I was a little bit nervous about going to school on Monday. My ama took away my phone which made the weekend last forever. Mitskuni and I never really established what we were, so obviously questions filled my mind. I got to school late because there was rain. Of course I went to go play in it, and take pictures of rain soaked things. Like myself, and roses whilst listening to One Direction. Everyone's a little basic ok? That would be a good idea for the host club, I could already see Tamaki frolicking in the rain, the twins cuddled up under an umbrella. I entered the classroom after drying off in the bathroom, so my hair wasn't dripping we all know that I could talk about photography until I'm dead, onto the action.

"Iva-chan, why were you late today? And why were you so wet?"

"Hm" Mori even interrogated me.

"I was playing in the rain", I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"But what if you get sick?" Honey looked at me with his eyes wide. "We wouldn't want Iva-chan to get sick now would we Takashi?" Mori nodded his head.

"I won't get sick, it was a warm rain. Ok?" We walked in silence to the club room, I had a feeling that Mitskuni was upset about something else. If he was seriously upset about me playing out in the rain, then we have a problem.

But not as big of a problem as the host club. "Tamaki? Um, Kyoya, did we let the gardening club use the room?" I call out to the tropical forest.

I looked at Honey and Mori with huge wide eyes, "You see this too right? Cause I didn't think hallucinations were a side effect"

Tamaki came running out from some trees, half naked I might add. Where's my camera? Bad bad thoughts Iva. Get a grip.

"My darling sister, what do you think of our tropical paradise?" He shouted.

"So, it's fake? You didn't uproot hundreds of trees and take animals from their habitat just for a one day event?" I asked crossing my arms. I'm a hippie, of course I care about the environment.

"Um, Kyoya?" Tamaki called out. Like the blonde president, Kyoya seemed to come out of nowhere.

"You idiot, you didn't even put this on right", Kyoya said fixing Tamaki's weird toga/ dress thing. I SHIP IT!

"Kyoya, are these trees real?" Tamaki asked his best friend.

"I assume you want to know this too Iva, there are a few trees that are real, but for the majority these are artificial. Now, please go get dressed", Kyoya informed the 3rd year boys. "You too Iva", he called out as he was walking away.

Smiling to myself, I hurried off to the stall that I usually use. There waiting for me was a simple white two piece dress that had a billowing white fabric poofing out and a wrap white crop top. On my arms were two detachable pieces of pink and yellow embroiderd fabric that twisted around my arm like the snakes outside. My ankle was wrapped with the same fabric. I walked out feeling like a princess, until the two rude ass first years made their commentary.

"Well, the outfit looks nice on you", Kaoru said crossing his arms.

"But the outfit is wearing you", Hikaru finished for his brother.

And in perfect fucking unison, "Time for makeup!"

"I don't think Iva-chan needs makeup. She looks like a princess, right Takashi?" Honey said leaning against the wall of his changing room.

I smiled in gratitude in his direction, then followed the twins back into my changing room. Somehow a magical mirror and makeup appeared out of no where. I swear it wasn't there before, did the press a button or something?

"Iva-senpai, you should dye your hair again", Hikaru said while applying my foundation which was somehow my shade?

"Yeah, it's really faded and you can see your roots", Kaoru said while doing something. He later explained that he was contouring.

"I know, I just can't commit to a color" I groaned. The twins and I continued to chat about different colors and dyes. I learned that Hikaru liked the more darker colors while Kaoru liked the brighter colors such as blondes and reds.

I came out of the dressing room with my hair piled high on my head, makeup done almost perfectly, and this princess dress. The twins went to go change quickly, as I set up my station.

I texted Haruhi, and she said that she was on her way. All of the club members were standing in front of the doors practicing an oath or whatever.

When Haruhi came in I almost died laughing. Of course Tamaki overwhelmed her, all of the shirtless boys might have helped. I learned that my station was replaced by a tiki bar? Does this mean I get to serve beverages? What was happening? Where did my little table go?

I started walking over to Kyoya to ask where the hell all my shit went, but then I started hearing Tamaki's rambling about the beauty of men not being held down by bulky clothing. I don't even know if Haruhi was listening, she was crouched on the floor looking at something. Mori had Honey on his shoulders and was running through the tropical paradise.

I looked down smiling at the sight of the skirt flowing around me as I walked ever so graciously barefoot of course. Kyoya checked his apple watch as I walked next to he doing who knows what, I noticed how fucking tall he is. I think he's five ten. That's so tall, oh my gosh. You could climb trees with that height. "Hey, Kyoya", I dragged out his name. Still looking at his apple watch, he pointed to the changing stalls.

"I'm already dressed" I said bluntly. Still nothing from the second year, "Aren't I pretty?" I spun for him, but he still didn't look.

"Your printer and other supplies are in the third dressing room", Kyoya muttered now looking at his Ipad mini that came from nowhere.

"You aren't going to tell me how pretty I am?" I asked with fake disappointment in my voice.

Tamaki came to a sudden stop in his lecture to Haruhi, "Oh Iva, look how magnificent you are!" he gushed, spinning me in circles. "A true Balinese princess indeed, now Haruhi why can't you be more like Iva-senpai?"

"No way, senpai" Haruhi cut him off before he went off on another tangent.

