jack looked up at Loki and gave some shaky breaths before tears finally spilled down his cheeks. He cursed and swiped at his eyes. "I-I'm so sorry, I haven't cried in forever, never in front of people…"

He stood up and shuddered before falling back to the floor and hugging his knees again, hiding his face from Loki as he cried into his knees.

Loki crouched down so that he was level with Jack, resting a gentle hand on the man's should.

"You should never apologize for crying." He said softly. "It's no more than the manifestation of an emotion, along with a rather good way to get any sadness or anger out."

Jack looked toward Loki with red rimmed eyes. "Right."

He stood again, and while utterly exhausted and starving, managed to walk towards the door. "I… that's probably one of the nicest things anyone's has done for me." He confessed.

"Is it? In that case, I'm rather glad I helped." Loki offered a warm smile as he stood back at full height, one filled with sincerity. It felt a bit strange, as he rarely smiled so sincerely anymore; oftentimes, his smiles were more smirks as he watched someone act stupidly, or sarcastic smiles while dealing with someone who hadn't the slightest idea of what they were talking about.

Jack nodded, and opened the door. He stumbled a little and winced. "Forgot I was hurt. I need sleep."

"And food!"

Jack flinched as Mark stood at the top of the stairs. "Jesus!"

"You ok, Jack?" Mark asked, noticing how he had been crying. "Yes, thanks to Loki."

Jack brushed past him down the stairs, and Mark turned to Loki. "Thank you."

"Of course." Loki gave a small bow of his head and began towards the stairs. Now that the problem had passed- for now, of course- the trickster found himself curious about the newcomer. He couldn't quite remember what his name was…

"You haven't met Felix." Mark said matter of factly, and moved out of the way. "Let's go introduce you."

Ah, so that was what it was. Felix. A rather interesting name, Loki thought. Then again, there were plenty of names that simply didn't make sense, here on Midgard…

"Yes, that's likely a good idea." He agreed, making his way down the stairs.

Jack sat at his spot at the table, munching on… he got pizza? Felix had brought it, knowing Jack enough to know that he wouldn't be eating enough.

"Hi!" Felix greeted happily when seeing Loki.

"You know, you should get some sleep, Jack." Mark warned.

"Well, he should finish eating first." Felix added, giving Mark a slightly pointed look.

Loki greeted Felix with a small nod of his head.

"From what I can tell," he interjected, "he hasn't eaten much of anything for most of the day. He should finish his fries before resting, yes. I'm assuming it's been a rather long day, hasn't it, Jack?"

Jack nodded, finishing the crust of his one piece of pizza and crunching on the last of his fries.

"Yes, but I still have things to-!"

Mark took the empty container from him and forced him out of the chair.


"You're going to bed." Felix said matter of factly.

"Wait a moment." Loki chimed, his brow furrowed. He wanted to make sure that Jack had at least gotten enough food before they forced him to go to bed. "Are you at all hungry still, Jack?"

Jack shook his head. "No, I'm fine." He answered.

Mark let go. "You completely sure?"

Jack gave a nod. "But I really don't need sleep yet…" Jack shook his head violently as he had almost fallen asleep on his feet. "Ok, I may be a little tired."

"Come on, then. You need rest." Loki nodded towards the staircase. "You'll feel infinitely better when you wake."

Jack gave a reluctant sigh and nodded, going up the stairs. "See you in the morning…" He mumbled, before his door shut with a slam.

"Thanks, Loki." Mark said, sitting down to eat his burger.

"So, who are you?" Felix asked curiously, eating a slice of pizza.

"My name is Loki." The god replied, taking a seat in front of his salad. "I'll be staying here for about a week, in order to regain my energy."

"He's the magic man." Mark added.

"Du-er-WHAT?!" Felix blinked. "You weren't fucking with me?"

Mark shook his head. "Don't force him to show you, take mine and Jack's word for it." Mark went silent. "Take his word for it tomorrow."

Felix seemed to get over it quicker than Mark. "So are you from another world or are you an overpowered human?" He asked.

"Asgard." He gave a small yawn. "I hail from Asgard, realm of the glorious and mighty Aesir." His voice held a rather bored, sarcastic tone, which was only punctuated by him rolling his eyes. "No, I am not human."

"Mythology, dude. I should have known once he used magic." Mark said. Felix obviously didn't understand. "… what?"

"Norse Mythology?" Mark tried, but Felix only blinked.

"Never mind. I've been out all day, I'm tired, I'm going to go upstairs, check to see if Jack's actually sleeping, and going to bed."

"Me too, I've been on a plane for hours, and I know I've been sitting the whole time, but traveling is tiring." Felix said, standing. The 2 bid Loki goodnight and went up the stairs.

Loki bid them goodnight and finished his salad, reflecting on the day. It had been strange for him to pop up on Midgard, though, admittedly… nice. Jack and his friends were rather kind, for humans, and they weren't too terribly rude. He had very nearly made a friend out of Jack, which was unusual for him. Normally, it took years to form a friendship.

All in all, he decided as he threw away the container for his salad and began up the stairs, heading to the door with his name written on the door, a rather good day, for it to have started with a mistake.

End Day 1.

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