Hello, peoples! This will be my last update before school starts, and then chapters will be few and far in between. Sorry, but I will have so much to do that chapters might have a few weeks in between. But don't let me ruin it! If I start posting chapters that are not good enough for you, let me know! Anyway, enjoy!

CH. 4


The meeting was pretty interesting. Silence filled the room after the mortal detectives ran out. Suddenly everyone burst into noise. It didn't take long for the chatter to turn into chaos. As Will Solace nocked a zipline arrow, someone tackled him from behind, Clarisse got into a shouting match with Travis and Connor Stoll, and of course there was Nico. The poor guy was being bombarded with questions, comments, and insults. Miranda Gardener and Lou Ellen Carson were the angriest. "What were you thinking, Nico?! Why did you go to the precinct?" Miranda yelled. Nico replied,"I went straight to the source. You can't-" "You idiot! You revealed the existence of demigods and the Olympians to the mortal world! Nice going, di Angelo!" Lou Ellen added.

"ENOUGH!" Chiron's voice thundered throughout the room. No one had ever heard him speak that way, so the room instantly quieted. "Lou Ellen, Miranda, the way you were speaking to Nico is unacceptable. Apologize immediately." The girls mumbled their apologies, though I could tell they weren't genuine. "Oh, dear. More squbbling. How terribly fun," sighed Mr. D, who for the most part had been centaur obviously wasn't pleased. "Now, Nico, they do have a point. YOu can't just go rushing off without even informing-" "It wasn't just him! More than half of the people here went with him!" someone yelled. The room erupted in pandemonium again, but this time the counselors who had gone to the precinct were being battered. Now, I know demigods are supposed to be brave, but I honestly just panicked. It was such a stupid thing to get upset over, looking back on it, but I ran out of the room. In the turmoil, no one noticed, not even Annabeth, who was screaming at Pollux, the counselor for the Dionysus cabin. I fled the house and burst out onto the porch, and I found the detectives and Javier in a shouting match. It was already out of hand, from the curse words they were using, so I closed my eyes and concentrated. I extended my will to the creek, and a roar filled my ears as I opened my eyes and watched the silver ribbon of water hurtling toward me.

The detectives were still engaged in their argument, but Javier looked up at me from the shadow of a tree, Detective Beckett looming over him. I glanced towrad the airborne creek, and his eyes widened. He dissolved and reappeared next to me just as I dumped half of the creek on the mortals. "Dang! I missed you! HOw could that have happened?" I said sarcastically, and Javier rolled his eyes. His smirk disappeared as the detectives turned toward him and I, their eyes blazing with fury, screaming bloody murder. "Aren't you guys supposed to prevent that?" I said. Javier chuckled. I grabbed his arm and we began to dissolve. We were gone as the mortals pounded up the steps.

We reappeared in the Hades cabin. I looked around at the obsidian walls, admiring the similarities to the god of the Underworld's palace. "Nice place you got here," I commented. Javier smiled. "Yeah. This is actually the first time I've seen it since it was built. Once Gaea decided to stop snoring, she sent a whole bunch of monstrs after me. I had a lot of really close calls." "Didn't matter in the end," I said. His expression darkened. "You know, I really liked my job. I hope I can get it back now that they know what I am. If they try and lock me up, Celestial bronze and clever talk won't get me out." I realized I had never seen his weapon. "Hey, Javi, what is your weapon?" I asked. He smiled darkly and pulled a gun from his jacket. It looked like a standard pistol to me. Then he cocked it and placed a finger in a small groove. The small gun elongated into a rifle. "Cool!" I exclaimed. Javi smirked. "THis baby can turn into any gun I want. Detects my thoughts and emotions to change it to what I need or want. It also doesn't have to reload. The bullets are Celestial bronze coated in steel, so I can use it while I'm working. Well, I used to use it while I was working. It can turn into a ring that automatically returns to my finger, like Riptide."

"Dude, that's incredible!" I exclaimed. "You have, like, the ultimate artillery on your finger!" Javier's smile grew wider as he laughed. "Well, I prefer to keep it as a pistol for easy access. To turn it into a ring, I place the barrel on my index finger, like this." He touched the barrel to the tip of said finger, and it shrank into a gleaming bronze ring with a small silver gun as the little centerpiece thing. "It's Celestial bronze and steel," Javier informed me. He took the ring off, and it changed into a pistol again.

I shook my head in amazement. Javier was armed to the core. Shadow travel, A weapon that could wound and kill mortals, demigods, and monsters, unbelievable fighting skills- at that very moment, I was incredibly glad Javi was a demigod. With a friend like that, we would be safe for the rest of out lives.

I was about to find out how so very wrong I was.


The meeting was pandemonium. I saw Percy leave, and I called out to him, but he either hadn't heard me or he was ignoring me. The latter didn't seem likely, and the room was too noisy to even hear myself think. Hazel, who was standing beside me, yelled something, but I couldn't hear. She took my hand and led me to the door, where we bolted. We only relaxed once we got to the porch. Then we saw the detectives.