I walked off to hang up the pictures from the last session. I saw Mori running towards me with Honey on his shoulders. Stepping out of the way, just in case, I waited for Mori to run and turn around before I kept walking. But you know, that didn't happen cause fuck my life. Mori skidded to a stop and Honey jumped down from his shoulders.

"Where are you going Iva-chan?" Honey asked me with his giant, adorable eyes.

"I'm just going to put up the pictures really quick cause I'm late doing that", I very awkwardly said.

"Well, I just wanted to say that you looked stunning", he said like super seriously. He took his hand in mine and everything, and then he spun both us. "You look super cute!"

I blushed a little bit, but I still think that was the makeup. "Thank you, you look nice Honey", I leaned down a little bit, "I actually think you really hot but that isn't so good for the club, here", I handed him the red lei I was wearing. "This'll work, much cuter" I placed emphasis on much.

"Thanks Iva-chan" Honey smiled and skipped away. Crap, did I offend him somehow? Is he still mad about the weekend? I bet it's because I threw up. I can't focus on that right now, I have to get my job done. Haha, if only my ama could see me, she'd think that I was an entirely different person. Caring about things and wanting to complete my job. Now if only I'd eat.

It was cool, I decorated the pictures with flowers right next to the tiki lounge. When the club opened, Haruhi was back on serving duty. Kyoya was by the tiki lounge so we got to talk, which was boring and at the same time interesting. "God Haruhi, try to smile some more" I teased the first year.

"Well I'm sorry" Haruhi started to mumble her complaints until Kyoya cut her off.

"Haruhi finish up with Tamaki's guests. Then you have your own clients to attend to" Kyoya very directory. I don't think that's a word, oh well.

"So I saw in the group text that you guys are throwing party. I'm assuming it's a super fancy party and not a rave, right?" I teased Kyoya.

"How well do you think our king would do at a rave?" Kyoya asked right back.

I laughed a little bit, "Honey wouldn't do well either" I added. I suddenly gasped really loud which caught the attention of some of the clients, "Kyoya! We should do a rave theme, you know, like a 80's theme rave party. Guests could wear their hair down and dance with their favorite hosts. Tamaki's a pre-Madonna already."

Kyoya looked down and gave me the tiniest bit of a smile, "You'll have to ask our king about that".

Later in the day, we had a club meeting. After all the clients went home, of course. Everyone changed back out of their costumes which made me sad. I love dressing up, but to have a professional meeting, we need to look professional. But I guess being from France, Tamaki didn't take things seriously. He was eating the ramen that he found in my bag. 'Found', was the keyterm.

Honey looked over at me, "What?", I mouthed to him.

I felt the buzz of my phone underneath my thigh, and it was a text from Mitskuni, 'why'd you give your lunch to Tama-chan?'.

I rolled my eyes, 'it wasn't my lunch, it was a snack for after school and I wasn't hungry'.

'You didn't eat lunch today tho'

'I'm fine, focus on the meeting'

I really tried on listening to the conversation about Haruhi's new client, but I couldn't stop thinking about Honey.

"Haruhi!", Tamaki shouted, "I'm at the limits of my patience, it's time for you to start dressing like a girl!"

I stood up quickly with my hands slamming against the table, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"How can she be so popular with the ladies, when she herself is a lady!" Tamaki shook his head, while I was still fuming about him telling Haruhi what to do. "No one in the entire school knows the truth expect those of us here"

Kyoya looked up from his laptop, "Iva, I'll deal with it".

I sat down, and tried giving Kyoya a death stare to which he only raised an eyebrow to.

Turning to Mori, " Let me know when we actually start talking about the party", I whispered putting in my earbuds.

Listening to the soothing sounds of Zac Efron, I zoned out, until Mori nudged me. I pulled out my earbuds to hear the lovely sounds of Hikaru finally talking about the party.

And in less than a minute, I put my earbuds back in cause fucking Tamaki can't get over Haruhi. I ended up not taking them out, Honey was way too involved with whatever that was happening, Haruhi zoned out too, and Kyoya ignored us all. Everyone eventually went home and Honey started leaving with them, I needed some way to make him stay.

"Hey", I called out to the teenagers leaving. Everyone looked at me, and I chickened out, "stay safe".

"Oh Iva, you're so cute!" Tamaki gushed, coming up to hug me, which made me regret my whole decision to even say anything.

"Go home, you nut", I pushed him off.

Walking with the group, I lightly touched Honey's hand, he seemed to walk slower too. He sent out a text to someone, and slowly everyone went to their homes, with Honey and I being the last ones there.

"Why didn't you respond over the weekend?", he turned and faced me. Arms crossed.

"My ama took my phone away, I'm sorry. I'm also sorry about Saturday and about today, if I was awkward which I probably was, and yeah". I rubbed my arm, and avoided his intense gaze.

"Why did your mom take your phone away?"

"I got home a little too late" I lied to his face. I wasn't ready to tell him that I couldn't eat. I wasn't ready to tell him that I should be in a hospital, or that I get force fed when I sleep.

"I guess, we'll just have to be more careful next time", he slyly said reaching out for my hand. "If there is a next time" he hesitated.

Internally rolling my eyes cause of how cheesy this was, I held his hand, "I think there will be a next time".

He tugged my arm, so I could lean down to his height. He kissed my cheek and I blushed a little bit, but I blamed that on the rain. He left to his limousine and I went home excited for the next day.