They were all soaking wet, shivering, and infuriated. Eyes blazing, Detective Beckett stormed up to us and yelled,"Where's Percy Jackson?" I cowered a bit under her furious stare. "Uh, I dunno," I said nervously. Hazel glared at Beckett and demanded,"Lady, listen to me. You are not the boss here. You are a guest, and a mortal at that. You have no right to scream in anyone's face. Now, why in the name of Mars do you want Percy Jackson?" Beckett was breathing hard. The two behind her, Detective Ryan and Mr. Castle, glared daggers at me, as if I was the one who had angered them. They all yelled simultaneously,"HE DID THIS TO US!" I had to stifle a laugh as the mortals tried to wring out their clothes. "And why would we seek him out for you if you intend to harm him?" I asked. Whoa. Total Annabeth moment. I never talked like that.

Castle stepped forward. "Miss- uh, what's your last name, Hazel?" "Levesque," Hazel answered in a hard voice. "Miss Levesque, we have been informed that Percy and Javier are involved with a murder." Beckett and Ryan gave him disbelieving looks. Castle shrugged. "What? I got a text telling us to come to the precinct when we got here. I answered, and Gates called me. If you'd bothered to check your phones before they were soaked and ruined, you'd have known too." Beckett and Ryan looked sheepishly at one another. "I had my phone on silent," the female detective admitted. "Me, too," Ryan mumbled.

Castle cleared his throat and turned to us. "Anyway, we have to find Esposito and Mr. Jackson and get to the precinct, stat." Beckett switched into business mode. "So, kids, we need to find those two. We need your help," she said briskly. I glanced at Hazel. What would these two do to the two demigods? "Fine, we'll help. But you have to swear on the river Styx not to hurt them," I replied for both of us. "What in the world is the river Styx?" Ryan asked. Castle laughed,"Dude, the Styx is a river in the Underworld. Didn't you learn Greek mythology?" Ryan blushed. "Of couse I did. But I meant why do we have to promise on the river StYx?" "IT's a sacred oath," I replied. "If you break the promise, well, let's not get into it. But I'd keep my promise if I were you."

My eyes flickered from Beckett to Hazel. My girlfriend's jaw was clenched, her eyes hard. It was obvious she didn't trust these mortals, and she was probably right. They could harm Percy and Javier. But the two demigods were involved in something bigger, and if we didn't help the detectives, we'd never find out what it was.

Suddenly, the door to the Big House burst open and the demigods spilled onto the porch. Jason and PIper ran over to us. "Oh, boy. What's going on?" Hazel sighed. "Mr. D's on a rampage. You might want to-" The door slammed against the wall as an enormous leopard leaped out onto the porch. Mr. D followed, strooling contently up to the leopard, but purple fire flickered in his eyes. "-run." Piper grabbed his hand and dragged him away, eventually letting go as Hazel and I followed and Jason regained his balance enough to run. The mortals shot along behind us, scared of Mr. D inflicting some godly curse on them.

I glanced back at the Big House and the scene I saw rattled me so much I stumbled, almost falling. Mr. D was laughing hysterically as grape vined grew around the leopard, strangling it. The beast let out enraged roar, but Mr. D just laughed harder as the vines tightened. He began to scream, short bursts of pure madness. A crazy light danced in his eyes, and he waved his hand, a glass of wine appearing in his hand. The god poured it over his head screaming and laughing at the same time. I finally fell to the ground, but I immediately sat up, unable to tear my eyes away from the terrifying sight. The leopard finally fell still, its head lolling limply to one side as the body glowed in a purple light. Suddenly, it jerked. It was once again fully alive, but Mr. D just began strangling the poor creature again... and I realized it was Seymour, the leopard head from the living room in the Big House. Seymour let out a wail as he once again began to die.

I suddenly felt a tug on my arm. "Frank, come on!" Hazel hissed through gritted teeth. I jumped to my feet and started running. I couldn't help glancing back, and Mr D's intense, wild gaze boring into me. I suddenly had an incredible urge to stop, to let my life and friends go, and give myself up to the madness Mr. D was feeling... and I fell again. Snapping out of the trance, I got up. I ran faster than I had ever run before. I was terrified. For me, for my friends, the mortals, even for Mr. D... If The god if madness himself could be driven insane, then us demigods didn't stand a chance.

Unknown POV

Sir, the potion has taken over. The smooth female voice matched her appearance, the woman was beautiful. Her white sleeveless gown fell to her feet, just short enough to show the tips of soft golden slippers. Her dark, flawless hair was curled to perfection, pinned up with a gold pin. Her eyes shifted colors, never a single shade.

"Excellent work, Alpha." A rough, angry voice like broken glass pierced the air. "Now that our plan is in motion, the Olympians' personalities will be completely reversed, and no one will be able to stop us. The world will be ours!"

So, how was that? I will try to post as often as I can, but things will be a little crazy from now on, since school is starting for me on Monday. I hope you had a good summer!

Guess who the beautiful woman is and you get cookies next chapter!
